anodite's Anodites RP

tinaloo posted on Apr 29, 2012 at 01:09AM
you can be anodite ( if you want )
Have any oc
Any aliens you want
any wactch you want

1: please limited charocters to 6 cause affter that its hard to keep up

2: you may cuss

3: keep it pg-13 leveled

4: no killing other peoples charocters ( unless its ok with them)

5: dont copy other peoples charocters
have fun ^-^

Alien: ( what ever you are )

PS: you dont have to be a alien if you dont want to. and you can bring charocters from other shows, movies ,ect

last edited on Apr 29, 2012 at 01:14AM

anodite's 32 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
( i'll go first )

Name: Jen teenyson
Age: 14
Alien: anodite and humman
Powers: anodite abilites , magic , ultimatrix , dark anodite powers

Name: Jack stone
Age: unkown
Alien: ( like kevin)
Powers: absorbs stuff
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
Jen: *floating* so I'm up for pizza
Jack: me to cuz
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
Jen: *goes and orders some pizza*
een jaar geleden bobbyanodite said…
name: Victor
alien: 1/2anodite,1/2 human
powers: mana manipulation, all other anodite power, universal mana,and magic.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
Jen: *bumps into victor* oops sorry
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
big smile
Name: Lee Underwood
Age: He doesn't like to say it! A hint, His a full master anodite[It takes 70 years to master]
Alien: Anodite
Mana Manipulation
Limited Reality Warping
Mana Absorption
Space Survivability
Size Changing
Physic Abilities
Portal Creation
Heat Vision
Living Being Sensing
Object Creation
Object Dissipation
Healing living things
Spell Casting
Healing Abilities
[Abilities shown in the official Ben 10 wiki...) link
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
I was in space. Should I go to Earth or Mars? A mini meteor hit my head and I fell into Earth. I could see two anodites. My powers told me their name were Victor and Jen...
[Im blue by the way:D]
"Atherius Expectorium Perpetua!" I screamed and a tornado appeared and grabbed me. I landed were the anodites were.
"Um, Hi..." I said.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
Jen turned to lee senceing Mana "Hi" she said while smiling "your Lee right?"
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Yes, you must be Jen, right?" I asked Jen. "I've heard of you in Anodyne... It is nice to meet you." I smiled at Jen. "And you must be Victor?" It is an anodize thing knowing names, even if you don't know the anodite.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
She smiles "yeah, that's me. You Probobly know my brother Ben as well"
Victor nods at Lee "yeah I'm Victor"
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"It is good to meet you..." I said. I got hungry and imagined a pizza in my hands. I pizza soon appeared in a blue light. "If you don't mind if I eat this...I heard in Anodyne that Earth make the best food in the galaxy..." When I finished the pizza I said " Should I change to a human form?"
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
( hey I'm adding Me ((Ana)) )

I nod "you should Probobly make a human body, there's people hear who arnt fond of Aliens" I smile slightly while sighing "you guys wouldn't know much about me....." I say while looking at Jen "well except for Jen but" I turn back to Leo "I'm Ana Princess of Anodyne"

Jen nodded "I'm her best freind and Ben to" she smirks "We're dark Anodites"
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
I changed into human form, "Who wouldn't recognise the princess of Anodyne? Is a pleasure to meet you" We should hang out sometimes... and practice our powers in an abandon planet or something..." I finished my pizza. "Humans know the existing of aliens and they dont do nothing?" I asked them.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I nod my head "that would be nice" I say smiling "as for humans....they try to experiment on aliens..."
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Well, is not like aliens don't experiment on humans..." I said smiling. "So, wanna do something?"
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
i shrug "sure" i smile and fly up with a grin "have anything in mind"
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Well, I do like to fight bad aliens..." I said. I like that kind of stuffs...
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
"Okay" I nod "there should be bad aliens everywhere so they won't be hard to find" I say flying up
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
*start flying
We flied like two minutes, then we saw an elephant. I think its the alien elephant that likes peanuts. He was destroying everything he saw. "Tempestus Impaetus!" and a lighting strike the alien.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
"Tempestus Erectum" I say as I generated a giant blast of wind that hit the elephant
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Great! Tempestus!" and a wave of water landed on the elephant. "This is really fun!!!"
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I nod "it sure is" I say while snapping my fingers and The elephant was put into a mana orb.
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Merchcus Veridactus!" I said and a beam appeared and destroyed the elephant. ''Want to go to an orbit?" I ask. "It'll be good to train there.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I nod "sounds good to me" I say while smirking
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Good, so lets go!" Lee said with a smile. He started flying.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I smile back while flying next to Lee
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
I turned to my real form, a blue mana anodite. "Lets go to Saturn's orbit. There a lot of asteroids in there..." I said.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I also turn Into my form "hopefully you never see my Dark Anodite" I say "saturn's orbit?" I smile "sounds good"
(One if my Anodite forms)
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"Yeah, Saturn's orbit" Lee said with a smile. I can see the planet already..."
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I nod "me to" I then smirk "it feels good to be out of the castle"
een jaar geleden leevan1207 said…
"yeah..." Lee agreed. When they arrived, Lee started shooting mana balls everywhere.
een jaar geleden tinaloo said…
I do the same and start shooting them all over the place