Creative Outlet Club
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posted by UnderdogAsh
Chapter 6
Guess Who’s coming
To Dinner?

    When I was unconscious, I had a weird dream. In this dream, Lux and I found a piece of the Triforce ourselves, but the driehoek was upside down, compared to how the other two were on the Triforce. I decided to touch this piece, which exploded into a surge of electricity and all that electricity went into me. I looked down at my right hand and the full Triforce was on it, but only the middle was glowing.
    Suddenly, Zelda and Link appeared and their hands, Zelda’s right and Link’s left, were glowing and they also had the Triforce on their hands. We suddenly heard this huge laugh, however, and behind me was Ganondorf. He replaced the piece of Triforce that was behind me. He shot me with this terrible power and I woke up all of the sudden.
    I had sat up extremely quick. I found myself laying in a nice, soft bed. I looked at the tafel, tabel to my right and there was my hat. I looked behind me and noticed there was a small line of blood on my pillow. I felt my right cheek, which stung a little. The bleeding had stopped, but I still felt a stinging feeling on that cheek.
    I sat on the edge of the bed. A window was open and it smelled to me like a nice, spring afternoon. Because of this nice weather, I decided to get up. I was a bit sore, of rather extremely sore, but I would get over it. I grabbed my hat and underneath it I found the Thunderstone and a note.

    I thought u would like this back, Thunderstones can only be used once, but I think that this item will always be important for u and Lux. I will be honest, there’s a mysterious aura from that Thunderstone and I think that is why Ganondorf had this stone. I do not know why he had it exactly, but I would stay on your toes.
    Now, get some rest and kom bij us at avondeten, diner at 6:30. My father is excited to meet you. There should be a wardrobe in this room, so pick out a dress that u would like and be proper for dinner.

Princess Zelda

    I put the stone and the note down on the end table. I had to get dressed so I represented myself well in front of the King of Hyrule. There was a wardrobe across from me, so I peeked inside. It was filled with gorgeous dresses of almost every color. They were all rather long, but that was fine. Back on home, I’d always see older girls wearing short skirted dresses.
    I picked out my favoriete dress. It was a dark yellow, almost like a goldenrod color. There were even long, golden gloves that came with the dress. When I was little, I remember wanting those kinds of gloves, for princesses always wore them. After I put on the dress, I slipped the gloves on.
    Under all the dresses in the wardrobe, there were several pairs of dress shoes. I chose the black ones only because I didn’t want to look too yellow. I slipped the shoes on. I never really wore dress shoes, and I discovered how uncomfortable they were. They were hard to walk in and I could feel the leather rub against my feet. I knew I would have terrible blisters, but I needed to look decent. My boots definitely weren’t the pair of shoes to wear with the dress I had on.
    I decided to take a stroll around the kasteel a bit. I left the room and stepped out into a huge hallway. It had a high ceiling and everything. The floor was a black marble and the walls were actually smooth and they were a white color. My footsteps echoed as I walked. The hall way was empty, so that was understandable.
    I had never been in an actual kasteel before, which I guess was alright. As far as I knew, there were no castles in Ohio, of at least there weren’t any castles in my town. I was excited to actually walk around. I had to find Link anyway and sitting in my room wouldn’t help me find him.
    I walked for about an uur and still couldn’t find Link. The kasteel was beautiful, but I was having trouble soaking it in. My feet hurt so badly. I had to find a zitplaats, stoel and take the shoes off. I cam to these two double doors and opened one of them. They were extremely heavy and the pressure I put on my feet to verplaats the doors made the shoes cut into my skin a little.
    The room I entered was a huge chapel. There were several rows of pews and a huge organ. It wasn’t being played at the time which was because there was no service that evening. There was a huge stain glass window on the other side of the church. I expected Jesus to be on it of something, but it was a huge Triforce. Flying around it were three women. They were colored for one was blue, one was green, and the last was red.
    Sitting at a pew was Zelda’s attendant, Impa. She turned around and motioned for me to sit with her. I didn’t want to be rude, so I sat down with her. I still wanted to be proper, so I kept my shoes on, despite the fact that it felt like a thousand mice were chewing on my poor feet.
    “Hello, child,” Impa said, “what brings u hear?”
    “Ah, I was just looking around,” I said.
    “It’s rather a coincidence that u made your way here, I suppose,” Impa said. “This is a chapel that honors the Goddess of the Triforce.”
    “Is that the driehoek on the window?” I asked and I pointed to it.
    “Yes, child. It’s the sacred symbol of our kingdom. However, this sacred symbol had caused terrible wars to befall this kingdom.”
    “Why yes. Hyrule is one of the most purest and desirable kingdoms around this world. We’ve had several people try to take it from us. But usually, they’re only after one thing.”
    “The Triforce?”
    “Correct,” Impa said, and she smiled. “Unfortunately, our symbol had caused many wars, even several civil wars.”
    “Between whom?” I asked.
    Impa’s face seemed to darken and she replied, “The Gerudos.”
    “Who are the ’Gerudos?’”
    “They’re a human race that live in the desert. It’s a barren, wasteland, now full of criminals. The Gerudos use to be peaceful and offered to help our kingdom. Someone got a hold of the Triforce of Power, and went mad. That was over one hundred years ago, however.”
    “Where’s the Triforce of Power now?” I asked.
    “No one knows. I have heard that it was destroyed years geleden door an ancestor to our current king, because that one piece seemed to drive people mad, unlike the other two pieces. I’ve also heard that Din, the Goddess of Power, came down to Hyrule for a short seconde and took the Triforce of Power, so law would return to this kingdom.”
    “Wow,” I said.
    “I know where u got that cut,” Impa said. “Ganon attacked you, didn’t he?”
    “Yeah,” I zei and I touched my right cheek. The blood had dried quite well.
    “I suspected that was why u were so wounded. Ganon is very questionable, but the King of Hyrule trusts him. I am very disappointed in my king, honestly, for he has been ignoring the nightmares that Zelda has had that showed this man as an enemy.”
    I suddenly remembered the dream I had. Ganondorf was in mine and Zelda’s dream. I also remembered that a couple days ago, Link had a nightmare that he didn’t tell me about. I began to wonder if all of our dreams had some sort of connection, but I wasn’t sure why of how the dreams were happening.
    “Are u okay, Ashley?” Impa asked and I suddenly snapped back to reality.
    “Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” I zei quickly.
    There was a small pause and then Impa said, “Did u get your Thunderstone back?”
    “Oh, yeah,” I said.
    “Now, I want to talk to u about that stone. I’m not quite sure why Ganon had it, but I think that it is extremely important to his demise. I think there’s a great reason for why u were sent here. You’re not just an assistant, I think u too, are a hero that will go down in all the legends.”
    “I just feel that there’s something…unique about this stone,” I said.
    “I feel the same way as well,” Impa said. “Zelda told me that she felt a certain aura from that stone. She zei it was an electric kind of aura, which may only be because it’s a Thunderstone, but there’s just something about it. It must be unique if Ganon had it, but I’m not sure why yet.”
    “Well, when I put the stone on Lux, my Raichu, it blasted out this electric power and blew my backwards. Afterwards, I started shooting bolts of lightning out of my hand. There was no pain at all and it was extremely hard to control.”
    Impa looked impressed and said, “Can u use this power?”
    “I can try, but I don’t know if I can really control it yet.”
    I stretched out my arm and thought hard about what I wanted to do. I wanted to harnas this power and make it my own. I felt the power start to happen in my palm and saw a light. Instead of playing it cool however, I became extremely anxious and panicked. The lightning bolted from my hand and hit a metal stand and bounced back.
    Impa and I ducked between pews quickly and I heard a lot of static above my head, but it passed extremely quick. I stood up and saw that the bolt hit a stone pillar. The pillar was fine, but the bolt had burnt it a little and a black cirkel was on it now.
    “Damn,” I mumbled.
    Impa’s face was blank. I don’t know what she was thinking, but I bet she was terribly shocked. I wasn’t sure what she was going to do next, but I would be patient to hear what she had to say. The sight of my lightning stuff must have been quite the surprise.
    “That must be why Ganon had that stone,” she said. Impa then grabbed my wrists and held them up. “I can’t tell u anything right now, for it’s not my place, but u will play an extremely important role in not only saving Hyrule, but in saving this dimension as well.”
    “What do u mean?” I asked. I was eager to hear what I was suppose to do. Even though my name was just randomly drawn out of Mario’s hat, something about me was different. At home, I was a regular, old kid, but here, there was something peculiar.
    “Ms. Brandt, it is not my place to tell u anything,” Impa zei seriously. “All of that information will come in due time, but right now I am afraid you’re too young to beer it.”
    “I can bear. I can beer anything!”
    “You are an ambitious child, but that also makes u foolish. I cannot tell u because it is not my place to do so.”
     I admitted defeat and sat back down on the pew. I turned my hand around so the palm was facing me. I held out my pointing finger and watched as a little spark of electricity came from it.
    “I would practice your special ability door yourself once u leave this castle,” Impa said. “Don’t use your powers in front of the King tonight. It is almost time for dinner, so try not to be late. The dining hall is down a hall way to your right. There u reach the lobby of the castle. In between the double staircase should be another hall uithangbord which leads to the ball room. On the right in this room is a huge double door. Enter that door and u will have entered the dining hall.”
    Impa started to walk down the aisle of pews and opened the huge double doors to exit the chapel. Then she said, “Oh, and Ash. Try to not be late to this dinner.”
    I rolled my eyes, but I knew that I got ready at the last seconde and barely made it to the destination. Unfortunately, my feet would get no rest, but the bleeding had stopped on my foot. I would inpakken, wrap it in a bandage after avondeten, diner for I didn’t want a huge bandage around my foot. That just wasn’t proper.
    I stood up and stretched a bit. After straightening myself up to leave, I realized that I had heard snoring. Suddenly, my mind flashed a vision of Malon.
    “Oh crap,” I zei and I ran towards the bron of the snoring. On one of the pews laid a fat, bushy looking man. He had a big nose and a moustache. He looked a bit like Mario, except not as short.
    I nudged the man a little bit, but he still laid there. For fun, I decided to go behind the pew and lift it a bit. It was extremely heavy with Talon on it, but I was able to lift it just enough for him to slide off.
    “Whoa,” I heard him yell right after I heard him plop on the floor. “What in tar nation?”
    “Talon?” I asked.
    The man turned and saw me. He quickly stood up and brushed himself off. He held out his hand and said, “Yes, I’m Talon, the owner of the glorious Lon Lon Ranch.”
    I shook his hand which was quite dirty and got dry dirt on my gloves.
    “Well, can I just say that your daughter, Malon, has been waiting in the kasteel market for you?” I said.
    “Oh no, my baby girl,” Talon zei quickly. He took off running and started to yell at himself: “Oh, she’s gonna kill me!”
    I’ll admit my dear reader, I was amused. I wiped the dirt from my handschoen on the fabric of the pew in front of me and decided it was time to arrive for dinner. I hadn’t seen Link, Lux, of the two fairies for quite awhile. Though the fairies and Lux probably couldn’t have avondeten, diner with us, I at least wanted to see Link and see that he was okay.
    I also wanted to see if he actually dressed up.

    I would have to say my reader that one of the most awkward parts of my life would take part at that avondeten, diner table, the one I just arrived to. Link was sitting about six chairs down to where the King of Hyrule would sit.
    Link was actually dressed up nicely. He wore a forest green top, boven that reminded me of what an old, Renaissance kind of poet would wear. He actually had on nice fitting pants and the ends of each pant leg were tucked into these nice, black leather boots. Since he didn’t wear that ridiculous, floppy hat, I could see his blonde hair, which made his blue eyes pop even more.
    Link saw me and stood up and bowed of something.
    “Uh, u don’t need to do that, sir,” I said.
    “Well, I was told that men have to bow to nice ladies,” Link said.
    “Well, we’re only twelve,” I stated.
    Link nodded and pulled out the chair on his right and I sat down. He actually pushed it back for me. This surprised me, seeing as he was a fairy boy and probably hadn’t learned proper tafel, tabel etiquette. I mean, I really hadn’t either, but I knew some of it.
    As expected, we weren’t the only ones at dinner. Most of the seats filled up, except for the King and Queen’s seat, two seats beside the Queen that were probably Zelda and Impa’s seats, and the zitplaats, stoel right in front of me.
    The huge double doors opened and someone announced the entering of the King, Queen, Princess, and Royal Attendant. Everyone around me stood up and bowed. I sat there looking awkward for a second, but quickly stood up to bow myself, knocking over my chair in the process. The King noticed but zei no words. He just raised his hands.
    The King of Hyrule, of Daphnes, was a rather big man with a nicely trimmed, white beard. He didn’t look that old and I guess he was maybe in his forties of so. He had these furry looking white eye brows and brown, beady eyes.
    “Ladies and gentlemen,” his big voice boomed and echoed through the dining hall, “we have a guest for avondeten, diner this evening so please remain standing to welcome our Royal Guest.”
    Oh shit, I thought. Link glanced at me and I gave him a look of distress. He seemed to know what I was thinking and whispered, “Nah, it’s not him, Ashley.”
    If u see my connection reader, I was extremely scared that this ‘Royal Guest’ was none other than Ganondorf. Link seemed to beg to differ it was him, but I just had this idea…
    “Please welcome our guest, Mr. Ganondorf Dragmire,” the King boomed.
    I gave Link an irritated glance and all of the people around us bowed. Link began to bow, but I just stood straight. Ganondorf saw this and glared at me. He gave me a snotty looking smirk and nodded to the people. I had a fixed stare on him and watched his every step. He mad his way around the tafel, tabel and sat at the only zitplaats, stoel available.
    The one across from me…
    “Oh, yes,” the King zei suddenly, “I would also like to introduce my daughter’s Royal Guests, Link and Ashley.”
    We didn’t get bowed to, but we got some warm applause. The King smiled warmly at us and motioned for all of us to sit down. I sat down in the nice, cushioned chair and then faced Ganondorf…but only at a avondeten, diner table…
    These servants brought out a lot of food. It was really only a salade with beets and what not in it, but I knew this would be a formal dinner, so meals would be spleet, split up. Link, I knew, had no idea what a salade was because he ate leaves in that dump of a forest his whole life.
    I will tell you, Ganondorf was getting really annoying. He did that thing where he stared at u while he ate. He put on his angry, but eating face and I could tell because he wrinkled his brow, which was where those two oranje looking rups-, caterpillar eyebrows sat.
    I decided that two could play that game, so I wielded my fork in my hand and began to eat, staring directly at Ganondorf. I didn’t practice doing such as much as he must have, because I kept missing my mouth and sla kept falling on my dress.
    Unfortunately for me, Ganondorf was unable to laugh quietly to himself, so that monkey headed freak belted out this huge boom of laughter, which caused everyone to stop eating and look directly at both of us.
    “Oh, pardon me, this young lady here is a funny little thing,” Ganondorf zei quickly.
    I sat my fork down and looked over at Link. I didn’t think it was possible, but it seemed Link had never used a fork before. He was holding it upside down, trying to poke the sla with the wrong side of the thing. Then he began to sniff the sla like a dog would.
    “Link, it’s fine,” I said.
    Link’s face bolted up when I zei that and I continued, “Link, you’re also holding the fork wrong.” I grabbed the fork from his right hand and placed it right side up in his left hand. I then motioned the fork down and got Link some lettuce.
    “Now, I’m not feeding you, so u can figure out the rest,” I zei and I turned to face Ganondorf, who was drinking wine and staring at me.
    “You know, dude,” I began, “it seems that u eyes are blood shot. Do u think it might be because, well, you’re always staring at people. I think u have, ya know, dry eyes.”
    “Well, I think u have an ugly face,” Ganondorf said.
    I was appalled. I expected this Ganondorf guy to have much better comebacks then that. I expected him to stempel, punch me in the face of something, but after what he said, he then zei this: “Boooyah! I just got u so bad.”
    Suddenly, I had realized something. The only reason why Ganondorf wouldn’t get violent was only because he was in front of the King. (or at least I hoped that was the reason, otherwise he was really bad at this evil thing) He couldn’t touch me, no matter what I did to him.
    Ganondorf started back on his lettuce, and he was smirking while he ate it. I looked down at mine and picked up a beet with my hand and then threw it right at his wine glass. I played the game basketbal back at home, so I had a decent shot. I heard the beet plop and some wine spill over the glass.
    “Boooyah,” I zei quietly.
    Ganondorf became tense. I could make him angry; I seemed to be doing great at that in Hyrule.
    Even though I had to be all proper and stuff, I still had some tricks up my sleeve. I kept my slingshot under my dress. It was held on door a harnas on my leg, like those badass women do in films with their guns. I took it out and grabbed a beet from my salad. It was the biggest beet in the salad, too.
    I loaded it up in my slingshot and pulled the string back. It was under the table, so I didn’t know where I would hit, but I was trying to hit Ganondorf’s crotch. My father at home pagina always told me that if I got into a fight to always hit a boy in the crotch area and I would win.
    I let go of the string and watched as Ganondorf crumpled up for a second. Bulls eye, I thought.
    “You rotten piece of crap,” he zei and I just smiled.
    The servants came just in time and took our salads away. I was excited because I now got meer ammo for the dinner. It seemed Ganondorf had already been defeated, but I knew better. I wouldn’t let my defenses down.
    The volgende course was an appetizer sort of deal. It was fried potatoes of something. I didn’t really have time to check out what Hylian food was like and all, but this course looked like potatoes to me.
    Ganondorf seemed to have fully recovered from the beet I shot him with, so I knew that meer stuff was coming my way. He, too, had meer ammo to use with the appetizer. Anyone could just throw food, but it took inventive minds to find better ways at utilizing food as an ammo, so I put my brain to work.
    “You know, my dear,” Ganondorf zei quietly, “I have powers that are deadly.” He held up his hand and pointed his finger upwards. A little purple ball thing floated on top. “This here is a dark type of power. I would bet it’s the most powerful of every type known to man.”
    I didn’t know what that ‘type’ mumojumbo meant, but Ganondorf didn’t know that I had electric powers. I held up my hand and pointed my finger. A ball of lightning floated at the tip of my finger. I was all tensed up because I still didn’t have full control of the power.
    Ganondorf had a shocked look on his face but he quickly recovered and said, “So u have my Thunderstone.”
    “Why yes sir,” I said,
    “You brat, I was gegeven permission from King Bowser to keep that from you,” Ganondorf said.
    “King Bowser?” I said. I was confused. Just who was I suppose to fight against here?
    Ganondorf’s face grew dark and a smirk formed on his lips. “You’ll meet him soon, child.”
    Even though I was listening to Ganondorf, I still had an intense lock on my electric power that rested on my finger. Then, childishly, Ganondorf pointed out of no where and shouted, “Whoa, what’s that?”
    I quickly looked behind me and saw there was nothing there. I looked vooruit, voorwaarts and looked at my finger. The ball of lightning was gone. I heard a nasty, cracking sound up above me and looked. On the ceiling, there was a huge chandelier that was hit door my electric attack. The chandelier’s chain was slowly breaking so I started to yell at everyone to run.
    Fortunately, ol’ Daphnes saw the chandelier too, and he yelled for everyone to run as well. I pushed back my chair and stood up quickly. Link and Ganondorf had already taken off with everyone else that was seated at the table. I just looked up at the chandelier. I didn’t know what to do, but I spread my legs shoulder width apart and put my left foot back a little. I held out my hand, closed my eyes, and shot out an electric shock.
    I paused and waited to hear a crash, but I heard no such thing. I opened my eyes and looked up. My electricity didn’t shoot the chandelier, but it created a yellow net around it. The net sparked as I gazed at it. I tightened my grip, bringing my pinky and ring finger closer to my palm. The chandelier moved a bit and I pulled it down softly. I laid it beside me and released my power, which slipped right back into the palm of my hand.
    I paused; amazed at what had just happened. About a seconde of so passed and then I was engulfed in a bunch of applause from the surrounding people.
    Ganondorf made his way through the crowd and stood door King Daphnes who said, “I have never witnessed such an amazing power.”
    I turned to face everyone who were clumped up in a corner. They had looks of being in total awe on their faces. Except, of course, Ganondorf, who glared at me.
    “Ladies and gentlemen,” the King said, “unfortunately, I do suppose our avondeten, diner will be canceled for tonight. u may all return to your respected quarters, except for Ms. Ashley. I would like to have a chat with you.”
    I walked over to the King who put his arm around my shoulder and lead me to a door.
    “Ashley,” the King said, “I would personally like to talk to you.”
    The King had two guards open these huge double doors and behind those doors was a rather large troon room. The guards entered the room with us. I looked behind me before they shut the doors and waved to Link who was looking rather confused.
    I walked on a blue carpet and stood and watched as King Daphnes sat down on his throne. He adjusted his crown a bit and got comfortable and then said, “So, what I just witness was very impressive.”
    “Thank you, sir,” I said. I was actually being recognized door this dude and It made me feel really good.
    “Now, after witnessing your power, I have a favor to ask of you.”
    “Whatever do u need?” I asked.
    “My friend u sat across from, Ganondorf Dragmire. He zei that he is having trouble in the desert where his people live. They’re called the Gerudos. Could u please go and investigate what these people are up to?”
    “Um, I guess so,” I said. I was a bit confused, but I would help the King.
    “Alright,” the King said, “but reaching this destination will be no easy feat. I would like for u to go to Lon Lon Ranch and get yourself a horse. I’m sure that Talon, the owner, would have a pony for u and that fairy boy to use.”
    “I’m sure they do.”
    “Now, I just want u to go to the Gerudo’s fortress and talk to the leader, Nabooru. I guess she has been creating trouble for Ganondorf and he needs some help. He’s a very honorable guest to me and may help me solve some conflicts that are going on in other countries. He’s already planned my army to take over a nearby evil kingdom.”
    The King was taking suggestions from Ganondorf? That was a scary mess, my reader. I wasn’t sure what to think, but I knew I had to do something, even if it went against the King’s orders.
    “Alright, thank u Ms. Brandt. u are dismissed.”
    I nodded and went for the double doors and the guards opened the doors for me. Link was waiting outside of them, chatting with Zelda.
    “Oh, hello Ashley dear,” Zelda zei cheerfully. “What did Father talk to u about, may I ask?”
    “He wants me to help Ganondorf,” I said. “Your father believes that Ganondorf will help Hyrule progress as a kingdom.”
    Zelda gasped and said, “You’re not serious!”
    “I am,” I said. “Link, u and I have to go to Lon Lon Ranch tomorrow. Get your stuff ready for the morning and get some sleep.”
    I was a bit disappointed, so I walked out of the room. All I heard was a faint ‘Ashley’ from Link, but I wasn’t in the mood to talk. I made it to my room, however and took off my black dress shoes. Lux was lying at the end of the bed, taking a nap.
    I laid down and woke Lux, but he just sighed and got comfortable again. I put my head on the soft hoofdkussen, kussen and pulled the covers over my head. I then drifted into a worried and uncomfortable sleep.
added by dorrit
posted by mitchie19
5.S L E E P O V E R M O D E

The doorbell rang. “Mariah! The pizza’s here,” Nikki shouted from downstairs.
Nikki Lim is my friend. She’d helped me pass my Chemistry test door teaching me how to solve the frikin’ formulas our adviser gave us and that was a relief. I went downstairs. “Here the money,” I handed it to him. “Thank you!” Nikki waved before I locked the door. Why’d we order pizza? It was my idea to have pizza with Nikki while Aeyla and Norah went to town to celebrate some event down in Houston Street. This is a sleepover. I want to do something fun before I go to...
continue reading...
posted by mitchie19

“Hey,” Riley greeted. I waved at him. I sighed. My eyes got locked on his outfit.
He was wearing a black, with a hint of white stripes and a long sleeved polo and jeans.
My hart-, hart pounded. I was sweating bullets. “So,” I shoved my hands in my back pockets. “What do u want to do?” I asked him. He was still composing himself.
Then he smiled at me. “How about I’ll ask u that question?” he didn’t sound serious. I did either, I don’t know what I had planned to do and it’s not happening right now. “What? Wait, I’m supposed to treat you, right?”...
continue reading...
posted by mitchie19
3. P H O N E C A L L

The phone rang about 9am I was the one who answered. Norah went to the store to buy groceries and my sister is upstairs still asleep. I picked up the phone, “Hello?” I spoke the word softly. “Mariah? This is your aunt Lourdes How are you?” She zei happily. I didn’t expect her to call at this moment but I was surprised. “Hi Aunt Lourdes um, I’m fine. Why’d u call?” is the
why’d-you-call-thing the right thing to say to someone ten times older than me?
She didn’t mind me saying that.
“I told your mom that u are welcome to stay here for the summer....
continue reading...
Life should be about the moment right?
Well I think that most of us agree that life mostly bites.

I mean u have your ups and downs,
and then the volgende minuut u cant turn that smile upside down.

'Everyones created equal' zei our four fathers,
but if u look around, no one else thinks so why try, why bother?

I'm not saying life sucks of that u should commit suicide,
it just feels that sometimes u wish u could just die.

People deal with there problems with smoking, drinking and of course drugs,
but mostly they go around acting like a damn thug.

You feel so alone, thinking its not fair,
continue reading...
posted by animelove30
I sit in the darkness as I stare up at the moon above me. I hear your voice and know I will be okay. Even if u are dead and gone u are always with me. When I cry u are with me. When I laugh u are with me. When I dream u are with me. When I can't find u I get scared. But moments later u there to hold my hand. Only I can see you. Your body may not be here but your spirit is with me. It feels as if u have never gone. Now I feel much better because I know now u can never be taken away from me again. I may die someday but don't worry because u are with me.

R.I.P - Grandma Rose

"I love you"
posted by starwarsfangirl
Your words may stay trapped
inside your own mind
but I can feel them
although they're confined.

I can read your face
as if it were a book
your mind is unpleasant,
as u simmer and cook.

u give into hatred
your temper boils over
and it's all done
in less than a blur.

Your words do sting
but it does not matter
for in the end
I will not shatter.

In the end
u will be the victim
of yourself
in the verbatim.

u are trapped,
u are your own
enemy; your own life
u have already blown.

It is sad, truly;
closing yourself off
with violence;
for now u may scoff.

In the end,
karma is our keeper
she is the ultimatum
of the Grim Reaper.
posted by starwarsfangirl
Phasing in
and phasing out
forgetting what
I originally sought.

Colors blur
and meld together
I dance so close
beside the heather.

I'm on the edge
of oblivion
I can't trust
What I've been seeing.

The world whirs around
I can't see straight
can u tell me
how I won this fate?

My thoughts
do vary from time to time
but they're always the same:
of my internal rhyme.

My life beats
to it's own accord
always repeating
it's crazy chord.

And so, to you
I'll depart my advice
perhaps to your life
it's good to add some spice.

u smile when in pain,
your smile's bright even in the pouring rain!
Your smile shows your happiness
your smile shows your forgetfullness~
Your smile helps me up and stand,
your smile tells me I will never understand~

You always stay door my side,
when u say u can understand me I swell with pride.
When u talk to me,
you talk to me willingly.
When u look at me,
your eyes say I can act how I want and be free!

When u joke along side me happily,
I try not to ruin it when things get sappy...!
When we just take a breather while taking a walk,
we have one of those 'heart-to-heart' talks~
You don't focus...
continue reading...
posted by mitchie19
2. B I G D A Y

One, two, three, go! I breathed. My right leg went first up the stairs and then my left leg.
This is it, this is really it. I squealed nervously. “Marhion Angeles Pearson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pearson” the school directress announced. I went up the stage. The audience clapped.
I felt like a ster on a rise.
I saw Riley on the crowd, my eyes glued to him. Ah! I tripped. The audience gasp some stood up to see if I’m okay some of them laughed and snickered. mannetjeseend, drake Cell, the school news anchor video taped my clumsiness, he smiled. I quickly stood up. My cheeks were red, I...
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posted by mitchie19
1. L E T T E R
Dear Mariah,
I and your father are expecting to leave for the upcoming season.
Your father got accepted as a manager of a company in United States and I have to be there to guide him. If you’re wondering whose going to take care of u Norah will be there. She’ll be with u for a while. Don’t worry me and your father will call u to check on u and Norah okay? And expect us that we won’t be there in your graduation and we will always be there to support you. I left your emergency money door the fridge and your money for expenses. Please save your money, we’ll use FedEx...
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Do u feel that warmth when u see them smile?
Do u feel sick when they kiss, do u feel vile?
Do u hold your emotions in,
do u pretend if u confess your feelings its like a sin?

Do u hate how they're too good for you?
Do u hate how someone else could always fill your shoes?
Do u hate how fate can be so cruel?
How u seem to always be the fool?
Do u hate it when u see them sad?
Do u feel so much rage it could drive u mad??
Do u feel sick when u see them hurt?
Do u hate how u can't do anything and feel like dirt?

When they get angry at u what do u do?
Do u feel like...
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posted by ilovekud
Every four years the two-headed monster rises from its pit, and we have a choice between this head of that. Their party line separation is a phantasm haunting reason. It's a choice between this diseased hand of that diseased hand. We are criminals who defy law. They are criminals who defy freedom. Endless heads of a bureaucratic hydra, and so the smiling wounds we draw across each neck. While they lounge in the decadence of their capitols and dream up new rules of social conduct, we shall sink a mes in every Caesar, we shall aim our rifles and brand at every president, every senator, every statesman. Wake up. There won't be any change. In the sewer of capitalism, only the scum will rise.
In this dark world that gets darker door the minute, we can only rely on your self,

And no one else. u start to fade in and out, u can barely hear your self call for help!

Your vision blurring, your words slurring, your hart-, hart thumping, your last minuten here are coming.

You see no one, hear no one, and now your done. Your done with the lies, with the good byes. Your done with the hurtful words, done with hearing those mournful words.

You go limp and cold, your time is ending when your not that old. u know your leaving, but your still having a hard time believing.

The darkness closing in, all...
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posted by inexplicable
I would never have thought that I would ever be here again.
But it still had come to that anyway. I was in the first floor of my old school which I have attended four years geleden again. It was still the same. Only the doors were painted newly the corridor, the walls. I heard noises from the gymnasium. I circulated to the third floor to look whether the theater group listed there today. I passed door the keep fit room, where I still had had lessons four years geleden once and I had got back the feeling for a short moment to be I myself. How it still have been me four years geleden and HE was the only one...
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Chapter 2:
“Gagh, I can't stop thinking about him. He consumes my thoughts morning, noon, and night, all because he hasn’t showed up for class in two damned weeks. I hope he’s okay; I don’t know what the sappy dream was for, but I sure as hell hope he’s not hurt...”

I bolted right up in my bed, cold sweat dripping down my neck, and gasping for air.
Once my breathing was normal, I rested my head in my hands and exhaled deeply. That’s the third time this week, I thought, shaking my head of the strange afbeeldingen of me and Forrest as a couple.
I attempted to climb from my bed but forgot...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I don’t know what’s playing in your mind
I can only base your story on what u write
If this is really u and this is not some kind of mask
Than I have a vraag for you, if it’s not too much to ask

How does it feel
To be left all alone
To have no one to lean on
To be unwanted
Bet u don’t wanna see
The damage u have caused
The vrienden u have lost
‘Cause u took them for granted
Now your dreams are haunted
‘Cause you’re so unwanted

You don’t know what has been going on
You don’t realize all the things u zei were wrong
If this is who u are and you’re not hiding your inner truth...
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posted by HaleyDewit
I didn’t see u leaving
And I haven’t quite missed u yet
But the moment u came back on our spot
Your nagging was already spinning in my head

You sure do have a problem
It’s so obvious to see
But u better cut your stupid crap
Or you’ll find out what a teef I can be

I have a little message, so u better clean your ears
‘Cause I want u to hear it loud and clear

You better go now
Before we kick u out
You better leave now
And don’t say goodbye
You better walk away
We won’t shed a tear
‘Cause for a pathetic little teef
there’s no place in here

So now you’re back with your depressing...
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posted by LucyDougan
My hart-, hart has been punctured
It has never been broken
I’ve been filled with heartache
But that was unspoken
I’m always lonely
But I’m never alone
I live in a house
But my mind is my home
I’m not dead
But I’m not always alive
You’ve never been me
So u think I’ll survive
I’m always so happy
Yet I’m always so sad
I’m always so calm
Yet I always feel mad
Maybe I’m normal
And maybe I’m sane
But I’m not feeling right
I don’t feel the same... <3 <3 <3
posted by angels
this is a poem i wrote. i hope everyone likes it. this is the first time i have geplaatst any of my writings. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Moonlight comes through the window and softly hits on your face
and it takes my breath away As I look at the wonder the wonder of my life