Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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posted by TheBreeze
Eh, be warned, this is my first artikel here, so it might be kind of crappy. xD

10) Kyoshi
Yes, her screen time is very limited, but what we do see of her I love. She's fierce, brave, daring, reckless, strong and heck, her clothes and make-up are beautiful. The one thing I would dislike about her is, her recklessness could be a serious disadvantage in a war.

9) Hama
Oh my God, I love Hama. Yes, she's a villain. Yes, she created the most evil form of bending that in time would be used to cause war and misery. (Oh, hallo there Amon!) Yes, she captured innocent people for the simple reason they were from the brand Nation. But that's what I love about her. She's so twisted she thinks she's doing the right thing. She's such an intriguing character and the episode in which we meet her (The Puppet Master) gives me chills. Her back story is incredible. One of the most complex and brilliant characters of the whole series.

8) Mai
I love Mai. Her hostile manner, her sullenness, her non existent aura...she's proof that u don't have to be a bender to be a powerful and skilled warrior. Her quotes are zei in such a dull manner, but the words in them are brilliant.
"I love Zuko meer than I fear you."
That brings me on to another thing I love about her. Zuko/Mai are incredibly cute together. And while I don't really think they stayed together for the remainder of their lives, I think they're a sweet example of young love. He really completes her. But then again, she's Mai. She doesn't really need anyone, does she?

7) Iroh
Oh my goodness Iroh. His hard to understand words of wisdom always bring a smile to my face and his love for his nephew during hard times is so sweet. He makes me laugh, not only at his jokes, but at his gestures of kindness to all. Iroh is your basic kind and gentle grandfather - of uncle in this case - but underneath that thee loving old man is a warrior and one of the most skilled firebenders in the world.

6) Suki
Suki gets a lot of hate. I for one however, absolutely love her. Her courage is unmistakable and as much as some of u may dislike her; Sokka and Toph wouldn't have made it without her. Anyway; before I go of subject, let's get back to Suki. Her sarcasm and wit is hard to miss, but aside from that she's a born warrior, and an, erm, fanbender? Okay, I should keep puns out of this. Plus to top, boven it all of, she's beautiful. Hey, who says u can't have beauty, brains and brawn?

5) Aang
I adore Aang. Yes, he ran away, yes he lied a few times, but he's still one of my favourite heroes ever. He's brave, he's humble, he's funny, and after some time (Only 100 years, not really that long, eh?) he accepted his destiny and went on to defeating Ozai and restoring balance and peace to the world. Also, the fact that it took him less than a jaar to master all four elements is pretty awesome in my opinion.

4) Zuko
Zuko is another complex character. He starts of as an impatient, selfish villain with horrible hair - ugh that ponytail - but as the toon progresses we see a new person. A scared, confused child who wants to restore his honour and has always felt seconde best. Like Katara said, he's often struggled with doing the right thing in the past, but he went on to becoming firelord and played a huge part in ending the hundred jaar war. And I zei it before, I'll say it again. Him and Mai are just too cute!

3) Azula
Azula, Azula, Azula. Oh gosh, how I adore you. Your craziness, your socially awkwardness, your evilness, your insane self as the series drew to an end. Azula is mad. Her blue lightning reflects her personality. It's wild, uncontrollable door all but herself, it does what it wants, it's sharp, fatal and not exactly something you'd want on your bad side.

2) Toph
I adore Toph. She's strong, independent, witty, smart, admirable, a great bender, the creator of metalbending, eh I could go on! One of the things I most admire about her is the fact that she never sees her blindness as a disability but instead uses it to her advantage. Let's face it, if we were blind we would never be able to go through life a easily as Toph does.

1) Sokka
Holy crap, SOKKA! I love you. You're brave and smart and above all, hilarious! From your friendly paddestoel to Appa eating Momo, u never fail to make me laugh. He started of the toon as a guy with no bending and a good sense of humour, but as the toon progressed, we saw a warrior. A strong brave man with a a space sword and boomerang who - let's face it - is a charmer with the ladies. ;)
added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by shadowsonlygirl
Source: everyone
added by BB2010
added by Blossom_beautie
What I’m sure I can safely say that a hell of a lot of people have been waiting for for quite some time: the story of what happened to Ursa, a.k.a. Zuko’s Mum.


Dark Horse are wrapping up their three part graphic novel series “The Promise” set after the events of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and have announced that writer of The Promise: Gene Luen Yang and Girihiru Studios will be returning to work on another series of graphic novels; The Search.

The zoek will primarily focus of the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Ursa, the mother of Prince Zuko and Princess Azula, it will also...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by BB2010
added by BB2010
added by BlindBandit92
Avatar: The Last Airbender soundtrack - Hei Bai (Black and White Spirit ) | Kalimba cover (thumb piano) From the Book 1 (Water): chapter 7 (Winter Solstice, Part 1)
the last airbender
the last airbender
leaves from the vine
posted by warriorcats123
The sun blazed on the large open ground.

"Get to work u lazy earth bender!" yelled a firebender

"what I would do to be free!" thought chole
Then the avatar and his friend stumped in.

"can u please help us" he asked

"go u must hurry leave they will be coming!" yelled chole

"wh- "THE AVATAR GET HIM" yelled a firebender

The avatar looked at chole with sort of fear in his eyes. The avatar master of all four elements was scared? She could see why to she was a 4e she could master all four too, but only knew three since there are no meer airbenders. The only problem chole had was her eyes where light...
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posted by trixie123
It’s doubtful that they have Saturday morning cartoons in the police-state future of “The Hunger Games” (in fact, they probably don’t even have Saturdays in the no-fun nation of Panem), but if they did, Katniss Everdeen would see a kindred spirit in “The Legend of Korra,” the ambitious new Nickelodeon series that premieres April 14.

Flinty, brave, loyal, impatient, impertinent, fierce and dangerous — Katniss and Korra have plenty in common and both live in a world that is close to our own but tilted door desperation and dark miracles of magic of science. If the pair attended the...
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posted by greenstergirl
 This is an attempted drawing I made of Sydney
This is an attempted drawing I made of Sydney
Chapter four: Waking up in a hospital

After the fight, I don't remember much. I do remember being asleep. I was in the middle of a very weird dream.

In the dream, I was meditating in a red robe, and volgende to me was a man just like the man in the painting at Toph's house. It was Aang, meditating with me. A flying lemur/monkey thing jumped onto my shoulder and I woke from the meditation. Aang did as well. Aang spoke to me, saying to look into the forest which we were in. I saw millions of Asian people in robes. Some had blue arrows on their heads. Some wore brand nation clothing. Aang explained that...
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posted by greenstergirl
Chapter three: Crazy things

After school Hayden, Eli, and me walked around the school to the place we always met my twin before we biked to karate class. I never see Sam in the day, all her classes are on the other side of the school, so I never see her.

When we passed the school's border line, we found Sam, laying on the snow covered gras in a yellow tank top, a blue mini skirt, some knee high black boots, and her brown identical hair to mine in three piggy tails. Yes, I know its weird for a girl to be wearing a tank top, boven and rok in the middle of fall but thats Sam for you. Most water benders...
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posted by vlad_todd_fan
Pre-warning: This is not about the avatar gang, this is a story about a boy that finds out that his ancesters were the avatar gang and that he's related to Aang and Katara. He's a water bender but everyone around him is normal making him special. Over the years the story of the avatar has changed and people think it's a myth and bending is a lost art now. Though there are some who are born benders and the avatar is still reborn into people they just don't know It and save the world in some way. Our hero's name is Michael Gavin and this is his story. I woke up to a beutiful morning to bad it...
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Aang woke up with a quick start. He looked around the tiny camp brand at all his freind sleeping, and slowly his hart-, hart began to slow. He slid down Apaas side a stretched, trying his hardest not to wake anyone up, he tiptoed past Sokka, who was moaning in his sleep, " Please mister chicken i promise ill go vegie..". Smiling to himself he carried on his silent walk, he stopped a few metres from Tophs tent, and lightly as possible he jump from the ground and landed in a tree. Jumping from branch to branch he reached his destination, the edge of the cliff. he sat wide eyed waiting for the moment...
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posted by Waterwhip
There on the floor lye a little boy,just laying there. Yue ran vooruit, voorwaarts and made the little boy lay in her arms. Though as she began to inspect him she found a burn right on his neck. She gasped but before she do anything healers came to take her away. She turned to Zuko to see his expression. It was nothing but pure horror and shock. The volgende dag it rained and was probably the most boring in the world. She could not visit Zuko because the healers told her they needed to test him and work on him. So there she sat, in front of my window watching the rain fall and just before it hit the ground turn to ice. I t was a magnifecent sight if u could see it turn to ice. Then she began to think. Was being with zuko right? Who burned the child yesterday? Could it had been zuko. What were the healers doing in zuko's room? . . . Did she belong here?