Game of Thrones Club
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Hi everyone! I'm new to this club but I have been on Fanpop for a while - I was active in the Disney Princess club for a time and it was interesting seeing a myriad of different discussions and opinions which emerged from that.

I hope to grow this club to become meer active, like the Disney Princess club and to see meer input and opinions as we discuss Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, especially in the lead up and (when it comes) the aftermath of Season 6. I hope to write meer artikels in the future however I am in my final jaar at school so they might not be too regular...

Today I...
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What an earth shattering episode ''Home'' turned out to be - meer like an episode 10 of the series instead of a two! There were various big scenes to reflect upon and here are my aantal keer bekeken on them.

1) No family sentimentality for Ramsay:
This had been coming for a long time, but I was surprised door the swiftness and brutality of it all. Ramsay didn't even hesitate in doing away with his dad once he heard the news that Lady Walda had gegeven birth. Although I half expected it, I still found myself shuddering at Ramsay's steely and purely evil expression as he did away with his father. After that, what...
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1. Several of the less significant main Houses are simplified for the TV series. The only Martell child mentioned is Trystane, omitting his older siblings Arianne and Quentyn. Oberon Martell has only 3 bastard daughters rather than 8, half of which are still children. Victarion Greyjoy is left out. In the books, Loras Tyrell has 2 older brothers, one of which is already married, which makes the House meer able to turn a blind eye to his sexuality. Davos also has 7 sons in the boeken but only one in the TV series.

2. Several of the younger characters' ages are raised in the TV series. At the beginning,...
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 Sansa, ice; Daenerys, brand
Sansa, ice; Daenerys, fire
DISCLAIMER! English is my seconde language, so I’m sure this artikel is full of mistakes. PLEASE! Feel FREE to commentaar and correct, so I can pas aan this!! Thank you!

So, let’s start from the beginning…

A long time ago, Lady Lyanna Stark was engaged to one brave and powerful Robert Baratheon, who happened to be her brother Ned’s friend.
Lyanna was (supposedly) kidnapped and raped door the evil Rhaegar Targaryen, who was married and had children with Elia Martell. (This is what Robert Baratheon thinks… there’s evidence that makes us believe Lyanna was not in love with Robert; she loved Rhaegar...
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Ok, here we go. Needless to say SPOILER ALERT!!

Last night's episode of Game of Thrones provided us with some of the most terrifying, awe inspiring and grand battle scenes yet seen on the show. But globaal, algemene I will look back on this episode as being a mixed bag. How come? Read on...
So first the good points. As just mentioned, the battle for Winterfell was immense and incredible to watch. It really did feel like the culmination and spectacular finale of the White Walker storyline, as we got to see the whites relentlessly launch their assault on Winterfell and it's defences. From the beginning,...
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posted by TheHound1
Welcome to my review of GOT season 7 so far! In this exciting installment, I'll be reviewing episodes 1-6 of the season. Yes, where's episode 7, u may ask? I'll probably do that volgende week. It just hasn't aired yet!
So the series started off with high hopes then, but for me episode 1 pretty much summed up the worst of Game of Thrones; Big ''surprises'' which weren't all that surprising (Arya wiping out the Freys), slow moving storylines - slowed down door unnecessary scenes (Sam cleaning out chamber pots in Old Town) and a flash of the show's ego (thinking that giving Ed Sheeran an all to obvious...
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Game of Thrones is a series that is full of characters. There are so many characters that ranking them all is a challenge that I'm not willing to engage in. Instead, I'll just be ranking my top, boven 25 favoriete characters from the series. Since the toon has dozens of major characters, there are plenty of important characters that won't make my list. It's important to note that this ranking consists of my own personal opinions. I'll have plenty of opinions that will likely be unpopular, but regardless, I hope that u enjoy the ranking. There will be some spoilers in my ranking.

25. Barristan Selmy...
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Hi, I made a lijst of GOT characters ^^
This is base on how many fans they have on Fanpop, I did go around and zoek a bit.
Here u go:

1. Daenerys Targaeryn

2. Jon Snow

3. Sansa Stark

4. Arya Stark

5. Tyrion Lannister

6. Robb Stark

7. Jaime Lannister

8. Eddard "Ned" Stark

9. Sandor Clegane a.ka The Hound

10. Catelyn Stark/Lady Stoneheart

And here is the top, boven three couples/pairing on Fanpop :)

1. Daenerys and Drogo

2. Arya and Gendry

3. Sandor and Sansa
To sum up my thoughts after watching the culmination of nine years of storytelling: ''Oh no.''
I guess the signs had been there all along. The toon had been losing it's way. The ancient prophesies and visions of fans that had begun as long geleden as during season 5 had come to pass. The fan theories about Benioff and Weiss becoming the ''mad writers'' had finally been proven correct. And it all began with their attack on George R.R. Martin and his army of fans. After a vorige assault door the show's writers on the book reading faithful, they chose to swoop in once meer and deliver their final piece...
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I asked people that voted to rank their least favoriete Game of Thrones characters, and they commentaar gegeven with their ranks. A total of eleven users took part. The ranks here are an average of the ranks of everyone that commented. The scoring of the ranks was done door a total point score (combined points to each character from the lists of all of the people that participated)! For example, if somebody had Ned Stark as #1 on their list, then Ned gets 10 points. If another person has him as #2, he gets 9 points and so on. If Ned is not in ranked in the top, boven 10 on somebody's list, he gets no points.

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So here it is. Another of my once every few maand articles, because I'm bored of waiting for the volgende series of Thrones to air! This is a good one though (hopefully): My top, boven ten predictions of who will ultimately win, come the end of the TV show. So here are my 10 most likely and why:

1) Jon Snow: The heir to the Iron Throne. He's returned from the dead and seems to be destined to sit on the Iron Throne. He's also the Show's hero figure. It would go against the grain if this was not to be.
2) Sansa Stark: She would be meer keen to rule than Jon and would be a good and just ruler. She would have...
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posted by StarkStark
End of GOT

Well, this is purely based on theory . And the Azor Ahai legend .
I think Gendre is the prince promised. I think he's going to forge the new lightbringer sword and thrust it into the hart-, hart of his lover . In this case I think his lover of wife will be Arya . So she could die. Gendre will be the ruler of the seven kingdoms . And being a bastard and a fella born in flea bottom, he will be a just good kind king .
He will probably give the north to Jon to rule as the king in the North , and Jon will continue to overlook the wall.
Turpin will continue as hand of the king as he does enjoy this position .
Dani will go back to Essos and continue her work to free slaves as she realises that that's where she belongs and her interest lies .

Cerise will be killed door Jamie as per the prophecy .

My own theories for now . Please do let me know what u guys think and add
After the general debacle of the vorige three of four episodes (the fact that episode one had been my favourite of the series prior to this zei quite a lot about what I thought of it) I didn't come to the Thrones finale with any sense of hope of seeing a good 90 minuten of writing of drama. And I guess in that sense, I was pleasantly surprised...

After messing up the Night King storyline in episode three and then Dany's storyline, Jaime's arc etc etc in the vorige episode, the final episode of GOT really did the best that it could with it's ruined and once great empire. The first half hour...
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I recently wrote an artikel which included my predictions for series 7. Because I've heard some very credible rumours (maybe even spoilers?) about series 7 since, I've decided to re-write my predictions AND include some for the final season. How many will come true? Probably none!:

Season 7:
1) Euron Greyjoy will form an alliance with Cersei, and attack Theon and Yara's fleet. Yara will be taken prisoner. Euron will then go on to attack the sand snakes in Dorne, and kill at least one of them, before Theon eventually saves Yara door killing his uncle. BUT Theon will be fatally wounded in the process....
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Below is a lijst of my favoriete episodes from Season One of "GAME OF THRONES", HBO's adaptation of George R. R. Martin's 1996 novel from his A Song of Ice and brand series, "A Game of Thrones". The series was created door David Benioff and D. B. Weiss:


1. (1.09) "Baelor" - In the wake of Lord Eddard (Ned) Stark's arrest for treason, his oldest son, Robb Stark, goes to war against the new King Joffrey and his mother's family, the Lannisters. Khal Drogo, the Dothraki husband of Daenerys Targaryen, falls ill from an infected battle wound....
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posted by Windrises
Notes: Credit goes to the creators and owners of Game of Thrones. This fan story is meant for comedy so please don't take it seriously.

Sansa Stark walked outside the kingdom. It was late in the morning, but she was already tired.

Tyrion walked to her and zei "How's it going?"

She zei "Bad and I won't tell u why." Tyrion could tell she was in a bad mood so he walked away.

She felt like talking to nobody, but Jon Snow showed up. She growled.

Jon Snow zei "I have sad news. Grand Maester Pycelle got killed."

She sarcastically zei "I'm going to miss that creepy old guy."

Jon zei "Sister...
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Small spoiler from A Clash of Kings included. I'm sorry for language mistakes- English isn't my mother tounge.

The idea came from link pick. I thought it was good moment to share all my thoughts about this character, because I never understood his great popularity. It made me angry how Catelyn is portrayed in fandom as a monster ONLY because she made our dear Jon unhappy.
I don't hate him, as I wrote in commentaren to fanpick. He simply gets on my nerves, mostly because of his angsting, but not only.
Forgive me a little emotional attitiude in an article. I'm a fan and this is an opinion, right?

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I asked people that voted to rank their favoriete Game of Thrones characters, and they commentaar gegeven with their ranks. A total of seventeen users took part. The ranks here are an average of the ranks of everyone that commented. The scoring of the ranks was done door a total point score (combined points to each character from the lists of all of the people that participated)! For example, if somebody had Ned Stark as #1 on their list, then Ned gets 10 points. If another person has him as #2, he gets 9 points and so on. If Ned is not in ranked in the top, boven 10 on somebody's list, he gets no points.

So here...
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Below is a lijst of my favoriete episodes from Season Two of "GAME OF THRONES", HBO's adaptation of George R. R. Martin's 1998 novel from his A Song of Ice and brand series, "A Clash of Kings". The series was created door David Benioff and D. B. Weiss:


1. (2.09) "Blackwater" - King Robert Baratheon's younger brother, Stannis Baratheon, arrives at Westeros' capital, King's Landing, to battle for the city and the Iron Throne.

2. (2.06) "The Old Gods and the New" - Former Stark hostage Theon Greyjoy seizes control of Winterfell to please his...
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posted by gameofthrones
If u were a huge fan of the series of novels entitled A Song of brand and Ice, make sure to watch Game of Thrones online. It is the small screen adaptation of the boeken written door auteur George R. R. Martin. Martin. Ironically enough, Martin turned into writing novels because he got tired of working on TV. He was the writer of the series The Twilight Zone, and Beauty and the Beast. He later resigned after feeling that his creativity and vision got compromised. He began to write the series in 1991 and the first book, Game of Thrones, was released in 1996. It was well-received door both the readers...
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