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Total Drama Island Vraag


Do u know anybody with a name from tdi?!? Heres my lijst of people:

My friend-Tyler

My friend-Courtney

My friend-Bridgette

My friend-Trent

My friend-Katie

My friend-Izzy (her real name is isabell but she likes the name izzy so we call her that)

My vrienden dog-Sierra

My 4th grade Teachers dog-Sadie

My BFF's teacher-Lindsay

Me and my bff's friend-Heahter



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Also my X-BF was named Justin
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And a guy in my tennis class named andrew is 15 and he likes to be called alejandro
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Total Drama Island Antwoorden

TDIlover226 said:
I've known Two Tylers ._.
I've known a Duncan [My sister dated him], a Sadie, and a Cody.
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taytrain97 said:
Heather was a new girl at school that left again throughout the middle fo the jaar (I think),
Lindsay is a jerk at my school,
Izzy is another jerk at my school,
Courtney is my friend's older sister,
Cody is a "rebel" at my school,
Noah (unfortunately) is a jerk at my school T_T
Beth is a weird girl who thinks I'm her friend when really I've told her several times to stop following me,
Sadie is my high school friend's mean friend,
Katie...there's always a Katie at my school,
Trent is a really nice guy who had gone to our school before but left for two years an then came back,
Chris is a racist jerk who happens to be my worst enemy at school,
and Tyler is a weird guy at my school who's really impulsive.
That's 12 people. -.-
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Fangirl99 said:
my best vrienden dog is named sadie.
my mom's friend is named beth.(that ive met)
another friend of my moms is birdgette.(that i've met.)
my neighbor is also Bridgette.
there is a guy named alejandro at my school (but he goes door Alex)
owen is the name of someone is my school.
i have a cousin named lindsay
i know someone named chris
i know a girl named isabella,but some kids call her izzy.

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TDIfangirl said:
I've heard of a Heather,
Knew two Lindsays
My cousin's name is Justin
Had a friend named Cody
I was in a class with an Alejandro (he went door Alex), but got moved out before I could get to know him.
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brittnw15 said:
Lindsay is one of my friends
Sierra is also a friend
Cody is a weird pyscho at my school
Tyler was a guy i had a crush on
Beth is one of my crazy friends
heather is a witch
I wish I knew a Noah
Bridgette is another witch
Dj is a thug
Justin is a short wanna be thug
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Oh and I know two Chris'. Theyare both football players
brittnw15 posted een jaar geleden
angelchamp3 said:
My friend- Trent (he's canadian and he's 16)

My cousins- Noah.He's 5

My friend- Tyler.

My friend- Gwen(real name Gwyneth)

My friend-Geoff

My cousin-Bridgette

My friend's dog-Courtney

The kid that had a crush on me for 3 years-Duncan
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dxcfan said:
My Brother's girlfriend-Heather

My vrienden sister-Bridgett

My cousin's wife-Courtney(actually it spelled Courtnee but u get the idea)

My mom's friend- Duncan

My old friend-Tyler(But I call him TJ)

And that's it!!!
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DuncansMyLuv14 said:
There's a Heather in my gym class. Fortunately, she's VERY nice. ^^
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BridgexJordan said:
a girl in my class: Courtney
A boy in my class: Cody
my mom's firend firend's kid: Noah
My friend: Chris
The person who meakes my food at a resteronut: Chef
my sister's friend: Sadie

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tdafan121 said:
Well, there's a 9th grader named Gwen, a 7th grader named Bridget, dozens of kids named Chris, I have a friend named Katie, there's a weird kid who ran for class president named Justin, another weird kid named Cody, my 7-year-old neighbor is named Isabel but likes to be called Izzy, there's a girl in my school named Lindsay, several Tylers, oh, and I have a friend named Mary Beth and a band teacher named Beth. Oh, and also there used to be this really really mean girl named Courtney in my school. I was vrienden with her in 1st grade, but then I have no idea what happened to her...
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Oh, and I know several other Katie's and there's one girl in a little Brownie Girl Scout troop with a 2-year-old brother named Trent (although my weird friend calls him Justin XD)
tdafan121 posted een jaar geleden
xxXsk8trXxx said:
I know a theater person named Noah
I know an an absolute JERK named Izzy (:'[)
I know an absolute dumb populair person named Lindsay (coincidence much?)
I know a dumb skater named Duncan
One of my friend's names is Katie
I know a lacrosse player at my school named Chris
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