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Did Teachers' Hoax Go Too Far? They Defend Their DWI Shock Tactics



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SG1-090 said:
All i can say is WOW what an excellent lesson - the only way to get your message across is to lie, play with people's emotions and apparently tell them their friends are dead - inspiring.
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harold said:
It seems like the AP writer is trying to create a sense of more scandal than there really is. Many students participated in the gag, and not one of the people quoted expressed any real offense. Seems like a way to sell papers and/or ad space.
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Actually, harold, I saw this on my local news report as well as in our newspaper. So I don't think that it's just that reporter. Personally I think that they went too far with it. I've heard of similar exercises where people are 'killed' by drunk drivers, but everyone is aware that it's not real. They have some identifier - a black shirt, wristband, or the like - and they aren't supposed to talk to anyone all day. But something like this where the administration purposely told the students that some of their classmates had died? That's too much in my opinion.

And SG1-090 - are you being sarcastic?
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harold said:
Was it an AP feed in either of those two news sources you mentioned? It is the associated press, after all, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was picked up in news markets all over the world. Did the stories say anything different from the AP story? Did they quote any students who expressed real offense?
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SG1-090 said:
lol yeh tessajanuary i was being sarcastic =)
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