galaxy angel Club
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The girls along with their new panter, panther friend raced down to the center base of the ship. There, the ster commander reported a special mission for them.

Commander: Our reading have indicated some activity near the galaxy angles. We're not entirely sure what of who is casuing these readings but they look like trouble.

Ranpha: So what do u want us to do?

Commander: I want u girls to go out and locate the ones that are cuasing our readings to go off. Like I zei I'm not too sure what of who these things are so be carefull.

Mint: It's no trouble at all Captain. We ever have a new member of our team. *Shows him the panther* This is Kasey, he's a super animal.

Commander: So I see. Very good, but be sure to keep it out of trouble. u may go to your ships now.

All: Yes sir.

The commander went back to his office.

Mint: Well, we better go to our ships now.

Forte: I don't see why we have to do this right now. Why cant we wait until we're in the mood?

Ranpha: Because the commander gave us orders and we need to follow them.

Forte: Shows what u know Ranpha, u can't even follow the rules.

Ranpha: What are u implying?

Forte: Like the time when they told us not to take anyone's food and u took my jar of pinda butter.

Ranpha: *Angered* That was not my fault! You're the one who didn't label it!

While the two were aruging, the others tried to cool them down.

Mint: Come on u two. We can't be fighting now. We really must get going.

Kasey: She's right. We need to concentrate on what really matters- our mission. Now lets get going before we get into trouble.

Milfeulle: *Sparkles* So smart and so cute!

Kasey: 0_o

After cooling things down between Ranpha and Forte, the team got on their ships and left the giant ship making their way into the galaxy. If you're wondering where Kasey is he ended up riding on Milfeulle's ship.

Milfeulle: So Kasey, do u have super powers?

Kasey: Well...

Milfeulle: It's okay if u don't want to share.

Kasey: No, no I do it's just hard to answer that question.

Milfeulle: Why is it hard?

Kasey: Well, because I do have some super powers but not like u see in the comics. See, I was first a normal human just like you. My life was perfect until something terrible happend- a metor from spaced crashed ontop of me and inside it were DNA liquids that drained out from the metor and into my body. When I woke up, I felt diffrent and even acted diffrent. It was then that I understood what I had. Even though I was the same kind of person people still never understood me. They wanted to kill me of make me be a part of their team.

Milfeulle: That is horrible. What kind of teams are u refering to?

Kasey: Basicilly all of them- from heros of justice and for saving Earth to the bad guys who wanted to use me as wepaons and for taking over other planets.

Milfeulle: Oh. But u never joined with the bad guys right?

Kasey: I did for a few times. But it wasn't because I wanted to. They always got hold of me first before anyone would notice.

Milfeulle: That's a very fascinating story and sad at the same time. Well, i'll have u know you're lucky to kom bij with us. We don't ever kruis any bad guys in space and we're a very great team.

Kasey: I'm glade that you're a greater team too. From what I've experinced, u girls are pretty sweet and funny. But sometimes...plain creepy.

Milfeulle: *Laughs* kom bij the crowd. We're all pretty great together especially when we go on missions of when we just don't do anything but it gets pretty boring at times.

Kasey: I see.

Suddenly, their conversation was intrupt door Milfeulle's radio speakers.

Ranpha: We're heading towards a planet. Get ready to land.

Milfeulle: *To speaker* Alright. *Puts the speaker down* Hang on Kasey, this is going to get bumpy.

Kasey: *Lowers his body*

With a not so rough landing, everyone was safe. As they got out of their ships they were shocked door what they seen.

Forte: *Looks around* It's...diserted.

Mint: It's like no one is even living on this planet.

Ranpha: Kind of looks like a desert.

It turnes out that they have landed on a desert-like planet named "Lady Luck". The planet got this name because though it looked peacefull from many miles it looked deserted once anyone lands on it.

Kasey: *Looks around* Something doesn't feel right...

Ranpha: Of cours it foesn't feel right because this isn't even a planet! Where is the green colors and the water?

Kasey: Seriously girls- I'm getting a bad feeling.

Just then, an enormus figure appeared from a distance.

All: What is it that?!