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posted by germany123
AH! Here she goes again...*eyeroll*

Rule 1

Start door making a lot of picks/quizzes/answers withoot using the link. Also please don't browse recent picks etc to see what people have been asking lately. Just go ahead and post! I mean really..who cares that the vraag u are aboot to ask has been asked 27378 times already? u want to make a pick and YOU'RE desperate to get a medal anyway so other users will just have to take the spam in their updates! See if u care!

Rule 2

Ask the same vraag in lots of different spots at the same time. Don't ask in the most appropriate club only and wait for a reaction- u desperately need a medal and immediate satisfaction like a baby needs its pacifier!
u are not willing to wait a dag before u ask in another club when no one is taking interest. NO NO NO! Post the same content in at least two of three clubs every time u add something! Think aboot how much faster u will get your medal! And door all means don't post e.g. an artikel in one spot and then LINK in other spots. Who knows if artikels count meer towards medailles than links? Didn't u hear a rumor? Better to make sure and spam all spots u can think of (even the unrelated ones! for funsies!).

Rule 3

DON'T under any circumstance use Google! All those idiots who choose to use common sense and just zoek for something on the Internet? LAME! What is the fun in that? It might just answer your vraag and that sounds utterly boring. Better to post an answer request for something that has probably been answered millions of times in the www and see what happens. Also its another contribution towards your medal, right?

Rule 4

Use as much textspeak as possible u are writing the commentaren and artikels for yourself,right? Well, THAT and to get a medal..of course! So who cares if other people understand what u are trying to say? Your attention span is the length of Justin Bieber's wiener so it's not like u can actually READ anything that's longer than the average text message.
And u would be surprised if everyone else didn't feel the same way aboot longer well-thought oot contributions: ITS LYK WAY 2 LONG AN I DONT GETTIT!!11!!BOORING!!11!!^*^

Rule 5

Don't check your contributions for typos and/or logic. Oh people can be such grammar nazis! u however know how to be a rebel! Who cares if your content contains so many typos that people don't actually understand what u are saying?
And how on earth is "So dis on da computer lyk the pic disssaper an stuff an so dunno what 2 do an why this ahppen? we say the f4 lyk do make get rid of da problem!" hard to understand? Explaining situations in a coherent manner is for brown nosers only and even if no one can help u with your request AT LEAST the vraag will contribute toward your medal.

Rule 6

Make a spot aboot yourself and then adverteer it.Nothing says "cool" like creating a spot aboot yourself and then running around fanpop advertising it. No one gives u the attention u SO CLEARLY DESERVE so u will make damn sure that u get it online.
Don't be shy! Write on peoples walls, make picks aboot yourself (preferably asking in which picture u look better/hotter/sexier) and post your emo poems aboot cutting!
Five years from now it won't make u cringe- promise!

Rule 7

Be as irrational and fangirly as u possibly can Remember: Anyone who dares to have a different opinion on your favoriete book/TV show- no matter how nicely they state it- needs to GO JUMP OFF A CLIFF of DIE IN A CORNER! They don't agree that XYZ and ABC are made for each other? These are fictional characters WHO HAVE FEELINGS TOO! Insensitive bunch!
Make yourself heard! CAPSLOCK IF u MUST! Use as many exclamation marks as possible!!!! throw in a couple of 1's!!!111!!!!! Never put anything in perspective- just attack! u know u owe it to your favoriete character. If we are talking aboot your favoriete singer/actor who is actually alive in real life the same rules apply. They spend all their time reading online fan forums and how would they feel if they read that someone didn't appreciate their work?
They need people like u to be their defendants! Who knows? They might read how u so nicely came to their rescue saving their precious reputation AND CALL u AND WANT TO MEET YOU!
And even if that doesn't least the commentaar was a contribution toward your medal!

Rule 8

Post as many spoilers as possible withoot warning. u are excited aboot a certain plot development of a new guest star?
door all means TELL EVERYONE ABOOT IT!
Don't ever assume that some people like to be surprised when the toon airs! Don't ever assume other fanpoppers don't live in the same country as you! Don't ever assume some people have jobs/ real lives that prevent them from seeing an episode when it airs! Don't ever assume that some people only discover the toon after a couple of seasons.There is no such thing as an "eternal spoiler"! The main character in a movie dies? The whole movie is based on ONE piece of information? WHO CARES! Make a pick asking if "others cried when the main character died in that horrible brand that left his wife disfigured" and DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE use the spoiler function.
u can either just go ahead and put all information in the title:

"XYZ reveals main character will hook up with ABC volgende season but trouble is ahead since we also heard something aboot a terminal illness."

of put the equally effective

"SPOILER:XYZ reveals main character will hook up with ABC volgende season but trouble is ahead since we also heard something aboot a terminal illness."

Yes u pride yourself in ruining the fun for everyone! GO you! And remember: linken count toward medals!

Rule 9

React like a total asshole and/or toddler who got his toy stolen when someone states that u made a mistake. Never admit to the mistake of even just apologize and promise to do better in future! Do not thank anyone ever for pointing it oot. We all know u never make mistakes! Do not for a moment assume someone was trying to be nice and tell u aboot it so u won't be confused when your content is deleted.Turn it around and make them look bad!Scream! Insult! And when the contribution DOES get removed do not just take it lying down! Add it again! No one can get a medal if all their repeats are rightfully removed door the f4! Just go ahead and add it again!

Rule 10

Ask others to fan/rate your contributions as often as u possibly can.You are not contributing for your fellow fans u are contributing for your medal! So just ask everyone around u to fan your keywordless, creditless screencaps! AGAIN: Don't be shy when doing this. Write on peoples walls, make answer requests bribing them with props, send messages..whatever works. Also make sure to do this to a LOT of people since some of them might not react. u are the human equivalent of a spam bot and proudly so!

Rule 11

Don't use keywords. If u did, people might actually FIND the content they are looking for! They might use google and find fanpop? Fanpoppers looking for certain content would FIND the content on the spot?(ha..see what i did there?) They would find it when they search? Who are we kidding no one searches! So just put a generic titel on all your videos and afbeeldingen preferable with a hart-, hart <3 and leave that stupid trefwoord and credit section blank! We are on a schedule here, people! We need medailles and clearly putting proper trefwoorden would take up too much time!
FUN TIP: Put random trefwoorden that have nothing to do with the image but are gegeven as populair tags! See how FUN searching becomes after a zoek for iconen of one character but only get results for another character of the same toon cause people only used the populair tags given! u will never find what u need! FUN, right?



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