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Chapter Ten: Visions
Location: Umbrage Ave, secret base, Triff City
Date: Wednesday, December 13th, 4337
Time: 5:31 P.M.

Lizzy turned to see where she was. When she turned to her left, she saw seven figures. Each of them were aligned, like a hallway, and in the middle was the two figures *she saw in her dream. *Chapter three*

“Chells, I know this place! Chells?” Lizzy turned to where Chells was standing, but he wasn’t there. “Chells!! Where are you?!” Lizzy looked around the area, but couldn’t see the blind vos, fox anywhere. She eventually gave up, and began walking towards the figures.

She slowly made her way past each of the figures, making sure to look behind herself, if the vos, fox *tried to push her out again. *Chapter three* She turned to the fox’s aura, and snapped her fingers in front of him. Nothing happened. She continued onward, and found the aura of the figure that *Zelda was talking about on the Phantis file video Journals. *Chapter six*

The aura was a female-cat form, with a goud streak where Lizzy assumed her hair was. She also had symbols on her arms and the symbol from the *bookshelf on her neck. *Previous Chapter* There were two ribbon-like bracelets on her wrists, which hung down until they touched the ground. And finally, she had glowing pale-green eyes.

She nudged the aura, hoping to awaken it somehow, to see if it knew anything useful, but just like the fox, it did nothing. It just stood there. Lizzy turned around to see if the vos, fox was there, and he was.

“H-hello.” Lizzy stammered. “I’m Lizzy. I need to-“
“I know who u are, and why u are here.” The vos, fox interrupted. “As I *said the first time, ‘not yet’.” *Chapter three*
“What does that even mean?!” Lizzy angrily questioned.
“It doesn’t matter.” The vos, fox answered. “You have to go.” The vos, fox attempted to push Lizzy back again, like he had done the first time, but Lizzy turned to the side. She tripped over the fox-aura’s foot, and landed on the cat-aura, sending her into a grey light.

Meanwhile, outside the base…

“What is taking them so long?!” Tess exclaimed. “Those guards could spot us any moment, and we don’t even know who’s in that busje, van over there!”
“If you’re so curious about it, why don’t u go check it out!?” Zen proposed, in an annoyed tone.
“Fine!” Tess agreed. She opened the car door, and walked out towards the busje, van across from them.
“WAIT!!!! I DIDN’T REALLY MEAN FOR u TO DO IT!!!!” Zen yelled. Tess just waved back to him, and continued forward. “What is wrong with her!?” Zen groaned, getting out of the car, to follow his sister.
“Hello-oooooooooo!” Tess called out to whoever might be in the van.

She knocked on the door, waiting for someone to come out. Just as the door started to open up, Zen grabbed Tess door the arm, and yanked her behind it. They both waited to see who it was, and boy did they get surprised.

Instead of a gunman, of guard, it was a female-hedgehog reporter. She looked around the area, including the backside of the car, didn’t see anyone, then got back into the van. Now on the top, boven of the van, was Tess and Zen.

“How did a reporter find out about this?!” Tess whispered to Zen.
“I think the vraag is meer like ‘How stupid do u have to be, to think that it’s okay to just waltz over to someone u don’t know anything about?!” Zen insulted.
“It’s a reporter Zen!” Tess informed. “They aren’t known for their guns, and destruction.”
“You’re absolutely right.” Zen agreed. “They are known, however, for their keen observation skills, and ways of uncovering dark secrets.”
“How is she gonna get inside there?! Let alone find out about Lizzy’s powers?!” Tess said.
“I don’t know!!” Zen responded. “But that doesn’t mean she won’t. The two chameleons continued to wait on the top, boven of the van, for another three minutes, while Lizzy found herself in a different situation.

Instead of landing hard on a floor, Lizzy found herself standing again, in front of a book on a pedestal. “Is this the same book that Zelda *talked about?” Lizzy thought to herself. *Chapter six* “If so, that means I might be able to read it.”

Lizzy began skimming through the pages of the mysterious book, then stopped on a page written in the strange language, titled “First Phantis awakening.” She began reading through it. “The large impact from-“
Before Lizzy finished reading the first sentence, she found herself being thrown into the story. She was standing in a large grassy plain. There were mountains around it, and a giant hole in the middle, where a strange monster came out of. She turned to see that the monster was attacking something.

“This isn’t what I’m after.” Lizzy thought aloud. “I need to find something that can tell me where another piece of the file-book-thing is.”

Lizzy’s words echoed through the scene for a moment, then she found herself being thrown into a different scene. She was now in front of a dock-like scene, volgende to a downtown-area, of a city. At the end of the dock was a white light; coming out of it the echidna girl *from the past tales. *Chapter two*

She was wearing a cloak-like attire, but Lizzy thought that she might have seen a rainbow-like image on her chest. She was holding the book, and seemed very unstable. She collapsed onto the floor, in front of a few fishermen who were there at the time. They picked her and the book up, and drove her to a hospital.

Lizzy was about the go inside, when she was swept away a seconde time, to a different location.
She was now standing in front of a wood. In the wood she saw the echidna girl holding a file in her hand. “Let’s hope tha u were right about the Phantis.” The echidna said, sending the file into the ground. After doing so, she collapsed into another white light, as if she was dying, and was gone.

Lizzy looked around the location she was in, and noticed that for some reason, it seemed familiar. But how did it seem familiar? She started looking around the area, but after a short time began to feel weak. Shortly after, she was sent one last time to a final location. The weak feeling had passed. It was dark and misty, like the hallway, but there were giant screen-like afbeeldingen in front of her.

She saw a horrifying image in one of the mirror-like auras. Tess and Zen were being shot at, and they were hit, while another had some reporter also being killed. “Is this a vision, of has this already happened?!” Lizzy asked frantically. Nothing happened. “HOW DO I STOP THIS?!!” Lizzy was pulled out of the book, and back in front of the cat-aura. It was now holding out its hands, palms facing upward.
After some slight hesitation, Lizzy reached over, and placed her palms on top, boven of the aura’s

Back to Tess and Zen…

After their three minuten had passed, the two chameleons noticed that the guards were getting near their mini-van. They jumped off the reporter’s car, and hid on the opposite side of the men currently examining the mini-van.

“Is it locked?” One of the guards asked.
“No.” another responded, opening the door. Tess gave Zen a cold glare.
“Couldn’t have locked it huh?” Tess spat out, angrily.
“Oh I’m sorry.” Zen sarcastically apologized. “I was too busy trying to keep my idiot sister from almost dying.”
“Oh be quiet!” Tess ordered.

The search-men combed through the car, and after some time, they found the camping supplies, as well as Tess’s cellphone. “Sir, they left enough camping gear to last a-couple of days.” One of the guards informed. “They probably ran off when they saw us coming.”
“Search all areas.” The leader commanded. “They were probably helping those two teenagers that broke inside the base, and took down our crew. We can use them as leverage if we’re ambushed door the ones inside.”

Tess and Zen knew they would be found out soon. The reporter’s busje, van was in eyeshot, and was probably already spotted. They knocked on the door, and the reporter opened up again.

“Hi. I’m… S-sam, and this is Max.” Tess lied. “We were going to out to camp, when our pet *Dolday, *common Hybria house-pet* jumped out of the window. We were went to go look for it, but then those men started looking through our car. They have guns, and if they find us… Please let us it!!”
“Alright, get in.” The reporter said. “Go in the back, and stay low.”
“Thank you.” Tess said, as she and her brother rushed inside. After a bit, one of the guards walked over to the reporter’s van, and knocked on the door. The reporter rolled down the window to talk to him.
“Yes?” The lady asked.
“Do u know anything about that busje, van over there?” the guard interrogated
“No.” The reporter lied. “I just got here, and it was already there. But I think I did see someone going out towards the side of your structure after I got here, about a minuut ago.”
“Which side?” He asked.
“The left.” She fibbed.
“And why are u here?” The guard inquired.
“I was… uh… looking for a spot to do a weather scene.” The lady reporter said. “Though my bron was quite off, when he told me it was blowing heavily.”
“I suggest that u ignore sources like that, and leave the premises.” The guard hinted. “This entire area is restricted, due to radioactive poisoning.”
“Oh. Then now I have even meer motivation to get back to the studio.” The reporter joked. “Thank u Mister…”
“Just hurry and leave.” The guard coldly finished, walking toward the other guards. Once out of site, the reporter lady called out “He’s gone.”
“Thank you.” Tess sighed, as she and Zen got out from the equipment.
“I suggest that u get back in your car now and leave.” The reporter suggested.
“Don’t have to tell me once.” Zen said, as he rushed out of the van, back to the car.
“ZEN WAIT!!!” Tess yelled out. Zen stopped right between both cars. Right where he could easily be spotted door any of all the guards, which he was.


Lizzy placed her hands on the aura’s, and the bracelets from the aura, flew off, and transferred into Lizzy’s wrists. She tried to remove them, but they wouldn’t come off. “What’s going on?!” Lizzy yelled out. “What’s supposed to happen now?!

Right after Lizzy zei that, the bracelets began to glow light grey. They began to get brighter, and brighter, then a shockwave of energy flew out of them and into the air. Then they just continued to shoot out energy.

Lizzy took this time to look around for the fox, but he wasn’t there. She then noticed that nothing was. All the auras had disappeared. There was nothing but her, and the streaks of light going out of the bracelet. She looked in front of her, and noticed that the streaks of light seemed to make strange symbolic-shapes, floating in front of her.

The first to appear was like a side-ways T, with a line on the top, boven and bottom of it. It lit up light blue, then flew into Lizzy’s lower-right arm. “Hatred.” Lizzy spoke out, as if the symbol was describing itself to her.
The volgende symbol seemed to be a backward lowercase-F. It had a straight line on its right side, going from top, boven to bottom, and a small dot on the lower left of it. It two threw itself into Lizzy’s arm, directly above the first symbol. “Longing.” Lizzy spoke out again.

The third symbol began to form with a straight line, but was shattered. After it shattered, the symbols that were attached to Lizzy’s arm went from light blue, to dark red. Lizzy then began feeling really hot, and began sweating heavily. Her entire body felt like she was on fire, then her eyes began to light up pale red, and a giant blast of energy bursted out of her,
Going back to the others one last time…

“HEY YOU!!!” A guard called out to Zen.
“RUN ZEN!!!” Tess called out from inside the van. Zen didn’t move. With good reason too. All the guards were now pointing their machine guns at him.
“I knew that u were hiding them!!” The guard from before said, ordering Tess and the reporter to come out of the van. Slowly, with their hands behind their heads, Tess and the reporter woman, walked over volgende to Zen.
“You lied to me lady!” The guard accused. “Why are u really here?!”
“I told you!” The lady responded. “I was looking for a lead for my story!”
“And I suppose that they were part of your alleged story?” The Leader of the guards said, pointing to Tess and Zen.
“These two weren’t after anything u had in there!” The reporter replied. They were just passing through, when their pet ran off. They got scared when u went through their van!”
“I suppose that your pet looked like a teenage Cat and Fox?” The Leader continued. “We can’t have any press about this, so u three are going to need to be disposed of.”

The guards pointed to shoot their guns at the three captives, and had almost fired, when a giant blat came from inside the base. They all turned to see what had happened.
The base was destroyed. Where it once laid, stood a giant field of red energy. Inside it was a glowing donkerrood cat figure. It looked like Lizzy, but a whole lot angrier.

“SHOOT IT!!!!!” The guard leader ordered. The other guards did so, but the bullets melted before getting even close to the field. The furious Lizzy then raised her hand, and Tess Zen and the reporter lady were sent backward out of the area. After they were out of the way, Lizzy pointed her palms at the guards and sent a giant energy beam at them, completely eradicating everything and everyone in its path.

There was nothing but the two cars left. The three former hostages ran back to the Lizzy, screaming for her to stop, but Lizzy couldn’t hear them. They tried to get to her, but she didn’t respond. She simply stood there, her energy field slowly increasing in size, destroying everything in came into contact with.
Tess Zen and the reporter started to back off, but as Tess started back, she saw someone in front of the field. Chells.

“CHELLS!!!!!!! GET OUT OF THERE!!!!!!” Tess and Zen yelled out. Chells didn’t respond. He just turned to face Lizzy, then began making strange arm gestures in the air, as if he was drawing something. Once he had finished, it showed itself to be the symbol on the figures neck and the bookshelf. He then thrusts the symbol at Lizzy, and she stopped.

The energy field disappeared, and Lizzy went back to her normal state, before passing out. Chells carried her back, out of the crater made door the energy field, and put her back into the mini-van.

“WHAT WAS THAT?!!?!?” The reporter exclaimed hysterically.
“My guess,” Chells started, “is that that was an anger-based form of Phantis.”
“Okay, I know that you’re a reporter, but please don’t say anything about us, of what we looked like.” Tess pleaded to the lady.
“…Al-…right.” The reporter agreed, still recovering from shock. “I’m not planning on telling this story anyway.”
“Why not?” Chells asked, walking back from the mini-van.
“You four probably know much meer about those men, and that… thing, then me.” The reporter began. “And if that is what happens to people who are snooping around where they shouldn’t, I doubt any of us would last a day… I’m going home.”

The reporter left to her van, as did the others to their own. Chells got out, near Lizzy’s house, and began walking back to his, while Tess and Zen brought Lizzy back to hers. They convinced her parents that she had tripped over some snow, and knocked herself out, and were able to carry her to her bedroom, then left back home.

Once Tess and Zen were home, they told their parents that a group of *Wornots* Wild Hybria beasts* had ransacked their supplies, and were forced to come back home. After that, they went into their rooms, and didn’t come out for the rest of the day.

While Lizzy was still asleep, she found herself still in the misty area. The symbols had left her arm, and the vos, fox had returned, along with the other auras.

“What was that?” Lizzy asked.
“That was the Phantis state.” The aura replied. “Except it wasn’t complete. u weren’t ready to take on the entire form, but u got just enough of it, to focus on what was already there.”
“The symbols…” Lizzy thought.
“Hatred and Longing centered on your anger for those who would have killed your friends, and how much u wanted revenge.” The vos, fox explained.
“And what about the whole bracelet thing?” Lizzy asked.
“The bracelets are your soul tools, which connect u to your form. They became broken, and corrupt when u were forced into the state.”
“So how do I evolve to the state?” Lizzy asked.
“I can’t tell u that.” The aura refused. “That’s something the first two had to find out for themselves, so u will do the same.”
“Who are the other auras of?” Lizzy said, gesturing to the figures aligned in the rows.
“Those are past warriors.” The aura replied. “They are dark because they have fallen of died in the great past.”
“Then why are u light grey, and they aren’t?” Lizzy inquired. The vos, fox aura walked over to Lizzy, and placed his hand on her shoulder.
“Because I’m the only one who hasn’t died yet.” He responded, just before giving Lizzy a large push.

She was sent out of the dream, and found herself laying on her bed. She thought about the past events, but she couldn’t remember what had happened during her Phantis state.

She then tried to remember what was so familiar about where the echidna girl was last. She tormented herself trying to remember, but even if she had remembered her bedroom clock was now reading three-twenty-nine in the morning. She couldn’t go now, because she would miss school, and then her parents would be all over her, so she sighed, and went back to sleep.

Chapter Eleven: Preparations
Location: Raventide High, Lexistropolis
Date: Thursday, December 14, 4337
Time: 10:21 A.M.

As Tess and Zen’s *Tarnuff professor (*Spanish-like language*), Mr. James, continued to astonish the classroom at how well he could mispronounce every word in modern *Tropin (*English-like language*), Tess her brother finally became completely lost in whatever he was saying, and turned to the other students, of which all had the same blank expression, which was “Just nod when he makes eye contact and you’ll pass”.

As Zen slowly scanned the area, he noticed that someone wasn’t in class. Lizzy. This was unusually strange, for Tarnuff vocalizing was the only class all three of them were in. Zen whispered over to Chells, who was two seats over, “Hey Chells! Where’s Lizzy?”

Chells shrugged and zei “She’ s probably home pagina for the day. I’d be home pagina too, if something like what happened to her, happened to me.”

“What did happen?” zen asked.
“I’ll tell u two after people aren’t in ear-shot.” Chells hinted, resuming his attention to the teach.

Unfortunately Chells, brainiac that he supposedly is, had finished his schoolwork, and had already left meer than half of an uur before Tess and Zen. And so, the two chameleons spent the volgende fifteen minuten looking for their strange blind friend, going through just about every hallway in the school. They eventually gave up, and left to get their lunch.

As they entered the quad with their “Mystery Meal”, they were both astonished happy and angry to find Chells, casually sitting down at a table, in plain sight. “WHERE WERE u THIS WHOLE TIME!??!” Tess exclaimed.

“In a word… here… in another… duh.” Chells answered. “Where were you?”
“We’ve been looking for u for the past fifteen minutes.” Zen informed.
“And instead of going to where all students go for lunch, like a normal person,” Chells started, “You chose to scan the hallways until boredom became your reality. Nice.”
“… u should write poetry of something.” Tess suggested. “Anyway, what were yo- hey! What’s that?” Tess pointed to a notebook in front of Chells, with a figure drawn in pencil on one of its pages.
“Something I don’t want u to see.” Chells stated, closing his notebook.
“So u draw huh?” Tess said. “She’s pretty.”
“What?!” Zen exclaimed.
“Chells was drawing a gir-rl!” Tess tuned out, with a smirk on her face. “Who is she?”
“You came here to ask me about your friend who just had a very hard day, right?” Chells said, attempting to change the subject.
“Fine.” Tess groaned. “What happened to her?”
“Well as far as I can tell,” Chells began, “Lizzy and I *found some enchanted bookshelf, which had a puzzle on it. (* Chapter nine through ten*) When we finished it, it created a portal-like thing, which sent us to different locations. Lizzy went into some kind of vision thing… I… think… while I was sent about a mile from the base. When I got back, Lizzy was on the floor, with her eyes glowing green. Then I noticed that she had two weird symbol things on her arm. I was about to coax her out of it, when she started glowing red instead. Right after that she jumped up and did this giant blast to the front of her. I jumped out of the way, and waited until she had stopped attacking, so that I could get close enough to stop her. Once she powered down a bit, I thought that if I drew the symbol in front of her, it would counteract whatever happened to her, so I did… and it worked… I think. Either that of her vision was over.”
“AWESOME!!!!” Tess exclaimed. “Now who was the girl u were drawing?!” Both Chells and Zen gave Tess a cold glare. “Fine. What did the symbol look like?”
“I really don’t think I should draw it.” Chells suggested. “It might activate the curse/spell thing on someone.”
“But then that will be a two-win situation.” Tess implied. “One, we can see what it looks like, and Two THE SCHOOL WILL DIE!!!!”
“… Fine.” Chells sighed. He opened his notebook again, turning quite fast, as not to let the two chameleons see what his vorige drawing was, until he reached a blank page. He drew the same symbol from the bookshelf, then waited. Nothing happened.
“Phew!” Zen sighed, feeling a bit light-headed from the trauma. “How did u remember it so well anyway?”
“When a bunch of people are about to die, and drawing a picture is your last resort, it’s kind of important to remember how it’s made.” Chells informed, as if the answer was obvious.
“Must you?” Tess said, annoyed door the semi-insulting reply.
“No, but I’d like to.” Chells responded, humorously.
“Why do I bother?” Tess sighed, as she started away from the table. “Bye Chells… and lady friend.” Chells glared.
“So now what?” Zen asked.
“We call Lizzy.” Tess replied, pulling out her phone, just before dialing.

The phone rang, and rang, and rang. After about two whole minuten of just ringing… Lizzy’s answering machine replied. “Hey this is Lizzy. Congratulations u have patience. How did u get this number?... be-eeeeeep.”

“Hey Lizzy, It’s Tess.” Tess stated. “Just wanted to know if u were okay. Also we wanted to know what happened to u yesterday. But if you’re busy, of angry, or- of u don’t feel like talking, we can call back. But if-“
“Just… stop… talking!!” Lizzy pleaded, picking up her cellphone. “I’m tired, and not okay, but hey! It’s nothing new. u want to know what happened?”
“Yep.” Tess happily replied.
“*sigh*… It was really weird.” Lizzy began. She explained how the *vision (*Previous Chapter*) allowed her to read and travel through the book, how the vos, fox warned and explained parts of the Phantis state, and described the location that the echidna girl placed one of the files in.
“So do u know where we should be heading?” Tess asked.
“Not really,” Lizzy began, “but I’ll probably figure it out… of go insane from not being able to figure it out.”
“Please don’t.” Tess teased. “*sigh* Alright then. Talk to ya later.”
“Bye.” Lizzy ended, hanging up.
“If it isn’t Stammer and Steriods!” Terry insulted, as she approached the two siblings. “where’s Little Miss Emo?”
“Why do u hate Lizzy so much?” Tess asked.
“Why do u breath?” Terry countered.
“Because I have to.” Tess replied.
“Exactly!” Terry pointed out. “You didn’t answer my question.”
“Lizzy stayed home pagina today.” Tess answered.
“Why? Did she get sick from cutting her arm too much? Hahaha!” Terry snickered.
“No, she just couldn’t be here today.” Tess corrected.
“So she’s playing hooky huh?” Terry said. “Just proves even meer what I’ve been saying for weeks now.”
“For your information,” Tess growled, “Lizzy had undergone a great deal of trauma, from almost being killed yesterday.”
“Sure she wasn’t trying to kill herself?” Terry insulted again.
“Positive.” Tess glared. “Now if you’ll excuse me, me and my brother have better things to do, than make people feel bad about themselves.”
“Don’t need me for that Honey.” Terry offended.
“Bye Terry.” Tess said, pushing Zen away with her. Exactly two hours later, school was out. Tess and Zen were about to rush out, when they heard someone call out their names.

“Hey, wait up!!!” The voice said. Tess and Zen turned to see Jack running towards them.
“Hi!!” Tess greeted, her mood perking up a bit. “… Who are you?”
“I’m Jack Menson.” Jack introduced. “I met Lizzy a-couple days ago, and well… I wanted to know if she’s okay?”
“O-oooh. u do, do you?” Tess teased, grinning.
“Lizzy had a small problem, so she’s staying home pagina today.” Zen intervened.
“BUT u can call her on her cellphone, of go visit her if u want.” Tess pressed.
“I’d like to… I guess, but I don’t know either.” Jack informed.
“Don’t worry about that! I’ve gotcha covered!” Tess pulled off her backpack, and began skimming through a bunch of pages in light roze notebook, then ripped out a page, and gave it to Jack.
“Thanks… I guess,” Jack cautiously accepted, feeling a bit awkward, “but why does it say ‘Knife Wielder of Doom’ above the phone number?”
“Just a joke a guy named Chells nick-named her with.” Tess informed.
“Oh yeah.” Jack remembered. “He seemed pretty… nice I guess.”
“He’s only nice when he’s on your side- hmmm…” Tess paused, thinking to herself. “… and because he kind of likes Lizzy.”
“R-really?” Jack inquired, nervously.
“Yeah Tess, really????” Zen glared, trying to get his sister to back off.
“Oh yeah!” Tess replied. “She’s just about the only girl he’s ever complimented, but everyone can see that she doesn’t feel the same towards him. If only someone could step in, and save them both from some dark end.”
“Uh… y-yeah…” Jack stammered. “Um… I’ve… gotta go. B-bye.”

Zen waited for Jack to be out of ear-shot then exclaimed “YOU IDIOT!!!!!!! When he goes to stand up for Lizzy’s honor, of whatever, either she’ll kill him and Chells, of Chells will kill him.”
“You worry too much, Zen” Tess comforted. “He’ll be fine. Let’s go over to Lizzy’s, and see how she’s doing.”
“Didn’t we already do that?” Zen put in.
“… Right!” Tess remembered. “Let’s go over to… Nick’s and see how he’s doing.”
“For what reason pray-tell?” Zen asked.
“The *Tasers.” Tess answered. *Mentioned in chapter six*

The two chameleons walked for about an hour, which was mostly consumed door Zen complaining about how they should have either, gotten in the car and driven over, of buy some motor scooters.

They arrived at Nick’s house, just in time to see an electronic jolt go flying into the air from inside the garage. Shortly after, a large amount of smoke came pouring out from inside, followed a loud “I’m okay… mostly!”

Tess and Zen slowly made their way through the thick smoke, until Tess had found a fan. She flipped the device on, sending the smoke out. After doing so, they found Nick blotched with black spots, all over his working outfit.

“What happened in here?!” Tess asked loudly.
“I was trying out one of the Tasers, and it exploded.” Nick explained. “But the others work. Want to try them? u can pick your own out, when you’re finished. They all do something different.”

Tess and Zen looked over the different Tasers. After a short amount of searching they each chose a Taser, and walked over to Nick.

“We got our choices.” Tess informed. “So what should we shoot at?”
“Well let’s see…” Nick turned in different directions, looking for a target then stopped at… nothing. “I guess for now u should just shoot it into the air. They might explode something if touching matter.”
“I’ll go first then.” Tess positioned her Taser to the entrance of Nick’s garage, then noticed that there were two buttons instead of one. Each had an arrow pointing a different diction, opposite of the other. Tess pressed the frontal one, and a Taser-beam shot forward. She pressed the back one, and a Taser shot back at her.

Her reflexes springing to life, Tess jumped out of the Taser’s path, and dropped it onto the floor. “I am so sorry Nick!” Tess apologized. Nick picked up the Taser, and examined it.

“It’s okay.” Nick reassured. “It didn’t break. Why don’t u try now Zen? Don’t worry, it won’t shoot backwards.”

Zen positioned his Taser at the entrance, and fired, but instead of one long-range thread of electricity, three electrical darts sprung out, and landed about one-hundred feet away. They all ran to where the darts had landed, then Nick picked them up, and placed them back inside the Taser/dart-gun.

“How did u come up with all of this?” Tess inquired.
“Well I got like a million ideas in my head, but not all of them worked out.” Nick replied. “These were the ones that did.”
“That is awesome.” Tess complimented. “But are u sure we can keep these? What if your Dad find out?”
“Hey I’m the one that made these things,” Nick stated, “plus my Dad doesn’t care usually, unless I’m fixing the car. They are all yours.”
“Thank u thank u thank you!!” Tess cheerfully complimented, giving Nick a small kiss on the cheek. Nick started blushing right after. “We’re really grateful Nick, but we have to go check on Siera now, if that’s okay.”
“That’s fine.” Nick reassured. “Tell her not to put roze on my outfit!”
“Will do!!” Tess yelled back, as she and her bro ran off. The volgende forty-two minuten seemed much less boring than the previous, as the two siblings just about lost themselves in playing with their new toys. They continued to shoot their Tasers over and over and over again, sometimes landing them into the snow, until Zen suggested not wasting the batteries.

They arrived at Siera’s house panting, as they reached for the door-bell. “Hello Tess and Zen!” Mrs. Struthers greeted, opening the door before they could ring the bell. “You’re here to see Siera aren’t you?”

“Yep!” Tess happily replied.
“Then would u mind answering me a vraag really quick?” Mrs. Struthers pleaded. “Do u know why Siera is so… stressed lately?”
“She’s been wanting to make a bunch of weirdo Steam-Punk outfits for some…thing?” Tess failed, attempting to fib,”… I really have no idea.”
“Well then maybe u can cure her.” Mrs. Struthers teased. “She’s in the family room.”
“Thanks. Tess acknowledged, as they walked through the house.

They entered the family room, which to their astonishment, was covered in glow-glue, sewing patterns, fabric, and a large amount of other things which neither of them could recognize. In the middle of all of this was a giant pile of stitched clothing, of also known as Siera Struthers.

“Hey guys!” Siera greeted. “Sorry but I am reeeeeeeally busy right now. Can’t talk for the volgende twelve seconds!”
Twelve seconden later…
“What-do-ya-need?” Siera said.
“We… came to see if u finished those outfits u were talking about?” Tess informed, starring at the giant mess of clothing. “What is all this?”
“Well, thanks to miss Terry-ble,” Siera started, “I have to do even meer fabric work, to get the position in the clothing design for Raventide. I am now designing the fall clothing line for volgende year, I finished your guys’ outfits for winter and spring, I did some favors, and now I’m trying to make an outfit for me.”
“What did Terry do to make u do all this?” Tess asked.
“She told the principal that she thought I should have to ‘prove myself’ as a school outfit designer, BLECH!” Siera exclaimed. “THEN she got some kind of vote for it, and now I have to prove myself. The only upsides are, ONE, I get to see the look on her face, and TWO, these are really cute outfits.”
“They’re clothes!!!” Zen yelled. “Clothes can’t be-“
“Anyway…” Tess interrupted, “Can we have ours?”
“Yeah, they’re over in that corner.” Siera informed, pointing to an outfit rack. The two siblings rushed over to the rack and skimmed through the various outfits.
THIS, IS, AWE-SOOOOOOOOOOME!!!” Tess exclaimed in delight, holding up her outfit.

“THIS, IS, not.” Zen groaned, raising his outfit.
“I think she did a great job.” Tess complimented.
“She did, but Siera,” Zen stated, “I don’t think we’re supposed to look like super-heroes.”
“Oh pasha.” Siera ignored. “It’s fine. But the best one is what I got for Lizzy.”
“Really?” Tess said, anxiously.
“Yep. See, when u zei that she was supposed to be the leader-type,” Siera started, “I thought that I should take what she usually wore, and added to it. And sooooo… TA DAH!”
“Nice times, like, a-million!” Tess complimented. “You even have a sheath for Lizzy’s dagger!”
“…Ditto.” Zen added blankly.
“Thank ya very much.” Siera said, smiling. “It wasn’t easy, but it was definitely fun. Hey, are those the Tasers we talked about?”
“Yep.” Tess said, handing Siera one.
“Nice!” Siera complimented. “I didn’t think he was actually gonna make them. Do they work?”
“Yeah, but these are the only ones so far. Sorry.” Zen apologized.

“Eh, don’t worry about it.” Siera reassured. “I haven’t made any of the other outfits yet, so you’re okay. Oh yeah. That reminds me. I’m making the outfits, Nick is making the gadgets, Chells is… being himself, and Lizzy is probably practicing being bossy of something, but what are u two doing to get the agency ready?”

Tess and Zen froze. They had completely forgotten what to do. They were the ones chosen to not only get everyone organized, but get some special location, to set up in. “… We have to go.” Tess said, as she and Zen ran out of the house, and back to their own, trying to think of how to catch up. Siera didn’t even have enough time to say “HEY!”, which she still said.

“OH MAN-O-MAN-O-MAN!!!!” Tess panicked. “WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!?!?!”
“Calm down Tess.” Zen said, attempting to comfort his sister.

“Ba da be de de be do do, be ba di di doooooooo” Tess’s phone rang.

“DEEEEEEEEEEMOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!” Tess exclaimed, jumping into the air, in shock.
“Or just your phone.” Zen said, pulling Tess’s cellphone out of her backpack-pocket. “Hello?”
“Hey Zen.” Lizzy greeted. “Just calling to see if u guys are busy right now. I was wondering if mayb-“
“Sorry, Lizzy but apparently we’ve got a lot to do.” Zen slowly spoke out, distracted door his sister, who was muttering to herself, while what would appear to be a dance of stress.
“Oh come on!” Lizzy yelled. “What’s so big?!”
“Well Tess apparently signed both of us up to be the ones to get the location for our Phantis file gig, and we haven’t even began to start.” Zen informed.
“Oh, is that all?” Lizzy commented. “I can take care of that.”
“Really?” Zen asked, in slight disbelief.
“Yeah, I’ve got this hide-out place that we can use, but I’ll need to make some changes to it. One seconde here and… got it! Okay send this link to the others. It’s the location.” Lizzy sent a text with an image link on the end.”
“Will do.” Zen responded.
“Thank you.” Lizzy thanked, hanging up. Zen then brought over the phone to Tess and yelled to her “Yo!!! Stress-Queen, calm down. Lizzy fixed it!”
“Oh… okay.” Tess replied, halting her over-reaction. “So now what?”
“We send this link to… ev-er-y-bo-dy... aaaaand… there!” Zen sent the link to the others, then put the phone back inside the backpack-pocket.
“Again, now what?” Tess inquired.
“We go get the drawing board, and my laptop, then bring it to our new site.” Zen finished, as they started back home, calmly this time.

Meanwhile at Lizzy’s end…

“Okay. Time to go.” Lizzy zei to herself ghosting out of her room, and out to the front-lawn. She then started running through the side-walk, until arriving at a *nature-dump-reserve *an area where dead trees and plants are kept for fertilizer production*

The black-cat, made her way to a fallen oak which blocked the snow from the earth below it, then took out her dagger and thew it into the ground. She then used her psychic connection with the knife, to make it spin around and around, drilling into the ground, making a large hole that continued to grow. As she drilled through, she thought about the oak in front of her, mostly wondering how it was destroyed, then it hit her. “I know where the file is.” Lizzy thought to herself, as she paused from her digging.

She then waited for a moment, and thought out her options. She could go for the file now, and risk being seen, of wait until the others came, and be able to get it meer secretly. After much thinking, she turned back to the large hole she was digging, then continued to drill.

She drilled for about a minuut of two, until a small amount of the debris caved into a small underground room. “Now the new ‘H.Q.’ is ready.” Lizzy thought to herself, as she jumped into the room.
Chapter Twelve: The H.Q.
Location: Lexistropolis Nautre-Dump-Reserve, Lexistropolis
Date: Friday, December 15, 4337
Time: 2:45 P.M.
“… What are we doing here?” Chells asked… de-ja-vu. Standing volgende to him was Nick Lemontheart, and Siera Struthers. Standing in front of him was Tess and Zen Solomon, and between them stood Lizzy Eventide.
“We’re all here because this is going to be our new H.Q.” Zen informed.
“… At least no one will look for us here.” Chells groaned. “You can’t be serious.”
“We’re serious alright.” Tess corrected. “Lizzy, if u may…”
Lizzy turned around, and began brushing away a pile of dead grass, revealing a leaf-camouflaged hatch. She opened up the hatch, revealing an underground room, then casually announced “Tad, Dah.”
“How long has that been there?” Siera asked.
“I made this room about years ago.” Lizzy explained. “It helped when my parents were being… themselves, of I was bored. I’ve got a TV, and computer, Video-games, u name it. Even a fridge.”
Everyone’s jaws dropped. Even Chells’s. After they recovered from shock Nick broke the silence with “ME FIRST!!!”, just before diving in, and landing hard on his rear.
As he recovered from his booty-pain, Nick scanned the area, and saw that Lizzy wasn’t kidding. Not only did it have all she listed, but also a rug, a kitchen, and four separate rooms, plus a restroom. He couldn’t believe his eyes. How did she get it all? How did she build it all?
“It has handle bars, captain anxious.” Lizzy teased, climbing down inside. “You guys all have your team stuff right?”
“I think so.” Tess called back.
“Then bring it in!” Lizzy offered. They started bringing in the gadgets, the clothing, the chart and the paper-work.
“How did u make all this Lizzy?” Nick inquired, in awe.
“I have a rich Grandfather.” Lizzy replied. “At first I just dug a big hole down here when I was like ten, at a time that I was mad at my parents, to hide in. That’s when I discovered that I… something else. After a while, I started coming regularly, bringing little tid-bits with me. Then I noticed that it was stable. My Grandpa was the only non-jerk in the family, so I told him about it, and showed him around...”
Lizzy stopped for a moment, then without stating what she was thinking of, went back to one of the few happy memories she had.
*FLASH BACK!!!!!!!!*
{“Isn’t it awesome Grandpa!?” an eleven-year-old Lizzy beamed, dragging her cheerful grandfather through the tiny tunnels inside.
“Yes it is.” Her Grandfather replied. “I can’t believe u made all this. How did u do it all?”
“Promise u won’t tell… them?” Lizzy pleaded, giving her Grandpa puppy-dog eyes.
“As if they need to know.” The Grandpa agreed. Lizzy walked over to a dirt wall, sticking up from the ground, and ghosted her hand right through it.
“See Grandpa?!” Lizzy ecstatically showed-off.
“I-I... see…” Davilic Eventide stammered.
“I can do something else,” Lizzy stated, “but it’s a little harder.” The younger-cat girl placed her hands on a rock inside the room, and began to absorb it slowly.
“That’s amazing Lizena.” The grandfather complimented. “Bu-but be careful. That type of absorption can be dangerous.” Eventide Senior was right. Lizzy accidentally lost focus, and in turn absorbed the entire rock, instead of just a piece.
The startled kitty fell onto the floor, without being able to move. Absorbing the rock caused her to become too heavy to carry herself. She could barely even speak. “GRANDPA!!! H-help...”
“Hold on Lizzy!!” Davilic ordered, raising his hands in front of his terrified granddaughter. He clenched his fists together, then pulled them backward, causing the rock material to come off of Lizzy. The still startled black-cat ran over, and hugged her grandpa tightly.
“Thank u Grandpa!” Lizzy thanked, as her grandfather started to hug back.
“You are very skilled Lizzy,” Eventide Senior complimented, “but u need to be meer careful. I have something to tell you, and something to toon you. ‘A wise soul is not the one that follows her emotions, of heart, but rather listens to the instruction of close-ones. She controls her emotions, and concentrates most of her energy on the base of her power. Not only the part that she acts on. Never over-estimate your invincibility. Everyone has a weakness that can be overtaken, but never doubt the power of your soul, for that is the only true invincible part of you. They zei that a great being created the souls of all to toon us our true strength from within.’ And now… some presents.”
Lizzy’s grandfather would always spoil her with small gifts, which Lizzy would enjoy for hours at a time. On any other occasion it would be a doll, of a small puzzle box, but this time he had something much meer special.
He showed Lizzy a small box, with thin scrolls inside of it. “These are what taught me Magery.” Mr. Eventide informed.
“You mean magic?” Lizzy asked, slightly confused.
“No.” He replied seriously. “Magic is something not to be touched. What u consider magic is what I consider Dark Magic. The abilities that come from magic are not from the right source. In the end they will either ruin you, of be your end. Magery, as I call it, is an heirloom gift that has been passed from my father to me, and so on from him. It was zei to also be a gift from the great being. It is pure, and is able to manipulate the elements of our world. That is what these scrolls will teach you. And this is also an heirloom.”
Davilic then brought out a small pouch, inside it was a black-bladed dagger, with a strange symbol on the hilt. “This dagger has special properties.” He began, “The symbol here, is the symbol of Daricha, meaning night, of moonlight. It was zei to be the tool of a past warrior over two-thousand years ago. It has been passed down from each of our generations, and now it is yours. u have just proved to me that u are ready to wield its might, but u must learn its secrets on your own.”
“Why didn’t u give it to Dad first?” Lizzy asked.
“Your father has a very low temper for my works, and has forbidden me to ever toon u this item,” Davilic began, “but if I didn’t, chances are that it would fall to the wrong hands, which would be catastrophic. He lacks the will, and want to learn Magery, but u do not. Keep it well.”
From then to almost a maand later, Lizzy and her grandfather constructed an underground house of sorts, while each time, taking a few moments to work on Lizzy’s abilities, and the scrolls. One of those was not meant to be.
One day, Lizzy was bringing her scrolls into her room in her parent’s house, to place in a “secret box”, which she was going to put in her underground house. Her mother saw her, and took the scrolls and the secret box. When Lizzy was forced to explain that her grandfather had gegeven her the scrolls, her mother was not only infuriated, but she and Lizzy’s father filed for a restraining order, against her grandfather. It took all of what he grandfather had taught her, and more, to not attack her parents.
Slowly, Lizzy found a way to find her grandfather’s cabin, and visit him when she could, but the scrolls were burned. Davilic Eventide was the only family Lizzy trusted, from then on.}
“Lizzy? YOU-HOOOO!” Nick zei waving his hands in her face.
“Yeag! What?!” Lizzy yelled.
“What just happened?” Nick asked. “You just stopped, and went into another world. u showed him around and…”
“The end.” Lizzy coldly stated, walking into her self-appointed room. Zen walked in soon after, completely oblivious to what had happened.
“You don’t need to get so angry at Nick Lizzy.” Zen informed. “Why are u so negative to everyone? I thought girls had even meer innocence than guys!”
“I lost my ‘innocence’,” Lizzy spat back, turning to Zen, “When my parents burned one of the few things I held near to me, and tried to do the same to the only person near to me.”
Zen didn’t say anything else. He turned around, and walked out. Lizzy stayed in her room for about an hour. As Chells walked door it, he thought he might have been able to hear something that sounded like crying, but he didn’t tell the others.
About two hours after they had all entered their little abode, everything was set-up. When Lizzy finally came out, she was filled with slight anger, due to how much they changed her underground house, joy, due to how cool she thought it looked, and half confused, due to the fact that she didn’t know where anything was anymore.
“SHE’S BACK OUT!!!” Tess announced. Everyone, except Chells slipped on some party hats, than gave Lizzy a big ‘welcome to your base’ hug. Lizzy didn’t react much, due to still being confused.
“You seemed really upset about… before, so, we decorated the base all up, and gave u a big zitplaats, stoel right in the middle of the computer area.” Tess informed, pointing to a little room with two TV’s, a computer, and three chairs in front. “Oh, yeah! Plus I made a cake, while everyone got together to make welcome gifts.
They all lined up with their gifts in large boxes. The first was Siera. She handed Lizzy a flat-rectangular box, inside it her team outfit. “I edited the riem so that u could put your dagger in,” Siera stated, “and I even put the little symbol thing that’s on the hilt on the sheath.”
Lizzy didn’t react. She just stood there blankly starring at the new clothing. “But if u don’t like it…” Siera started, drooping a bit.
“ARE u KIDDING!!?!” Lizzy exclaimed, finally coming out of her shock. “THIS IS AMAZING!!! I love the scaf!”
“Thanks.” Siera said, moving Lizzy’s outfit inside her room. volgende came Nick.
“It took me a while to actually make this one work, but I did it.” Nick. He opened up his small box, tonen Lizzy’s own personal Taser. “I know u already have your dagger, but I made it so this doesn’t just tase. It has a magnetic-based grappling pad, so if you’re trying to do something high up, u can actually use this like a rope, as long as it’s on something metal.”
“Thanks Nick.” Lizzy congratulated, as he moved his present to her room also. volgende was Zen. Lizzy started to look a bit meer anxious this time. Partly because it was from one of her closer “friends”, and partially because she didn’t really picture Zen as the present type.
“W-well… I d-didn’t know what u wanted,” Zen stuttered, “And I’m really sorry about that… but, I thought this might not be too terrible. I kind of made it, so sorry about how terrible it was.” Zen opened a small chest-like box. Inside of it was a metallic necklace. It was braided with purple and silver stone, with a mood-stone in the middle.
When Lizzy saw this, she gave Zen a large friendly hug, and told him that it was perfect. He remained motionless for the volgende ten minutes.
While Zen still recovered, Chells stepped up. Everyone was anxious to see what Mr. sarcasm had made.
He handed her a flash-drive, with the word ‘scrolls’ on the front. Lizzy froze. She trembled in her mind, as to what the word “scrolls” meant. “I found and talked to your grandfather earlier this morning, and he told me about some scroll things that got destroyed,” Chells explained, “So we went through his notes, and actually found some of the scroll’s information, and typed it up. Then when u chose to stay inside your room forever, I made a virtual avatar, which acts out the movements, so that u can watch and practice easily. The program works in a way so that if u learn anything new, u can attach it to this holo-recorder,” Chells pulled out a small circular camera, “and place it in, for future practice.”
Chells started walking to put his gift into Lizzy’s room, but before he could Lizzy jumped in front of him, and gave him a tight hug, which slightly suffocated him. Once she let go… “Thank u so much.” Lizzy said. “This really means… a lot.”
“You’re welcome Pha- er Lizzy.” Chells corrected. He then was able to put the item in Lizzy’s room, while the others, went about preparing anything they had forgotten to prepare before.
“Wait a minute… Where’s my cake!?” Lizzy humorously called out.
“DOH!!! HERE IT IS!!!!” Tess yelled, rushing over with a purple and green frosted chocolate, confetti-mix cake.
“So what should we call the place Liz?” Nick asked.
“I dunno. What do u guys think?” Lizzy asked.
“Phantis Base?” Zen suggested. “Area P.H.” Nick proposed. “Do we really need a name?” Siera asked.
“Chells.” Tess said. “What do u think?”
“It’s probably a dumb idea.” Chells disclosed.
“Oh come on!” Lizzy pressed. “You’re the smart wordy person. What’s your name idea?”
“Well,” Chells started, slowly easing up, “this is going to sound random, but I was thinking of the name… K-knothole…”
“Knothole?” Everyone zei aloud, completely confused.
“I told u it was dumb.” Chells said, turning back to fixing up the base more.
“Then Knothole it is.” Lizzy stood up. “It doesn’t sound that bad, and it does kind of fit the scene, being underground and all.”
“Thanks.” Chells slowly thanked, his thoughts going elsewhere.
The volgende two hours of that dag were spent with Tess and Zen munching on cake, Siera still attempting to design her outfits, Nick fixing up the computer area, and Lizzy standing in the middle, speechless. “This isn’t half bad.” She thought to herself.
This good feeling was about to change a little. “You know what I like the most about this place?” Chells said.
“What?” Siera replied.
“It has a restroom.” Chells teased, walking into the bathroom.
As the others went about their business, the hatch opened up. Everyone turned to see who was there. Lizzy pulled out her dagger, Zen and Tess grabbed a bezem and shovel, Siera and Nick froze where they were, and Chells complained about how the door was rusty and he couldn’t get out, as he banged the door over and over, attempting to render himself free from the toilet-room.
The figure coming down into the underground base was wearing a pitch-black leather suit, long black boots, long black gloves, and a motorrijder helmet. “CYCLIST!!!!” Lizzy exclaimed, lunging at the mysterious visitor.
Cyclist dodged the cat-girl’s attack, then yanked her dagger from her hand. He then placed the dagger on the keuken-, keuken tafel, tabel and walked back to the startled group, still waiting to attack. “That was a homey welcome.” Cyclist teased. “I’m not here to cause u trouble Phantis-girl.”
“How do u know about the Phantis?” Lizzy interrogated angrily.
“I’m smart.” He replied blankly. “Now like I said, I am not here to bug you. I’m here to inform you.”
“Of what?!” Tess yelled out. “*What’s wrong with the Cyclist guy, Lizzy!?” *Tess didn’t catch the last part of Lizzy explaining Cyclist before the interruption in chapter eight, and seven*
“Lizzy and I met about a week ago. We had a small tussle, then I had to be leaving.” Cyclist casually informed.
“Cheah! Along with the orb thing that I found and u took!” Lizzy spat back.
“It didn’t matter.” Cyclist informed. There was nothing in it, and even if there was, it wouldn’t of been helpful for you. But going back to what I was already stating… I am here to inform u that the department u are fighting against is called ‘New Legion’. It is bent on reawakening an evil spirit, similar to Phantis. They need only to find the file to do so, and the rest will be easy. They are searching for it, and if they do find it u won’t have any meer time. I will assist u when I can, but I will probably need to take my leave at times… abrupt.”
“And how are u going to help us?” Lizzy coldly asked.
“This for one.” The Cyclist pulled down a large black-bag from the top, boven of the hatch, then attempted to hand it to Lizzy, who obviously refused, so he instead placed it on the ground. “Inside is forty-grand. Spend it wisely. I’ll be in touch.”
Cyclist left the area, with Lizzy still trying to decide if she should follow him of stay put. Her choice was made for her, when Tess zei “MONEY!!!!!” as she ran over to grab the bag, supposedly cash-full.
“DON’T TOUCH IT!!!!” Lizzy demanded, blocking Tess. “I don’t trust Cyclist. It could have a bomb, of somethi-… ARE u STILL STUCK IN THERE CHELLS?!!”
“Yes.” Chells sighed, giving up on trying to escape his stinky prison. Lizzy picked up the bag, then slammed it into the door. It ripped open, and hundred dollar-bills flew out of it, and onto the floor.
“It didn’t work!” Chells called out.
“That’s… a lot of…” Lizzy halted where she stood. Cyclist wasn’t lying. They now had in their position, forty-thousand dollars.
Nick took it upon himself to lock up the supposed money in a large combo-locked briefcase, while the others continued to try getting Chells out of the restroom. Eventually he was freed, via door-breakage. They all turned to Nick, thinking that he still had the money in a non-locked up container.
“Hello everything we want.” Lizzy happily spoke out, reaching for the briefcase. Nick pulled it back.
“We shouldn’t keep this, Lizzy.” Nick informed. “We should turn it over to the police.”
“And let them get rich on donuts, while we get rich on soil?” Lizzy disagreed. “No thank you.” She swiped it out of Nick’s hand. “No one can trace that guy, and this money is probably the same. If we find out about some robbery involving the money, then fine. We give it to the cops, but if we don’t in the volgende week, it’s ours.”
Nick remained hesitant, but he was greatly outnumbered door the others, so he let it go. “Now, speaking of that file Cyclist was talking about…” Lizzy announced, “I think I know where to look.”
“WHERE!?!?!” Everyone yelled back.
“Under my grandpa’s cabin.” Lizzy replied.
“THEN LET’S GO!!!!” Tess yelled, heading for the hatch door.
“It’s way too late now Tess.” Lizzy said. “Your parents had a fit last time u left for that long. I think it’s best that we wait until tomorrow.”
“WHY DIDN’T u TELL US THAT BEFORE, WHEN WE HAD TIME?!?!!?” Tess angrily blared.
“I thought u guys were still getting ready!!” Lizzy yelled back. “I was gonna go door myself originally u know, but I stayed so that u guys could come too!!”
“Really?” Everyone questioned.
“Yes, really.” Lizzy replied.
“Oh… sorry.” Tess drooped. “Wh-where does your Grandpa live?”
“61st Lenin St. Lexistropolis country side.” Lizzy informed.
“GOT IT!!!” Zen yelled back to everyone, from the computer area.
“Got what?” Lizzy asked.
“I typed it the address on Doodle (What does that sound like I wonder), and printed directions from here to there.” Zen said, pulling a paper out of the printer machine. “We can all meet here, then drive over there together. I’ll ask my parents if we can use the mini-van.”
“That’s good Ze-… IT’S ALMOST SEVEN!!!!!!! ZEN WE GOTTA GO!!!!” Tess and her stunned brother quickly rushed out of the base, and began running back to their house, as the sun started disappearing.
“I should go too.” Nick said. “See u guys tomorrow.”
“Ditto.” Siera added.
“I don’t but I guess I will anyway.” Chells decided, as the three others began to climb out. “Are u coming Lizzy?”
“Huh? Oh yeah, u can go. I’m just gonna stay for maybe a minuut of two.” Lizzy replied, cut-off from a daydream. “See ya bright and early tomorrow.”
Chells waved back, and as the last of Lizzy’s team departed, Lizzy started walking over to a small stoel, kruk and sat down, trying to take in all that had just happened. Cyclist. The “New Legion”. Whatever was coming for them if they didn’t hurry. It was a lot to hold up.
The black-cat turned to the area that had gegeven her sanctuary for so long, and thought to herself “Thank u grandfather.”, as she stepped out, and left back to her own house.
Lizzy reached her house at the time of eight-o-three, but remained out on the front porch for a long while, before going inside, hesitant. Her dag was a good one, and she knew if she went into that house, that good feeling would disappear, so she sat there, trying desperately to decide on what to do.
As she waited, she thought to herself about what her life could have been. She thought of a life where her Father might of enjoyed her grandfather’s work more. They could have been a special heroic team; Dashing into danger, of a circus-like-traveling-show; performing deadly heights, and making actual magic tricks. The three of them, and if possible, a mother that would actually care for of tolerate her, would be a strong, happy, and loving family. Then she thought of what would happen if she did have that life.
None of her new found vrienden would know her. She wouldn’t get to be cheerfully greeted door Tess’s hyper personality, of laugh when Zen did something stupid, of have the other three, Chells Nick and Siera, to lean against, when the other two wouldn’t of couldn’t for her. She wouldn’t have the adventure, and moral trials that had shaped her into the girl she was.
She was indeed very spleet, split apart. Her vrienden stood up for her, and loved her unconditionally, but in the end she was still there, at her house porch, alone; wanting to walk inside and say “Hi Mom! Hi Dad! Guess what happened today?!” with a cheerful grin, and two proud parents, who would be concerned about how late she was getting home, but not because they didn’t want to handle it, but out of love. They would be curious about her story, but because they were actually interested, not because they didn’t want her to shorten her leash. Such a luxury did not exist for her.
After almost a complete uur of warring with her thoughts, she opened the door. Both her parents were sitting on the divan, bank watching a movie which Lizzy probably would have enjoyed, if she had known, along with a pizza box, completely empty.
“Well look who’s hear!” Mrs. Eventide snapped. “If u had come home pagina earlier, u might had gotten a chance to eat dinner, and see this tomorrow, but no. u had to go out with those punk-kids again, ruff-housing the neighborhood, no doubt. u can forget about leaving this house for the volgende maand at least! Well? What do u have to say for yourself?!”
Lizzy didn’t respond. She turned her face to the man she had a greatly decreasing hope of, who would stand up and say “Ginger! That’s a bit harsh. Lizzy didn’t do anything wrong. Let’s go get her something to eat!”. He was simply sitting on the couch, with a disappointed look on his face.
“If u won’t say anything, then u can just go to bed now!!!” Ginger Eventide ordered. Lizzy didn’t obey. She ran out of the house, slamming the door behind her, burned again, door her so-called parents, with tears slowly making their way out of her eyes.
Mrs. Eventide sternly walked over into the kitchen, and grabbed the house phone. She then called the police.
“Nine-one-one! What’s your emergency?” A voice greeted, on the other line.
“Hello, this is Ginger Eventide!” Mrs. Eventide informed. “My daughter Lizzy just ran off from our house, and… I… can’t find her! She keeps doing this, and I think it would be the best if when u do find her, she be placed in juvenile hall for a healthy period!”
“Ma’am we would need meer than what u have described to find your lost daughter, let alone place her in Juvenile Hall.” The officer informed.
“What if I told u that she carries a mes at all times, and is part of a gang called “Phallis file”, who are about strike?” Mrs. Eventide proposed.
“What proof do u have?” The cop asked.
“I heard her talking about it in her sleep, when I was trying to get the mes away from her.” Mrs. Eventide informed. “But I was unable to. She’s very unstable, and probably prone to do something drastic if one of us intervenes.”
“And where do u live?” The police-man questioned.
“17 Vinnie Grove, West side of Lexistropolis.” She answered.
“We will send officers tomorrow as early as we can. We apologize for the inconvenience. Goodnight.” The police officer hung up, and the two parents went back to their movie.
added by smartone123
Source: me :p
Everyone was starting to become just a bit curious of what the vial that Kyle was gegeven contained. However, everyone decided to hold off on investigating it just yet. Everyone was feeling just a bit tired from all of the events of the day; at least Kyle and Mancer did. While Mancer sat in one of the living room recliner chairs in Kyle's home, Kyle himself lie on the very soft and large divan, bank in the same room. Kyle still held the vial, and he began turning it in his hands above his face to observe it further.

"I still can't help but wonder what this vial is..." Kyle zei quietly as he continued...
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From the front window of his bedroom, a young male wolf mobian, nearing his days at collage, looked up to the sky. It was there that he saw a stream of lights. At first he thought these were stars. But red stars? In a swirling pool of energy? No. These were no stars. This was something much meer destructive.

Far from the planet that the boy looked from, the swirling red energy formed into a three-way battle between a dark red figure, a light red figure, and an average red figure. The glowing beings clashed at each other, kicking, clawing, punching, and blasting until the normal red...
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"This is great!" Death commentaar gegeven to her friend over the phone.
"Yes, its in the Savannah Musuem." (Sorry 4 spelling) she added hanging up.
"Tiana? Tiana!" Death yelled into the phone but of course, no answer.

"You idoit..." Death zei throwing the phone across the room. Death relied on Tiana to tell her information but without it, it was hopeless.
Death thought of her plan to steal the smaragd, emerald then decided to take her nap till midnight.


At midnight Death got her gear set up and left to the museam.
"I gotta have this emerald." Death told herself as she teleported to the museam.

She climbed into...
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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 16

Upon getting home, Kyle had just gone back to bed due to the fact that he needed sleep. He slept peacefully and quietly until the morning rolled around.

“Kyle? Dear, it’s time to get up,” His mother’s voice called through the bedroom door, followed door the door opening just slightly and revealing her gentle face. “You have school today, and I’m sure u would like to have plenty of time to get ready.”

Kyle stirred in his bed, awoken door the sound of his door opening and his mother’s voice. He slowly rolled over in his bed, turning to look at her in...
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added by MattTheLynxX
Source: Me
added by Jahrome141
added by stacycam
Source: me
added by blazeandarose
added by HannahStickles8
added by Lilly443
added by zelda4559
Source: me
posted by NailStrafer
I made an account a little while ago. Sorry to say I've lost track of time. It's been a busy few weeks between work and social commitments. But now I've finally got a bit of time to post one of my fan characters.

I have two major fan characters I use between roleplays and fanfiction. u could say they're like two sides of a coin, each reflecting a side of my personality. One of them is serious, and the other one is fun-loving. Giichi is the fun loving one.

If the backstory doesn't make much sense, it's because this version of Giichi is from Sonic Aftermath, an old Sonic roleplaying site I...
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added by HannahStickles8
Source: Me :D
added by DarkShades879
Source: Me
added by smartone123
Source: me
added by Bebythehedgehog
Source: me...and Crayola XD
added by DiamondShadow
Source: Me
posted by gyrothehedgehog
NAME: oranje the Hedgehog
POWERS: He can control fire, he can control ice, he can control electricity, he can control earth, he has super-speed, he can fly, he is super-strong and he is invincible
GIRLFRIENDS: Every girl in the series
LOOKS: An oranje hedgehog with black eyes
BACKSTORY: His hometown was destroyed door Eggman so now he wants revenge on him
SUPER FORM: His super form is darker oranje and he still has black eyes and ALL THE POWERS IN THE WORLD!!!OMG!!
HYPER FORM: His hyper form is exactly like his Super Form except he is neon orange
DARKSPINE FORM: His super form with white stripes and no pupils
DARK FORM: The same as his Darkspine form
WEREHOG FORM: He is exactly like Sonics’ except orange