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I know not everyone celebrates Christmas, but in many countries, there is a big break coming up, and I thought I would share some good vacation-type reads. So put these on hold at the bibliotheek now to prepare for a long period of time for relaxation and good reading.

1. His Dark Materials door Philip Pullman
(The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, The Amber Spyglass)-I read this series once over a break and it is fantastic. Deep and meaningful while still a quick read. The 2nd one is my favorite.

2. Anna Karenina door Leo Tolstoy
This is probably a challenge for a lot of people, but it's one of the most amazing boeken I have ever read. I tackled this one over a Christmas break and finished in a little over a week. It's a good book to go for when u have a long stretch of time to devote to it.

3. Inheritance series door Christopher Paolini
(Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr) This is a good chance to catch up before the 4th book comes out. (Anyone know when that is, btw?) People may laugh at this pick, but the boeken are very easy reads and pretty addicting. You'll get into them quickly which is perfect for the holidays. u want to relax after all!

4. 1984 door George Orwell
If you've been putting it off, now's your chance to read this timeless classic!

5. Watership Down door Richard Adams
I know a book about rabbits on a quest sounds ridiculous but this book is completely wonderful. You'll get through it in no time.

6. Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales
This book looks intimidating, but each of the stories are very short and they are magical. u will love this. Plus, you've got time to kill ;)

7. Lord of the Rings door J.R.R. Tolkien
Now, I understand that this task is a little overwhelming, but at least try to finish one of these 3 boeken over break. I promise it's still good even if u spread it out. Tackle one this break, another in the spring and the last one over the summer.

8. The Girl of the Limberlost door Gene Stratton Porter
I completely loved this book when I was 15. It's a beautiful story. It has little to do with vacation, but it's a thick book, though a quick read once u get into it.

9. Birth of Venus door Sarah Dunant
If u like historical fiction, this one was very surprising to me in a good way. I usually don't go straight for the bestsellers, I'm meer of a classics girl, but I'd say this is a good vacation book.

10. The Last Wife of Henry VIII door Carolly Erickson
Another historical fiction. I learned a lot about English history and about Henry VIII and his many wives. The boeken starts when he's still married to his first wife. I read this book literally from cover to cover without setting it down. A great fast read.

So there u have it. This is not a lijst of my favoriete boeken (though many do fit into that category) but instead a true lijst of boeken I think u will find very enjoyable over vacation. So challenge yourself and read as many as possible of even just one! Let me know what u think, I'd love to hear comments.
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