Beauty and the Beast Club
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Beauty and the Beast have always been my favoriete movie inpart because of the story which i still love meer than anyother story, but that made me curious on the original story so i decided to read it a few years geleden and i liked it but not nearly as much as the Disney version.

Now i have re-read it and in honor of the DVD release i thought that i should write a comparison between the two version of the same story.

The Original Fairy Tale
The Characters

Lets start with the characters:
There are only two major characters in the fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast.

Beauty is the female lead, she is...
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added by glezps
beauty and the beast
part 1
behind the scenes
emma watson
disney movie
added by 18kmcnatt
Source: Belle-Beauty-and-the-Beast
added by kathiria82
added by kristenfan10109
Belle, The beautiful female lead character in the 30th animated feature film from Walt Disney animatie Studios Beauty and the Beast.

She have always been my favoriete Disney character but even if she is my favoriete that doesn´t mean that she is perfect.

I will here explain what i like about her and what i dislike and after that i will explain my reasoning.

Good Points
Here is the categories that i will talk about, I will use these on the bad parts aswell since there is always two sides to every coin.
Her Looks
I love how she looks, brown hair and eyes is very nice and I like the fact that...
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added by RionaFury
Source: Disney, Riona Fury
added by Priscilita22
added by lilylove89
added by jlhfan624
Source: edited door me
added by Blacklillium
added by Blacklillium
Source: disneyydreams
added by mariaromanova
added by Silverrose1991
Source: Disney
added by JefefrsonFan99
Source: Disney
As an #ActuallyAutistic Gender Vague enby assigned Female At Birth Belle seems to fit MY "Female #Autism." She would rather read than talk to people aside from her father. Her fantasy world is all-consuming & adventure is her goal! The book she is reading at the beginning of the song is Jack and the Beanstalk which was one of my favoriete fairy tales! The fact that Belle enjoys reading about a character of the opposite gender would be considered “Odd”. simply because Belle isn’t “Represented” though her longing for adventure is. Her adventure doesn’t just involve being kidnapped...
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