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Chapter One
A Slight exaggeration
Mr Higgins was one of those people u just didn’t want to annoy – u know the type. Ever met someone like that? If so you’ll be familiar with my situation. Like I said, u just didn’t want to kruis Mr Higgins. When he was angry, he made sure everyone knew about it - like the time he broke the door. Jenny had asked for an eraser. Big mistake. He went berserk! He gave Mark a zero in a history test because Mark had forgotten to brush his teeth. But that was nothing. He threw a board rubber across the classroom at Tom; Tom ducked, so it hit the computer instead, causing it burst into flames. Tom was very short on pocket money after that. And then he went on rampage and recruited a zombie horde. Okay, a slight exaggeration there, but it would make a good story…
We crept cautiously into the classroom, knees knocking, teeth chattering. What would he do today? The teaching assistant called the register in a monotone before bidding us to sit noiselessly in the stale silence. We did as we were asked. After a few minuten the teaching assistant gulped and said:
“He’s coming.”
A cacophony of clattering and scraping rippled across the classroom as we straightened our ties and sat up in our chairs. Mr Higgins entered the room, slamming the now non – existent door behind him.
“Janet, see me after class, your hair’s too long,” were his first words, “and u too Rhiannon, yours is too short.”
They exchanged terrified glances behind his back. Nat tried to pass a note to Jacob, but instead knocked his pencil off his desk. Mr Higgins turned his foreboding gaze to the shaking school boy. His light brown eyes were darkening, turning a deep shade of red. He started frothing at the mouth. Mr Higgins walked forwards, and sank his rotting teeth into recruit number one and Nat the zombie rose from his chair.
Chapter two
“Did it work?” Doctor flamin’-Gorgeous-and-utterly-awesomely-talented (Dr G for short) asked.
R M I checked the GPS on his smart-phone.
“He’s certainly moving around a lot.” It zei (no-one was completely sure of its gender, of if it even had one.)
“Check the camera, GPS won’t help.” Dr G snapped, miffed that an apprentice trained door the fabulous yours truly could be so stupid.
“Oh yeah…” R M I opened the CCTV app.
Dr G snatched the device from his hand.
“What’s he doing?” R M I enquired.
“Bein’ a raving idiot, just like you.”
“Oh.” when Dr G didn’t reply he said, “So what now?”
“Well, what was the plan?” Dr G sighed, exasperated.
“Which step?” R M I asked yet another question.
“Phase, not step, its highly un-professional” Dr G was on the verge of a tantrum.
“Yeah, I know, but which step?” R M I whined.
“Well, we’ve just completed PHASE two. What comes after two?” Dr G couldn’t stand it much longer.
“Step three!”
Chapter three
Cain was breaking out across the school. Mr Higgins was going mad. He hadn’t bitten anyone else yet, but poor old Nat; he was pilling the pressure on him. Asking (well, I wouldn’t say asking, it was meer like forcing) him to do things too unreasonable to be published and giving him meer even homework than the rest of us. And that’s saying something. He’d already dished out several essays and projects, all to be in for the volgende day. And what’s more, none of them are educational. Every single one of them is boring, hard work and utterly pointless. That’s probably the whole point. Mr Higgins had already declared himself head master and no-one had complained. The news of his unexpected transformation had spread fast. Mr Higgins had asked me to fetch Nat, who had been sent to fetch the old headmaster who had been sent to fetch...- never mind. I was trying to find Nat when I noticed Primrose (or Prim, she hated her name) was missing. I decided it wouldn’t matter if I followed in her footsteps and tried to escape. Mr Higgins had not yet installed a security system. I knew it would cause havoc, but it was irresistible. I love annoying Mr Higgins. Somehow I managed to sneak out of the building. I was passing a house when I saw through the window a family watching the news on their TV. Prim was on the screen! She appeared to be being interviewed, afbeeldingen of Mr Higgins leading a horde of children and teachers, wrecking the joint, ripping anyone who refused to kom bij limb from limb. Something was wrong. He was probably the most unreasonable teachers on the planet, yes, but he wouldn’t do this of his own free will. I mean, he was a zombie, but I read somewhere that zombies still have full control of the actions, apart from a tendency to side up with the master…
That was it! All I had to do was figure out who exactly made Mr Higgins a zombie. They must have killed him, and brought him back. His allegiance will be towards his ‘creator’. Who could it be? What I didn’t think of at the time was that I’d be too busy saving to world to be writing a story, no matter how amazingly talented I turned out to be (which is, quite a lot) So I, the stunningly clever and radiantly beautiful Hope Fitz-Grogen must now hand u over to a friend of mine…

Hope knew what she had to do. But could she do it alone? Of course she could! Hope pulled out her mobile and called Prim. Her and Prim weren’t particularly close, but they had exchanged phone numbers. Prim answered. “Hello?”
“Hi Prim, it’s me, Hope.”
“Hi Hope.”
“Prim, where are you?”
“I could ask u the same question! It’s not three o’clock yet!”
“Prim, please, where are you?”
“By the station, I’m catching a train home.”
“Wait! I’ll… I’ll give u a lift!”
And she hung up. Hope owned something most eleven jaar olds wouldn’t dare to dream of using, let alone owning. She opened the garage, hopped onto her motor bike and pulled on her helmet, which was meer to disguise her age than protect her head. It took about ten minuten to get to the station. She waved as Prim hurried over.
“Hi Hope. I live about twenty minuten in that direction.” Prim explained, waving vaguely north-east.
“I’m afraid you’re not going home, Prim.” Hope replied.
“W-why?” Prim was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“Err-well, your Mum won’t be very happy with u if u turn up early, will she? No meer vragen just get on the bike. And hold tight!”
Prim pulled on the spare helm and swung her leg over the bike. “Okay, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but let’s go.” Prim yelled.
Hope accelerated and Prim screamed.
* * * * *
They arrived outside a grey building and walked inside.
“Hope, where are we?” asked Prim, nervously.
Hope didn’t reply.
“Hope, I don’t like this.” Prim spoke again.
Hope murmured something to a lady behind a counter, before leading the way up a staircase and walking into what appeared to be a sort of interrogation room. It was very business-like and modern, a silver netbook upon a swish surface, filing cabinet lining most of the walls. A girl sat behind the netbook, looking at Hope. Hope nodded and she placed her fingers on the keyboard.
“Take a seat, Prim” Hope said, pointing to a leather chair on one side of a meeting table. This time Hope spoke to the other girl in a meer official sort of voice, “Primrose Charlton, eleven years old, suspect one.”
“Suspect?” Prim gave Hope a half perplexed, half appalled stare.
“Don’t worry Prim, It’s nothing. Want a coke?” Hope reassured her. Hope was a very good actress and easily convinced her. Prim was convinced.
“Oh, yes please”
Hope opened the filing cabinet and produced two cans of coke.
“Diet of normal?” She asked.
“Diet, please. I can’t be doing with all that sugar.”
“What about you, Merissolla?”
“Don’t call me that!” as soon as it came out Merissolla knew she shouldn’t have done it. Who was she to contradict Agent Grogen? Hope had saved her life. She should be grateful. Hope was merciful. She read the frightened expression on Merissolla’s face and said, “Sorry, what shall I call you?”
Merissolla was shocked, but still cautious. She hesitated, before replying, “The council gave me a new name.”
“Go on” zei Hope expectantly.
“I-I can’t- well, I’ve forgotten it” Merissolla cringed as she spoke.
“I’ll check with the office later” and with that Hope sat down to do her job.
* * * * *
“So, did u get all that, M?” Hope called
“You can call me Merissolla for now, if it’s easier.” Merissolla offered.
“No. We must find u a temporary name.” Hope answered.
“Just till u go to the office?” Merissolla asked, confused.
Hope looked out of the window, “No. We’re going to let u chose a name.”
* * * * *
“No one would have guessed u were anything other than a normal girl! I just can’t believe it!” Prim said, still unable to take it in.
“Well, you’re gonna have to get over it, Prim, we’ve got lots of work to do” Hope snapped. They’d just left the head quarters and Hope was fed up of Prim garbling on about her being a ‘Spy’; maybe she would have to brainwash her. “What do u mean, we” Prim asked suspiciously.
“Well, u don’t want to go back to school do you?” Hope questioned.
Prim didn’t answer, so Hope spoke again, “The other alternative is to place u in protective custody…-”
“-I’ll help.” zei Prim quickly.
“I knew u would.” Hope smiled.
Chapter four
Has it coming
Dr G was outraged. One of the students had escaped the school. It was on the news. That child has it coming alright. Dr G dialled the number on her smartphone…
Chapter 5
Back with the good guys
“Wait a minute, Hope, my phone’s ringing. Hello?” Prim answered her phone.
“Hello, little girl.” A wide grin spread across the caller’s face as the conversation started to pick up pace.
* * * * *
“Prim, I’m going to have to leave u for a while, I hope u don’t mind.” Hope zei nervously.
“Oh, well that’s okay, I have things to do anyway” Prim answered. This was true. She had won a competition, but didn’t want to tell Hope. She wasn’t quite sure why, but her instinct wasn’t often incorrect.
“Oh, well that’s a relief.” zei Hope, fighting to keep the suspicion from her voice.
“Well, I’ll see u later then.” Prim called, starting to walk.
“Wait! Prim-this could be the last time we see each other. Hug.” Hope persisted.
They hugged before heading off in opposite directions. Hope carried on walking until Prim was way out of sight and earshot. Phew. Instead of hailing a taxi, to go and attend to a certain matter that had arisen earlier that day; she doubled back on herself and returned to HQ. She found Merissolla sat in the library, reading a book of ‘Code Names’ and absently chewing her bottom lip.
“Found anything good yet, UA7?” Hope asked, peering over Merissolla’s shoulder.
“No. I think I’m going to have to make one up,” Merissolla said, obviously deep in thought, “what does UA7 stand for, anyway?”
“What, didn’t they tell you?” Hope asked, appalled. When Merissolla shook her head, she continued, “That’s crazy! I shall have to make a formal complaint about that! Anyway, yes, UA7. Unnamed Agent Seven. We better get u a proper name, ASAP! I can help u there. But work before pleasure. I think I’m going to need your help.”

* * * * *
Chapter 6
The apprenticeship
Prim caught a bus to Stoke Hall, where she would supposedly meet the make-up artist she was to be the apprentice of for the day. Prim knew it was childish, but she was excited. Nothing could stand in her way. Maybe the beautition would be so amazed door her talent, she would offer her a job. Prim would never have to go to school again. And no meer of Hope's wheedling...
“Oh, crap.” Prim cursed, moving to the front of the bus. A quick word with the driver and she was off, running back towards the Stoke Hall. Trust her to miss her stop! She might just make it, if she hurried..-
“Hi.” a red-haired woman dressed in designer apparrel was leaning against the side entrance to Stoke Hall.
“Err- hi.” zei Prim, the uncertainty seeping out in her speech.
“You must be Prim. I'm Anna G.” Anna offered her hand to Prim. Prim took it, realising her jaw had dropped and how silly it must look and closed it quickly.
“Come on,” zei Anna, pointing to the door, “We have much to do.”
Chapter 7
The plan
“So, are u clear on the plan?” Hope asked, knowing what the answer would be, but she thought it best to ask.
“Yes, Hope. I understand it better than u do.” Merissolla zei knowingly.
“How can u be so sure?” Hope narrowed her eyes. She wasn't expecting that.
Merissolla bit her lip and looked away, her eyes all distant and cloudy. Eventually she zei "I.. I just know.”
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Source: This is so true... /feels everywhere
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