Chicken Club
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added by misanthrope86
added by MaxSparrow
added by misanthrope86
Source: Paul Mutton
added by clusion15
Source: Coco Chïcken
added by MaxSparrow
added by MaxSparrow
added by MaxSparrow
added by MaxSparrow
added by MaxSparrow
added by MaxSparrow
amazing funny!
chicken singing
the hobbit interesting
posted by LaughingHyena
I just wanted to write this to highlight some awareness for the cruelty that is inflicted on chickens and turkeys.
I like chicken meat a lot. Right now, at this very minuut I can smell roast chicken and it's making my belly rumble. Chicken is the most populair meat in the world, with even so-called 'vegatarians' making exceptions to eat it. Yet many people are not aware, of often choose not to be aware, of the cruelty that is inflicted on these birds before being served up as dinner. The chickens that go towards KFC and many other big suppliers are known as 'broiler' chickens and thousands are...
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added by leighaminx13
Source: Dad Coco Chïcken
 this is the evil chicken
this is the evil chicken
hi my name is mr.chicken and im here to say HELLO lol anyways hi to all chickens out there, chicken tenders, chicken fillets, chicken nuggets and most of all EVERYTHING CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! watch out people chickens are waiting for revenge for u eating them even cows even ducks even any animal u can eat there coming after u so be careful where u walk cause they will be there watching u every step of the way :)
all animals are really angry at all humans who eat meat to survive well remember this chickens,ducks,cows,pigeons(thats right u can eat pigeons so mean!) and all of the...
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added by MaxSparrow
added by misanthrope86
added by misanthrope86
added by MaxSparrow
added by MaxSparrow