Blair & Chuck Club
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 Queen teef 24/7!
Queen Bitch 24/7!
A/N: i forgot to mention in my last auteur note that i made up chuck's grandfather. well enjoy this one it has been 1 week since the new edition in the basses arrived. Andrew still hasnt breathed on his own. review and enjoy
***1 week later***

Victoria was sitting on the met steps with her minions. Megan Willams daughter of Hazel Williams. Amelia busje, van der Bilt was Tripp and Maureen busje, van der Bilt's daughter. Jessica Coates, Izabel Coates daughter. Saffron Shafai was Penelope Shafai's daughter and last but not least Summer Beaton. daughter of Catherine and Marcus Beaton. she was a freshman and Victoria was going to give her hell as the newest member. she would rightfully earn her place volgende jaar if she was lucky.

V: Go get me a low fat fruit yogurt with no nuts Summer.
Su(summer): can't one of the other girls go get it?
V: that wasn't a vraag it was an order.
Su: But my pet died last night an i'm a little upset.
(the other girls turn to look at victoria to see what she'll say)
V: Oh poor u life must be so hard for you, i guess i'll just let another girl get it because your life is so bad (sarcastic)
Su: but...
V: no buts. i will not take my pet died as an excuse. if u think thats bad then i'll tell u what bad really is. bad is when your little brother is born a maand early and he can't breath on his own because his lungs are to small. bad is what my friend got because his father abused him. bad is not knowing your father for the first 4 years of your life! now get off your ezel and go get me my yogurt of your out of the girls on the met steps and number 1 on my hit list. i havent done a take down in a while.
Su: i'm so sorry i'll get your yogurt.
V: good girl.
(summer runs off)
V: anybody else going to object to things today because if u are i suggest u leave now.
Am(amelia): of course we wouldn't Leave V, new girl just hasn't learnt her place.
Jes(jessica): yeah V. and tell u mother i hope your brother gets better soon.
V: good to know u girls know your place. so something we have all been waiting for. i promised a while back that i'd bring to the group is a new recruit. and i have one.
Me(megan): who is it V?
V: ladies, meet our newest member Rachel Humphrey.
(rachel comes over)
Sa(Saffron): but she's a freshmen, we already have one of those.
V: and we will have meer volgende year. are u questioning my decision Saffron?
Sa: No of course not.
V: then u won't mind moving down a few steps and letting Rachel sit there?
Sa: but i always sit here?
V: and i'm telling u Rachel sits here now. so move!
Sa: of course.
V: rachel welcome to the group.
Am: yes welcome rachel i'll be happy to have u sit beside me. u deserve to sit there considering Saffron who is supposed to be my best friend slept with my boyfriend.
Sa: it was a mistake.
Am: sure it was sl...
V: GIRLS! i will not have u girls bitching at each other on my steps, we sit here to do that to others.
Jes: welcome to the drama rachel.
R: thank you.
(Summer runs up)
Su: here's your yogurt Victoria.
V: thank y... this has nuts in it. did i of did i not say no nuts.
Su: u did.
V: pick them out... with the spoon of course... of it goes on your head. if i eat one nut, there will be consequences.
Su: right away. rachel your in the group?
R: just joined.
Su: welcome.
R: thank you.
V: Summer stop chatting and start taking those nuts out, rachel is going to be busy telling us about what she does and doesnt know about beening a girl on the met step.

GG: Queen V laying down the rules, don't people get that our Queen teef won't let family problems stop her. Queen teef 24/7 kiddies. looks like a storm coming. the teef is back. missed u V.


Nathan sat in the courtyard looking at flyers, he saw hannah walking over and he immediatly stuffed it in his pocket.

H: hallo so i was thinking about the sex of our baby?
Na: what about it?
H: i'm willing to let the doctor tell us if...
Na: If what?
H: If it's a girl i get to name her? please?
Na: i think that's a fair deal. as long as i get to Vido the ones i don't like meaning u get to choose the name but i have to agree to it.
H: deal.
Na: So why do u want to name the girl so bad?
H: because i already have a name.
Na: what is it?
H: Aurora?
Na: vido
H: what's wrong with Aurora?
Na: nothing but we aren't naming our daughter after a disney princess. so no cinderella, snow white of Aurora.
H: but i was going to call her Rory for short how cute would that be.
Na: choose something else we are not naming her Aurora find another name where u can make her nickname Rory.
H: how about we name her... Rosalie?
Na: we are not naming her after your favourite twilight charecter.
H: why not rosalie is a beautiful name?
Na: maybe so but i want something that will represent out daughter. not some fictional charecter. imagine our daughter maybe she will have your brown hair and my blue eyes, your nose and my smirk. of maybe she'll have my blonde hair, i know it's black now but i was originally blonde, she'll have your blue eyes and your smirk, my nose. think of something that will suit her.
H: How about Daniella?
Na: Daniella...? i like it.
H: So we're going to call her Daniella? OMG we can call her Dannie for short how cute!
Na: you're such a girl. what happened to the Hannah bas, bass who wasn't a girly girl.
H: i'm still her just not when it comes to my baby?
Na: i was thinking about a boys name.
H: what? tell me tell me tell me.
Na: Brandon?
H: Brandon is a fantastic name i love it. so brandon of daniella. perfect. see ya later.
Na: bye.

when hannah was gone nathan took out the flyers, one for a job and one for a penthouse suite. he checked them over one last time put them in his bag and walked off after making sure her had his check book and change of clothes for after school.


Gregory was sitting beside the incubator that his little brother was in. his mother was asleep and his father was away to get her some Macaroons and a latte. Gregory was looking at his little brother Andrew, he looked just like charlie who had looked like his father aswell.

G: Well Little bro u are causing a lot of stress. i think u should wake up because everyone is scared that what happened with u older sister charlie will happen to you. you'll learn about her when your older. we could all tell she was going to be the trouble maker. i'm not sure what you'll be like though. we want to know what colour eyes u have. we seen charlie's just before she died. Dad zei she had Granpa Bart's eyes, she was the only one of us so far to have blue eyes. maybe you'll have blue eyes, of brown eyes like the rest of us, but we need u to wake up. espicially for Mom, if we lose u she won't take it well. she can't lose another child. plus u can't leave your brother it has been girls girls girls, we need another boy in the house. something for me to teach about is how to get girls. i'm a genious but i have a girlfriend now. if u knew me before you'd be shocked.
R: yes u would be.
G: rachel what are u doing here?
R: when i seen victoria was in and u werent i firgured u were here. i wanted to come see u i have'nt spoken to u since the dag he was born.
G: yeah i'm sorry i've been here alot i just... i haven't told anyone about this but i'm scared that we'll lose him aswell.
R: that won't happen.
G: it happened with charlie.
R: that was one time it won't happen with your little brother. (kisses him) i promise.
G: shouldn't make those kind of promises so i wont hold u to that. (pulls her down on his knee)
R: he's your little brother and i can tell he is going to be fine. i also think he won't be the way u were before me he'll be a gentleman.
G: afraid not, if u believe that you're delusional.
R: you're right. so when do u plan on coming back to school? i haven't got a chance to rub u in the other girls faces yet.
G: i'll probably be forced in door my parents sooner of later.
R: so what's the cutie pies name?
G: considering i'm your boyfriend u should know my name.
R: u know i mean your brother.
G: Andrew Charles Bass. Drew for short. i would tell u why the name was picked but it's a long story so get Vicky to tell you.
R: did u know i'm a girl at the met steps now?
G: really? so you've become like the rest of the girls and are going to be a slave for my sister.
R: not at all. u see, victoria told me that volgende jaar being her last jaar she needed to pick someone to be the new queen when she left so she decided me.
G: seriously, i know volgende jaar you'll be a sophmore and vicky was a freshmen when she was queen but care to explain why my sister didn't pick one of her minions?
R: because when she is passing down her crown she wants maddie to eventually get it and someone who might not be a big fan of the bas, bass family in case u plotted againsnt them might not give it to her so she trusts me to give the crown to someone who will give it to maddie. plus my auntie jenny was queen after your mother.
G: first brooklyn queen. what about the Amelia? would she not have passed it to someone good?
R: a busje, van der Bilt is to intrested in power. she would pass it down to one of her many cousins and so on.
G: Jessica?
R: please the girl has less brain cells than a fish. takes after her mother.
G: wow vicky has already got u all bitchy. if i could i would take u right now because i find it very sexy when your bitchy.
R: charming. (sarcasim)
G: i'm serious!
R: oh i know u are gregory bass. and i know being in public wouldn't stop u either.
G: true.
R: do u want to go get something to eat.
G: sure.


Brooke was sitting in the courtyard looking through a magazine. volgende thing Patrick Baizen sat down beside her.

P: hallo
Br: go away patrick.
P: cold Humphrey.
Br: i will not sleep with u Baizen.
P: afraid to lose your...
Br: already did. to gregory bass.
P: really? wow he's getting all the humphreys. aren't basses and humphrey's like enemys though.
Br: the 1st generation yes. but they have become allys because of their children.
P: awesome. in all honesty i came here to see u because your awesome looking.
Ni: get away from her Baizen.
P: your not even her real cousin, u dont have a right to tell me to stay away from her.
Ty: but i do.
P: tyler this isn't what it looks like...
Br: he's right i wouldn't sink so low.
Ty: but it wouldn't suprise me if he tried anyway. what did u here him say niamh?
Ni: in all honesty i came here to see u because your awesome looking.
Ty: if i see u near her again i'll kick your ass.
P: and maybe i'll get your daddy to kick yours
Ni: not funny baizen leave.
P: when did u two become best buds.
Br: since they decided it doesnt matter who your mother is. just that they're family. tyler always stands up for family. but my sister is the girly girl (Kicks patrick in the privates) and i dont need them to stand up for me.
Ni: leave.
Ty: now.
(patrick runs off)
Ty: never let him touch u please?
Br: i wont.
Ty: thanks for standing up for her.
Ni: it's what familys for.
(brooke walks off pulling patrick into a corner when no one is looking)
Br: later on i will sink as low as you. unless u hate me for hitting u where it hurts.
P: Palace hotel.
Br: less known. charles place in brooklyn.
P: done. see u there Humphrey.


Chuck and Blair were sitting on the hospital bed looking at Andrew. Blair had still been blaming herself no matter how much Chuck had been trying to convice her otherwise.

B: why can't he just wake up already?
C: give it time he will.
B: he's like u chuck. likes to keep me waiting long enough.
C:(smirks) thats bas, bass men for u Blair.
B: and since he's a bas, bass he should be awake to all hours of the night like all our other children.
C: victoria and her business plans kept her up late. Maddie and her dolls. and gregory and his...
B: dont finish that sentence. i remember completly what he was looking at on his computer. he really was a tiny chuck bass.
C: only he looks like a male you.
B: do u remember when he was ike 5 he had that mad curly hair.
C: yes they eventually fell out though.
B: i know. i wonder if he'll let me try and curl his hair.
C: i dont think so. he isnt a little boy any more.
B: yes he is. he'll always be my little boy. just like andrew is my little boy and will always be my little boy. also Victoria, Madeline and... Charlie will always be my little girls.
C: it's the same for me but we still have to let them grow up.
B: i dont want to.
C: i dont like it either. do u think i want to see Victoria and Madeline's boyfriends.
B: (Laughs) but u have to deal with that. they are very attractive young ladies.
C: they're my little girls, they're not ladies Blair.
B: And i have to let them grow up? (smirks)
C: touche.

Blair leans agaisnt Chuck and is nearly asleep when Chuck nudges her. she keeps her eyes closed but speaks.

B: what?
C: if u open your eyes you'll see who else has.
B: what are y...(opens her eyes immendiatly and looks over at andrew) he's awake.
C: he just woke up their now.
B:(gets up and walks over to the incubator) hallo little guy. i see u have u dad's eyes. that just completes the fact that u look so much like him.
C: is that a bad thing?
B: no it's a wonderful thing.


Gregory was in his fathers brooklyn hotel called Charles Place. when he seen Patrick and Brooke kissing. he walked over to them.

G: brooke what are u doing?!
Br: gregory what are u doing here?
G: my father owns this hotel. his name is charles. the hotel is called charles place. it actually says the owners name on the plaque on the side of the building's door. why are u kissing patrick baizen?
Br: im not.
G: i just saw you.
Br: what's it to you? shouldnt u be sucking the face off of my sister?
G: Brooke u of all people should know what a waste of space patrick baizen is. he tried something on u as soon as u came to the school remember.
Br: your one to talk. u have tried to hit on meer girls than... i dont know. but u are the one who took my virginity. it shouldnt matter to u who i sleep with and what their reputation is like!
G: you're my friend brooke! i dont think that patrick baizen is a good choice for you!
Br: oh and your a good choice for my sister. my sister is not a whore. and u are a hypocrite and an pig.
G: u know what sleep with patrick see if i care when u get hurt.
Br: gregory u know i didnt mean that.
G: no i dont care. im not going to try and help your mood swings anymore. make sure to get checked for diseases afterwards, and i wont be going to the volgende brooklyn party with you.
Br: but tristan wont be able to take me!
G: well i guess u cant go then. of if u do, you'll be treated like the rest of those girls.
Br: gregory i didnt mean that your not a pig.
G: brooke i dont care just go back to baizen.


Jenny was in the keuken-, keuken when she heard the door slam. she flinched at the sound and seen Damien storm in. he walked into the keuken-, keuken and grabed her ruffly door the wrists.

Je: damien what are u doing?
Da: did u have an affair?
Je: what? no!
Da: dont lie to me (shakes her)
Je: damien let go of me you're hurting me.
Da: i seen a picture of u with another man. and i've seen u with him meer and more.
Je: i have no idea what your talking about! i love you! im not cheating on u i swear.
Da: liar (slaps her) dont u dare see him again. (hits her again and she slids to the floor)
Je: im not lying. (says weakly)
Da: sure (kicks her and storms out)

Jenny goes to her room as quickly as she can and covers up the marks and bruises with make up and meer clothing. she didnt notice niamh who had seen the whole thing.


Gregory and Victoria were looking at the baby in their mothers arms. he had woke up and shortly after they were allowed to take him out of the incubator. their dad was beside their mom with Maddie sitting on his knee.

V: he's so small.
B: so were u once.
G: yes sister it's a concept of being a baby.
V: shut up i've seen u as a baby. god i wish that was a memory i could get out of my head.
G: haha you're so funny victoria.
V: i know.
M: dont be mean to gregy.
G: yeah victoria.
V: what did i do to deserve my little sister taking your side instead of mine.
G: she love her big brother more.
C: maddie loves u both the same.
M: yeah what daddy said.
V: but dad wins over all.
G: yep she'll always be on his side.
B: that's because all my little girls are daddy's girls and gregory chooses my side because he's meer scared of me when i shout than your father.
C: you're not scarier than me.
V+G: Yes she is.
C: no she's not.
B: dont disagree with me charles.
C: ok.
V+G: told you.

they all start laughing and madeline laughs but doesnt understand why.
A/N: please review.
 Megan Williams
Megan Williams
 Amelia busje, van der Bilt
Amelia van der Bilt
 Jessica Coates
Jessica Coates
 Saffron Shafai
Saffron Shafai
 Summer Beaton
Summer Beaton
 Gregory Bass- 5 years old
Gregory Bass- 5 years old
 It feels amazing and it's awesome to be recognized for it!
It feels amazing and it's awesome to be recognized for it!
I'm happy to present our February FOTM with the amazing Julia, very loyal CB fan since the very beginning spreading the love for them everywhere she gets and greatly contributing to this spot. So well deserved! Without further ado, here's her interview. :)

1. Congrats on winning Julia! How does it feel to be a Chair FOTM?
It feels amazing! I've been a huge Chair fan for years, but it's only recently that I started getting involved in the spot, and it's awesome to be recognized for it! I'm so happy that a bunch of us contributed to making the CB spot active again!

2. Standard question: Tell us...
continue reading...
 Almost immediately after Victor/Victrola. That's also when I got majorly obsessed with the show.
Almost immediately after Victor/Victrola. That's also when I got majorly obsessed with the show.
I am so honored and happy to be interviewing our first ever FOTM on this spot: Sandra!You Totally Deserve it,Congrats !So here it is, everyone: the September FOTM interview!
PS:I wanna thank Nat for helping me with the questions![mostly all the questions]

Bolded[b/] are the questions, anything else are her answers.

[b]1. First of all, why don't u start off door telling us something about yourself that we don't know?

Oh... hmm. To those of u who don't know me, my name is Sandra, I'm 18, from (and still live in) Sweden and I get obsessed with things very easily.
To the people who do know me......
continue reading...
A.N. THANKYOU for all the reviews people! I love each and every single one.

SNOW DAY! woohoo! Snow in the UK is crazy this year!

Got time to write this chapter, it was going to be much longer but it kind of got long enough….I really hope u like how it turns out because im not too sure that you’ll like it so read on and let me know what u make of it!

She gave him a wicked smile, daring him to speak. She had been right in thinking he would not have expected this, not in a million years. He would have expected her to seek revenge on him for going to the press, maybe to even come to him in...
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Story: "Christmas Spirit"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: 'Pretend like u never get sad and all u care about is making meer money.' After Blair’s words his father visits Chuck and shows him past and future, leaving him to make a decision. Chuck/Bart Chuck/Blair

I updated Sparks earlier today and since I’m so excited for 3x12 after promo and spoilers I wrote this fic. It’s what I would like to see happening in volgende episode, well part of it since it would be too long to put everything in it. :) I should be studying for my tomorrow...
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 Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Episode 3: The Italian Joy

GG: Oh that dag is here! All our Upper East Siders are leaving us, but don't worry not for good just for a field trip, And i know what your thinking, how will Gossip Girl get the Gossip? Oh didn't I mention, I'm going too...

Dorota is packing Blair's suitcases.
Blair is on the phone with Lucas.

B: I know, but it's only a week, I'll miss u too, don't go having to much fun without me, Okay, Bye (Hangs up). Ohhhh. I just love him.
D: I am happy for u miss Blair
B: Are you? Ohh he is just wonderful
D: I am done Miss Blair
B: Oh good, u can take those down to the car, I'll...
continue reading...
I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.

Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Cyrus Rose
Eleanor Waldorf

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of love with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- Blair is in distress about how she feels about Chuck so she has a chat with Cyrus about it and makes her decision.

Scene 5- Waldorf Appartment

Blair is lying on her bed.
Cyrus walks past...
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gossip girl
added by Praesse
gossip girl
blair & chuck
ed westwick
Not mine. All credit goes to ShelbyLewis200714 on youtube.
gossip girl
blair & chuck
added by Slayerfest93
Source: fuckyeahchairandleighted.tumblr.
added by egocentric
Source: egocentric
added by egocentric
Source: egocentric
added by RoseLovesJack
added by RoseLovesJack
 What Bella would look like...
What Bella would look like...
Chair Tales S02E18- R for Regretter

Serena had Blair over for avondeten, diner the volgende night. She had been doing a lot of shopping for her new apartment. She had just recently moved out of the pool house near her mothers home pagina and got her own apartment for the two of them. She'd been too busy to do any food shopping so she'd come to Serena's most days. Serena didnt mind, especially since she was heavily pregnant and Dan appreciated having Blair around to help around the house and to help with cooking! It was also nice for Zach and Bella as they got to hang out together.

Serena hadn't told Blair about seeing...
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added by laurik2007
Source: blairserenas @ tumblr
gossip girl
leighton meester
ed westwick
blair & chuck
blair waldorf
chuck bas, bass
gossip girl
added by Invisible-Tears
Source: Unknown