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Vampires Vraag

What is the garlic myth supposed to base on?

As in - why should vampires (and witches) be afraid / negatively affected door garlic?

Well, sure it isn't the most pleasent thing to cut a sit makes u weep and it doesn't smell that good unless u cook it (for some people not even then), but what on earth is supposed to be THAT bad about it to vampires? :D

Though, I think the garlic myth is an addition door Hollywood and not one of the originals. But nevertheless I assume there is some sort of a reason behind it?
 bendaimmortal posted een jaar geleden
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Vampires Antwoorden

Myf_1992 said:
I found this answer on yahoo answers;

Garlic is another ancient method of fending off evil spirits. Garlic has been used in cultures throughout the world as a healing medicine and natural vitamin. It was thought to have a purification principle much like the metal Silver. People would hang it outside their doorways to keep evil spirits from entering their homes. The ancient societies got a little carried away with Garlic condemning anyone who had an aversion to garlic as a vampire. Garlic was also passed out during church ceremonies so that church official could be sure that no evil spirits were attending. THE MYTH Vampire myths go back thousands of years and occur in almost every culture around the world. Their variety is almost endless; from red eyed monsters with green of roze hair in China to the Greek Lamia which has the upper body of a woman and the lower body of a winged serpent; from vampire foxes in Japan to a head with trailing entrails known as the Penanggalang in Malaysia.

hope this helps =D
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posted een jaar geleden 
there were meer antwoorden on the page but that was the best one, if u want to read meer here's the link; link
Myf_1992 posted een jaar geleden
Thank you. I think that already pretty much covered it. Makes perfect sense.
bendaimmortal posted een jaar geleden
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