Brucas Brucas fan Girls and a Guy xD

livelovelaugh posted on Jun 12, 2008 at 06:42PM
For the fans of the Ultimate amazing Couple. Introduce yourself and start talking =)

Ok so heres the deal if you dont come on in a long time the chances are i will delete you from the list so people dont get cofused.

If you belong to the group of medal whores (you all know who you are) you will also get removed from the list we dont acept people like that on fanpop at all never mind on our forum! sorry to be a bitch but its something that shouldnt happen and it does so if you are part of the medal whores you should eb ashamed of yourself!

so basically this forum is to come and talk to BL fans. You can talk about what ever you want seriously anything at all. if you wanna vent about something then do it thats what this is here for.

im gonna make a list here of the regular users and there real names so if your new you can see who everyone is.

Livelovelaugh - Dawn 240
Brattynemz - Nem 201
Dermer4ever - Terra 170
Sophialover - Mary 224
1treehillfan - Alice 111
Brucas4ever - Hannah 281
Cas_Cat2 - Cat or Catia 116
Janni - Janni 335
Broody_4_Cheery - meikei 88
Mollyx365 - Molly or lou 92
TSOYPRA - Vicky 32
Chlarkfan - Jellena 16
jennifer_02 - Jen 2
OMGitsBrooke - Leyla
Isabellaaa - Bella
xoheartinohioxo - Holly
MONlovesBRUCAS - Mon

(i know ive forgot some jus let me know lol)

 For the fans of the Ultimate amazing Couple. Introduce yourself and start talking =) Ok so heres the
last edited on Sep 16, 2009 at 07:02PM

Brucas 116057 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden Cas_Cat_2 said…
Bye cheater! =) LY <33

een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
its like ok sometimes its just seemed to be happening alot latly
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…
een jaar geleden Janni said…
i just wanna say something... It's almost 1 year since this forum was created^^ and that means it's almost 1 year since most of us first talked (officially that is)
een jaar geleden Cas_Cat_2 said…
Well you know that you can always vent here with us Dawn.
But i think you shouldn't even worry about it. The whole "joke" wasn't even funny. lol
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
You like mentioned it yesterday and now i got it...LMAO.
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…
it was quiet on that spot for a good while and now it is all coming back again

and it is soooo annoying thye get away with MURDER!!
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
Hahhh yeah<33
1 year full of BL awesomeness<33
een jaar geleden Janni said…
I know! 1 year!
een jaar geleden Cas_Cat_2 said…
You got the 100th comment Dawn! YEY! xD

Aww.. 1 year *.* I started a little late. Like 2 months after this forum was creatied. But still <33 xD
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…

their is my new forum topic and Jen so true and we should not let them do it anymore and we should not let it piss us off either
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
nahhh 2 months are nothing.
It's still 1 year<333333
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
and i remember it started out as a venting thread or something...xD But then we just kept discussing on here...hihi.
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…
wow this has been here a year did even notice that
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…
i have almost been on here a year too in july

aww it started on my mums birthday <333
een jaar geleden Janni said…
I know! and remember when we calles each other by the username

sophialover xD
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
awww well done mary xD i rated some of your arts yesterday i want mine i havnt checked actually :O dont think i will tho
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
no i dont have it lol i used to call Terra Dermy Nem bratty and Meicki broody lol
een jaar geleden Janni said…
Aww jen<3
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
Yeah everyone called me like "SOPHIALOVER"....LMAO. There was this girl...don't remember the username...she had messaged me saying "SophiaLOVER? Are you a lesbian?"
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
Thanks so much Dawn<33
YOU WILL. Eventually YOU WILL. hihi. It took me 4 months to get!
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…
Yeah i remember that and now most either call me by my name or T the only one who calls me Dermy is Alice but she is only one who is allowed to
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…
lol janni

btw terra do u still not have ur fanatic for BL yet?
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
it sucks. Uggh.
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
I mean they NEED to give it to her already...xD
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Janni said…
LMAO Babe! xD

but i have to go!
everyone keep your fingers for Barca;D

een jaar geleden sophialover said…
een jaar geleden Janni said…
I know! It's about damn time!
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
When does the game start baby?
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…
BARCAAA FTW !!!!!!!!

i will rate terra's stuff right now
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
Awww my blake xD
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…
nope not yet it will come eventually and it was funny yesterday i was saying how i haven't gotten a medal for awhile than i got two
ones after that
een jaar geleden Janni said…
it's 20:45 here
are you 1 hour ahead of me?
is so it's 21:45 there
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
im gonna make some BL banners then some blake arts i added about 20 arts to the Blake spot yesterday could people go and rate them for me?
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…

een jaar geleden Janni said…
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
hahah lol.
I think i rated your Blake fanart yesterday Dawn? Not sure if i rated ALL of them though.
Gonna check it out.
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…
Jen I will give you the link to my stuff and after i am done with the charmed stuff i might make bl stuff
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
i added about 20 i think
een jaar geleden jennifer_02 said…
i g2g cya later girls

byee <33333
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
i added a few blake icons 2 so wy your there xD

i added 100 GG icons yesterday and STILL dont have my fanatic ive added over 4000 now
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…
bye Jen
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
awww cya jen have fun xD
xxx LY
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
kay rated them.
een jaar geleden Cas_Cat_2 said…
Byee Jen. <33

Sorry, my internet connection is being really slow. =S
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
ahhh ok. i'm rating the icons now.
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
thanks mary i just really want my blake medal =)
een jaar geleden livelovelaugh said…
i really give up on my GG one
een jaar geleden dermer4ever said…
i am not going for Gossip Girl one not really one i want
een jaar geleden sophialover said…
I know Dawn<33
hihi you love her too much. Just like me<33 hoho.