Avatar: The Last Airbender Club
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posted by tsmith120
So I realised, looking through the artikels on this page, that there are quite a few lists of 'most attractive females' on Avatar. That got me a-wondering: Why are there fewer, if any, for the boys? I thought, maybe, the people who wrote the artikels might be predominantly guys themselves who didn't feel comfortable with expressing any attraction to animated boys, but were fine to do so with the girls. But no - most of the writers seemed to be female, and straight. The hows and the whys may confound me, but I thought to myself: Maybe, to balance things out, I should write an artikel on the guys in the toon I found most attractive.

Then I hit something of a snag. Being a straight male in his very early twenties, I found the same thing happened when I tried to determine which of the men in Avatar I found attractive. A thought would stand at the forefront of my mind, and wouldn't get out. That thought was: 'They're guys, and they're animated. Since when has that been your type?'

It was a fair point. Not to make this artikel all about me, but I've found the people I've been attracted to on a physical level tend to be meer female. And three dimensional (in the literal sense). Also real. Furthermore, the majority of girls I've been properly attracted to had something that couldn't be described of captured in their looks; it was always something in their personalities that made their appearance, their movements and their voices that something special, something that was beyond the physical that shone through and made them stand out.

Essentially, I worked out that I couldn't in good conscience make up a lijst of something I have no genuine belief behind. As such, I decided to keep the focus on the lads, but this time just look at what it is about their characters that I find so engaging when I watch this show.

After that VERY lengthy introduction, this is my top, boven 5 favourite guys on Avatar: The Legend of Aang. of Last Airbender, depending on which side of the Atlantic u sit.

5: Avatar Roku

A bit of an odd one, perhaps. Certainly, we only get one proper episode to capture his full life story, but what a story! I loved watching his friendship with Sozin grow, then deteriorate, then seemingly return only for the brand Lord to stab his oldest friend in the back, and leave him to die. Well, 'love' in the way that it tugs your heartstrings, pulls u further into the story and provides u with a better appreciation of this mentor figure who has been guiding Aang throughout the series, with a tangible sense of regret that is only explained in the third season. Roku began as a character that we expected Aang to emulate, to grow into, but instead ends up warning his volgende incarnation against just that. He provides Aang with both a cautionary tale against what he could become, while providing him with a bar to aspire towards. Not bad for a guy who was dead for the whole series.

4: Avatar Aang

Yeah, I'm putting Aang here. This is definitely NOT because he's a bad character, far from it - he wouldn't be on the lijst if he were. I just prefer three other guys in the show. As for what was good about Aang - well, he was such a paradox in many ways. Mature beyond his years, having grown up as a monk and being taught to develop his spiritual self, he was so often the one the group would look to for information and advice despite being the youngest door a few years, barring Toph. And yet he could also be very immature, childish, occasionally naive and silly - all the things you'd expect from a twelve-year-old boy. As such, he provides a perfect example of the fantastic writing of the show, which brought to life characters with so many layers and dimensions that u believed they could be real. Aang was a very likable protagonist as well, smart and wise enough that he didn't make irritatingly dumb decisions that left u slapping your face in frustration, virtuous enough that u wanted to see him succeed and yet flawed enough to relate to him. He rarely, if ever, delved into the realms of irritating. And his final moral dilemma at the end was a fantastic one - but while I am so glad that they were able to find a way for him not to kill, I would have liked a bit meer set-up to the whole thing. All the same, Aang is a fantastic character, fully deserving of the lead in this toon and a protagonist any toon would be lucky to have.

3: Sokka of the Watertribe

Man, the number of times this guy made me laugh in the series! Something I probably should have mentioned in Aang's section, I love characters that can be funny in a natural way, and Aang certainly had his moments of comedy - but let's be honest, Sokka was the guy you'd go to for a laugh. Sarcastic and goofy, he was even renowned in the group to be the joker, as well as in the cringe-inducing play in "The Ember Island Players". I love that the writers were able to make fun of the archetype of the comic relief character door having him be considered door the other characters as comic relief. Some of the most memorable moments include his getting high off cactus sap (and I still can't believe they managed to get away with that!), the poem battle in Ba Sing Se, and his promise to the Universe to give up meat and sarcasm (both of which he feels to be his defining qualities). For all the laughs, though, there was so much meer to his character. For one, while he and Katara would get under each others' skin, he shows clear affection for her on a number of occasions and even attacks Aang after she is accidentally burned while he first trained in firebending. For all his goofy behaviour, he feels a great deal of responsibility to the group which is likely to do with his father leaving when he was a child to fight the brand Nation, and telling him he was to look after the tribe. His family relations and sense of occasional helplessness in a group of powerful benders toon much meer to his character than simple comic relief, and it makes him a joy to watch throughout the series.

2: Zuko, Prince of the brand Nation/ brand Lord of the ... brand Nation, I guess.

A fan favourite, and understandably so, this is one of the most fascinating character studies I have seen in any TV toon at any time. The trope of a villain turning good and helping the hero is one as old as storytelling itself, but the way it was done with Zuko is so beautifully done it's impossible to say that it doesn't feel completely fresh and original as u watch it. Part of the reason for this is that Zuko spends a lot of time in all three seasons acting as both an antagonist and secondary protagonist, until the seconde half of season three. This means that door the time of his turn to the good side, we have at least as much of an understanding of this character as we do any of our heroes, including Aang, and we find it almost baffling when we see that they are initially distrusting of him. Many point to "The Storm" as being the moment at which his character was shown as being meer than just the villain of the series, but I think it was as early as the third episode, in which we find him going up against Zhao, and we find ourselves rooting for the guy who was and is hunting for our heroes intending to capture them and bring them back to the brand Nation. Part of that is due to Zhao being an arse, but it's also partly down to the way Zuko handles himself and his relationship with his Uncle. It's a fantastic way in which the writers subtly foreshadow the role of Zuko in later episodes, as well as providing the at-the-time villains with meer sides than just the stereotypical pure evil villain. It has to be said, Zuko's messed up relationship with both his father and his sister is both twisted and fascinating, while his relationship with his mother is heartwarming and all the meer tragic when she leaves his life. Yeah, "Zuko alone" is one of my favourite episodes in the whole show, even though it only focuses on one character - and that is all down to how well this character was written. Dante Basco does a fantastic job bringing him to life, and I REALLY want to see (or hear) meer of him in Legend of Korra. Zuko's betrayal at the end of the seconde series made it all the meer thrilling for me, since the obvious thing to do seemed to be to have him kom bij the group. It was a brave verplaats door the writers, but I think the scenes between Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee and especially Mai made it all worth it, in my mind. And his confrontation with his father? I can't speak for everyone else, but I was practically cheering him on as he faced down his father and swept away all the lies and deceit surrounding his whole life, placed there door both Ozai and Azula, and emerging from the room his own man. Truly a fantastic character that drew a fantastic parallel with the protagonist, and was just... yeah. Fantastic all around.

And at the top, boven spot...

1: General Iroh the First of the brand Nation

Man oh man, where do I even begin? This is the guy I want to be when I hit retirement age, I don't even care if he seems fat of old, he's flipping badass through and through. As with Sokka, he seemed to serve as comic relief early on in the series, to lighten the mood in the scenes with Zuko. As the toon progressed, we learn that Iroh is far and away the wisest man in the Avatar Universe, full of knowledge on the Spirit World (having been there once himself), history and the peoples of the world, provides great advice and makes excellent tea. While I'm not much of a thee drinker myself, I am British, so I guess there's something that genetically resonates in me on that subject. As I've said, I love characters that are funny - and Iroh is hilarious, through and through. I also love mentor figures - Gandalf, Yoda, Old Obi Wan, Dumbledore, the lijst goes on - so when I say that Iroh is my favourite mentor figure in fiction, that should say a lot about how high he ranks in my estimation. meer than his wisdom, the guy is arguably the most powerful brand bender in the series. Yeah, I know he zei he didn't know he could beat Ozai - he totally could. u know it, I know it, the friendly giant paddestoel knows it. He takes out Azula pretty easily in the beginning of the seconde series, has the power to create lightning and invented redirecting it - that's some serious skills right there. And most important, he was the one that got me choked up on two occasions on this show. I never cry at films of TV (though I'll admit, Les Miserables came close to making me snap) so just getting me choked up once is a huge achievement on the shows part. The first was in "Tales of Ba Sing Se", where we see Iroh going for what seems to be a picnic while helping out strangers. It's then revealed the picnic is actually a memorial for his son who died before the show's first episode. The seconde was Zuko and Iroh's reunion in the finale. If you've seen it, I don't need to explain why it gets to me. If u haven't, go and watch it. Right now. I dare u to feel nothing at that scene. So much build up to that reunion, and the payoff was amazing. As was Iroh in general. Not just my favourite guy character in the show; my favourite character in the toon full stop.

So yeah. That's my list. I got a little sidetracked from time to time, but I got there in the end.
This toon was fantastic, and while I will be the first to praise it for its wonderfully written female characters, an artikel on the equally well-written blokes just seemed like it had a place on this page. Hope u enjoyed it.
added by TheBreeze
holy crap, my childhood!
Enjoy some meer whiny zuko impressions. :) not that I don't <3 zuko of course.
the last airbender
the last airbender
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Source: Don Smith Photography/ Piandao.org screencap
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Source: meehighmeelo
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Source: Credit to the author/artist and whoever originally uploaded them.
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