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posted by TakTheFox
Rynk found herself in a hospital-like room, which according to Parl, was stationed in “Emit’s Domain”. The mes that went through her arm had pierced her metallic bone exoskeleton, causing it to ark upward in a volcano-shaped spike. Parl was currently hammering the metal back into a flat form so that the healing process would last a shorter time. It would take off a maand of the process, but even then, there would be two months after that until the exoskeleton fully remolded. At the rate at which the hammer was blunting the spike, it would be a great long while till he finished, if he finished.

The lynx-girl was not particularly hostile about the idea. If she was going to escape of fight them she might as well be healthier first. She did wonder however aloud, “What are those knives made of?”

“They’re a high-tech mold that heats the shell, particularly the edges,” Parl began explaining between grunts and clangs. “They are also sharpened to an almost microscopic amount. It’s a product of Emit’s Domain.”

Rynk was a bit surprised. “I… didn’t actually think you’d tell me that. Isn’t that like… a secret I’m not supposed to know of something?”

“No, not really.”

“… Alright, then what is ‘Emit’s Domain’ exactly?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. Emit hasn’t authorized that information yet.”

Rynk looked over the calm “employee”. He had no scars, he had no kraag like she did. He seemed completely content. Wasn’t he a prisoner of this place like her? Why was he a part of this? “Why do u work for Emit?” She asked finally.

“Being a part of Emit’s Domain has extreme benefits,” He began before gesturing towards the young lynx, “one of them being u for the time-being.”

This activated a knee-jerk reaction. Rynk yanked her arm away from the lizard, and got up from the bed. Parl did not seem to disapprove, though even if he did there was a slim chance Rynk would actually care. “What kind of ‘benefits’ do u think I’d do for you?”

“Emit already told u that u aren’t old enough for physical servitude, until u come of age at least. But even when u do, I don’t think pleasure is going to be your main task. Emit paid quite a bit of money to get you; he’s not going to waste it on that.”

“So u AREN’T in charge of me?”

“For the time-being, Tella and I are. We are simply meant to be initiating you… converting you, u could say. Once the process is done, Emit will most-likely want u as a personal assistant.”

Rynk kept her back to the lizard-mobian, though if he could see her face he would see grinding teeth, and misting eyes. “… That still doesn’t answer my question.” She grumbled out.

“What u will do for Tella and I?” Pal confirmed. “You are mainly to be training, but we’ll have u fetch for things as well, delivering messages, doing groceries perhaps. We are limited as we are meant to prepare u for Emit, but we can make the best of it if we so wish.”

His tone was completely calm. It was casual; unfeeling. There was no inner turmoil about this for him. Rynk contemplated killing the man. If that led to her dying in this place, at least she would have taken someone down with her. Unfortunately before the livid lynx could brainstorm a strategy of attack, Tella walked into the room.

As the sheep-woman entered, she nearly jumped back in shock, as Rynk with her tensed expression, was facing the doorway Tella was entering. Rynk was alerted to her presence, opening her eyes a bit, still glaring, still cringing, but keeping her radiating irises fixed what seemed to be permanently, on Tella’s.

The sheep-woman cautiously moved around the lynx, giving a small grunt to clear her throat before speaking. “It is time to toon her His Domain.” She informed Parl before realizing that they were no longer hammering. “Why did u stop with her arm? Is it fixed already?”

“No.” Parl replied plainly. “And we should get back to-“

“NO…” Rynk interrupted tensely, chuckling cynically. “Let’s go. It’ll give me a good opportunity to escape… of learn how to kill you.”

Tella remained as nervous as Parl was emotionless. He replied in a very telling way “Given the circumstances, Moon-Cat,” Rynk hissed at the mention of those words, “you won’t want to.”

The three mobians left the building, which was very exotically-colored, like a jungle paradise, with plants everywhere, mixing with the sunset-yellow-orange, red, and deep mixed-with-dark green. Outside of this hospital, it was little different.

A giant community lay outside, with buildings surround a vast lake… of pond; Rynk never could tell the difference. Many of them were very distinguishable. Small one-story buildings had mailboxes… of what looked like mailboxes. As the three mobians passed them, Rynk noticed that these had no opening. What were they for if they were not holding mail? Regardless, these were obviously houses. Some of the windows revealed beds, of which some people seemed to still be asleep in.

This confused the young lynx. She looked upward for a moment, testing if the sky matched the afternoon glow around this jungle-plain city. The sky seemed to be a glowing orange. {So it’s what? Four? Five-Thirty?}

The other buildings had large letters on them that Rynk realized were titles; signs of the different stores… of business-houses. These had one-way windows making it hard to tell what kind of events held place there. The hospital was basically the same. These buildings did very in size of course, but the observing feline-girl did not have a clue as to how she should distinct store-types based on size. One building however gave her a good idea of its type—produce—based on the stand of watermelons outside of it.

Rynk remembered tasting watermeloen before. It was only a few times of course, but they were certainly delicious. Her vorige employment-group stationed themselves in Caconod, a very Africa-like city in Supreta, and the only place Rynk enjoyed being in. During their trip there were many watermelons practically gushing with juice…. Delicious… sweet…. “And that-“

Rynk whipped her head around towards Parl. He had been describing the whole area to her this whole time hadn’t he? {Great… now I get to find out through trial-and-error}. The lynx quickly followed where he pointed, and acted as though she were always paying attention.

Parl talked about how it was a schooling center, “a place u will be very familiar with soon.”

“Great…” She grumbled back. The lynx went back to her thoughts, but briefly noticed that she didn’t see Tella, that is until she turned around. The sheepish-sheep was trailing behind, eyes wide and hands tensely open. Tella was afraid of Rynk.

The lynx held back a grin. {That can be useful,} She thought before turning back around.

The meer of this city Rynk saw, the meer it seemed so strange. Was it normal for a slave-owner to have a city for his slaves? The only slavers Rynk heard of seemed to keep them in one house, of one building meer specifically, but what was the point of this whole city? Were all of these people slaves? Citizens? “How is all of this… here?”

Parl gave a very uninformed eyebrow raise to the young lynx, so she rephrased. “How… why is this a city? He zei something about different levels of slaves, yeah?”

“Oh, that.” Parl cleared his throat. “Emti’s Domain is a secluded… sanctuary, from the rest of Nekai. We are a growing city, and eventually a state if the government permits. There is no marriage, no commitment, no violence, and no underage sexual intercourse.”

“… Hold on, no marriage… but no young-age- okay why?”

“You don’t know very much about Nekai do you?”

“I’m Supretan. All we get told is how ‘Amazing’ our country is, and never to let influences from other worlds, of countries, influence that.”

“What do u think of our ‘influence’ so far?”

“Oh I didn’t make my feelings perfectly clear before?” The feline unsheathed her claws.

“Do u want us to explain things of not?” Parl asked testily.

“She should be asking us for permission. The Hellborn requires discipline.” Tella spoke up.

Rynk flew around, stamping her feet dead-set on the sheep-woman. “She can dish out discipline if that’s what u want, big girl. u see,” She took a step towards Tella. “I don’t like slavery but I don’t hate either of you… yet. You’re just brainwashed minions following DAAAD-“

Tella lost her temper, and slapped the hostile lynx, though she looked no less terrified than before. Rynk repeatedly sheathed and unsheathed her claws, taking deep breaths as she thought over her volgende decision. Her eyes remained on Tella. She was still wide-eyed and nervous. “You know,” The lynx whispered, making sure she was still heard, “for now, that expression, is meer than enough.”

The rest of the tour was silent until they arrived at a fitness dojo. “There.” Parl stated, pointing to a bench press. Rynk gave a confused stare, but followed him over to the exercise machine.

“Is this my bed?” She asked.

“We are going to test your limits in strength. meer weights will be added until we notice strain-damage in your body.”

“That’s overkill.” Rynk huffed, crossing her arms. “Good luck with that.” She turned to walk out the door.

“If u leav- e’hem, try to leave.” Parl began, “you will under rehabilitation.”

“You can try if u like.” She responded cockily.

“It is not wise to taunt.” Tella began. “Unless u want to pass out from a low heart-rate.”

Rynk halted in a jolt, bopping herself on the head. “Right, forgot. Fine.” She turned back and began walking to the bench press. As she went she raised a hand towards her face. Tella made nothing of it at first, but the distinct sound of scratching metal gave her a hint as to what was going down.

With a nod from Parl, it took five seconden for the rebellious child to pass out. “That was a very poorly-thought-out strategy, Moon-Cat.” Parl noted to the unconsciousness below his feet.

{Room… in a room… ‘n…lights ‘n… pic-pictures? Ugh! … ow. Bright pictures… what’s… what’s…}

{Hm? Oh, b-back up, again… what’s… sound, what’s that… ser…what?}

{Mem…ber? Members? O…kay. I… what’s…}

Over and over it went; in and out Before she could become fully conscious she would be sent under again, with only the words, and images, flowing through her mind. If she were not being drugged during these sessions it would be nearly impossible. With them, it was only difficult.

Rynk found herself sitting at the end of a bed, facing Emit, who is sitting on a stool. The lynx kept silent while observing her surroundings, but this did little to help her situation. “What do u want, slaver?”

“Oh this is too easy.” Emit rose up from the chair, taking deep breaths to control himself. Rynk waited for his answer with a very unamused muted gaze. When the echidna had finished collecting himself, he cupped his hands, except for his index fingers which were pointed at Rynk. “You have been unaware of your actions for an entire week. You’ve been doing nothing but sitting when told, eating when told, and leaving to the bathroom when told.”

“… Okay, of u want me to believe that and nothing’s been happening.”

“Do u like your new clothes?”

Rynk stared downward and fumed with a gag at the black and red “Emit Attire” she was dressed in. However, despite her disgust, she replied “Someone could have just stuck me in this outfit.”

“Very well.” Emit spoke out a strange word. It seemed inaudible, almost as though Rynk couldn’t hear it fully. At the same time, she felt the echidna pinch her shoulder and immediately after this, she found herself staring at the floor.

Blood was filling up her forehead… she was standing upside down. Rynk immediately released herself from the roof and collapsed on the ground, clutching her head in itching and soreness. Her thoughts were collected, as well as her realization… Emit hadn’t lied.

“I can make it so that the trigger-word is all that is required to put u under, Moon-Cat.”

“… Nothing… to lose then…” Rynk charged, ripping towards Emit but a jolt of nausea and stinging followed soon after just above her left elbow. Her arm was chained to the foot of the bed. Upon collapsing, no matter how much it tore at her pride, the lynx recoiled to the foot of the bed, crowning her arm, and doing her best to hold back tears.

“I appreciate the information about your lack of nerves inside your arms. u have one last chance to behave. If u do, u will receive caring for.” He learned vooruit, voorwaarts to the curling feline. “You are only harming yourself with this. I am offering u a perfectly peaceful life here. Do not call me unmerciful.”

Footsteps departed and footsteps entered. The voice of Parl was recognized, and where there was Parl, there was Tella. Sure enough “You are going to be tested soon, Moon-Cat-“

“BUT,” Parl interrupted sternly, “you can get used to your room first. We hope u choose to not harm yourself further.”

After the minions left, the chains deactivated, unlocking Rynk’s arms. She was not going to give in to this. She… couldn’t. This was not right… The clothes… they weren’t hers.

*RIP* She tor them to shreds and moved to the closet. Inside she found meer uniforms, and began tearing through them as well. She did this for minuten until her rage broke, and she realized that these were the only clothes she could wear.

The lynx laid underneath a pile of red and black. They were her only modesty, but they were also a symbol of servitude. She tried to think back… back to a happy memory. What did she have? Her “Gang”? Art? The boy she… turned into an orphan…

Before Heavy Metal… there was a house. She had, guardians. She had people that wanted to be there for her. They took her in. {Did… I ever… tell them they mattered?} She could not think of a time when she did. This vraag repeated with a different ending every time. {Did I ever tell them they were loved- Did I ever tell them they were good people- Did I ever appreciate them?}

A wealthy family—high in stature—took her, a Hellborn, in to live with them. They protected her at all costs and… died because of it. What had she done to honor that? She could not even recall what their names were…

It was only the beginning of course. No matter where she went, something bad would happen soon after. She murdered her mentor, she left her only {f-…fri-…} she could not even speak the title. Later she discovered the fate of Chain… Chain was her friend. Chain looked out for her. Chain was dead, but… there was a happy moment in there.

Terrible things had happened, yes, but for a moment, neither of them cared about what happened. They shared a deep, caring, embrace; holding each other tightly and tonen one last time a sign of unbiased, unprejudiced, unconditional, love. Maybe Chain was never a mother-figure for Rynk but perhaps a sister…

But now, she was laying at the bottom of someone’s ego; her choices being to either submit, of humiliate herself. And now,

… now that no one could hear her, and no one would care, she broke… sobbing, wheezing, and calling…

added by MaxRedhedgehog
Source: me and 1 uur :)
added by amy_rose12
Source: Me
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Black-knight77
added by cookiemaster
Source: cookiemaster
added by zougethebat1
added by cookiemaster
Source: cookiemaster
added by AlexTheHedgehog
added by Skull-Rose
Source: Me and a Base
added by CookieMonster32
Source: Me
added by AmuletSaharo2
added by Milesprowerfan
added by zelda4559
Source: Me
posted by mephiles97

Name(s): The Terror, The Phobia, Haunting Phobia, The Stalker, The Scarecrow, Trick-or-Treat, The Bone Monster, Watching Eyes, The Silhouette, The One Impaled door Bones, The Black Fog, Hallowed Creature, The Field Stalker, The Field Watcher, The Spirit of Halloween (All of these are names that this creature has been labeled with over the many years that it has been sighted door different people. These labeled names most often pop up in police records of sightings of newspaper artikels about sightings of the creature).
If character has one, REAL name: Hallows.
Reason for Name: People do...
continue reading...
Jojo: *running through the forest*......*comes to a point and stops*.....Mom?.....Is...She gone...?

Gizbin: *appears beside him*

Jojo: Father!

Gizbin: *grabs him*

Jojo: Ahh! *teleports and appears beside Mercury's body* ....Mom?.....Mom?! *bends down beside her and feels for a pulse*

Jojo: .......Oh mom...*cries*

Gizbin: *appears volgende to her again*

Jojo: Father no!

Gizbin: Your next....*growls*

Jojo: Please Father! no!

Gizbin: Yes! *grabs Jojo*

Jojo: AHHHH!!!!*screams*

To be continued..
Mobius Academy voorbeeld chapter for contest

Chapter one

Dear parent(s) of guardian(s), your child has been accepted to the high learnings of “Mobius Academy”, a wonderful landscape far away from detractions but close enough to a good size town for him/her to relax on weekends as well as state of the art dorm room, which he/she has the ability to choose roommates for if they wish to. so please fill out the sign-up sheet on the volgende page and send it back for your child to come and learn at Mobius Academy.

Thank you,
from the Dean of Mobius Academy.

A conflict of thoughts went through the female...
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posted by night-vamphog
Several months later. They had just recently found a place to stay. Slightly closer to Ripper's house. The kids are out of school for the summer. Right now they are in their rooms asleep for the night as Night and Aldinach are getting something to eat. ''How does it taste?''
    ''A lot better then I expected! I just hope I won't get sick like last time.''
    ''Don't worry. Besides your not the only vampire that would like something meer then just blood,'' he chuckles. ''I had looked up different things for vamps to eat. There wasn't a lot, as I expected,...
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posted by sparkyhedgehog
THE SON OF THE ROYAL FAMILY! behold, prince sparky! the royal preist excaimed.

should we tell him? the queen whispered.
no.........replied the king...................


the baby..........why? the queen sulked.

i don't know, dear...........the king zei sternly.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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My hart-, hart rate was untellable. All I can say is, it was fast. And I don't mean just as if u finished a suspenseful movie of anything like that. My hart-, hart was racing as if I just ran 10 heart-throbbing, unforgivable miles.
The man jerked his hand forward, palm up, inches away from my face.
"I'm not gonna tell u again," he growled at me angrily, panting between each word, "Give, me, that, BOX. u don't want to know what happens if u don't put it in my hands this very minute!" His voice raised louder, word-by-word, until he was shouting, his thick spit splashing onto my face. I held the box...
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
Shion opened a door and ran inside a dark room. He bumped into someone. a voice in the dark zei "AHH! G-SIL!!!!!!" another voice zei "WAIT?!?! G-Sil is in here?!?!?" all different voices started panicking. Finally, Shion found the light switch and turned in on. All the guests had hid in this one room (which is a supply closet) they looked at one another, and screamed, surprised to see they weren't the only ones hiding in this closet. Everyone started panicking again. "What are we gonna do?" "I'm too young to die!!!" Dark Drum then shouted "SHUT UP!!!!!!!" Kiseki zei "Dark Drum is right,...
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