Booth and Bones Club
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posted by othobsessed92
1.01: The Pilot

Brennan: If u drive one meer block, I'm screaming kidnap out the window.

Booth: (stops walking) What's it going to take?
Brennan: (stops walking and turns) Full participation in the case.
Booth: Fine.
Brennan: Not just lab work, everything.
Booth: What do u want me to do? Spit in my hand? We're Scully and Mulder.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth: It's an olijf-, olijf branch. Just get back in the car.

Booth: He's got no sense of discretion. That kid. Typical squint.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Booth: Well when the cops get stuck we bring in people like you. u know squints. u know to squint at things.
Brennan: Oh u mean people with very high IQs and basic reasoning skills.

Brennan: Don't call me Bones.
Booth: I know we talked about u coming out in the field
Brennan: Oh, u rat bastard.

Brennan: Blackmail you.
Booth: Blackmail a Federal Agent?
Brennan: Yes.
Booth: I don't like it.
Brennan: I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to.

Brennan: No. I'm not a hart-, hart person you're a hart-, hart person. I'm a brain person. u vouched for me.

Brennan: u wanna check him out? We can. I don't know what do u call it? Roost him?
Booth: Roust.
Brennan: Roust. Well the murderer snatched the Bronze ster from Cleo's neck so
Booth: I've got twelve hours before this case is over and I'm off it so let's go roust. C'mon.

Booth: u expect me to declare war on a United States Senator based on your little holographic crystal ball?
Brennan: It's not magic. It's a logical recreation of events based on evidence.
Booth: No meer valid then my gut.

Booth: Yeah, in the future maybe I should do the shooting.
Brennan: Why? I'm a good shot.

Brennan: (laughs) Please u don't think there is some kind of cosmic balance sheet?
(Booth looks down and she stops smiling)
Brennan: I'd like to help u with that.

1.02: The Man in the S.U.V.

Angela: Brennan I know this great club they play trip hop and trance.
Brennan: I don't know what that means.
Angela: It doesn't matter. We'll grab Booth.
Brennan: No.
Angela: I think he likes you. God if I were u I'd buy a ticket on that ride.

Booth: Tessa's an attorney.
Tessa: mmm, corporate, keeping the fat cats fat.
Brennan: I was just studying a cranial fissure on a corporate attorney last week. Of course he was dead so�
Tessa: Interesting.
Brennan: Thanks.

Brennan: Look, I'm happy for you. Relationships have anthropological meaning. No society can survive if sexual bonds aren't formed bet
Booth: What the hell are u talking about?

Booth: It's not Bureau policy to target of profiel any ethnic group. It wasn't our intention. I can understand why u may feel offended.
Brennan: I can't.
Booth: Bones!

Brennan: So u think u know women just because u live with some sexy lawyer? Unbelievable. Brennan: Who do u ask?
Booth: For what?
Brennan: For the strength and the wisdom?
Booth: God.
Brennan: And that works?
Booth: Can we talk about something else?
Brennan: Sure. Tessa?
Booth: Tessa!? No. Why do u want to talk about Tessa?
Brennan: What? Why? Why not? I'm sorry. We won't talk about Tessa.
Booth: I prefer if we would just stay on point and talk about things that u like to talk about like dead people. Dead bodies?
Brennan: Sure, sure. You've killed a lot of people, right? When u were a sniper?
Booth: Maybe we shouldn't talk at all.

Booth: u know I need subtitles walking in here.

Brennan: What if u and Tessa were going to break up and u didn't want to?
Booth: Interesting Bones.
Brennan: Well I'm positing a scenario. Tessa wants to break up and u don't want to so she poisons you.
Booth: No, no, no.
Brennan: And then just to make sure she blows u up with a bomb.
Booth: Why would Tessa do that?
Brennan: Exactly. Thank you.
Booth: Alright, Listen Bones, we're heading into a very unknown situation. I think it's best if u just stay in the car. (she gives him a dirty look) Okay, then. u know, if u have to come in with me u just stay behind me. (still giving him a bad look) Fine, just be careful, Alright.

1.03: A Boy in the Tree

Booth: We've got a dead body in a prep school out in the sticks.
Brennan: Good morning to u too.
(Zach leans vooruit, voorwaarts towards Booth to talk to him.)
Zach: Successful with woman, right? I mean they like you?
Booth: Okay, look it's a very prestigious prep school with a lot of rich kids.
Brennan: I thought that it was good to start with a Good Morning.

Booth: Dr. Temperance Brennan and her assistant Jack, uh, something. Booth: u want to increase the perimeter here? Gentleman, give my forensic anthropologist some room.
Brennan: Your forensic anthropologist?

Booth: Ah, u can fill me in later.
Brennan: No, but the interesting thing is that it's
Booth: That is correct.
Brennan: What?
Booth: That is interesting.
Brennan: Are u drunk of something?

Sid: Hey, I'll say this she's tall.
Booth: Dr. Temperance Brennan, meet Sid, the owner.
Sid: Hey, the bone lady

Booth: We need to see all the sex tapes that you've confiscated.
Headmaster: Absolutely not.
Booth: Well I will just get a warrant and in the application for a warrant I'll include your admission that u allow your students to swap homemade sex tapes.
Sanders: The headmaster is not refusing to provide u with the tapes.
Brennan: Absolutely not sounds like a refusal

Booth: of u take my advice. If u don't answer my questions, I'll take u down to FBI headquarters in hand cuffs.
Brennan: He'll do it. He doesn't like you.
(Booth shakes his head no.)
Brennan: You're the least objective person I have ever met.
Booth: Thank you.
Brennan: It's not a compliment.

Booth: Very impressive Temperance. u got that one right.

1.04: The Man in the Bear

Brennan: Residual kruis section striae.
Booth: Hmm. Just because u say it in that definitive tone doesn't mean it means anything to me.

Brennan: Are u suggesting that I take this opportunity to have sex with Booth on a field trip?

Booth: u know you're a smart ass. u know that?
Brennan: Objectively I'd say I'm very smart although it has nothing to do with my ass.

Booth: u know I tell u what. u can take me out to dinner. Hmm? Put me on your tab.
Brennan: That doesn't seem ethical.
Booth: u still want that gun now don't ya, Hmm?
Brennan: We'll start with breakfast.

Brennan: Very nice. I have a beautiful view of the mountains from the terrace.
Booth: u have a terrace?
Brennan: Yeah.
Booth: I'm sharing a bathroom.

Brennan: I've never been offered human flesh before.
Booth: But what if u had?
Brennan: It's an interesting question. I would have to measure my own social inculcation against scientific inquiry.
Booth: Okay that's sick.

Angela: So did u catch the guy?
Brennan: No, Booth lost him in the woods.
Booth: Whoa, wait a second. I didn't loose him.
Brennan: Well u didn't catch him.

Booth: Professional pride, tell her, please tell her that.
Brennan: Booth wants u to know that he lost the guy because his flashlight died.

Brennan: Everybody is pumping me.
Booth: I'm sorry?
Brennan: For information on the case.
Booth: Bones they are only pretending to be interested in the case.
Brennan: Why?
Booth: They're hitting on you.
Brennan: Are u sure?
Booth: Yes, I'm sure. You're the hottest thing this town has seen in a long time.

Sheriff: We see this kind of thing all the time. Kids come up here, get baked, do their own version of the Blair Witch Project.
Brennan: I don't know what that means?
Booth: It's a horror movie, Bones. Didn't make any sense.
Sheriff: It was scary though with the bloody hand prints.

Brennan: Moments like this are why I need a gun.
(Booth sighs and takes a gun out of his pant leg.)
Booth: That is for self defense so u don't just go blasting away in there.
Brennan: What if I have to shoot? What part of his body should I hit?
Booth: The part that isn't me.

Brennan: Yes, but is it nuts because he got a brain disease from eating human flesh of was he already nuts the first time he ate flesh of did he just lick his fingers after surgery?
Booth: I should just become a vegetarian.
Brennan: of as an alternative just don't eat people. u know I'm going come back up here this winter. Charlie says the skiën is great.
Booth: Oh, it's Charlie?
Brennan: Yeah the overnight guy.
Booth: (laughs) Yeah I know who he is.
Brennan: I bet he's a great skier. His hips and thighs are perfectly developed for strength and maneuverability.
Booth: (drops his fork) That's it I'm done.

1.05: A Boy in a Bush

Booth: I have a vraag regarding the role of the FBI in your book. Who do u based brilliant and insightful Special Agent Andy Lister on? Booth: Work on cases. u know, with me outside the lab. If u want to do that, I need to know that u will respect the law.
Brennan: Tell u what. If I can't respect the law, I can at least respect you.

Brennan: Do u remember me, Sean?
Sean: Museum Lady, the one who's so smart.
Brennan: Yeah, I'm pretty smart.
JP: And very modest.
Booth: Oh believe me she is being modest.

Brennan: I have a friend at the FBI if I ask him to, he will make sure that u and David get to live with Margaret again.
Child Advocate: Dr. Brennan, u can't make promises like that.
Brennan: Yes, I can. He will do it. My friend will make it happen.

Booth: I'm going to need your help to keep the promises she made to that boy.
JP: Hey, I,I,I can't promise
Booth: Mrs. Johnston, my people and your people are going to have to make this happen.

Brennan: door the way, there is a huge dint in my passenger side door because u told me not to park it at an angle.
Booth: (laughs)
Brennan: Okay that's just mean!
Booth: (laughs harder.)
Brennan: You're mean.
Booth: Sorry.

Booth: u look nice. Better then nice u look uh, very (is speechless)
Brennan: Thanks.

Brennan: Booth, I knew u would back me up. I knew u wouldn't make me a liar.
Booth: Hmm. How'd u know?
Brennan: Because u want to go to Heaven.
Booth: But u don't believe in Heaven.
Brennan: But u do.

1.06: The Man in the Wall

Booth: You're hung over. Doesn't this make your head explode?
Brennan: I grabbed a couple hours of sleep on my divan, bank and showered in the lab's decontamination room.
Booth: Ooh, u really know how to live

Brennan: Angela zei rap artists sometimes kill each other over the music: jam Master Jay, Tupac, Biggie.
Booth: Do u even know who you're talking about?
Brennan: Yeah, I've done my Googling.

Rulz: What's the FBI recruiting from, America's top, boven model now?
Brennan: I'm a forensic anthropologist with the Jeffersonian.
Booth: She works for the FBI.

Booth: Why exactly are we talking about this?
Brennan: Because you're tense.
Booth: Because we're talking.

Brennan: Yet much of the iconic quality of the urban muziek lies in the perceived of actual rivalry between the principal artists.
Hall: Where did u find her?
Booth: Museum.

Brennan: Toody has traveled the world finding dead bodies.
Booth: Does Toody always drool like that?

Booth: I'll tell u what; I'll make u a better deal. u tell us what we need to know and I'll have those charges laid against you. Hmm, put u in the Remand center.
Rulz: For how long?
Booth: Well that depends on what u tell us.
Brennan: Wait! Wait, you're negotiating to put this guy in jail?
Booth: I'll sweeten the pot and charge u with Mount's death too but u hire ah, one of those moron lawyers and u ah, be thrown in lockup for what, maybe a month?
Rulz: (smiling) Sweet
Brennan: Where am I in backwards world?

Rulz: Mount was gonna jump.
Brennan: u mean commit suicide?
Rulz: Where did u find her?
Booth: Museum.

Booth: u know what? I'm going to spread the pain. Alright, that's my new motto.
(Booth turns and leaves. Bones chases behind him.)
Brennan: Wait, I can help spread pain. Wait.

Booth: Arrest him for what?
Brennan: Uttering threats of smelling bad of anything.

Booth: Yeah, u know, u go with someone, u joke about not going back to your real life, the two of u laugh but when you're alone the world is full of possibilities.
Brennan: (Smiles) See u volgende week.

1.07: A Man on Death Row

Booth: Reason for wanting a gun?
Brennan: To shoot people.

Booth: Never the less, name of the arresting officer?
Brennan: You.

Brennan: Tell them that I shot a murderer who was going to light me on fire.
Booth: Which is why u weren't convicted but u did shoot an unarmed man. I, I can't ignore that. I swore an oath to protect society from people who shoot people.
Brennan: It was only his leg and he's in jail for the rest of his life. How much is he going to use it anyway?

Booth: Ah, come on. u know what Bones? You're a professor; you're not an FBI agent. Okay? Use your mutant powers, just talk people to death. Booth: hallo Bones, what are u doing this weekend?
Brennan: I have plans.
Booth: Come on, I'm serious.

Amy: So, u seeing each other?
Brennan: Who?
Amy: u and Booth.
Brennan: No. (laughs a little) No, we're ,we're working together.
Amy: Cause I'm picking up a bit of a sex vibe.

Cullen: She can't have a gun.
Booth: No gun, absolutely not. No gun, thank u sir.

Brennan: Well, are u going to help?
Booth: Well I would but this is a 1200 dollar suit.
Brennan: Are u kidding me? I haven't slept in forty eight hours and you're worried about your suit. Get over here.

Brennan: Are u going to arrest me for assault?
Booth: From what I saw purely self defense.
Brennan: Maybe I shouldn't carry a gun after all.
Booth: Hell u can have mine.

1.08: The Girl in the Fridge

Booth: Okay. Call me later.
Bones: I'm not working tonight. I have a dinner.
Booth: What? Wow. I just assumed that the two of u would be eating off an autopsy table.
Bones: Not tonight.
Booth: I was being...Tomorrow's fine. Call me tomorrow.

Booth: Well, the fridge we found Maggie in is a match with the marks on the Costellos' floor.
Bones: They're sadomasochistic fetishists.
Booth: Yeah. Turned the basement into a "fun room".
Bones: Seeking sexual gratification through the manipulation of power. Probably the oldest of fetishes, master-slave. It's all about dominance.
Booth: Well, this sort of thing only comes up when the bloom goes off the rose if u know what I mean.
Bones: I don't know what u mean.
Booth: u know, when the regular stuff, when it gets old u need to spice it up, it's over. When the sex is good, u don't need any help.
Bones: That's for sure.
Booth: I'm sorry?
Bones: I was agreeing.
Booth: Yeah, well, don't, okay? It kind of freaks me out.
Bones: I was just saying that I, myself, feel no inclination toward either pain of dominance when it comes to sex.
Booth: Are u sure?
Bones: Yeah, I'm sure.
Booth: u can be very bossy.

Booth: u trained her well, doc.
Michael: She's brilliant. A little cocky, though.
Booth: Yeah, tell me about it. Pretty good partner, though. What u see is what u get. It's a rare quality. That's just between us, eh?

Michael: Tempe, Tempe. Tempe, I'm sorry. What can I do?
Booth: Bones... Costellos are trying to cop a plea to a charge that won't mean the death penalty. They know they're going down.
Bones: u had no right. There are things that are private.
Booth: Yeah, maybe you're right. But u know what? This was my case, too. All right? So, nothing personal?

Booth: Hey, Bones.
Bones: What is it? I'm not feeling very forgiving.
Booth: Yeah, I know. But we have a case.
Bones: Victim is an adult male, 35 to 40 years old. From the pattern of the burning I'd say an accelerant was used. Could u hand me my bag?
Booth: Yeah. Sure. Hey, listen, u want my jas of something? It's cold up here.
Bones: If I did, I'd ask for it.
Booth: Yeah. Sorry. And, um...I'm sorry.
Bones: u had something to accomplish u found a logical way of getting what u needed. I probably would have done the same thing.

1.09: The Man in the Fallout Shelter

Booth: What are you, like, the Christmas killer?
Bones: It's the truth.
Booth: Well, it sounds like the truth cause it's so rational, right, but, u know, the true truth is that u hate Christmas, so u just spout out all these facts and u ruin it for everyone else.
Bones: I ruin the true truth with facts?
Booth: Yeah, and u ruin it for the squint squad, too, door making them work on a case about a guy who's been sealed up in a fallout shelter for 50 years.
Bones: Okay, how would u like me to spend my Christmas?
Booth: Christmas is the perfect time to reexamine your standing with, u know...
Bones: A helicopter pilot?
Booth: Oh, right, right. u can't measure the man upstairs in a beaker, so he can't possibly exist.
Bones: "The man upstairs?"
Booth: Mmm. u know, u don't know if you're sick, but you're meer than willing to take drugs just in case. Seems to me u could give the man upstairs the same benefit of the doubt that u do an invisible fungus.

Bones: Hey. I'm sorry u didn't get Christmas morning with your little boy.
Booth: Thanks.

Bones: Ivy Gillespie came to the lab after u left with her granddaughter.Don't u want to know what happened?
Booth: I know what happened. u told her about Careful Lionel. u showed her the letters, the tickets. She cried, but u made her happy.
Bones: Not to mention I gave her a penny worth over a hundred thousand dollars.
Booth: She won't care about that today. u just gave somebody the best Christmas gift they could ever get. Who's the secret Santa now?
Bones: Stop.
Booth: And that weirdo assistant of yours just made me the coolest dad in the world.

1.10: The Woman at the Airport

Bones: This car doesn't feel very FBI.
Booth: Bones, this is a 1966 Mustang. It's a classic. What goes better than that with the FBI?
Bones: How come on the rental agreement under "Model" did the guy write "sedan"?
Booth: Bah, we're in California! Look, palm trees!
Bones: u know, I'd like to drive sometime.
Booth: Look, our contact out here is Special Agent Trisha Finn.
Bones: I'm an excellent driver.
Booth: OK, Rain Man.
Bones: Don't know what that means.
Booth: I'm always going to drive. u know that, right? Me behind the wheel, u over there, on the grand Mustang.
Bones: I'm not above telling Deputy Director Colin what kind of car u rented.

Booth: One meer thing. I had the Bureau zoek for adolescent girls that were injured in car crashes in the upper northeast, 10-12 years ago. Daughter's right leg was crushed.
Bones: Allison. Her name was Allison Holmes.
Booth: Her father and her brother are still alive. Somewhere in Bangor, Maine. We'll return the remains.
Bones: Thanks, Booth.
Booth: u know, Bones...You do your thing, I do mine.

1.11: The Woman in the Car

Bones: u never told me how I was this morning. I asked you, "How did I do?" and u said, "We'll talk about it in the car," but we didn't.
Booth: This was your first TV interview?
Bones: Yes.
Booth: It was fine, u know...for your first interview.
Bones: Well, that was a qualified response.
Booth: What? No. It was lively, yeah.
Bones: Lively? What kind of word is that?
Booth: It's an adjective, though, ironically, most words that end in "ly" are adverbs. Like "ironically."
Bones: Okay, what did I do wrong?
Booth: Maybe volgende time, tell a funny story. Oh, and never say u don't like children.
Bones: I didn't say I don't like children. I just zei I don't want any.
Booth: On TV, it's the same thing.

Bones: u just told me not to jump to a conclusion.
Booth: No offense intended.
Bones: No, u were right. It's just I usually get to tell you.
Booth: Our relationship has taken a whole new turn.

Bones: We did our job.
Booth: It's not often I get to help save someone before they die.
Bones: Hell, Bones, every time u catch a murderer u save his volgende victim.
Booth: This is different.
Bones: Yeah. Still glad u don't have any kids?
Booth: Yeah. Why? u were looking at that boy and his dad-- I just thought you'd change your mind.
Bones: No. Still glad u do have a kid?
Booth: Gladder today than yesterday.
Bones: Doesn't make any sense.
Booth: Yeah, it's complicated.

1.12: The Superhero in the Alley

Booth: Oh no, u don't have to solve the whole case just tell me if I'm looking at a murder maybe u know, pull a quick ID?
Bones: (looks up at him and smiles) Don't use your charm smile on me.
Booth: What? (laughs) It's a mark of respect. That's all.

Booth: Do u smell that?
Bones: Yes I do.
Booth: u know what that is Bones?
Bones: Wax,popcorn, feet, deodorant.
Booth: That is America, Bones.

Bones: This is not a sport.
Booth: How do u figure?
Bones: There's no physical benefit so it's really like golf. It's not a sport. It's an activity.
Booth: u know could u please; Bones, maybe just for once try not to piss everyone off around you?

1.13: The Woman in the Garden

Bones: Why did they call in the FBI to little Salvador?
Booth: Well u know, the car’s got Virginia plates, across state lines, and then there’s a suspected gang member, and then there’s Rico to deal with. Look, Bones, do u really want to know?
Bones: No, I was just using it as an excuse to make conversation and reestablish our connection.
Booth: What?
Bones: Well, I read a book about improving work relationships. It’s not fair to expect u to tell me everything.
Booth: I appreciate the effort, Bones.

Booth: Great, now he's ignoring us in two languages.

Booth: Okay, Hodgins, suit up; you’re coming with us. We’re going to the Barrio.
Hodgins: Field work. Cool. Do I get a gun?
Bones: You… u can’t arm Hodgins and not me.
Booth: What is it with u people and the guns, huh?

Hodgins: Look at this. The government bankrupts itself giving tax breaks to the rich so there’s no money left to help these people with job training, educational resources, health care…
Booth: Just look for a garden with the plant.
Hodgins: Unless they land a job working for minimum wage that hasn’t seen a hike in eight years.
Bones: That’s for those who are here legally. The undocumented do a lot worse.
Booth: What is this, NPR radio, huh? What, are u two running for office?

Bones: Why would a gang leader cooperate?
Booth: I’m going to ask him very, very nicely, Bones.
Bones: u know that book I’m reading about getting along with your coworkers, it says that sarcasm is never helpful. I can lend it to u if u want.

Hodgins: Yeah, and here’s the kicker. There was also evidence of genetic material from a franklinia alatamaha on his shoe.
Booth: You’re kidding. I’m in shock, Frankie Alabama, u don’t say.
Bones: Did u hear what I zei about sarcasm?

[Bones and Hodgins smile at each other and give each other a high five.]
Booth: (fake laughs) Okay, u guys should do that even less than normal people.

Bones: I like puzzles. I find them relaxing. I just finished The Anatomy Lesson door Rembrandt.
Booth: You’re kidding, right?
Bones: What do u find relaxing?
Booth: I restore vintage cars.
Hodgins: I know what I find relaxing.
Booth: Everybody finds what u find relaxing, relaxing.

Booth: Let's pretend that I'm the cop for a second.

Bones: Are u mad at me?
Booth: No, but u know, I could have gotten something back there if u hadn’t gotten all mushy on me.
Bones: I was uncomfortable with… u always say I’m not a cop. You’re right, especially in a situation like that.
Booth: Well, it’s okay.

Booth: u put a hit out on my partner?
Ortez: She's not FBI.(Booth punches him in the face. Then he grabs him door the throat and pulls out his gun. He puts the gun under his chin while he’s holding his neck.)
Booth: I never zei anything about FBI. She’s my partner, see, and if anything happens to her, I will find u and I will kill you. I won’t think twice. Come here, look at my eyes. (he cocks his gun and puts it in Ortez’s mouth) Look at my face, if anything happens to her, I will kill you. This is between u and me. What nobody sees, nobody knows. You’ve got nothing to prove. u understand? u understand?(Ortez tries to say yeah.)
Booth: Yeah, I thought so. Now if u don’t mind, I’ll leave first, 'cause I’ve got somewhere I have to be. (Booth uncocks his gun, turns and takes a few steps. Then he turns around again quickly, cocks his gun, and aims it at Ortez’s head. He stares at him for a few moments then walks away.)

Booth: Am I in trouble?
Angela: You’re late for a funeral, of course you’re in trouble.
Booth: (to Bones) Sorry. I apologize. I… everything okay here?
Bones: Where were you?
Booth: I had something to do.
Bones: meer important than a funeral?
Booth: I thought so at the time.

1.14: The Man on the Fairway

Brennan: Not to mention, three bone fragments which were not on the plane.
Dr. Goodman: Is there any chance those bone fragments were on the plane?
Angela: What, u mean as carry-on luggage?

Brennan: (to Booth) Got it, of u want me to explain it again?

Brennan: These fragments come from a person who was hacked.
Booth: Hacked to little bits?
Brennan: No medium sized bits, not sure how it turned into little bits yet.

Brennan: Dismemberment, little bits, it's a murder.
Booth: Well, FBI doesn’t have jurisdiction at a golf course.
Brennan: Well, who does?
Booth: I don’t know. Try the PGA.

Booth: u know, you’ve done a couple of cases without me and u miss me.
Brennan: Zack misses you, not me.
Booth: Zack and I don’t even talk.
Brennan: He seems to think it’s a male bonding ritual.
Booth: Maybe he’s right.
Brennan: No he’s not.
Booth: Could be.
Brennan: u told him that so u wouldn’t have to talk to him.
Booth: Well, it was nicer then shooting him.
Brennan: Goodman has ordered me to investigate the other extra body.
Booth: Well then u better get on that. volgende time, u know, u miss me, pick up the phone, call me, we’ll do lunch of something.
Brennan: I do not miss you!
Booth: Yeah u miss me. C’mon.
Brennan: I do not miss you!
Booth: Say it. (A security guard walks in.)
Guard: Dr. Brennan, Agent Booth, u have a visitor. (he leaves)
Booth: u miss me.
Brennan: No I don’t. (she walks out.)
Booth: u miss me. u miss me.

Booth: Okay, how do u know about the Chinese? (Kane ignores him and Booth snaps in his face and puts his hand in front of Bones' face) Do not look at Dr. Brennan, okay?

Kane: Do u mind if I ask u how many bone fragments u found?
Bones: Yes, I do. I don’t discuss ongoing investigations.
Booth: (smug) She doesn’t discuss ongoing investigations.

Bones: Will u help?
Booth: Well, u know, I guess if you’re uh, really asking me, I guess I could, uh, u know, samenflansen, zachte toffee it with my boss to make it look like it was attached to the Chinese plane crash thing.

Booth: Subtle psychological indicators, Bones.
Bones: I looked those up on the internet: body language, sweat, tonal quality, shifty eyes.
Booth: Hey, u know what? I don’t go poking around your bones stuff, okay. Just leave the human stuff to me.

Brennan: I feel like kicking him.
Booth: That's normal after a pursuit. We try not to do that.

Booth: u testing out my instincts, Bones?
Bones: Poking and prodding. I learned from the best. (pinches his cheek.)

Bones: I want to ask u another favor.
Booth: Oh jeez, another favor.
Bones: I wonder if u wouldn’t mind taking a look at this. (slides the file over to him.)
Booth: The file on your parents? Yeah, okay.
Bones: Do u want to think about it? It’s a pretty big favor.
Booth: You’d do it for me.
Bones: Yeah, I would.
Booth: I’m proud u asked, Temperance.

Bones: You’re back to ignoring Zack?
Booth: Alright look, I know u don’t approve but, u know, it works for us; it worked for him so…
Bones: Yeah, I get it, and it’s kind of sweet.

1.15: Two Bodies in the Lab

Booth: u know, what ever happened to seeing someone across a crowded room, eyes meeting, that old black magic gets u in its spell?
Bones: There's no such thing as magic.
Booth: Oh, there's magic.
Bones: Are u here for a reason?

Bones: Ask them to save the excrement for Hodgins.

Bones: My reservation just got pushed door a few extra minutes.
Booth: Oh, a few extra minutes. Great.
Bones: What?
Booth: Nothing.
Bones: u disapprove?
Booth: I zei great.
Bones: With attitude.
Booth: Don't go overboard with psychology. It's not your thing.

Bones: Look, I am an adult, Booth. I see men. I go out with them on occasion. I sleep with them.
Booth: Hey, u know what? That's cool, but u don't even know who this guy is that you're meeting.
Bones: I have trekked through Tibet avoiding the Chinese army. I think I can handle meeting someone for dinner.
Booth: Fine, u know what? u have fun with Dick431 of whatever his handle is.
Bones: Yeah, I will.
Booth: Good.
Bones: Thanks.
Booth: Fine.
Bones: Good.

Booth: Bones, what the hell are u doing?
Bones: Working. Why does everyone find that so odd?
Booth: Why? Oh, I don't know. Why? Because maybe an uur geleden someone tried to kill you.

Booth: I don't think it's a good idea for u to continue to work these cases.
Bones: This is what I do, Booth.

Booth: Look Bones, I know it's hard for u to admit you're wrong about something, but I really don't care about your feelings right now, I'm meer concerned with your life. So they're bringing your datum in for interrogation, grab your coat.
Bones: I'm working.
Booth: Bones! I'm not letting u out of my sight until I find out who is trying to kill you.

Booth: Let's go.
Bones: What?
Booth: Kenton is putting together everything he's got on Cugeni's disappearance.
Bones: I'm probably meer valuable here.
Booth: No, you're definitely meer valuable alive. Alright? I'm not leaving u alone. Come on.

(Bones holds up a large key ring)
Booth: Bones, how many keys do u need?
Bones: Car, house, lab, morgue... I need a lot of keys.

Booth: I'll sleep on the couch.
Bones: u think you're staying here with me?
Booth: Yeah. Nice place, door the way, Bones.

Booth: Kenton is on his way over. u have to promise me that u are going to stay with him.
Bones: I will.

Booth: Did they gather all the evidence from the explosion?
Bones: Yes.
Bones: You're sure?
Bones: Yes. Booth, I was there. They were very thorough and I was very annoying.

Booth: I'm fine. u know, I- I don't even know if- if I have to stay here. u know?
Bones: u got blown up.
Booth: I've been worse.

(Booth saves Bones. She's still bound, and crying)
Booth: Oh, it's okay. I'm right here. It's all over. Okay. Shh. I'm right here, alright. It's all over. Shh, alright.

Bones: How did u get out of the hospital?
Booth: Hodgins gave me a ride. Maybe... maybe u could give me a ride back though, huh?

Booth: u know, I let u down, Bones. I'm sorry.
Bones: u saved my life.
Booth: Yeah but u know, I shouldn't... it shouldn't have gone down like that.
Bones: What a pair.

1.16: The Woman in the Tunnel

Booth: (to Bones) u know Treasure of the Sierra Madre, but u don't know Charlize Theron? u know who u are? You're my grandmother.

1.18: The Man with the Bone

Booth: Welcome to the dungeon.
Bones: Why does the FBI always stick their morgues in the most depressing basement they can find?
Booth: Don't be such a snob, Bones, okay? Not everyone gets to play in a multimillion dollar lab, u know... with skylights.
Bones: It's because as a society we feel the need to hide death away. The people who deal with the death are viewed as freaks.

Booth: Guy was a Navy SEAL.
Bones: So? u were a guide.
Booth: A Ranger. I was a Ranger, Bones. Okay? I was not a guide. Guides, they toon u waterfalls, they sell u cookies. I was a Ranger.

Bones: Are Rangers afraid of SEALS?
Booth: What? Come on, Bones. Wh-? Rangers aren't afraid of anybody... SEALS are pretty good, though.

Dean: u good enough to take that shot, before I cut this air hose, Ranger?
Booth: Pretty good.
Bones: What, just pretty good?
Booth: Please, I'm workin'!

1.19: The Man in the Morgue

Booth: Voodoo.. [laughs] Who's gonna believe that stuff?
Brennan: It's a religion, no crazier than, well, what are you?
Booth: Catholic.
Brennan: They believe in the same saints u do. And prayer. What they call spells, u call miracles. They have priests.
Booth: We don't make zombies.
Brennan: Jesus rose from the dead after three days.
Booth: Jesus is not a zombie! Alright? Man, I shouldn't even have to tell u that.

Bones: Well, he's probably asleep. He's been working nights. Graham? Graham?
Booth: Cracker?

Bones: Voodoo healing is quite effective. No crazier than acupuncture of exorcism.
Booth: Hey, hey, easy on the Catholics, okay? Just... easy.

Booth: We just stopped door to ask why.
Detective Harding: Why?
Bones: That's what we came here to ask.
Detective Harding: u wanna look behind me and remind yourselves why I'm a little low on sense of humor.
Bones: Wha- That wasn't a joke...
Booth: Oh, no, she's not wisecracking. She just tends to be a bit literal.

Booth: Bones! Stop. This is the last time and place that u want to be rational, okay? Let's just be wildly emotional and assume that u didn't psychotically murder a coworker who invited u over for dinner.

Brennan: Why are u nice to me?
Booth: Because. Because they think they get away with it.
Brennan: What?
Booth: They burn their victim. They blow him up. They toss him in the ocean. They bury them in the desert. They throw ‘em to wood chippers. Sometimes, u know, years go by, they relax. Then they start living their lives like they didn't do anything wrong. Like they didn't spend somebody else's life in order to get what they got. They think they're veilig from retribution. u make those bastards unsafe. That's why I'm nice to you.
Brennan: I couldn't do that without u Booth.
Booth: Yeah. So, um, u should be a little nicer to me, huh?
Brennan: I really should.

Brennan: Booth, objects have no intrinsic power. A person's future does not depend on some thing. Things are just things. They do not have magical meaning of powers. [Booth shows her the missing earring he found] Where'd u get that?
Booth: What does it matter? It's just a thing. Right?
Brennan: My mother's earring.
Booth: No, uh…magical power over your future. [Booth walks out]
Angela: Does that prove something?
Brennan: [looking at earring] Yeah. It proves something.

1.20: The Graft in the Girl

Bones: Doctor, u performed Amy Cullen's graft, correct?
Doctor: Yes, but I just do the procedure, Ms. Brennan.
Booth: Doctor Brennan.
Doctor: MD?
Bones: PhD.
Doctor: Well, those who can't do, do research.
Booth: (stepping in) Okay...

Bones: Well, u can spit into four states from where we are right now.
Booth: What?
Bones: Not literally.

Zack: When your number's up, I guess, right? I never understood that saying, "when your number's up." Numbers and equations are quantitative and predictable. Everyone knows when a number's up.
Booth: How do u listen to this all day?
Bones: I find intelligence soothing.

Bones: In this case, I don't think so.
Booth: We don't think so. (they stare at each other)

Booth: (laughs) Ten grand? Geez, my bones are worth meer than that.
Bones: What makes u so special?
Booth: (proudly) Three glasses of melk a day, I work out, and I eat right.

Bones: But, here's the kickster.
Booth: Kicker, Bones. Here's the kicker.
Bones: (upset) Oh...

1.21: The Soldier in the Grave

Bones: u believe somehow he's still here, watching?
Booth: Yeah. u don't. I get that.
Bones: I know u think he's a good man. That's... that's enough for me.

Booth: u could've just stayed back there and played with your bones.
Bones: I know. Just wanted to keep u company, that's all.
Booth: Company?
Bones: Yeah. I'm trying to be meer sociable. u know?
Booth: Lousy liar.

Booth: It's just... it's another case.
Bones: You're not such a great liar yourself.

Bones: I'm your partner. Let me be your partner.

Bones: John Wayne syndrome.
Booth: Don't tell me you're gonna trash the Duke?
Bones: Wh- are u kidding? I love the Duke.
Booth: (impression) "I wouldn't have guessed that one, little lady."
Bones: Remember Stagecoach? (impression) "Listen, cowboy. Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway."
Booth: What was that? The Duke? That was horrible. That was like, Jerry Lewis.
Bones: Was not.

Bones: Now you're a mind reader.
Booth: Maybe. u want me to guess your weight?
Bones: u do and u could lose a tooth.

Booth: I've done some things.
Bones: I know.
Booth: No, no, u don't.
Bones: But it's okay.

Booth: u know, we all die a little bit, Bones. With each shot, we all die a little bit.

1.22: The Woman in Limbo

Bones: (to Dr. Goodman) The last time I read from photocopies, the defense lawyer told the jury I was winging it.
Booth: (walks in) Ready? Chop, chop.
Bones: I can't find my original notes.
Booth: Photocopy in the file.
Bones: No. The last time the defense lawyer told the jury that I-
Booth: It was a play. It failed. Let's go.

Bones: What's up?
Zack: Buttercup. If u sign off on these tissue markers, Angela can finish the facial reconstruction.
Bones: Why did u say "buttercup"?
Zack: "What's up, buttercup" is an amusing, rhyming, linguistic meme. (points to skull) This is the latest Jane Doe from Limbo.
Booth: How 'bout this for an amusing, rhyming linguini. "See ya later, alligator."

(Booth shows up at Bones' door with Chinese)
Bones: It's after midnight...
Booth: Well, I was driving by, I saw the lights. I thought u might like some Wong Foo's.
Bones: u saw my lights from the road?
Booth: That is correct.

Bones: (to Angela) I miss that. Someone caring where I am all the time.
Booth: Bones! Bones! u up there?

Bones: If u keep bringing Chinese food in the middle of the night, we're both gonna get fat.

Booth: There's a story here we don't know yet.
Bones: Like what?
Booth: Bones, "don't know" means it's a mystery.

Booth: If they don't cooperate, I'm gonna put his face in the paper.
Bones: Wouldn't u get in trouble for that?
Booth: Well, we'll find out. (leaves)
Angela: u know what? Sometimes, he is just... whew!

Bones: Three. .22 in the small of his back.
Booth: .22. I'm always right.
Bones: No, you're not.
Booth: Yes, I am. (notices Bones is aiming the .22) Bones, will u put the gun down.

Bones: (breaking down) I work at the Jeffersonian Institution. I'm a Forensic Anthropologist. I specialize in identif... in identifying... in identifying people when nobody knows who they are. My father was a science teacher. My mother was a bookkeeper. (she starts crying) My brother... I have a brother. I'm Dr. Temperance Brennan.
Booth: I know who u are. Hey. I know. (he pulls her in) It's okay. Shh. It's gonna be alright.

Booth: Maybe we'll get lucky and match the weapon he used on your mother.
Bones: It's unlikely.
Booth: In that case, we'll still ruin his day.

Bones: Why are u letting me drive?
Booth: It's your reward.

Booth: Can I read your book?
Bones: After it comes out.
Booth: Not before?
Bones: No.
Booth: I let u drive.

Booth: To us.
Russ: Whoever the hell we are.
Bones: To what we're becoming.
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