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posted by stellamusa101
Last Updated: August 2010
User Information
Fanpop is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its audience. This Privacy Policy applies to solely to the information collected on Fanpop may periodically update and revise this policy. Be sure to visit this page in order to review the most current Privacy Policy.
Fanpop may be used without registering a user account. Users who wish to sign up for a free account are only obligated to register a unique gebruikersnaam and password. All other personal information is furnished optionally at the sole discretion of the end user to enhance their Fanpop experience.
Information We Collect
Fanpop collects the following personal information via the user profiel page (this information is not required door Fanpop and is provided at the sole discretion of the user):
Personally identifiable information for display on the user’s profiel page. This information includes: first name, last name, birthdate, gender, im username, city, state and postal code as well as linken to other personal websites (note that birthdate itself is not displayed, but age is).
Personal information that is not displayed but used to enhance the user experience: emai address. emai address is not published on the user profiel but used for paswoord recovery, activity alerts and periodic announcements from (all of which the user can disable at any time). emai information is not sold of gegeven to any 3rd parties and is used solely to improve the experience.
Fanpop also allows users to post photos, participate in polls, bevestig content and articles, post on their wall, send private messages to vrienden and more. Such content is toegevoegd at the sole discretion of the user. Personal information contained in this content may be archived and linked to the user’s profiel page.
Some information collected door Fanpop is not explicitly toegevoegd door the user; we log your browser-type related information, IP address, requested URL, referring URL, and timestamp.
Fanpop does not collect any financial of payment data from its users.
We have contracted with Lotame Solutions, Inc. (“Lotame”) to better help us operate the web site, meld website traffic, statistics, advertisement 'click-throughs', and/or other activities on our web site. Lotame may use cookies, web beacons, and/or other monitoring technologies to compile anonymous statistics and user data about our website visitors. Lotame does not collect personally identifiable information. For meer information about how the information is collected and used door Lotame of to opt-out, please see Lotame’s privacy policy at link.
Fanpop also integrates several 3rd party services including Facebook Connect, the Facebook Like Button and Meebo Chat which may collect and archive personal information. Please refer to the privacy policies for these respective services to learn meer about their privacy policies as Fanpop has no control over the information they collect.

How We Use Your Information
Information such as your full name, profiel foto and any personally identifiable information u have included in your profiel may be shown to vrienden of other users primarily in conjunction with content u have contributed. Your full name and emai address may also be used when u send an emai notification to a friend (such as in an invitation). We may also use your emai address to send u updates of news regarding our site, but u may choose not to receive emai of this type door editing your preferences in your profile. Additionally, we use your emai address to contact u on behalf of your vrienden (such as when someone sends u a personal message).
Fanpop uses third-party advertising companies to serve ads when u visit our Web site. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, emai address of telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If u would like meer information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used door these companies, click here: (link).
Browser-type related information, IP address, requested URL, referring URL, and timestamp data help us diagnose problems with our server, administer Fanpop, and otherwise provide the highest possible level of service to you. In addition, we use this information to perform statistical analyses of user behavior and characteristics in order to measure interest in and use of the various areas of the site and to inform advertisers of such information as well as the number of users that have been exposed to, of clicked on, their advertising banners.
Transfer of Information
Except as set forth in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell, rent, share, trade of give away any of your personal information. Fanpop will disclose information about individual users to governmental of judicial authorities of law enforcement agencies, of to other individuals of entities in response to subpoenas, court orders, of other legal processes. Further, Fanpop may share information in order to investigate, prevent, of take action regarding illegal activities of suspected fraud, of to enforce of apply the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.
We reserve the right to transfer your personal information in the event of a transfer of ownership of Fanpop, such as an acquisition door of merger with another company. In such an event, Fanpop will notify u before information about u is transferred and becomes subject to a different privacy policy.
Fanpop will notify u when information about u may be provided to third parties in ways other than explained above, and u will have the option to prevent such information sharing.
Controlling Your Personal Information
u should be aware that when u voluntarily disclose personally identifiable information (e.g., user name, e-mail address) via comments, messages, forums, postings, of in other areas of the Fanpop network, that information, along with any substantive information disclosed in your communication, can be collected and correlated and used door third parties and may result in unsolicited messages from other posters of third parties. Such activities are beyond the control of Fanpop. Please do not post any personal information on the Fanpop site of in other areas that u expect to keep private.
As a registered Fanpop user, u can modify your personal information at any time door editing your “Profile”. Also, upon your request, Fanpop will use commercially reasonable efforts to functionally remove u and your personal information from the site; however, it may be impossible to remove your entry without some residual information being retained door Fanpop. Registered users who wish to close their account should contact
Our website may contain linken to third party websites to which we have no affiliation. Fanpop does not share your personal information with those websites and is not responsible for their privacy practices. We suggest u read the privacy polices on these third party websites.
User Contact and Security
Use of koekjes, cookies and Beacons
Like most websites, Fanpop requires koekjes, cookies to function properly. koekjes, cookies are small text files that reside on a user's computer and identify u as a unique user. We use koekjes, cookies to refine our site and simplify the user experience. For example, the use of koekjes, cookies allows registered users to enter our site without explicitly typing in their emai address and paswoord every time.
u should be aware that Fanpop cannot control the use of cookies, beacons and flash koekjes, cookies door 3rd party advertisers of any of the information advertisers may gather from their use of their cookies, beacons of flash cookies. If u do not want information collected through the use of the aforementioned methos, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows u to deny of accept the cookie feature as well as browser add-ons that can help u manage koekjes, cookies and beacons while web browsing; however, u should note that koekjes, cookies may be necessary to provide u certain features (e.g., customized delivery of information) available on the Fanpop site.
Your Fanpop account is password-protected. Fanpop tries very hard to protect our users' information. We use industry standard measures to protect your information that is stored within our database. We the access to your information to those employees who need access to perform their job function such as our customer service personnel. If u have any vragen about the security at our website, please contact us. Although we take appropriate measures to safeguard against unauthorized disclosures of information, we cannot assure u that personally identifiable information that we collect will never be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy.
u hereby acknowledge that Fanpop is not responsible for any intercepted information sent via the Internet, and u hereby release us from any and all claims arising out of of related to the use of intercepted information in any unauthorized manner.

Emails and Opt-out
Registered members can opt-out of personal messages initiated door vrienden and users, as well as opt-out of receiving notifications initiated door Fanpop (note: notification settings can be found under the your profiel settings). Unregistered users that do not wish to receive emails may opt-out of receiving any communications door following the instructions contained in all emails.

Terms and Contact
Terms and Modifications to this Privacy Statement
door using the website, u signify your agreement to the terms of our Privacy Policy. If u do not agree with these terms, u should not use the site. Fanpop may modify this Privacy Policy at any time. u are responsible for reviewing this Privacy Policy periodically to ensure that u are aware of any changes to it. Your continued use of the site indicates your assent to any changes to this Privacy Policy.

Contact Us
If u have any vragen about this Privacy Policy, the privacy practices of this website, of if u want to exercise any of the rights that u are gegeven under this Privacy Policy, u can contact
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Rant, Rant, Rant Your Boat...

Lately, the crediting debate has been raging like a teenagers hormones around our little world of Fanpop. Some of us have strong opinions. Others of us don't give a crapsicle about crediting. So, I thought I would have a big long rant about the topic, satisfying my own need to yell my opinions at people while procrastinating starting an incredibly boring universiteit assignment.

When I Was A Young Warthog...

Yes, that is a Lion King reference. When I first joined Fanpop, I had no idea what an "image credit" meant. Thus, some of my earliest contributions are image credit-less...
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Source: Fanpop
added by Shadow_x3
Source: NO JOKES
Wasn't sure where else to put this, but I thought it was powerful and important enough that it needed to be shared with the whole Fanpop community. Please share this video everywhere!
spoken word
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Source: edited door me
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Source: Fanpop and my print screen button
posted by KateKicksAss
*Note: This is sarcastic. Just in case anyone actually thinks I mean what I say here.*

Okay, so like, we all know that it’s SOOOO much fun to hate stuff, right? Who cares about those jealous losers who are all like, “It’s so immature, blah blah blah!”. They’re just jealous they didn’t come up with the cool idea of HatePop first! So anyways, without further ado, I present my top, boven 4 reasons (in no particular order) of why u should totally make a hate club ASAP!

1. It gets u lots of attention!

Hello, have u SEEN how many people commentaar and post on antwoorden and picks asking them...
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added by NocKairu
Source: Fanpop