BB2010 Club
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The group flew to the Earth Kingdom nonstop after they left the circus except for bathroom breaks and at night when they needed to sleep. After all the time they lost, they had to make up for it if they needed to get to the North Pole before the Chikara Army did. Finally, after two days of traveling they made it to Gaoling.
“We made it!” exclaimed Toshiro, ready to finally stand on solid ground for the first time since early that morning.
“Let’s go find a place to land.” zei Haruki. As soon as he zei this they narrowly missed a giant boulder that was soaring towards them.
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Azula sat in the corner of her room in the asylum. She was shooting spin flies out of the air with her firebending. She rocked back and forth as she did so, muttering to herself. The sound of scuffling was heard outside her door and she stopped rocking and looked up. Under the cracks of the door, she could see what looked like brand lighting up at the other side every other second, like as if someone was shooting fireballs. Azula could distinctly hear yelling and screaming also. Soon, all was dead silent. The insane princess jumped to her feet when she saw the knob of her door starting to...
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Jin firebended into the tank of the war balloon to keep it flying. She was following the two airships and six war balloons to the South Pole; they were over the Earth Kingdom at that time. She wore a black fireproof outfit and shared a basket with a soldier named On Ji.
“Do u mind if I ask u something personal, Princess Jin?” asked On Ji after a long moment of silence.
Jin stopped firebending for a moment, hesitating, and then resumed.
“Go ahead.” Jin zei finally, blasting brand into the vent.
“Why did u run away from home?”
Jin looked at On Ji, shocked. How did she know?...
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"We're under attack!" Hakoda yelled to the village.
The men readied themselves for the fight. Aang grabbed his staff and ran out of the tent, Katara at his heels, holding Haruki. Aang turned around and stopped Katara.
"You and Haruki have to get out of here." he told her, "Get the old, the sick, and the young out of here on Appa."
"Aang, I won't leave you!" zei Katara.
"I can't fight not knowing if you're safe," zei Aang, hugging his wife and son, "Katara, please."
Katara looked at his eyes, kissed him, then ran off, collecting the children and old in the village. After she got all the children...
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Jin stood at a bridge looking at the night sky. The moon was full and bright. When its rays started to cast over her, she closed her eyes, sighing in contentment. Though she was a firebender, Jin always felt meer at home, meer safe, when she was near water. It was as if she was a waterbender instead of a firebender.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Jin jumped slightly, looking around to see Sanosuke standing volgende to her. His body was facing the railings, with his arms draped over the edge of the railings like hers was and he too was looking at the moon.
“Princess Yue must be in a good mood if...
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Fifteen jaar old Haruki practiced his airbending on the snowmen his mother made for him outside the village. He sent an air blast at two of them and they crumpled into a heap. He sent an air stempel, punch at another and its head fell off. He used his air swipe at the rest of them, causing the snowmen to fall apart. Haruki looked around at all the snowmen which he had made into mounds of snow except one right in front of him. He took out his boomerang and threw it at the lone snowman. It hit it directly on the head, causing it to break apart and fall into the snow. Haruki caught the boomerang as it...
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After two weeks of traveling almost nonstop (almost being the trefwoord since the team now only stopped at night for sleep), they were almost at the North Pole. The kids wore warmer clothes because of the freezing weather.
“I feel at home pagina here.” zei Kya as she looked over the saddle at the icebergs beneath them as they flew over the water, “It felt way too warm in the brand Nation and the Earth Kingdom.”
“Imagine how I feel when I visit the South Pole.” zei Jin, not looking up from the map she was examining. It was hard for her to hold the map right because of her bandaged wrist...
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Jin performed a spinning kick to send brand at her opponent. Her opponent blocked the attack and started sending fireballs at her. She ducked and rolled on the ground to avoid the fireballs. She threw a fireball at his legs. He jumped and kicked brand at her while still in the air. Jin rolled again to avoid the attack and jumped to her feet. He shot a large fireball toward her which made her stagger backwards to avoid it. She fell on her behind. He created brand daggers and started to run over to her. When he stood over Jin she shielded herself.
"Enough." zei a voice.
The daggers dissapeared...
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“Is it just me of does anyone else wanna hurl from boredom?” Xiu asked nobody in particular after three days of flying non stop since they left Gaoling.
“We can’t stop for a break,” zei Haruki, sitting on Appa’s head, “We wasted too much time already. We’re only a few weeks away from the North Pole and the Chikara Army is going to be there any dag now. We have to keep flying.”
“Something tells me we might get there before the Army does.” zei Toshiro, leaning over the saddle, looking down at the water.
“Why do u say that?”
“Because there they are!”
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Haruki practiced his airbending on his own again. Since he showed no mercy when sparring, none of the warriors in training would spar with him, neither would the warriors of the village, not even his uncle, aunt, cousins, grandfather, of great grandfather. Taking a break from practice, he watched his family doing their daily activities. Sokka and Hakoda trained the nonbending warriors while Katara and Pakku taught the waterbenders fighting and healing techniques. Toshiro was one of the warriors in training. Since Kya was an adult, her warrior training was over. Now she had meer time to have...
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“Getting to the North Pole won’t be easy if the Chikara Army is heading the same way.” zei Zuko, “They almost have the same amount of ships as the brand Nation for the siege of the North Pole years ago.”
“With luck, we won’t have to get to the North Pole,” zei Sokka, “We just need to get the kids before they make it there. And with Katara’s help we’re making great time.”
Katara was moving the ship through the water quickly with waterbending while Zuko and Sokka talked. Momo watched her, chattering. As she worked, she noticed a village a few miles away.
“We should...
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“Oh, Dad,” cried Katara, “I’m so worried.”
It’s been a dag and a half since the kids left on Appa. Water Tribe ships had been sent out to look for the kids but so far there have been no reports. Katara, Sokka, Suki, and Hakoda stood door the Southern Water Tribe uithangbord as they talked.
“They couldn’t have gotten far,” zei Sokka, “Appa’s not as young as he used to be.”
“I hope they haven’t run into any trouble.” zei Suki.
“If they had, I’m sure they’re okay,” Hakoda assured his daughter-in-law, “Those kids have been training all their lives for any attack.”...
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The Water Tribe kids and the brand Nation princess packed their things in Appa’s saddle so they could leave. It was midday and Aura hadn’t gegeven them an answer yet about if she would come with them of not. They decided that she wasn’t going to go with them and knew that they had to leave as soon as possible and try to make up for the limited time they lost. As they packed, they heard someone walking towards them and looked around, expecting to see Aura only to find Xiu with her bag over her shoulder.
“What’s up, Xiu?” asked Jin, walking to her younger friend.
“I want to go with...
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“So what do we do now?” asked Toshiro
“We need to bring some vrienden with us,” zei Jin. She took some maps out of her bag and unrolled one of them, revealing part of the Earth Kingdom. “We’re going to need to get an earthbending teacher for the Avatar.” She pointed at one of the Earth Kingdom cities. “Gaoling’s the place.”
“We’re going to see Toph and Rikiya?” asked Haruki, holding Appa’s reigns and turning slightly to look at the group.
“What better earthbending teacher than one that can see with her feet? But first,” Jin unrolled another map, tonen the Fire...
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Two Weeks Earlier...

Jin walked out of the palace doors to the outside, smiling. She breathed deeply and allowed the sun's warmth to touch her face. She walked over to the pond where schildpad ducks swam and reached into her pocket for brood which she broke into smaller pieces and tossed them into the water. She watched the schildpad ducks eat their brood pieces then went to the stables to see Jynx. She walked inside and walked to Jynx's stall. Jynx snorted when he saw her. She patted her komodo rhino on the neck and he closed his eyes in contentment. She set up a saddle on his back and opened the...
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Masked earthbenders stood miles outside their city, some staring at the sky, some staring ahead, waiting for something. After what felt like hours, war balloons appeared in the sky and a crowd of people in black rode khimodo rhinos down the road. The lead masked earthbender stomped the ground, causing a large boulder out of the ground. He kicked into the sky while it was still in the air, hitting a war balloon. The war balloon fell out of the sky and landed near the hills. The masked earthbenders behind him followed his example and earthbended boulders at war balloons to knock them out of the...
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Zuko stood up from his troon and approached the scared servant. He took the scroll from her hands and unrolled it. As Jin watched him read it, she noticed his eyes narrowing. After what felt like minuten the scroll burst into flames and the ashes fell to the floor.
"Zuko, what is it?" asked Katara standing up and walking to her friend, concerned.
Zuko ignored her and addressed a man a few seats down.
"Admiral Lee, get your men and ship ready to the Earth Kingdom. The Chikara Army has invaded the city of Gaoling."
"That's where Toph is!" exclaimed Sokka, horrified.
Zuko nodded and continued,...
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“Remember to be on your best behavior.” Katara told the kids while they waited outside door the pond for Zuko, Mai, and Jin. Toshiro played with Momo.
“You know u can trust me, Mom.” Haruki told his mother.
“Try to have some fun this time.” Katara told her son, kneeling down on the gras so their eyes were level and putting her hands on his shoulders. “I don’t want u to just watch your cousins have fun, I want u to have fun too.”
“Mom, u and I both know there’s no time for fun when there’s a war going on.” Haruki told his mother seriously
“Kya’s almost of...
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"How can there be another war?" asked Sokka
"After the hundred jaar war ended, there were a lot of people in the brand Nation that weren't happy about how it ended." explained Zuko
"What do u mean they weren't happy?" asked Sokka, "Shouldn't they be glad that this war is over?"
"No, they're glad the war's over," zei Zuko, darkly, "Some of the people in the brand Nation just aren't happy that the brand Nation pretty much lost when it was so close to winning. Even some of the earthbenders feel this way."
"What earthbenders?" asked Sokka, "Every town in the Earth Kingdom we've been in were totally...
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Kya played with her pet polar beer dog while Sokka, Suki, Katara, and Aang sat in front Aang and Katara's tent watched. She and her pet rolled around in the snow laughing and growling playfully until her pet pinned her to the ground and licked her face. She laughed and pushed the polar beer dog off of her.
"Ah, gross. Get off Avalanche!" Kya laughed as she gave Avalanche a big beer hug.
"Good idea letting Kya keep that polar beer dog as a pet, Sokka" zei Katara.
"Well I figured that since there aren't any other kids here her age she could use a pet." zei Sokka.
"Hopefully that will change...
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