Clash of the Titans Club
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posted by i_love_dragons
It's time for yet another review and opinion on another "recent" movie. Clash of the titans 2010 is a remake of the one released in 1981 and is it the same? Well I never saw the original, I imagine it would be the same only better effects and graphics and fights. Let's see if this movie is worth seeing.


The story is of a man named Perseus who soon finds out that he's the son of Zeus. It's gods of should I say GOD versus men as men are now starting to vraag the gods. The gods think men are just lucky to be living let alone having fun and of course men retaliate. Perseus also feels hatred towards the gods as his parents were killed door them. This movie tells the tale of him fighting the gods and hopefully save mankind.


Where to begin, Oh I know how about the title?
Clash Of The "TITANS!" I didn't see one titan throughout the whole movie and that was a huge disappointment, the titel is VERY misleading. As for relevance to the myth it had very little. The biggest change being THE CRAKEN! That's not Greek mythology at all, it's sad they needed another mythology just to find an epic creature. The plot was different and the movie was really not like the myth of Perseus at all. Now normally I don't care. I'm fine with things going off from the original like How to train your dragon for example. It differed greatly from the book but it was still an ok movie, so it's ok to veer off as long as u still make it a good movie and clash of the titans is not a good example.

Characters and their development:

This was the greatest problem I had with the movie, now I had a lot of problems with this movie, but this was to me the most problematic. There was so little development that u will feel no sympathy when characters die of when they're in danger. The whole thing feels quite emotionless. Especially the relationship between Perseus and Io. I mean are they supposed to be in love? If so then it wasn't very obvious there was just no emotion. The only person I may have felt sorry for was Perseus's dad, he seemed wise and kind and it actually seemed like we were getting to know the characters until he died right away. The only gods u ever really see are Zeus and Hades. What about all the other gods? Are they just there to listen while Zeus and Hades duke it out? What about Poseidon? He's one of my favorieten and he doesn't even talk. Hades is alright but Zeus looks way too human. This was an emotionless almost pointless movie.


Well if there were one positive area of the movie you'd think it would be the special effects with it being in 3-d and all. Well once again you're going to be disappointed because the 3-D isn't needed at all and the CGI's look like something out of a college film. (ok, they're not quite that bad but u get the point. If anything the fights and the fates were cool except the last battle. u expect some huger battle but Perseus just freezes the craken into stone with madeusa's head just like the fates zei he would, and that's IT! Some big climax for such a build up.
The weapons were cool but really on the whole not the best.

Final comments:

Well I know this has been short but there really isn't too much to say, at least not right now I'm sure I could think of loads meer negative things about the movie. Despite all the negative things I'm saying on the whole it was an ok movie. Do I think u should see it? Well unless your really into mythology and really want another story then sure I recommend it. But if u want to see an action packed moving, breath-taking film than I suggest u look elsewhere. I mean I don't know if everyone feels as I do but I guess I was just expecting meer being so into greek mythology and all. So I guess that's it, not really much meer to say except that when the princess was threatened I couldn't care less. So leave your thoughts and opinions down below as I didn't cover much in this review. I don't even want to know about any sequels of video games because it would not go well. I give the effects a 7.5 out of ten, the story a 3.5 and the creatures a 4.5 bringing the total score to a 5. I know I don't usually rate things but here it seemed necessary