Erik Steele

He took me on a magical flight.
We flew around under the stars,
We could do anything; the night was ours.
I fell for him right there on that magic carpet.
I know this is a feeling I will never forget.
I finally found a handsome Prince.
Now everything in my life makes sense.
With him is where I belong.
I know what I’m feeling isn’t wrong.
I want to be with him for always.
When I’m with him I’m in a daze.
My future is beginning to unfurl,
All because he introduced me to a whole new world.

Aladdin 3477 - Coming Soon!

Aladdin 3477 - Now in production!

i love u everyone at reads it because u are so cool about me at u are so cool at i want to zei at aldan sukcs ok so did u like me hell no i do not like everyone ho read it to u slef because i hate u so much alddin the moive rocks like u to so who reads it dose not mater to me but i in love with my dog so do not tell alex me and her are written a boeken it is about scooby doo meat the beatles it going to be the best book at i ever read it because it is going to have a monster in it
