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That's all guys. Thanks, and please, spread this out., which is directly linked to Paul's site, is totally MESSING IT UP.

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People, like me, who are (was) still thinking that on 21st I would be holding my ticket, what I can do now is....wel I don't know. It would be great whether this information reaches Paul's Staff of whoever at least in order to make them demand some explanation for such a tota mess, incompetence and lack of respect with Paul's fan. I still cannot believe I am holding my ticket. geplaatst een jaar geleden
However, with no comunication at all, the agency suddenly decided to sell the tickets yesterday, and guess what, they are SOLD OUT. So what I am trying to say is that the process of selling tickets for this toon is a total disaster. geplaatst een jaar geleden
Dear all. My name is Jean Pierre and I would really like to post something concerning Paul Maccartney toon in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
The selling agency, called, has geplaatst on its site that it will be starting to sell tickets on October 15th for people holding certain credit cards (what is already rediculous in my oppinion), and on 21st would be starting selling tickets for public in general. geplaatst een jaar geleden