Windwakerguy430 Club
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Customer: (In a small corner store, and picks up a Munch bar)
Cashier: Oh, those are pretty popular
Customer: I know
(A black car pulls up to the store)
Cashier: Now I wonder what that is?
(A strange black object gets thrown out the car)
Customer: BOMB! (Everyone in the store sucks, only for the object to be a rock with a letter) (The customer gets up) Oh, it’s just a rock (Pulls at the rock, only for blue paint to explode in his face) AHH!
Cashier: (Reads the letter) “It will get worse if u continue to sell Munch Bars”.

News Anchor: An attack on Eastwood’s local corner store today. Could this be terrorism- Yes….. Coming up next, unplanned pregnancy, when we return.

(Wind and the class sit in their classroom)
Hannah: So… did u guys watch the news
(No one answers)
Hannah: u know… That person the news has deemed as a terrorist that attacked that corner store?
(No one answers)
Hannah: Personally, I think the Chocolate Crusader is a better name
Wind: Hannah, we all know u did it
Hannah: What makes u think it was me
Wind: Well, for starters, if it was a terrorist, there would be a lot meer dead people, and u only minorly assaulted a man with that paint. Plus, you’re the only one here that’s an activist and willing to fight against a major company that makes millions of dollars, despite the fact that they did make that baby food that killed babies.
Hannah: That’s just it. If I don’t fight them, who will?
Wind: No one, like it’s been for years and will continue to be. Why can’t u just accept that big business, no matter how much of an asshole they are, are always going to be around.
Hannah: I will not accept it
Wind: And this is why talking to u is a difficult task
Hannah: You’ll see. I’ll make sure that this company stops, one way of another
Wind: That’s what the blacks said, and I still don’t see them having their equal rights
Hannah: (Groans in annoyance and walks out)

Hannah: (Holds up a sign saying “Munch Kills Trees”)

Hannah: (Holds up a sign saying “Munch Kills Animal’s Homes”)

Hannah: (Holds up a sign saying “Munch Kills Children (Not Proven False Yet)) This isn’t working. I guess the only way to make a good protest for peace is with lots and lots of violence

Hannah: (Throws a rock through a store window with a similar note on it)

Hannah: (Spray paints “Munch Kills” on the uithangbord of a store)

Hannah: (Sets brand to several different advertisements around town)

News Anchor: It seems the Candy Terrorist has struck again. We don’t know who this person, but we suspect their Muslim. Coming up next, marijuana gives cancer and ONLY cancer, when we return.

Hannah: (At school) So, guys, what do u think of my handy work
Wind: Yeah, that handy work of yours would be good… If people didn’t start buying meer Munch bars
Hannah: What?!
Wind: Yeah, all of that stuff u were showing? That was basically advertising to tell people to buy meer candy
Hannah: B-but I spent an entire week spray painting walls and burning stores just to get my point across
Wind: Well, guess you’re protest went wrong. You’re only other options is to be a starving African child to get people to feel like shit and listen, of go to Nistel themselves to make them stop
Hannah: ….. You’re right. I should go to Nistel and make them stop
Wind: Well, good luck with that. Their headquarters are all the way in a different state
Hannah: For the sake of the world and it’s beauty, I’ll do it (Runs out of the room)

Hannah: (Arrives in the city of New York, in front of the Nistel headquarters)
Nistel President: We’ve already cut down thirteen forests for our products, and have fifteen slave ranches in Africa creating our other products
(The workers shake their heads in disapproval)
Nistel President: But we can cut down meer forests and buy meer slave ranches
(The workers cheer with agreement)
Hannah: (Opens the door) Hold it right there
Nistel President: What the- Who let a girl in?
(20 minuten Ago)
Security Guard: (Stands in front of the door)
Hannah: (Throws a rock at his feet)
Security Guard: Ha, is that supposed to be a bomb-
(Hannah throws a rock at his head, knocking him out)
(Present Time)
Hannah: I want u to stop with the Munch bars
Nistel President: Sorry, no can do. Thanks to the Candy Terrorist, our sales in Munch Bars have skyrocketed. We’re making a killing out of these things
Hannah: u can’t keep killing forests for these products
Nistel President: Yeah, we can. It’s what rich assholes like us do. We made food that killed babies and we’re still richer than most of this country. Now, I need u to leave (Calls for security)
(The guards grab Hannah)
Hannah: u haven’t seen the last of me, I tell you!

Hannah: (Walking down school hall) I can’t believe they called the school to bring me back here. How am I supposed to keep my promise of them about not seeing the last of me if I’m not in New York (Opens the door, seeing everyone eating Munch bars)
Wind: Oh, you’re back. Was I right about not being able to do anything
Hannah: What are u all doing
Wind: Well, Munch bars have become the most successful candy bar in the world and it looks like they’re never going away. They taste like shit and dead forest animals, but apparently, advertising is all that matters.
Hannah: ………. (Sighs, and eats one of the Munch bars)
posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: ………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………….…..………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………………………...………………………………………………...
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Hello, everyone. My name is Robert C. Ockstain, and I have a something to tell all of you. Today, a group of people were shot up in the subway with an assault rifle. I mean, sure, the geweer-, geweer was a watergun, and sure, everyone was enjoying themselves until the police came and shot the man. And sure, the man did throw down his gun and the police waited twenty seconden before opening brand onto the man, but this is all because the man in the subway was a psychotic asshole who deserved every bullet he had gotten. And what caused this man to go onto his killing spree that the police heroically prevented?...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: erhedfggh
 Merry Christmas! Almost! LMAO
Merry Christmas! Almost! LMAO
(♫Christmas tiiiiiime is heeeere, selfishneeeees, and queeeers! :D♫)


Windwakerguy430. One of my best vrienden on here, even if I haven't known him for the LONGEST time. He's a fellow artikel creator who's pretty much ALWAYS on schedule, and has already made meer artikels than I'll probably EVER create.

And even if they aren't all perfect, there's plenty of good ones to go around, case in point, this article.

I'll be listing off my top, boven 5 favoriete artikels from Windwakerguy430, in which we'll examine the best of his best and see which ones are REALLY worth checking...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

After losing both his wife and daughter in an unknown accident, Jason Abrams was trying to get away from his old life, not wanting to think of what had happened to them. However, after his car breaks down in a nearby town in the middle of winter, he is forced to stop there for the night. However, after exploring the town for a bit, he finds that it is completely empty. Only after meeting a resident with scars all over his body does he find out that he is stuck in the town of Snowkeep, a long abandoned coal mining city that was zei to be the cause of a freak accident. As Jason investigates...
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With the announcement of Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps coming, I am sure all of us Resident Evil players had the same reaction of “ ……… meh”. After the disasters that was Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Resident Evil 6, that piece of shit Resident Evil 5, and Resident Evil: Reve- Well, okay, Revelations was pretty good- There hasn’t been much good Resident Evil games lately. So much in fact, that it made me want to play a good Resident Evil game… And what better one to play than the one that has been deemed the best in the series, and for good reason, Resident Evil 4. More...
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Back when I was in middle school, I wasn’t known for having a whole lot of vrienden my own age. It’s not like I had no vrienden in general around that time, it’s just that I didn’t have as much as most kids my age did. I was mostly friendly with the teachers, however. I was always able to respect them and they respected me. I remember always visiting my old elementary school on the last Friday of each month. These teachers were just so friendly, and I could tell they were all happy to see me. However, there were a few times when I ran into a teacher that was…. not so happy to see me....
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During my parent's temporary split-up, I was living with my mother at her grandmother’s house. The reason for this is because my dad lived in Middletown. And OH BOY, let me tell you, there is no worse place to live in in the south-eastern side of this Ohio than Middletown. The town was always dirty, there were decrepit neighborhoods everywhere. Gang members were always driving around, prostitutes would come out on the evening like Happy uur for HIV carriers, and there was at least one gun fired a day. Hell, one gun brand was a good dag in Middletown, because you’ll realize that the hospital...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (Walking down hall when a girl bumps into him) Damn it, what where you’re going
Girl: u watch where you’re going
Wind: ……. Who are u anyway
Girl: I am Amanda. I am the leader of the book club-
Wind: Stopped caring (Starts walking off)
Amanda: Hey, what do u say we ditch class and have some fun
Wind: u had me at ditch class
(Later, at a bowling alley)
Wind: So, when does the fun start
Amanda: Oh, silly. It started hours geleden
Wind: Oh… (Sarcastic) Guess I missed that part
Amanda: Hey, can I ask u a favor
Wind: If I say no, will you-
Amanda: Great, I need u to do something...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Running from Chicacolt to San Franciscolt is a railroad called the Union Pacific. It's the largest railroad in the United States, and is run door thousands of ponies. This is the story of some of those ponies that run the rails, aka railroading.

Episode 1: New worker

Cheyenne, July 26, 1950

Coffee Creme: *walking on platform*
Orion: Hey, are u the new brand mare?
Coffee Creme: Yes.
Orion: Alright, you're working with another pony on that passenger train. You're going to Las Pegasus. Good luck on your first day.
Coffee Creme: Thanks *walks to engine*
Hawkeye: Hi, u must be my new brand mare....
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Rebecca: (On roof with Chuck) Okay, now, lets go over it again. Who are we looking for
Chuck: TK
Rebecca: And why are we looking for him
Chuck: To prove to the world he was the one who started the outbreak
Rebecca: Good. Now, do not forg- (One uur later)
Chuck: So, who are we looking for
Rebecca: I thought I told u not to- (Sees helicopter) There he is
Chuck: Ah ha. I see him. We better go stop him, huh
Rebecca: What;s this we stuff. Your going to fight him, and I'm gonna watch
Chuck: Your always so helpful (Smiles)
Chuck (In elevator with Rebecca) Get behind me (Elevator door opens to see...
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Hello, everyone. And, I give u the last of my rants, for now at least. But, for now, lets go over the third rant of things that bug me in this world.

Bed Bugs - Yet another one of God’s mistakes. Though, unlike birds, these fucking things just don’t know when to fuck off. These things have no purpose to exist other than to suck your blood and invade your home. It’s as if they’re a bunch of aliens from outer space stealing your blood to use for testing… but, that’s a little too much. But, seriously, they come into your house, drink your blood, and leave the ugliest set of marks...
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posted by Canada24
Rick and Shane took an hogtied Randell with them to on thir trip that ended up taking them to an abandoned Public Works Station, 18 miles away from the the farm house.

At one point Randell admitted that he went to school with Maggie.

Shane snapped and punched him square in the nose.

"Oh, was that your nose? Cause I'm pretty sure that was your nose?" Shane mocked.

"Your crazy!" Randell cried.

"I'm not crazy! (takes out his classic pistol and points it at Randell) THIS IS CRAZY!" Shane screamed, as his eyes twitched from his growing insanity.

Rick, seeing the kids fear, insured Randell that Shane wasn't...
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Today, we will be talking about Tro------ Sorry, Tro--------- Ahem..... We'll be looking at Trolls, OH!!! So, before lets look at the Trolls history.
Back then, trolls were everywhere. However, there wasn't a picture at all of what a Troll looked like. So, when a Deviant Art user made this, it soon got famous. However, the Trollface didn't truly become famous until a comic titles Cool Face was created. Since then, this face has been the Trolls trademark.
A Troll face is usually used to toon a character who gets enjoyment out of annoying others. It has been used in many Rage Comics and has even gone to us cartoon and movie characters.
Now, for the final score. The final score for Trollface is a Fail. Honestly. It's a Troll Trademark. What were u guys expecting. With that I will see u all volgende time
Now here is a fanfiction that is able to fuck it up, when they thought we could actually catch a fucking break. The fanfic is known as wolk Mows the Lawn.
This is a fanfiction based off Final Fantasy 7. And if u know me, you'd know that Final Fantasy 7 is one of my favoriete games of all time, so how could they fuck this fanfic up. Oh, trust me, you'll find out in just a minute. So, it starts with wolk mowing the lawn and Tifa watching. Apparently, they married after the events of FF7, which is odd, because I thought Aries was Clouds loves interest.
So, Tifa keeps talking about wolk looking...
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#200: Beginner Race (Marble Madness)

#199: Peril (Halo 2)

#198: Dart’s Theme (Legend of Dragoon)

#197: The Wind is Calling (Xenogears)

#196: Into the Wilderness (Wild Arms)

#195: Gangster TV (Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko)

#194: Go Straight (Streets of Rage)

#193: Staff Roll (Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins)

#192: Boss Theme (Rocket Knight Adventures)

#191: wieg (Goldeneye 007)

#190: Radical Highway Classic (Sonic Generations 3DS)

#189: Mute City (F-Zero)

#188: Conclusion (Guilty Gear)

#187: N. Sanity strand (Crash Bandicoot)

#186: Soviet Connection...
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u know what I can’t fucking stand? All these Jeff the Killer ripoffs. Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jenn the Killer, Jenny the Killer. Killer this. Killer that. ARE u FUCKING KIDDING?! What is it with the emotional teenage girls liking this pathetic little teef of a serial killer. He’s not even attractive, unless u find someone who just got done tounging a weedwhacker attractive. And his story is fucking awful, so why do people like this pale little shit so much to the point where there are ripoffs. And no, the ripoffs are just as bad. A perfect example is this one I am reading...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - regenboog Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland toon - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - appeldrank, applejack

Now, let's begin. regenboog Dash was with Fluttershy in a parking lot full of Buicks.

Rainbow Dash: Now, what have we learned?
Fluttershy: Nothing.
Rainbow Dash: No! We learned something.
Fluttershy: Lots of control.
Rainbow Dash: Good.
Fluttershy: Screaming, and hollering.
Rainbow Dash: Yes, and most importantly...
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So, there is only one last Bong Chong Dong story. The last one. Will this one be better than the first, of will it be just as bad as the second. Only one way to find out.
So, this story starts with the girl from the first story… u know… That girl from the first story. So, she is on a bus, in what has to be the reddest tunnel in existence. I mean, seriously, why is there so much red in one tunnel. Is this some sort of Korean belief I don’t know about. I don’t know.
So, the girl falls asleep, only to wake up, to see that everyone else is asleep. Yeah, because, red is such an amazing sleeping...
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Well, this one has been on the chopping block for a while, and, since its October, and since this anime is kind of a horror anime (Thought, that's debatable) I think now is the best time to talk about the anime, Highschool of the Dead.
Now, this is the first anime that has zombies in it. Now, I love anything with zombies, from games, like Left 4 Dead, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and Dead Rising, films like Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, and Land of the Dead, and televisie shows like The Walking Dead........ Okay, so thats the only toon I know that has zombies in it. But, when I heard there was...
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