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Similarities Between 1976 Swine Flu Hoax and Ebola? | Health Impact News



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I don't buy it. Seems awfully complex for something quite simple: media outlets get more viewership from stories that are more sensationalist. Big Pharma may profit sometimes from this, but especially as with Ebola, it doesn't look like this is a problem they can solve in the short term. I don't think they're gaining much by ginning up fear this far ahead of a manufactured, FDA approved vaccine.
posted een jaar geleden.
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Health Impact News is a crackpot website written by and for crackpots. They also believe vaccination is a giant worldwide conspiracy to destroy kids' immune systems with scary-sounded things like mercury (there's no mercury in any childhood vaccines except one type of flu vaccine, and even then it's not elemental mercury but a harmless mercury compound that doesn't bioaccumulate), formaldehyde (you get more by eating a pear) and foetal cells (a completely erroneous claim probably started by them hearing that once, long ago, the first vaccines were cultured on stem cells). They also think the government keeps its population docile by spraying chemtrails over them by plane (anyone with a high school-level understanding of science would know that they are in fact condensation trails) and believe that lavender oil cures all ills.

They have no scientific understanding at all and should not be reporting on scientific/ medical matters. Why the government would want to make a pandemic and kill of half their taxpayers, god only knows. They don't care about facts. They only care about twisting everything and anything they can find to their belief that health/ governmental authorities want to kill them all. Ebola as a 'hoax' is a theory with no credence or evidence. People aren't dropping dead in West Africa by their own accord. If you don't trust pharmaceutical companies, at least trust doctors. They have made it their life's work to care for you and provide you with the most accurate information possible.
posted een jaar geleden.
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I don't think this article has any bearing what is actually occuring with the epidemic in Africa (if you can even call it 'that'). Plus, I don't see why they would use PCR to determine the symptoms from ebola, when the effects are pretty distinct and blatant... I mean you don't start bleeding out of every orifice with a common strain of the flu, do you?
posted een jaar geleden.