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Soooo Hannah won January FOTM, and im soooo sorry that this is up late, ive been really really busy, ive actually gotten myself a life, =[ i know it sucks, so im sorry its late!!! Anyways Congrats Hannah, love you!!

1 - Welcome Hannah, u have won again CONGRATS MANGOBABE, how awesome do u feel right now?
~ SOOOO EXCITED! To be honest i feel like i don't really deserve it! There are so many people who work so much harder for this. BUT I'm not saying i didn't get a huge smile and start to party when i won!

2- So brucas each have been invited to another planet door Naley for a picnic, what planet, and what would their planet dag be like?
~Venus for sure! It's the love planet♥ of Pluto because it was ruled not a planet anymore. And when i was born through the first 13years of my life it was a planet! So i don't understand how it's not anymore. But i would for sure go there. I would be like "Ha. In your face pluto is a planet"
Anyways First they would arrive a little late because they got caught up being "naughty" on the ride there. Then they would have either a water of a snow fight depends if they go to Pluto of Venus. Than their gonna do a little planet sky diving (like sky diving but your on a cord in an astronaut suit in space) Then their gonna have some Mangos at the picnic for fun! Followed door some meer bl "time". Then an all out party with Naley getting drunk and going WILD(mango crack high).
AWWW, now i want this to happen!
 Then an all out party with Naley getting drunk and going WILD(mango crack high)
Then an all out party with Naley getting drunk and going WILD(mango crack high)

3- Give me a rant on ONE thing Mark has done to u that made u pissed off -- Eg (The letters, never acknowledging etc)
~ Just one? seriously! I think the thing that annoys me meer than anything, is that Mark REFUSES to acknowledge the fact that brucas were meant to be! OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES! u wrote the toon all their love lines, the deepness! It's like he forgot 3fucking seasons! WTF? He's turned into a complete idiot, a horrible writer! He's forgetting things from the past seasons! EARTH TO FAT OLD MARKIE: NOT EVERYONE ENJOYS MADE UP "TLA" of SHIT SCENES THAT NEVER HAPPENED THAT u LIKE TO QUOTE FROM! Brucas were real and evident and the fact that he refuses to note that they were actually there and inspired over half a fanbase! Just pisses me the fuck off! SERIOUSLY! YOUR GONNA DUMP ABOUT 589374923U7OF YOUR fans JUST SO WE CAN WATCH BROTHER AND SISTER MAKE OUT???? WTF? Brucas had real emotions! Not fake recycled scenes that were thrown at them! (was that too much anger? i tried to me calm i only got one complaint)

4- How much do u miss them? Do u ever see you're self getting over them?
~ I miss them like crazy, anytime i see an oth episode on soap net i check to see which one it is, so i can get my bl fix! Because they play the past seasons! I miss them like I miss the summer during the winter! But it's non stop because i never get my summer with them ( I HATE WINTER! RIGHT NOW IT'S SNOWING LIKE 6'INCHES! SO I'M GONNA HAVE TO GET UP AT LIKE 6AM AND CLEAR OFF THE CAR! SERIOUSLY WTF?) I don't really see myself getting over them. I mean i mostly likely won't always be all bl crazed. But i think it comes to a point where their my ultimate couple. No one can replace them, they have a spot in my hart-, hart that can't be taken up. I may lose touch with them over time but i know I'll always find my way back in the end
 No one can replace them, they have a spot in my hart-, hart that can't be taken up.
No one can replace them, they have a spot in my hart-, hart that can't be taken up.

5- Would u want a love like Brucas, of something compared to it? of is it to unique to have anything like it?
~I would love to have a love like Brucas Pre season 4! it kinda went down heuvel from there. It was soooooo passionate, and caring, it felt true and real. I would really want someone to care and fight for me.

6- Give me a quote (not from OTH) that fits Brucas in you're eyes.
~So this is from a song. Where i stood door Missy Higgins this has always resembled them when they split.I believe it's both their feelings about each other. It just speaks them.
'Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without you
All I know is that I should
And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon you
All I know is that I should

 Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without u All I know is that I should And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon u All I know is that I should
Cos I dont know who I am, who I am without u All I know is that I should And I don't know if I could stand another hand upon u All I know is that I should

7- Did u like Chophia? What are you're feelings towards them?
~No i didn't like Chopia... I LOVED THEM! They are what made brucas' emotions SO REAL! I could tell it wasn't acting. So with BL i got meer than just a couple i got love transferred into real life. Their amazing. Paris Hilton is a whore, to spleet, split them up! They rocked it! And had perfect Chemistry.

8- Did u ever like Peyton of have u always hated that Seyton?
~ This is horrible to admit. But i loved Peyton in season one. Don't kill me peoples! I was an LP fan in season one. I KNOW WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING. I actually didn't hate her until season 3! After that it was Full out rage!
Anyways i remember when i first became a BL fan was in the 2nd season when Lucas told Ana there was someone else he wanted to be with, but the toon tried to make u think it was Peyton. When it was really Brooke, i guess that scene showed me that their love was true, it just wasn't hook up in a hotel. They had deep down feelings for each other if they could make it through everything they've been through

 After that it was Full out rage!
After that it was Full out rage!

9- Do ship Jeyton? of do u just like them because of Brucas,cause they kinda are same? (even though Brucas 100x better than Jeyton ;p)
~ Yes i love jeyton, I loved them before i liked brucas, even though my Brucas love is MUCH stronger but i got the feel of chemistry with them.LMAO Oh.

10- After watching OTH what are you're opinions on comets?
~ If a guy compared me to a comet i would be like u fucking Dick! Are u trying to call me fat? I don't understand how that's sooooo romantic! I mean it's her car blah blah blah. It's just another stupid made up thing door Mark. It's just cheesy No guys is like "you are my comet" Since when have comets been an sign of romance. It came out of now where. At least if Mark was gonna put Lp back together he should have been a little meer creative. But he's a retarded person who can't write, and what can u really do to make lp any better? DITTTOOOOO!!

11- Meet Mark of meet Chad? Reasons?
~ Dude that's kinda hard I would love to Meet Chad but he's kinda a douche for cheating on Sophia. See I WOULD HAVE TO GO WITH MARK! and the PCBR is coming with me! He'll be crying for his Mommy in no time. We'd kick his ezel and we'd enjoy it

12- How much times have u cried over brucas (including there scenes, watching fanvids etc)
~That's not a fair vraag I'm not really sure I've cried in some scenes meer than once! Basically lets say every time i watch the tears scene i cry.. A lot
 Basically lets say every time i watch the tears scene i cry.. A lot
Basically lets say every time i watch the tears scene i cry.. A lot

13- Lucas sets up a dag where they must have sex ALL THE TIME; give me 5 places where they will do it!! PUBLIC!
~ This vraag is just a bit to LP with that *gags stabs out eyes* nasty house episode where lucas doesn't work.WTF? IVE NEVER SEEN THAT EPISODE, NOW I FEEL WEIRD ADDING THIS IN, U JUST INSULTED ME >;/ But kruis out the plan a dag cause bl sex is meer spontaneous, and The places would be. 1.On Peytons Lawn (piss her off)2. In a photobooth, 3.ON an airplane, 4. Dine and Dash then do it in the bathroom 5.By a mango-, mango tree.

14- Peyton walking in on brucas sexing of Lucas asking Brooke to marry him?
~ Brooke to Marry him! i mean that would be AMAZING just to piss her off. But Bl are meer than just pissing Petyon off. Their marriage would be epic!♥ It'd be much meer sweet and sincere than Lp anyways. And then she can live volgende door to them and hear them all the time.
 But Bl are meer than just pissing Petyon off. Their marriage would be epic!♥
But Bl are meer than just pissing Petyon off. Their marriage would be epic!♥

15- Im 18 soon, any plans on what you're gonna get for me?(LMAO)
~ I'm gonna ship u a magno. Plus teach u THE mango-, mango dance. But the rest is a secret shhh don't tell anyonesecrets veilig with me!

16- Is Cat meer of a Loser of Janni meer of a cheater?
~ How do u pick this. There's meer cheaters than LOOSERs so i'll have to say Cat is meer of a LOOSER cause PCBR represent! Meow in the Cats ass! LMFAO

15- Brucas would totally love us, right?!
~ ARE u KIDDING! BL worship us! If they saw how much we loved them. Plus are craziness and dedication! They would totally be part of the BFG like cheating for the volgende 100th comment! THEN WE'D TELL THEM ABOUT THEIR EPIC EYESEX! They'd be part of the gang, and Lucas would like totally bash Peyton with us.While Sophia like loathed Mark with me.
 While Sophia like loathed Mark with me
While Sophia like loathed Mark with me

17- Do you're vrienden know u ship Brucas, and who do they ship?
~ of course well NOT all only like my bff's. They think I'm obsessed with them. Like i can't watch Oth at my friend Bri's house cause she like doesn't skip any lp scenes. It's the worst. Well they my closest vrienden like brucas better(i would kill them if they didn't) than lp but i think they still like them.

18- Lets say Brooke died, season 6 after the bashing, how do u think LUCAS would have reacted to it?
[1]~ I think he would have been torn apart. I'm guessing u mean bl bashing (i never watched season 6) She was his first love, and his first. How could he not. Even though they weren't together i think his life would go down a dark path. He maybe would have killed himself from the absence of Brooke. of even resent his life and turn into a crazy guy for not being there for her.[/i] No i mean when Brooke got bashed door that dude in 6x01, i havnt watched s6 either and i know that!

19- Have u ever thought about liking LP? Ever thought there love was worthy?
~ I liked them in season one (when i was still very blind) but they weren't enough for me. THEIR LOVE IS NOTHING WORTHY! IS THIS vraag A JOKE???? Fuck NO i will never ever ever like them again that was a mistake I'm disgusted u even asked me this question. ONE QUICK QUESTION? WHAT THE FUCK WERE u THINKING AS u TYPED THIS QUESTION???WHORE! What were u thinking LIKE THEM IN S1? HUH HUH HUH?

20- This of That
Monkey of Door? ~Door<3
Robert dance of slow dance? ~Slow Dance
Peyton dies of Mark dies?~Both? No Mark, once Mark dies so does his beloved Peyton
strand sex of bed sex?~ bed
Rain of sunshine? ~Rain- I'm a big rain girl
3x22 of 2x17? ~3x22
Lindsey of Anna?~Lindsey
Felix of Julian?~Felix
Mark Acknowledging red door of locker? REDD FUCKING DOOR

21- Like OMG how much do u hate Julian?
~ I've hated him from the seconde he came in the show! He's ugly. He makes my blood boil! Who the fuck does he think he is thinking he can like "recycle" Brooke and get her anytime he wants. He doesn't really love her. If he did he'd be there for her, when she needed him the most. End of story.

22- Brucas eating mangos while watching the sunset of Brucas sucking ice-blocks while drying off at the beach?
~BL eating FUCKING MANGOS!!!!!!! While watching the sunset would be EPIC! Mangos + Brucas+ Sunset= SEEEEEX. Although Ice-cubes (as i call them) are like a "horny" thing! Mangos Bl can't pass that up.

23- Do u ever think about life after the BFG? How you're gonna stop talking to us? If u will ever remember us? If we should all meet here one day, and talk about the love of our ship?
~This vraag makes me sad! WTF i don't wanna answer! Honestly i don't plan on stopping! But i don't expect to be on the BFG forever! But i think in many ways i'll be able to keep touch with the people who truly matter in my life. NOOOO i can't forget u guys! That would be wayyyy too hard! All the memories too much to erase! Sorry guys your stuck with me... sorry.
 NOOOO i can't forget u guys! That would be wayyyy too hard! All the memories too much to erase! Sorry guys your stuck with me... sorry.
NOOOO i can't forget u guys! That would be wayyyy too hard! All the memories too much to erase! Sorry guys your stuck with me... sorry.

24- Who deserves to win FOTM next?
[1]~ TOOO many hard vragen in this kwis thingy. Dude seriously! TOO hard! We all deserve to win. Some meer than Others. But I'm thinking Dee! Seriously she's the ONLY ONE OF US ON ANYMORE! GET YOUR ezel TO THE FORUM! Then eat a Mango! [i/]

25- Any last words mango-, mango Hannah?
[i] Ummm Thank u sooooo much for voting for me again! I feel so honored to win this now once, but twice. u guys all mean sooo much to me. I love Brucas their my joy. But i think were all really dedicated and this honor is meer of an achievement for everyone! I love u all, u make my dag almost everyday! We're gonna party this year! We need a new prank! EAT YOUR MANGOS EVERYONE♥
ti amo<3333

LMAO HANNAH. I enjoyed this so much, conrats baby, but ur so nazi to my antwoorden =[ WHORE! LY!
 u guys all mean sooo much to me. I love Brucas their my joy.
You guys all mean sooo much to me. I love Brucas their my joy.
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