Cirque Du Freak vs. Twilight Club
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Let me first clarify that I am a teenage girl, and I have read the first Twilight book (and seen the first movie). I have been a huge fan of vampires since I was six years old. And yes, I don't care for Twilight (I don't hate the book personally, I hate how everyone is making a big deal about something that isn't that important).

My first reason for choosing Darren over Edward is: the point of view of the character.

I think that if I saw Edward's human side (before he became a vampire) that I would have meer respect for him. I hate that he was introduced through Bella's point of view; Bella really ruined the book for me. I would have liked to see Edward as a person first instead of what he's portrayed as in the books-a god.

One of the things that I loved about the first Cirque Du Freak book was Darren's character. I wasn't even through the introduction before I realized that I really liked him already: he was into spiders, as am I. Not only that, but I learned later in the book that he also loved watching horror movies, reading horror comics, and watching cool freaks shows. To me, it showed Darren as a person. The first book is still one of my favorieten to go back and reread because I get to look back on what Darren was like before he became a vampire-a normal kid.

I think that understanding their personality before they became a vampire is important, because in both books, the vampires are somewhat reluctant to be full vampires (drink blood, kill, ect.), yet the vampiric instinct to do those things is still there. This is obviously an internal conflict for someone trying to resist, so obviously they would be meer carefree and happy in their formal life. I guess what I'm trying to say is: when choosing a "vampire boyfriend", it's nice to know what they were like as humans.

My seconde reason for choosing Darren over Edward is: their personality vs. their condition.

The only reason everyone is falling over Edward is because he's a vampire (which, in Twilight, are seductive romantic gods). I mean, does Edward have any personality other than him being romantic? What are his veiws on politics? What are his interests? (besides Bella) Does he have a favoriete book? If so, what is it and why? It seems like every view he has has to do with being in love with Bella. "They love THE EXACT same favoriete bands! Isn't that sweet?"

Darren, on the other hand, expressed alot of his opinions about everything from sports to choices of his vrienden to the way others are treated. Even before he was even blooded, I thought that Darren was a really cool guy. I mean, vampires are cool, but that shouldn't be the reason you're "in love" with them.

There's a big difference between liking someone for their personality and liking someone because they're a vampire. Honestly, choosing Edward as your "vampire boyfriend" just because he's a vampire is sort of shallow. I like Darren AND he's a vampire, not "I like Darren BECAUSE he's a vampire".

My third reason for choosing Darren over Edward is: depth of personality.

Edward has no personality! From the moment Bella lays eyes on him, he's seen as this mysterious and later romantic being of extreme beauty. But honestly, do u ever hear him talking about anything else that is in no way what so ever related to him being in love with Bella? If he does, then u don't hear about it much.

As I pointed out earlier on, in the first Cirque Du Freak book, not only are u introduced to Darren, but his interests and aantal keer bekeken as well. As the boeken continue, u see his veiws on meer serious issues, like death penalty, harsh conditions the vampires face, and one of my favorites, drinking blood. Although Darren somewhat rebels to the vampiric ways, he has good reason to, and stands door what he says.

u can tell the personality of a character door what they say and do. For example, Darren: door speaking up against Mr. Crepsley (his vampire mentor; without him, Darren would die.) about drinking human blood. That shows that he is strong, courageous, and unafraid to speak up for not only his behalf, but the behalves of others-in this case, the humans. All u can take away from Edward is this: he's a true romantic and he likes nice-smelling girls. He can't even have an opinion about muziek without it being pointed out that Bella likes the same kind of music. Honestly people, it gets boring when u have someone who does nothing but quote Shakespeare all day. Okay, he wrote a song inspired door Bella. But that's all he does: profess his love. It was unconvicing and cheesy.

My fourth reason for choosing Darren over Edward is: growing as a character.

Edward is perfect; everyone knows that. So, what's the point of "loving" someone who doesn't grow? How is someone going to react in situations that they've never had to contemplate before? u can't just assume that Edward has all of the answers. What if someone told him that in order to be with Bella, he had to drink from-and kill-humans? What would Mr. Perfect do then? But, of course, he isn't faced with those tragic choices, because it's always Bella's shoulders that the world rests on. "Her descision could change everything!" One of the ways u discover a character is through the choices they make and the ways that they learn from their mistakes. But of course, as I pointed out, all u need to know about Edward is as clear as day: he's perfect.

Something that's pretty obvious about Darren throughout the series is that he's always the one that has to make the life-or-death descision. And sometimes, those descisions aren't always the best. Darren makes so many mistakes throughout the book series. Toward the end of the first book, he thinks of all the things that he could have done differently so that he wouldn't end up becoming a vampire. But he also thinks of ways he can fix it, and he also learns from those mistakes.

One of the things that make characters likable-and lovable-is that they are relatable. Okay, sure, not everyone who reads these boeken are going to be vampires, but that's what makes it so cool: here's someone who has something extra and unreal about them, but they still manage to seem...human. That's how u make a story seem believable.

My fifth reason for choosing Darren over Edward is: emotion

Edward is a romantic. All he does is talk about how in love he is. He's willing to die just to save Bella from himself. That doesn't make sense! Can anyone tell me (apart from her smelling good) why Edward loves Bella? _________________________
That's what I thought. Okay, with the obvious out of the way, what about him marrying her? I mean, how long have they known each other? compared to: How long has he been alive? I mean, Bella is constantly talking about how awful and imperfect she is. So, why hasn't Edward found someone better in all those years of his existance? Why is he so willing to marry all of a sudden? If he falls in love as quickly as he does, why hasn't he married someone already?

Darren, on the other hand, faces the most realistic human emotions u can think of: he cries his eyes out when his friend died, he refused blood but then excepted it later on, he promises himself that he won't get caught up in hatred and revenge and he does, ect. It just makes the story meer believable.

I think that it's better to fall for someone who's realistic and less god-like, even if they are fiction.

I know that all of those are sort of the same thing, but if I didn't organize them in some way, I would just babble.
added by Mysteriamoon
Source: Me
added by MCINTOSH1717