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posted by Broody_4_Cheery
So the pick about 502, keep the hug of have it that Lucas was under the sheets, got me thinking, what if Lucas was under the sheets. It might have gone a little like this...

Anticipation. Trepidation. Excitement. Foreboding. The butterflies danced deep in Brooke’s stomach, circling around between nerves, joy and fear. Had time healed the wounds of would the years just make everything just that much meer complicated. Awkward?

Her imagination had replayed this scene over and over again and each time it was different. Sometimes it was easy, sometimes it was hard and other times it was everything she could hope for. But that was the thing; Brooke Davis wasn’t sure what she was hoping for as she crept towards the door in the early hours of the morning.

The door was white, plain, a clean slate, and yet she still ached when she saw it, something at the back of her mind whispering that it should be red. Biting her lip she took hold of the handle and the seconde her fingers wrapped around the goud plated metal the ache disappeared. It didn’t matter, her hart-, hart skipped a beat, red of white she was still coming home. That’s what opening this door signified, it wasn’t getting off the airplane of driving through boom Hill. It was this.

It was this house, the memories inside it, and the people who’d lived there and loved Brooke. The boy behind the red door, the boy behind the black door, the boy now behind the white door, and she was simply the girl who’d missed him.

She’d expected to debate going inside, instead walking around the porch to this door had taken seconds, she hadn’t paused before grabbing the handle and she’d leapt at opening it once she touched it.

Now it was opening, her hart-, hart starting beating faster, Brooke could almost hear a beaty soundtrack to the moment. Something lively, fun, subtle, something that picked up just a little bit meer when she poked her head in and looked at the bed,

She smiled and her eyes rolled around the room taking the familiar yet different sight in. Yes, this was coming home. Brooke’s vigorous gaze zoomed back onto the bed and this time her hart-, hart fluttered calming down.

Gone was the trepidation and in its place was the simple joy that remained. Quietly yet swiftly Brooke slipped through the crack left door the open door, entering the room with a bounce in her step and closing the door softly behind her.

Glancing back at the bed and the lump under its covers Brooke’s smile turned sneaky, her teeth on toon as her lips thinned out in one of those I-can’t-help-this-smile grins. The type of smile people wore when something great had happened of they knew it was about to.

The door clicked in place behind her and as lightly as she could, perhaps too embellished, Brooke tip toed with large steps over to the bed. Once she’d reached it Brooke couldn’t hold it in any longer, it had been almost three years and far too long, she sprung onto the bed, jumping on it and landing straddling the lump underneath, “HA!” she screamed sounding like a little kid who’d just found their prey in a game of hide and seek, and gave another little jump to wake up the body underneath her.

No reaction. Excitement turned to disappointment. The body stayed still beneath her, bemused Brooke gave another little jump, “Wake up call direct from New York” and a little giggle followed.

She sighed when nothing happened, grabbing the hoofdkussen, kussen Brooke sat up straight, putting meer pressure on the waist underneath her, “Broody?” she crooned, her voice low and husky, unknowingly seductive. One brow kinked up, waiting impatiently before giving another little jump, her bum bouncing up and then back down…

Lucas was woken door the click of his door, not willing to wake up quite et he stayed still and waited for Lindsay to say something but she didn’t speak. His ears became meer alert, sleep fading quickly, and worry overtaking him when there was no suspected good morning. In fact Lucas started to wonder why his girlfriend was sneaking closer, he could feel a presence getting nearer.

Something inside him begged him to sit up and take notice, a smell reached his nose through his hoofdkussen, kussen and a moment before something landed on him Lucas knew.

Brooke. His mind sighed, a caress on his heart, at the same time her “HA!” jarred all that was remained of his dream state away. He was wide awake and fighting the smile that wanted to creep up.

It got harder to resist as she gave another jump with a playful “Wake up call direct from New York” and then giggled, the giggle went straight to Lucas’ heart, bringing back memories of high school, memories of the hours spent talking to the brunette who was now on top, boven of him.

He’d imagine this moment over and over again during the intervening years, went over how he could say sorry, how he could make up for their last encounter. It was usually awkward, angry, and horrible, almost always it would end with her walking away again. Him friendless and alone, so he’d put it off and besides she’d zei he wouldn’t hear from her for a while taking it as a give me time I’ll come to you, u don’t come to me scenario.

And here she was.

There was a sigh above him and suddenly all worry and anxiety over the what volgende vanished because it didn’t feel awkward, it just felt natural. Lucas still fighting his smile just went with it. Staying still he acted like he was asleep as she impatiently pulled the hoofdkussen, kussen from above his face and sat up straight atop him, “Broody?”

The voice and the pressure made something else rise up inside Lucas, memories of that husky tone on his ear, the body warm beside him, below him and above him. This wasn’t just a friend on top, boven of him, this was an old lover, someone who knew his body better than anybody, the first to explore it and find every nook and cranny. And his body knew hers and undoubtedly remembered it.

Pushing those memories away Lucas knew he had to control his body, so when Brooke’s heaviness disappeared for a moment and then he felt her coming back down he took his chance.

In a flash Lucas rolled over, hooking his legs around Brook and taking her down with him so she was now under him when he lifted his head, “morning, Cheery” he grinned.

Shock glittered in Brooke’s dark eyes, approval sparkled with it, “hi, Luke” she whispered.

“Brooke Davis” he whispered back and just like that the years were gone.

Their eyes were closed and their arms were around each other, “I missed you” he zei into her hair, his hands getting tangled in the locks.

Her arms were around his shoulders, rocking him gently and he followed the move, his face turning meer into her hair as her grin got bigger.

The moment dragged on, the seconden ticked door and they both became aware that it was longer than it should be but didn’t care. It felt too good; it felt good that it felt good so they stayed the way they were.

It was a bed they’d shared before yet it wasn’t sex either one was remembering, it wasn’t the loving touch of the heated glances. It was the laughter, the whispered words, the teasing and the encouragement; it was the feel of falling into these arms at the toughest times of their lives.

When finally they pulled away, Lucas restring his weight on his elbows and Brooke resting her head on the pillow, the two of them just looked at each other still smiling.


Brooke and Lucas both turned their heads towards the bedroom door to the rest of the house, where Lindsay stood with her mouth open.

“Uh… hi” Brooke nervously smiled, nudging her legs a bit to tell Lucas to get off her as a blush started to creep up her neck. Above her Lucas was too stunned to react, instead when Brooke nudged he nudged instinctively back and Brooke rolled her eyes.

At the door Lindsay finally closed her mouth before getting out a surprised “you’re Brooke Davis”

“Yeah-” Brooke began but that was the moment Lucas chose to finally get into action, struggling up he tried to get off Brooke but in his rush he never bothered to fully take his hands from her hair of unhook his leg from around hers, of even consider the blankets his flipping of positions had tangled them up in.

With a crash Lucas landed on the floor, a squealing Brooke on top, boven of him. She slapped at his chest and tried to get up, the blankets pulling her back down and Lucas’ watch getting stuck in her hair, “oomph” the breath escaped her mouth as her chest hit his.

“Wha…” Lucas began

“Luke!” Brooke yelled, struggling to get up again and wincing when her hair got a vicious tug.

Lindsay jumped onto the bed and crawled to the other side to look down at the two of them, she lifted her eyebrows and Lucas sent her a innocent yet nervous smile.

Brooke looked up through her brown hair, still stuck to Lucas, “hi, u must be… wearing me!” she suddenly smiled noticing Lindsay’s pyjamas”

“And apparently so is my boyfriend” Lindsay retorted dryly, half amused and half offended.

Brooke cringed, “oh, right” and one of her hands reached under the blankets to steady herself on top, boven of Lucas, her palm connecting his warm, bare flesh. Brooke preyed nobody heard the slight gasp she gave and with her other hand quickly released Lucas’ watch and straightened up.

Avoiding eye contact Brooke freed her hair and then leant over to drop the watch on the bedside table, on doing so Lucas suddenly found his face buried in cleavage, of very close to it. He sucked in a breath and started counting, “uh Brooke”

Jumping back Brooke suddenly found herself locked eyes with Lucas again, he gave a crooked smile, “hi” he said.

“Hi” she zei back.

“Hello too” Lindsay cut into the moment and Brooke and Lucas quickly looked at her again, with apologetic grimaces they both smiled coyly at Lindsay before turning back to the task of escaping each other. Brooke sat up even meer and Lucas did too but his quick action sent her backwards, sprawled in front of him with one leg in the air.

“AHHH!” rolling over Brooke sent Lucas a glare, “watch it, Scott”

Chuckling Lucas managed to shove the blanket away and stand up, he held out a hand for Brooke and waited for her to take it. She rubbed her hands on her black tights before taking his.

Once they were both standing Lindsay relaxed kneeling on the bed and Lucas motioned his hands to her, “Brooke, this is my girlfriend Lindsay” and then he smiled at Lindsay before motioning to Brooke, “Lindsay, this is Brooke”

“Brilliant, beautiful and brave”

Brooke huffed, “he always was a suck up” and she gave Lucas’ shoulder a slap, her hand then going to his arm.

“And u are so pretty in person” Lindsay zei without thinking, her eyes slightly narrowing on where Brooke’s hand brushed Lucas’ arm.

Brooke gave a smile, taking the compliment as her due, “thanks, so are you” and she gave Lucas a teasing glare, “really Lucas, her eyes aren’t beady”

“Brooke” he nervously chuckled and then sent her a hard look before turning to Lindsay, “I never zei that”

“Relax, I’m kidding” Brooke rolled her eyes and smiled happily at Lindsay, ignoring Lucas she plopped herself on the bed volgende to the other woman, “I love your taste in clothes”

“Yeah…” Lindsay didn’t know what to say and Lucas just watched as his ex preceded to get Lindsay to open up as they exchanged friendly banter while he was ignored.

He’d just crossed his arms when Brooke looked up, blinking as if she she’d forgotten he was there “oh Luke, I could go for a coffee” and then she winked, “Lindsay would u like one?”

“Yes, cream, two sugars” she reminded Lucas.

Lucas nodded though he sighed as he started to leave the room, “coming right up”

In the hallway he heard Lindsay say, “you forgot to tell Lucas-”

“Oh, he knows how I like it” she waved it off taking it for granted. Lucas smiled, of course he did.
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