Avatar: The Legend of Korra Club
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The wind was blowing Korra's bedroom window as she was sleeping in her bed. There was a shadow of an equalist. Equalists were attacking her. She saw them and attacked them with her brand bending. But one of the equalists tough her and she couldn't move. Amon came in her bedroom.

"After I take your bending away. u will be nothing" Amon said.

"Ah!" Korra yelled as she woke up. Naga went to her.

"It's ok Naga. I just had a bad dream" Korra zei as she hugged Naga. Meanwhile Korra was walking around Republic City. She heard Amon on the ratio and she was scared of his voice. As she was walking. She saw Mako walking in Republic City as well. Just than a truck was right door him.

"Ah!" Mako yelled as the truck hit him. Korra gasp.

"Watch where you're going! u hit my friend!" Korra yelled while angry as she got in front of the truck.

"Sorry avatar. I didn't see him" the man zei as he drove off. Korra ran up to Mako.

"Are u ok Mako?" Korra asked while worried.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Ah!" Mako yelled as he tough his arm. His right arm was bleeding. When Korra looked at his arm and saw it bleeding she got upset.

"Mako! Your bleeding! Oh no! But don't worry. I'm a healer. I can heal u but we have to get off of the road" Korra said. They both got off of the road and walked near the water and sat down. Korra stand up and bend the water and sat back down. She was healing Mako's arm. She stop healing his arm.

"Does your arm still hurt Mako?" Korra asked.

"No. It only hurts a little. Thank u Korra" Mako zei and smiled.

"You're welcome. I'm glad it doesn't hurt real bad" Korra zei as she smiled back at him.

"Korra?" Mako asked.

"Yes?" Korra asked.

I owe u another thank u for saving Bolin. When Amon was about to take his bending away. Thank u so much for that Korra" Mako zei as he smiled once more. Korra had never heard Mako talk like that before. Maybe he wasn't such a jerk Korra thought he was.

"Maybe he's not such a jerk I thought he was" Korra zei in her mind.

"Mako. I'm sorry" Korra zei as she frown.

"What do u mean?" Mako asked while confused.

"When I first met u I thought u were only a jerk. But I was wrong. You're not that awful" Korra said.

"Well. At first I thought u were just a fan girl of Bolin's but when u saved him I knew I was wrong about you. I'm sorry too" Mako said. They both smiled at each other. Korra stand up.

"Well. I should get going. But how are we going to get enough money for the pro bending match?" Korra asked as she frown. They hadn't had enough money to play in the volgende pro bending match. And they both didn't know what to do. It was awful.

"I don't know. But maybe I'll think of something" Mako said.

"I better get back to Air Temple Island" Korra said.

"I better get back too. See u later" Mako zei as he got up.

"See u later" Korra replied. They both waved at each other as they both left. Meanwhile on Air Temple Island. Tenzin was having avondeten, diner with his family in his house. Councilman Tarrlock walked into the house as he talked to Korra about waiting her to kom bij his task force.

"You want me to kom bij your task force?" Korra asked.

"Yes. I want something why will stand up to Amon and that person is you" Tarrlock said.

"I'm sorry. I can't" Korra zei as she took a drink of her tea. Tarrlock was shocked. Even Tenzin was shocked.

"I don't understand. I thought u would take a stop to Amon" Tarrlock said.

"Me too" Tenzin agreed.

"I need to work on my air bending" Korra said.

"But I… but Tenzin cut Tarrlock off.

"Korra gave u her awnser. It's time for u to leave" Tenzin said.

"Ok. But I'm not giving up on u yet" Tarrlock zei as he left. Korra keeps getting a lot of presents from Tarrlock. He gave her a basket full of stuff. He even gave her a car. Night came and Korra was outside while sitting down. She was thinking about Mako.

"I wonder if his arm still hurts" Korra zei to herself. Korra saw the man that gave her the gifts from Tarrlock.

"It doesn't matter how many gifts Tarrlock sends me. I'm not joining his task force" Korra zei while angry as she earth bend him a little.

"No. Tarrlock has invited u to a party" he zei as he handed out the letter to Korra. She looked at the letter. She decided to go to the party. They were a lot of people at the party. Even Tenzin's whole family had come. Korra had a white small hat on, she wore a water tribe dress and she had her hair down. Mako and Bolin came to the party. As Mako looked up at Korra he blushed. He never seen her this beautiful before. It truly amazed him door his own eyes.

"I can't believe this is all for me" Korra zei as she smiled.

"It's not like Tarrlock to throw a party just for the fun of it" Tenzin zei as he walked off. Mako walked door Korra.

"Hey Korra" Mako said.

"Hey Mako" Korra zei as she started to blush as she saw him. He wore a black suit, black pants, black shoes and his hair was nice looking. Korra thought he looked so very handsome.

"You look so beautiful Korra" Mako zei as he smiled.

"Thanks. u look great yourself" Korra zei as she smiled back.

"Oh thanks" Mako zei as he blushed.

"So where did u get the outfit at City boy?" Korra asked.

"I got it for free. When I went to the party they gave me the outfit because I didn't have anything nice to wear. It's stupid that I'm only going to wear it once" Mako said. Korra laughed a little.

"Oh and Mako?" Korra asked.

"Yeah?" Mako asked.

"How's your arm Mako? Does it still hurt?" Korra asked worried.

"It no longer hurts. Thank u Korra" Mako zei as he smiled.

"You're welcome" Korra replied as she smiled back. But soon her smile had went away as she blushed while looking right up at him. Korra's hart-, hart was racing. It was racing with love. She was falling in love with him. The avatar was falling in love with a brand bender boy. And Mako was also falling in love with Korra. He was falling in love with the avatar. He really never fell in love with anyone before. And Korra really fell in love with anyone before as well.

"Mako I…." Korra was cut off door Mako.

"Stop talking" Mako zei as he got close to her. They were about to kiss. Their lips were so close to toughing. As their lips almost had tough. Tarrlock came door them. Korra and Mako back away from each other. As they both were very embarrassed. Because they were about to kiss in front of all these people. But nobody seem to look at them what they were about to do.

"These people just have a few questions" Tarrlock said.

"But… But Tarrlock cut her off as he push her a little. They asked her a lot of vragen and Korra didn't like it at all.

"I'll kom bij Tarrlock's task force and help fight them on!" Korra called out without thinking. Mako was shocked to what she just said. Korra walked away from the people. Mako walked door Korra.

"Korra. Are u crazy? You'll get hurt" Mako zei while worried.

"Mako. I'm the avatar I can handle it" Korra said. Mako tough Korra's hand.

"Ok. But promise me you'll be careful" Mako said.

"I promise" Korra replied as she let go of his hand. She never tough his hand before and it made her blush. And she almost tough his lips and that made her blush even more. Meanwhile Korra was at Tarrlock's task force. They were going to attack an equalist raid. When they were at the raid. They slammed the door open. Korra saw two equalists running.

"I'm going after those two!" Korra called out as she ran after them. As Korra ran after them she tripped on a rope a equalist had. An equalist got of nowhere try to attack her but she earth bend him. But another equalist was behind her. She didn't know. But Tarrlock water bend him.

"Thanks Tarrlock" Korra said.

"We make a good team avatar" Tarrlock said.

"Yeah. We do" Korra agreed. Tarrlock arrest the equalists that they caught. Korra and Tarrlock was in the newspaper. Mako was looking at the newspaper.

"No Korra for practice?" Bolin asked.

"Doesn't look like it" Mako replied. Bolin threw what he was bending on the floor while angry. As Mako was looking at the newspaper he was still worried about her.

"Why am I still worrying about her? Is it because I love her? Maybe it is" Mako zei in his mind. Meanwhile Korra was in Republic City. It was night. She was going to face Amon. She told him so. Korra went on the island as she waited for Amon. But she didn't see him.

"Well I guess you're no toon Amon" Korra zei as she stand up. When Korra was walking she was caught door a equalist rope. She saw a lot of equalists and she was attacking them with her bending. But equalists chi block her. Amon came. Korra gasp. Korra thought he was about to take her bending so she closed her eyes in fear. But she than open her eyes.

"I'm going to save u for last. But I will destroy you" Amon zei as he hit her. Korra was knocked out. She saw a vision of Aang. He was fighting some bad guy but then after it she woke up. Mako was very worried about her. He saw Tarrlock and Tenzin.

"Where is Korra?" Mako asked while very worried.

"She went to face Amon on the island" Tenzin replied.

"Get me a boot there" Mako said.

"Why do u care?" Tarrlock asked.

"Because I love her" Mako replied. And he was right. He did love her. He truly loved her.

"Ok" Tarrlock agreed as he gave Mako a boat. He took the boot to the island. He got off the boat. He was looking for Korra. Korra was laying on the floor. When Mako saw Korra he ran to her.

"Korra! Are u ok? Did Amon take your bending?" Mako asked so worried. Korra brand bend to see.

"No" Korra replied.

"Thank goodness. I was so worried about u Korra. I thought he was really going to hurt you" Mako said.

"Why did u come?" Korra asked.

"Because I love you" Mako replied. When Korra heard him say that she hugged him.

"I love u too" Korra zei as she smiled. They gave a passionate kiss. The kiss was the love between them. As there kiss ended. They continued to kiss. Korra's hart-, hart was racing again. As her lips tough his she blush with true love. She loved him with all her heart. She called him a jerk when they first met. But she won't call me a jerk anymore. They keep on kissing. There first kiss was truly special. Truly special indeed. They became boyfriend and girlfriend fast. They got off the island. They still didn't know how they would pay for the volgende pro bending match.

"I better get back to Air Temple Island again" Korra zei as she was about to leave when Mako kissed her lips. He let go.

"Ok. See u later" Mako said. Korra gave him a kiss back as she was about to leave when she hugged him with love. So much love in her heart.

"I love u city boy" Korra zei as she smiled.

"I love u too Korra" Mako replied as he smiled back. Than they both left. Morning had come and Korra talked to Tenzin that they didn't have money to pay for their volgende pro bending match. Tenzin took care of it. And so they got to pro bend again. But Korra and Mako were boyfriend and girlfriend now. So it was different now. Different with love. They hope there love will last forever. Forever indeed.

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