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Crowley had summoned Kevin and since Kevin couldn’t give up his disguise he responded.
“Something wrong?” Kevin asked when seeing Crowley’s strange expression.
“Depends” Crowley started. “You tell me, how is it possible that two ordinary people go through a maze of traps and get out alive?”
Kevin pulled his shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess they have a high threshold for pain. Maybe u should ask your vampire buddies why they let them escape”
“Maybe” Crowley admitted. “But I also think you’re not being quite honest. Something u have to tell me? Like how u don’t seem to succeed in killing Meg? u haven’t been talking to the Winchesters, have you? Because that would break my daddy heart”
“No” Kevin denied fast. “I don’t have time to chat with anyone. I’m too busy trying to eliminate Meg Masters”
“So, if I tell u to get the tablets back ASAP, I can trust u will?” Crowley asked.
“Of course” Kevin replied, trying to keep a straight face, praying Crowley couldn’t read minds.
The sun fell on Amber’s face and she woke up door the heat of it. She rubbed her eyes, trying to orientate, as she saw a man sitting volgende to her. He looked familiar. As she tried to recall she felt an insistent pain in her neck. She lay her hand on it, to see what it was. “I bit you, that’s why you’re in pain” Stefan explained. Amber looked at him. “Who are you?” she asked, crawling backwards. Stefan reached out his hand. “I’m here to help you” he zei softly. Amber shook her head. “No, stay away from me!” she zei terrified. Stefan didn’t verplaats an inch. “You need help. You’re in transition, it’s not a nice feeling if u don’t feed anytime soon. I bet you’re starving” he said. Amber shook her head heavily as her stomach rattled. “I’m going home” she zei with a breaking voice. “Leave me alone!” She scribbled up and staggered away from Stefan.
posted by Pepsi12Cola
Chapter 2

After the dreaded last classes of the day, Tyler and I walked to my house. My neighborhood was a good neighborhood i guess u could call it. I had a nice looking house and Tyler lived down the street. The park was about a 5minute walk away. The gras was a lushious green because of the new spring. We walked across my green yard up to my front door. As I opened to brown and goud door, we were attacked door Charlie and Max, my two full grown golden Labrador Retrievers.

I smiled widley as we walked inside. "Hey guys!" i zei to them as they barked and jumped all over us.

"Calm Down!"...
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Sorry for the delay I have had some sever mental block and I couldnt think of anything to write LOL! Enjoy chapter 12 and remember to feedback and keep looking for chapter 13! Amber/Twilightsauce.

I smiled as my eyelids fluttered open. The sun was streaming in through the window making my skin glitter in a mysterious way but not sparkling like the rest of my vampire family. I knew that Jacob was awake because everything was silent- Jake was the LOUDEST snorer ever. I propped myself up on two of the fluffy pillows to get a better view of his face. Jacobs’s eyes were closed but he had...
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This chapter is for Holly_Twilight. Thankz!

As we pulled up at the Denali covens house Jacob helped me out of the car and then carried me in the house.
“Nessie, Bella, Alice, Rose, Esme;” Kate called as she came running out of the house “guess what, Garret proposed!” she squealed as she skidded to a stop besides Jacob and me.
“Sorry Jacob, but I’m going to be needing all the girls for the time being,” she giggled, “Oh Ness, I knew u would be bad but u look awful honey!” she zei sympathetically.
“Kate, I think I want to stay with Jacob, if that ok with you. But congratulations...
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posted by lexie2635
This is my first fanfiction.I hope u like it. Please commentaar down below about what u like, what u don’t like, and what u want to see next.Short chapter.

A penpal relationship is often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language, to improve literacy, to learn meer about other countries and life-styles, and to make friendships. As with any friendships in life, some people remain penpals for only a short time, while others continue to exchange letters and presents life-long. Some penpals eventually arrange to meet face to face. Some pen pals even get married....
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Now that Alexia had cut off his meds, Cas was feeling much better, though he still wasn’t able to get out of bed. He heard the sound of wings and an instant later Balthazar appeared in the room. He wanted to ask what he was doing there, but found himself unable to. So he just cast him a quizzical look.
“You have to meet me at Butterfield Park” Balthazar said. “Crowley wants me to kill u and that’s exactly what I’m going to do”
Cas frowned. Why would Balthazar tell him this? Why not just kill him right now?.
“If I kill u here and now, it wouldn’t be a fair fight” Balthazar...
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Half an uur later Cas opened his eyes and saw Sam and Dean staring at him. He looked away from them, embarrassed that he had once again passed out. He put his hands on the mattress and pushed himself up. He frowned a little and Dean walked to him. He took the glass and helped him drink it. Cas pulled a face and coughed.
“I put something in it” Dean explained. “To kill the pain”
Cas wanted to protest, when they heard the door shot.
“Jo” Dean guessed. “I’ll go. u stay here” he told Sam.
Dean went downstairs and saw Jo sitting on the dresser.
“Where’ve u been?” he asked...
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“What was it?” Meg asked sharp, forcing Cas to look at her door grabbing his shoulders. “What did Heather give you? If it’s something dangerous…You know medicine can kill you, don’t you? If u take too much of it”
Cas freed himself and turned around. “Yes, I know that. I am not stupid” he snapped, while he rubbed his fingers. “I don’t know what Heather gave me. All I know is that the pain is gone and isn’t that exactly what we wanted?”
“Well, if u don’t know then I guess I’ll have to ask someone who does” Meg replied cold. She turned around and wanted to leave...
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Elena was lying on the bed her eyes wide open. Alaric had called her to get up, but she wanted to stay in bed. All day. Maybe listen to some sad songs.
“Elena, get your ezel out of bed, you’ve got mail” Alaric shouted outside her room.
“It’s Sunday, I deserve one dag of feeling miserable” Elena muttered. The latch went down and Alaric entered the room. He walked to the bed and sank down.
“I know you’re hurt” he started. “But u can’t let him have this kind of power over you. u can’t stop living, because he’s a jerk”
Elena wiped her eyes and sobbed. “You’re...
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Zoey woke up in a hospital bed. She wasn’t happy to be there. Crowley had taken away her angel powers and she was completely human again.
She walked to the door and opened it. She came face to face with a guardian.
“Miss Allen, where are u going?” the guardian asked.
“What is this?” Zoey frowned. “Why is there police guarding my room?”
“I’m just following orders, Miss Allen” the guardian answered. “My boss has a few vragen for you”
“Then I guess u should call him” Zoey zei and she walked back into her room.
She walked to the window and opened it. Her room was on ground floor, so she didn’t have to climb that deep. She swung her leg over the edge, followed door her other leg. She jumped and landed on the pavers. She turned around and ran away.
Meg was browsing through the pages of Daphne’s book, hoping to find something that could prove Cas’ innocence. While she read she listened carefully to hear if Zoey was on her back yet.
Maybe everyone was awake again. After all, the building was full of staff. Meg wasn’t in prison, she was being held custody, until someone told her how long she’d be convicted.
So it was very assumable Zoey had been caught and thrown out. of maybe she’s been arrested for trying to help Meg escape.
“Hello?!” Meg shouted to be sure.
No respond.
“Is anyone there?” Meg yelled.
Again no answer.
“Zoey!” Meg yelled again.
Complete silence.
“Okay, stay calm” Meg told herself. “Zoey’s just very confused and upset about the trial. She can only think about Alexia, so she forgot about me”
The other theory was that Zoey got killed, because she tried to help Cas.
A sweet scent penetrated in Cas’ nose and he opened his eyes. A small waffle was floating above his face, but when he blinked and looked a little better he saw a hand was holding it. He followed the hand with his eyes until he saw the person who it belonged too.
“Good, morning, Manny” Meg said. She jumped on the bed. “Is it okay if I call u Manny? It’s just that Emmanuel sounds soooo looooong” she added.
“I suppose it is okay” Cas said. He rubbed his eyes. “How did u get in here?”
Meg pursed her lips, like a little girl who had been eating koekjes, cookies before dinner. “Well,...
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Daphne and Zoey were drinking coffee in Starbucks, at 62 Founders Parkway. Daphne had ordered some donuts with it. Taking your own snacks was against the rules of the house, so they had left the box in the car.
“You’re going to eat those?” Zoey asked, nodding at the donuts.
“No, I’m going to take them to Mrs. Fueller and shove them up her big, fat butt” Daphne zei angry.
“Well, that would be a waste” Zoey said.
Daphne rubbed her eyes. “I’m not feeling very well. I think I’m getting a migraine” she said.
“You want to go home?” Zoey asked.
Daphne nodded. “Yeah, just...
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The volgende room, which was also the last, led both players to what looked like a workshop. They were standing on some kind of balcony and Meg walked closer to the edge to get a better look at the people down there, when she heard a weird noise. She turned around to see Cas stumbling out of the other room.
“Oh my God” she gasped and she ran towards him. Without thinking she took off the overhemd, shirt again, allowing Cas to see the scars on her skin.
“Press this against the wound” she said. Cas, too weakened to protest, did what she told him. “Follow me” she took his free hand and pulled him...
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Bonnie and Damon were in the living room of the Boarding House. Bonnie was placing white candles in a triangle. As she lit each of them she mumbled Latin words. When she was done, she blew out the match and looked at Damon.
“So, here’s what we’re going to do” Bonnie said. “You have to step into the driehoek and sit down”
“And what are u going to do?” Damon asked, quite insecure.
“I’m going to stay outside the triangle” Bonnie answered. “I will put u under some sort of hypnosis. I will be with u in your subconscious”
“Very reassuring” Damon zei sarcastic.
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They accelerated their steps, but Damon was heavy to carry and the brand was catching up with them.
“Damon, please, try to walk faster” Jeremy said. His neck and shoulders hurt.
“I can’t” Damon zei weak. He braked.
“Damon, what are u doing?” Elena sighed. Her shoulders hurt too.
“I can’t” Damon repeated. “You have to leave me here. I’m holding u up”
“Shut up, Damon” Elena said, having no mercy. She forced him to keep walking.
“I’m going to get u killed” Damon said.
“Well, we’ll have to die someday” Elena said, acting careless, but she couldn’t hide...
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Heather’s upper body was covered with needles and each time Meg thought they’d reached the bottom the needles miraculously piled up.
Heather turned her head carefully to her ex-colleague. “Please, make him stop. I’ve done nothing wrong” she cried quietly.
“You made me a drugs addict” Cas reminded her. “I bashed my own head against a toilet and I almost got Meg killed, because of your needles”
“I’m sorry” Heather zei weak. “I just wanted to help you, I swear”
Cas grabbed another needle and drove it in her thy, making Heather moan, which made Meg shiver.
“Don’t u think that’s enough?” she zei careful.
“No” Cas snapped back. “It’ll be enough when there are no meer needles left”
“But they keep piling up!” Meg exclaimed.
“They’ll stop piling up when the whore’s death” Cas clarified.
Meg shook her head in horror. “What has gotten into you?”
Meg was still sitting on the same spot when Céline drove Cas back to her. He had lost the angry face, but he didn’t look happy either.
“And? Did they find out what’s wrong with you?” Meg asked a little annoyed, because Cas walked out of the wheelchair, to the uithangbord and leaned against it.
“Ask the doc” Cas answered short.
“That bad?” Meg raised her eyebrows. And when the doctor joined them she turned to him. “What’s the problem? What did u see on those…scans?”
“That is the problem. We didn’t see anything” Dr. Spencer started.
“What?” Meg zei stunned.
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Meg opened the door of her motel room to let Cas in. Cas widened his eyes. “Did u paint your hair?” he asked, glaring at the blonde wisps on Meg’s head.
“No, I woke up like this” Meg replied sarcastically. “The correct term is ‘dye’, door the way” She walked back into the motel and Cas followed her.
“I like it. It’s shorter, but I like it” Cas zei and he reached for Meg’s hair, but she pulled away.
“So, eh, why are u here? I thought you’d moved back in with Dean and Sam” Meg asked casual, while she consciously tried to avoid looking at Cas. “You two lovebirds...
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The door opened and Derek appeared. He gasped at the blood and the insides lying on the floor.
“What happened?” he asked difficult.
“Exactly what happens when u double kruis me” Veronica shrugged. She walked past him to Jeremy’s cell. “Where’s Damon Salvatore?”
“They brought him to a private room, like u asked” Derek answered agitated. “Veronica, u need to call this off. What you’re doing is wrong”
Veronica turned to him. “You’d be very wise to shut up now” she said. She walked through a door at the end of the room, entering another one.
Damon was chained...
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