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The news that might make u worried....



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i know i read this 2. he could be trying to avoid because its true or he's just bluffing to get the audience to watch by not answering the quetion????xx
ladychazabc thanx for the random propxx
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thanx nickjonasfan001 you just made me more worried thanx hunni i'm now stressing out
posted een jaar geleden.
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i just mean he might be bluffingxx
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Alexi95 said:
God I hope Amy isn't killed off. That'd be awful. I'd be semi okay(really sad) if she left the show but if they kill her... :'(
posted een jaar geleden.
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if they do kill her im might not watch the show again she's my fave character, and the doc without amy? that's worse :(
posted een jaar geleden.
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^I'll still watch it, because you can't believe how much I screamed when Jack left (Lol) when I was younger, but Amy is my favourite companion, so if she leaves I won't enjoy it as much. I have a little feeling Amy might be pregnant. Or Karen. I dunno.
posted een jaar geleden.
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why do u think that karen or amy might be pregnant?
posted een jaar geleden.
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:O maybe matt and karen had a thing goin on ? maybe karen loves him and she told him and he said it can't happen or the other way about - he told her that he loves her and she doesn't love him? thats why she might be leaving? what if matt got her pregnant? :O

doubt all of those :L but oh well can't blame me for guessing
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last edited een jaar geleden
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its a good guess but that is most highly unlikely wat do u think of the rumours
posted een jaar geleden.
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scarxtardis i heard the rumour too about amy being pregnant cause apparently this person got told that there is a conversation in episode 1 between rory and amy that might hint that she is pregnant but the person is not sure if it is true.
posted een jaar geleden.