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“So, you’re saying Stefan’s behind it?” Caroline asked breathless. “I don’t know. I hope not, but we can’t ignore the possibility that he could’ve” Damon zei being realistic. Elena threw her arms around her knees, looking pale. “I don’t know, Damon” Caroline said. “It didn’t look very professional. I mean, when u feed on humans u erase your traces. This vampire didn’t. The body was still there and the blood wasn’t cleaned up. I don’t think this vampire has been doing this a lot” Elena looked up with a hopeful expression on her face. “So, there’s still a chance Stefan has nothing to do with it. That’s good. As long as he doesn’t kill anyone, no damage has been done” she said. Damon shook his head. “What?” Elena asked, a little annoyed. She felt like Damon was going to ruin her renewed hope. “Even if Stefan didn’t kill that person, still someone had to turn the vampire that did. There aren’t that many vampires in Mystic Falls” Damon said, trying to put Elena back on the ground. Elena averted to Katherine. “Maybe she did it” she said, nodding at her vampire look-a-like. Katherine widened her eyes. She walked towards Elena, lifting her hand to slap her, but Damon grabbed her wrist and put himself between Elena and Katherine. “You’re not touching her” he zei soft but threatening. He turned at Elena. “You should be careful with your accusations. We need her” “Oh, but u can accuse Stefan?” Elena zei upset. “I’m not accusing him” Damon said. “I just want u to keep your eyes open and not be blinded door your…love for him” “As should you” Elena shot back. “You don’t know if u can trust Katherine” “She didn’t do it” Damon sighed. “How would u know?” Elena zei disdainful. “Oh, right, I forgot! u have been bonding with her. You’re now close friends, so u tell each other everything” Damon frowned his eyebrows and exchanged an uncomprehending look with Katherine. “Where’s this coming from?” he asked slowly. Katherine smirked. “Yeah, I’m dying to hear it” she said. Caroline looked from Elena to Damon and back as if she was watching a tennis game. Elena swallowed and put her hands on Damon’s upper arms. “I don’t trust her” she started. “She played with you. She used your love for her. She put u through so much pain, missing her, thinking she was locked up. But she never cared about you. She didn’t care you’ve been hurting for 145 years. She didn’t care u wanted to die when u thought she was dead”
Damon took her hands in his and looked her deep in the eye. “I love u for caring about me. I wouldn’t know what to do without you. But I could never fall for her all over again, while I’m loving you” He brought her hands to his lips and kissed her fingers. Elena felt how her hart-, hart beat fiercely. It felt like everything around them faded away and they were the only two people on the universe.
“Uhum” Katherine coughed. Damon let go of Elena and they turned around. “You’re having an audience”
Veronica parked her car in front of her supernatural prison. She stepped out and walked to the back of her car.
Two of her minions, guarding the entrance, came towards her to give her a hand. Veronica unlocked the romp, kofferbak and the two men grabbed Jeremy’s arm.
“Lock him up” she ordered furious. They both held him tightly, though he was in no condition to fight them. “Is Rachel inside?”
One of them confirmed that and she headed to the entrance. Rachel was pacing through the room where Caroline, Stefan and Katherine were captivated.
“Can I talk to u for a moment?” she asked dead serious....
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Matt, Keith, Bonnie, Jeremy and Veronica were sitting around the keuken-, keuken table. Veronica had gegeven each a cup of coffee, in order to stay awake.
“Thank you” Jeremy zei uncomfortable. “You don’t really know Elena. It’s not like u owe her anything”
Veronica cast him a grin that didn’t reach her eyes. “Anything for my soldiers” she replied charming.
“How’s that going?” Matt asked, trying to keep a conversation. “Do u need anyone else in your…army?”
“Why? Interested?” Veronica returned, raising her eyebrows. “For now the training’s canceled” She turned...
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Caroline was walking on the parking lot of the school. Her conversation with Matt had lasted longer than either of them had expected. She recognized Tyler’s voice, but didn’t bother to turn around. When she reached her car and opened the door Tyler rushed to her and slammed the door.
“Tyler!” Caroline exclaimed reproaching.
“I’m sorry” Tyler said. He took a deep breath. “I saw u talking to Matt” he started.
Caroline quickly turned around. “Oh no. No, no, no, no. u do not get to play jealous boyfriend. u had your shot, u blew it. Now u can go back to...
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Damon and Elena were lying on the hospital bed. Damon was holding Elena in his arms and they were staring at the ceiling.
“I really hope Stefan can talk him out of it” Elena zei soft and sad.
“You can always, u know, compel him” Damon said. “I mean, let me of Stefan do it”
Elena lifted her head and looked at Damon as if she strongly considered it, but then shook her head. “No” she zei and she lay back down. “I’m tired, Damon” she whispered.
Damon gave her a soft kiss on her upper lip. “Then sleep, princess, I’ll be here watching over you” He looked up at the window....
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Tyler parked his car on the parking lot of the Mystic Grill. He saw Caroline leaning against the uithangbord outside drinking some Bourbon. He hoped she wouldn’t look up. But as he made his way to the entrance she looked up.
“Tyler?” she zei surprised.
Just keep walking, Tyler thought.
“I know u can hear me, Tyler” Caroline zei uncomprehending. “Why are u avoiding me?”
Tyler stopped and walked towards Caroline. “Caroline, hi” he forced himself to say. He scratch his hair, feeling uncomfortable. “Don’t you…don’t u have school to go to?”
“Lunch break” Caroline explained....
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Damon and Derek entered the Boarding House. Damon took Derek’s arm and raced to the basement. He walked to the freezer and opened it.
“Wow! u have quite a supply here” Derek zei admirable.
“Help yourself” Damon zei and Derek took a bag of blood. Then they heard a bang.
“What’s that?” Derek asked agitated.
“I have no idea” Damon zei frowning. He looked at Derek. “You stay here”
Derek nodded fiercely and Damon ran towards the noise. “Elena?!” he shouted.
“I’m in here!” Elena replied. Damon entered his bedroom. Elena was sitting on the ground surrounded door wooden...
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Caroline and Tyler dropped on the ground. They looked up and discovered they were outside. A red glow enlightened the scene and the sun was slowly rising.
“Good thing Bonnie gave him back his ring” Tyler said.
“Can u please not say that name?” Caroline asked. “I don’t want to think about what she got me involved into, let alone hear her name, especially not from you”
Tyler took her hand and nipped it softly. “I’m sorry’
“ ‘s Okay” Caroline said, treating him with a little smile.
“Ehm, shouldn’t they have come out door now?” Tyler asked looking at Bonnies house.
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Stefan grabbed Elena door her hair and dragged her back into the house, his ripper face still on.
“Stefan, let go of me. You’re hurting me” Elena cried.
“Well, you’re hurting me!” Stefan growled. “We haven’t even officially broken up yet and you’re already clinging on my brother like a fetus on a navel string”
He dragged her to his bedroom and wanted to throw her inside, when he felt a sudden aching in his back. He looked aside and saw Katherine. He brought his arm back until he found the stake.
“Okay, first of all, ouch!” Stefan zei and he pulled out the stake. “Second...
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The Salvatore Boarding House
Stefan and Katherine were back home. Stefan had told Jeremy everything that had happened on Elena’s birthday and only after making sure Jeremy wouldn’t do anything stupid he had left.
“You must be hungry” Katherine zei and before Stefan could commentaar she went off to the basement. She came back with two bags of blood and walked to the cupboard, where she pulled out two wine-glasses. She poured the blood in the glasses as if it were wine. She gave one to Stefan and lifted hers to toast. “Cheers” she zei and she hooked her arm in Stefan’s. She pulled...
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A cold wind teased Kelsey’s naked body and she shivered. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around. There was nothing but leaves. Kelsey searched the ground with her hands and they touched something cold and solid. She slowly and fearful rotated her head. When she saw her sister’s body she gasped and covered her mouth. “Oh my God” she started crying as she crawled to Amber. “Amber, wake up. Please, honey, wake up” But Ambers eyes remained closed. “I’m so sorry, Amber. This is all my fault” she sobbed.
“Hey, u didn’t do all of it. I kicked some ezel too”
Kelsey looked...
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Klaus was standing in the center of the parking lot, staring in the distance, waiting for his spy to come back with the doppelganger. He had no intention in killing her rightaway. Not if there was a chance both Salvatores would come to her rescue and could witness her death. That would be beyond his imagination.
He heard some struggling and understood they were back.
“Excellent timing” he slowly zei when Amber dropped Elena before his feet. “Please, be a little careful with our special guest”
Amber shrugged. “She’s just a human. She doesn’t matter”
“You were human, not so long...
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Damon and Elena were in the kitchen, while Jeremy was playing some videogame and Alaric was out.
“Okay, what kind of flavor do u want? We have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry. Make your pick” Damon said, when he showed the three boxes of pudding powder. He was making dessert for after dinner.
“Ehm… strawberry” Elena said. She moved on her chair and felt something pushing against her leg. She stuck her hand in her pocket and took out her cell phone. She suspiciously looked at it. “What’s this?” she asked carefully. Damon turned his head and looked at the black, rectangle that...
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“I still can’t believe u killed him”
Amber and Kelsey were hiding in the woods.
“And I can’t believe u just drained him” Kelsey fired back. Amber shrugged. “You know what I am, what did u expect?”
“Who turned you?” Kelsey asked.
“Some guy named Stefan, why?” Amber said. Kelsey’s eyes widened. “Stefan Salvatore?” “Yeah” “You got involved with a Salvatore? Are u out of your mind?”
“I didn’t get involved with him! He got involved with me. He attacked me. And why are u so upset about him being a Salvatore?” Amber asked uncomprehending.
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Mrs. Jones was cleaning the breakfast tafel, tabel when someone rang the bell. She put the dishes on the dresser and walked to the front door. She opened and froze.
“You” she zei weak when seeing Cas.
“Hello, Mrs. Jones” Cas zei friendly. “Can I come in, please?”
“I…I don’t know, Mr…” Mrs. Jones stammered reluctant.
“Novak. Castiel Novak” Cas introduced himself. He nodded at Meg. “This is Meg Masters. She’s a close friend. Please, Mrs. Jones, I just want to talk to you”
Mrs. Jones sighed. “Fine, then” she zei and she let them in. She led them to the keuken-, keuken where...
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Dean and Jo were sitting in a restaurant. Jo had convinced Dean to go out so that he could take his mind of Cas and whatever it was that kept making him ill.
“You look pretty” Dean said, with a faint smile.
“I didn’t even change my outfit” Jo answered cynical.
Dean looked down and Jo recognized his expression.
“Are u texting?” she asked upset.
“What?” Dean zei quick. “No, no, I was…I was checking time…”
“why? u bored?” Jo asked offended.
“No!” Dean denied firm. “I just…I don’t want to leave Cas alone for too long. He’s sick and I’m afraid that...
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“Why exactly are we doing this?” Stefan asked Rebekah. They were standing in front of the Boarding House.
“Because I’m going to be part of your life now and I want to know everyone that’s important to you. Your brother is important to you, isn’t he?”
Stefan sighed. “Yes, he’s very important”
“Well, then get inside” Rebekah zei and she opened the door, entering the house. “Hello?” An instant later a strong hand grabbed her throat and forced her against a wall.
“Who are you?” Damon asked threatening.
“Well, I guess u must be Damon” Rebekah zei soft.
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“I look ridiculous”
Meg was wearing the dress. Jo had fixed her hair and put on some makeup and nail polish.
“No, u look very pretty” Jo zei annoyed. Meg was not easy to work with. “We need to get u some matching shoes”
“I’m not wearing heals” Meg zei warning.
“I’ll go find a pair” Anna said. “I’ll tell Cas to pick u up at seven”
She flew away.
She landed in a park, where she found Cas sitting on a bench. He was staring ahead of him. She sank down volgende to him.
“It’s weird” Anna said. “One moment you’re dead and the volgende you’re walking and talking...
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Rebekah was sitting on the divan, bank in Stefan’s loft, while Stefan himself was trying to reach Katherine.
“Come sit with me, Stefan” Rebekah demanded. Stefan lifted his hand to shut her up. Rebekah frowned, insulted. She whistled and when Stefan turned around annoyed she poured her glass of blood on the couch. Stefan turned around again and stopped his attempts to get a hold of Katherine.
“Why am I even trying?” he mumbled.
“She’s not worth it” Rebekah scoffed.
Stefan turned to the keuken-, keuken and searched through the cupboards. He then came back with a bucket with water, a sponge and...
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“I’m sorry” the doctor. “There’s nothing we can do for him”
“But…you haven’t even tried” Zoey zei trembling. “You can’t just leave without trying. You’re a doctor for God’s sake! Help him!”
She attacked the doctor and he let her slap him. The nurse came vooruit, voorwaarts and pulled Zoey away.
“The pathologist will be here in a minute” the doctor said. “I’m really sorry”
The medical staff packed up their things and left. A few minuten later, Zoey hadn’t moved an inch, a few man in white costumes came in her room. Apparently the man volgende door, who had a key of the...
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Isabel opened hearing two where inspector Anderson was still sitting with Andy. She signed and Anderson walked towards. She mumbled something to him and she and Anderson looked at Andy. Andy took a deep breath. He had a bad feeling about this.
Anderson walked behind Andy and ordered him to stand up. He cuffed him. “Andy Baker, I arrest u for the murder on Shannen White”
“What? But I didn’t kill her! I’m innocent!” Andy shouted. Anderson motioned at the guard who walked to them. He took Andy’s arm with a firm grip and forced him out of the room. When they were on the hallway, Andy saw Zoey and Cas standing a few yards further.
“He’s the one! He killed her! He’s the one you’re looking for!” he yelled.
“Mr. Allen has an alibi” Isabel said.
“No! He’s lying! He lies about everything! Emmanuel is not even his real name!” Andy yelled, while the guard dragged him along.