Harry and Draco Club
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I Finally Found u Again

There was a knock on the door 12 Grimmauld Place. Remus Lupin opened the door to find a tall slender male with long blond hair just past his shoulder blades, tied back into a neat ponytail. As the blond turned around, Remus was looking at the face that belonged to Draco Malfoy. He was wearing a healers mantel and the healers badge on the lapel. Only the top, boven 5 healers wore this badge. Remus has also heard talk that Draco Malfoy was one of the top, boven healers around these days.

"Someone call for a healer ?" he asked.

Slightly shocked at who it was, he hesitated for a fast moment; "Yes, come right this way."

As the got closed to the stairs they heard someone retching then immediately cough violently. Draco walked into the room he saw Sirius Black leaning over someone in a fairly large bed. Draco got closer Sirius stepped aside (he to was slightly taken aback to see Malfoy as he eyed his healers badge) to let the healer see the patient.

As Draco got closer he was disheartened to see his former rival in such terrible shape.

"Harry? This is Harry Potter ?" He asked in disbelief. Both men nodded. Harry was 5 shades paler than Draco. Dark rings around his eyes, His cheeks were sunken in.

"Is this who was retching and coughing just a minuut geleden ?"

"Yes, he's been doing that and has had a fever for the past 36 hours." Sirius said. Draco put the back of two fingers to the gland in Harry's hot throat. The numbers 103.8 showed up on the back of his hand. Sirius and Remus were shocked to say the least. They didn't realize his fever was that high.

"You do realize he should be admitted into the hospital." he zei in a calm voice as he looked at both of them.

"No, no hospital. The media would have a field day. They would have Harry on his death bed with one foot in the ground." Remus said. Draco opened Harry's night overhemd, shirt and was horrified again to see his ribs. His eyes traveled down his torso. Draco saw Harry's prominent hip bones.

"They wouldn't be too far off the mark would they ?" as he pulled back the covers and showed a skeleton with skin that was suppose to be their godson that they loved so dearly. "Are u trying to kill your godson ?" Draco zei in an angry tone. Sirius stumbled back and almost fell if not for his partner catching him, both being dumbfounded at the ghastly sight.

"Sirius, how could this happen and us not notice ?" Remus asked with disbelief.

"That's what I'd like to know." Draco asked still in an angry tone." I should admit him into the hospital for malnutrition alone. Another 24 hours without medical attention and u very well could have been looking at the ghost of Harry Potter."

"Malfoy, please no hospital for Harry's sake" Sirius pleaded.

"I would be doing it for Harry's sake. To hell with the media, what's meer important, gossip in a few rag mags of his LIFE ? But... we'll see if he responds to my treatment door late afternoon, he'll stay put, if not he will be admitted with no hassles from either of you, alright ?" Both men nodded as they looked at their unconscious godson.

Draco took off his mantel and rolled up his sleeves to just below the elbow and went to work on his patient. Sirius and Remus started to leave the room.

"Would one of u please bring me some ice ?" The two men nodded and went down stairs. Draco gently put one hand on Harry's hot bare chest over his heart, the other hand over his own ear and closed his eyes. He could see and hear Harry's hart-, hart and lungs were in distress. That's why his chest was raising and falling harder than it should have been for a man of 24 years old. He then started an IV in his arm. Starting to get the fluids back in his body hoping it would help with the fever.

When they got to the keuken-, keuken Sirius broke down and collapsed. Remus went to his side and held his werewolf. He howled with grief. "We can't lose him, we just can't !" he wailed. Remus held his lover close as he tried to console him.

"Siri, he's getting good care now. I've heard Draco Malfoy is one of the top, boven 2 healers in the Wizarding world. I just hope we didn't call him too late. u know Siri, I bet he got this illness from that muggle orphanage he visits so often. Didn't he say some of them were sick last week when took all those toys over there ?"

"Yes, yes he did." Sirius zei remembering. "I'll call over there and find out what's going on and u take the ice upstairs." Remus nodded in agreement.

When Remus got upstairs he saw Draco sitting on Harry's bed giving him a sponge bath trying to bring down the fever. Draco had conjured a small table, which held a bowl of cool water. Remus also saw an IV in Harry's arm, attached to a hanging bag of liquid. "Can't u take the fever away ?" Remus asked as he handed Draco a cup of ice.

"Sure I can but until we know what kind of infection he has and how to treat it, the fever will keep coming back never going down. Do u know if he's been around anyone whose been sick lately?"

Just then Sirius came walking into the room. "I just got off the phone with the orphanage. Mrs. Schroeder, the muggle who runs the orphanage zei meer than half the kids are sick with the flu. She zei they have children ranging in age from 4 months to 17 years. She asked where Harry was and I told her he was sick. She zei she was afraid of that. She zei last week he was holding a 16 maand old baby boy who was real sick with high fever and vomiting. He had the child on his shoulder when the baby threw up all over his overhemd, shirt front and back, she zei he even had it all over his neck and hair. He just smiled and handed the child to another adult and left. She zei she really didn't expect to see him for the rest of the dag but he was back less than 30 minuten later, all cleaned up and a huge box of freeze pops for the children who could tolerate them. He stayed till after 8pm that night when we told him to go home. She zei he looked dead on his feet. He was back the volgende morning at 7:30 sharp with a big bag of toys and boeken and things. Some of the children called him Santa Clause? He got such a kick out of it as all the children crowed around him. Who ever Santa Clause is."

"Sirius, I remember that night, he came home pagina late, we had a avondeten, diner plate waiting for him. He zei he was too tired to eat and that he had a belegd broodje, sandwich there with the kids and went straight to bed." Remus replied.

"Well he's been lying to us because I asked her if he ever eats with the children. She zei only once about 4 months geleden when it was the triplets 5th birthday and he ordered 4 sheet pizzas and monstrous cake with ice cream for all the children and staff. There's about 57 children and 6 staff. zei they were always under staffed and he loves the kids as much as they love him. He tells them every time the kids ask him to eat with them, he says that's their food and he won't take it away from them and that he'll eat when he gets home."

"Does he eat avondeten, diner with u ?" Draco asked as he gently rubbed ice on Harry's extremely dry lips.

The couple looked at each other. "Sometimes." was the reply.

"Out of a week how many times ?" Draco asked again, now looking at the pair.

"3 maybe 4 times." Sirius zei softly with guilt on his face.

"So Harry has been wasting away under your very noses and u didn't see it ? When was the last time u hugged him? Didn't either u notice any changes in his face?" the healer asked.

"Just last week." Sirius zei "It was a quick hug and he hugged me from behind. I asked for one and he zei just a minuut and then a few minuten later he came up from behind and hugged me." the werewolf's head bowed.

"I hugged him last week as well." Remus zei but then his voice got soft with guilt. "But he had his heavy jas on. He must have used a glamor charm so we wouldn't notice the changes in his face."

"You two need to pay better attention to his eating habits. Do either of u know why he's not eating ? How is he sleeping ?"

"I know he still has nightmares at least twice a week." Sirius zei "because we hear him screaming. He gets pissed off if we come into him after he's had one saying that he's not a baby anymore and he doesn't need of want us to hold his hand of coddle him. Sometimes we come down in the morning and see him sleeping at the table. Neither of us knew he wasn't eating properly. Just after the war Harry was quite depressed but then he started going to this orphanage to work with the children there. So we thought his depression was gone. He generally seemed like himself again. He wouldn't tell us why he was depressed. We just figured it was because of all the people that lost their lives because of the war and that he couldn't save them. We think that's why he still has nightmares. u know Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan and Aurthur and Molly Weasley and the twins are among the dead and Hagrid as well."

Draco nodded he knew those people were dead but right now his main concern was for the unconscious, deathly ill man in the bed. He just hoped it wasn't too late.

"Tell me, why did u wait so long to call for a healer?" Draco asked.

The two men looked at each other. Remus spoke.

"Five days geleden I noticed Harry was looking flushed and very tired when he came home pagina from the being with the kids. I felt his forehead. He had a fever then. I directed him to his warm avondeten, diner and told him to take the fever potion after he had eaten. He complained he was too tired to eat. I told him he had to eat regardless. Fifteen minuten I came back to the keuken-, keuken to see his plate in the sink with about half his avondeten, diner gone and the empty vial volgende to it. Harry had gone to bed. I touched his face and forehead before I went to bed that night and he felt normal. I honestly thought it was just a little fever nothing serious."

"Harry seemed fine the volgende morning. He zei his goodbyes to us as he grabbed an appel, apple as he rushed out the door like he aways does. When he came home pagina that night 3 hours earlier than usual, he zei he was really tired but he did eat avondeten, diner but again only half and went right to bed. His color looked ok then. He just looked really tired."

"Yesterday morning Sirius found him in the douche huddled in the corner, warm water still running, shaking uncontrollably. His lips had turned purple. Sirius dressed him quickly with a drying charm and tucked him into bed while I fetched some potions and some broth and dry toast. He wouldn't eat the toast, zei his throat hurt too much but did drink the broth. The fever potions I gave him helped but the stomach settling potion did no good. I tried a cooling charm on him but then he started to shake again so of course I stopped that. So he ate crushed ice and broth all dag with fever potions. When we went to bed last night, his temperature was 99.6 Early this morning I checked on him and his fever had gone back up to 103.4 and he wouldn't wake up to. Sirius helped me to get him to slikken meer fever potion, then I called for a healer. I guess that's why he was retching as we were coming upstairs."

Draco sighed and looked at Harry then back at the men."I know he's 24 years old and u might think that he's old enough to take care of himself but he isn't doing a very good job of it is he? So that's where u have to step in and help him and if I know Harry, he'll get pissed off. So u tell him, either he does of u will. It's that simple. Here's an idea of what you're up against. For his height and bone structure he should weigh no less than 170 pounds and not over 190 and right now I'd say he's about 110 pounds. In school he was always skinny but healthy. He had to be in order to kick my ass." Draco chuckled softy with a small sad smile.

Draco took the ice and rubbed it gently on Harry's severely dry lips again. Harry moaned ever so softly. Draco barely heard it. He smiled. "One of u can take over light pressure and not too much u don't want to freeze his lips just help relieve some of the dryness. I'm off to make his potion."

"So Malfoy, Harry has the muggle flu then right ?" Remus asked. Draco stood up to leave and Sirius sat down and continued with the ice.

"Yes he does but it's twice as bad for wizards as it is for muggles because it effects us twice as fast as muggles.
It also effects our magic core and vital organs. That's why he's breathing heavy and has that cough. It's started to effect his hart-, hart and lungs. That's why I don't have anytime to waste so if you'll excuse me. I have some brewing to do." And with that Draco was gone.

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An uur and a half Draco was back with a big flask of dark crimson potion." This has to be administered just so. Too much could be deadly, not enough won't do any good." Draco explained and Remus interrupted.

"Draco, why don't u stay till he's well enough to hold his own of till he no longer needs the potion, that is if u don't have other obligations like a wife of something of other patients." Sirius suggested. "This way u could give him the potion yourself, then we can all rest at ease knowing he's getting the best possible care."

Draco smiled at the compliment. He then looked at Harry."I guess I could stay for a dag of so for Harry's benefit." Draco zei in a professional tone.

"That's great." Sirius said. "We can conjure up another bed of a chase lounge for u right here in this room of down the hall. What ever u prefer."

Draco thought for a moment. "Well, I want to stay right here to keep an eye on him in case he get worse. He shouldn't though now that he's on medication but it never hurts to be on the veilig side. A chase lounge will do nicely thank you, over here but not too far away. I want to be able to hear him if and when he wakes up of if he has a nightmare. And a nice chair at his bedside as well please." Draco filled a dropper with potion as he spoke. Sat part way on the bed and took Harry in his arms pulled him close while tilting his head back he gently opened Harry's mouth and gave him small amounts at a time of the potion he made for his patient.

Sirius and Remus smiled at this. Draco looked up to see the two men smiling at him.

"What? It'll help to go down his throat better and less chance of him choking if I hold him like this." The two men didn't say anything. They just smiled and nodded and left the room. Still holding Harry after a few minuten Draco whispered; "What happened to u my love ? I just hope it's not too late." Draco kissed the top, boven of Harry's warm head and then rested his cheek there for a few minutes. Remus and Sirius saw and heard everything. They didn't mean to ease drop. They were bringing a lunch tray up for Draco when they saw the sweet display of affection Draco bestowed to Harry. After a minuut of so Draco carefully raised Harry up enough so he could slide off the bed to lay Harry back down gently and covered him back up, stroked his warm pale cheek and smiled with concern.

"Knock knock" Remus zei as he walked in carrying Draco's lunch tray. "You need to keep your strength up as well if you're going to do Harry any good." Sirius said.

"Yes, I suppose you're right." Draco zei with a nod. "Could one of u toon me where Harry's clean boxers and pajamas are? So when I give him another sponge bath later I can change him out of the sweaty ones he's now wearing and maybe later one of u can help me change his sheets. That is unless one of u would rather give him a sponge bath, it'll help bring down his fever."

"Oh no Draco, u were doing such a fine job of it earlier, u go right a head. I don't know if we could do as good a job as u but one of us will help u change his sheets just say when. All his clothes are over there in that dresser. Boxers top, boven draw, pajamas bottom draw. Also feel free to use his douche while your here. If u need to get a change of clothes just let one of us know and we'll come and sit with him if u think it's required till u get back." Sirius offered.

"That's fine, thank u for your hospitality." Draco zei graciously with a small smile.

"Oh no thank u healer Malfoy, for taking care of our Harry. Don't know what we would've done without you. Can't think of any other healer that would go the extra mile like u have and stay to make sure he pulls out of this ok." Sirius zei kindly.

Draco just pressed his lips together for a thin smile and a nod. "I do what I can for my patients." Draco sipped his tea. "It's almost time for Harry to have meer potion then I'll give him a sponge bath and then I'll be ready to change his sheets, so let's say 90 minuten ?"

"Very well." Remus zei one of us will be up here in 90 minuten to assist u in anyway we can." Both men left the room taking Draco's lunch tray. When they got down stairs they looked at each other Sirius pulled Remus to him after he set the tray down.

"Clearly this young healer has a crush on our Harry. Wonder if it's carried over from school. Does Harry have the same feelings of does he still think of him as a rival. of we could ask Draco if u think he'd admit to it. He just might tell us to mind our own damn business, of totally deny the accusation." Both let out a heavy sigh. "We'll just have to wait and see." Sirius zei before he kissed his mate.

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Draco went over to Harry's dresser to get him some clean clothes for after his bath. Opened the top, boven draw and picked up a pair of boxers and saw 2 thongs. One was silvery green satin with diamond studs and the other was a steamy red velvet with little goud hart-, hart studs. He dropped the boxers back in the draw for a moment and picked up the two pretty shiny thongs. His eyes opened wide, his hart-, hart began to race, he licked his lips, his stomach did a flip all at the thought of Harry wearing these. Draco let out a groan then whipped his head around to see the still unconscious man.

"You kinky little devil you." he zei with a sly smirk that turned into a grin. "I would've never thought u had it in u of on u for that matter." he zei still grinning. He gave another groan, then a low sexy voice; "What I wouldn't give to see u in these, Oh gods Harry !" he zei with another soft moan. He than realized he had a the start of a raging hard on. He quickly put them back down the way he found them covered them with another pair of boxers and grabbed a different pair of boxers and clean pair of pajamas.

Scolding himself. No it will never do to have a hard on while giving the man he has fancied for almost half his life a sponge bath. He decided to fill the bowl the muggle way with warm water and very mild soap to take his mind off the treasures that he saw in Harry's dresser. It worked well until he saw Harry's bits. Even soft they were fairly... large, and oh Merlin were they beautiful. He licked his lips and swallowed hard. Now he had to pick up the gorgeous cock and wash it gently. Harry's last sponge bath he didn't go below the waist and now..Then his professional voice in his head took over and told him to get on with it and finish the task at hand. The task at hand was Harry's cock breathtaking as it was. Another voice coaxed him on Come on Draco u can do this, just go slow and easy like it were your own. That seemed to help and he was able to finish he even managed to give a good gentle swipe to his beautiful balls. Then with the soft towel he had over his shoulder he dried off the areas he washed again picking up his dick again this time to dry it. Now he was able to verplaats on to his back. He carefully set the bowl of water on the bed behind Harry and carefully rolled Harry towards him so he was on his side so Draco could wash his backside.

Harry's back made Draco cringe. His shoulder blades looked like wings. His ezel cheeks were very small. Skin sagged on them. He took the wash cloth to his back, shoulders, and butt, and dried him off again. He rolled Harry on to his back again.. Took the bowl of water off the bed and proceeded to dress him. He slid the navy blue boxers over his feet up his legs slid his hand under the small of his back and lifted up slowly so he could slid the boxers up to his hips and was slightly surprised how light he was. It was a good thing he was laying down of the boxers would have fallen down, same thing with his pajama pants His kraag bone and shoulder bones were also protruding out as well, He slid in one arm into the pajama top, boven then took Harry in his arms again and leaned him against his chest as he pulled the rest of his night overhemd, shirt around the bony man. Draco looked at his sunken cheeks and droopy skin. Pressed his lips to Harry's scar that made him who he is to so many people. Tears rolled down Draco's cheeks. He held the thin man to him for a few minutes. Kissed the top, boven of his head and tenderly laid him back down and buttoned his shirt. Brushed Harry's hair and covered him up while tears made his face wet.

He sat there for a minuut and looked at his once beautiful face and shook his head. He looked like he was 80 years old and very sad.

"If I have to put u under a spell, hex you, tie u down in a chair and force feed you, u will eat and put the weight back on. I will not stand door and let u kill yourself Harry, you're breaking my hart-, hart seeing u like this. I don't know what your problem is but I'll help u if you'll let me. I promise you." Draco put his head in his hands and cried softly. After a few minuten Draco felt a hand on his shoulder.

"It's alright son, we feel the same way u do." Draco looked up and saw Sirius volgende to him who had tears in his eyes and Remus to. Draco hugged the man putting his head on his chest. Remus petted Draco's hair the three of them shared a group hug and sobbed over Harry's sorry condition. After a good sob they straightened up and stopped crying so they could change Harry's bedding. Sirius sat in the chair holding Harry's frail, limp body, while Draco and Remus zapped fresh linens and a fresh blanket with new fluffy pillows on his bed. Sirius put him back in bed.

"Draco when is Harry due for meer potion ?" Remus asked.

Draco looked at his watch "In a half hour, why ?"

"I want u to go down stairs and take a break for a half hour, wash your face. Maybe go get a change of clothes for tomorrow. You've been here with Harry since u got here at 7 am with no break it's now 3:30 Go take a break for a half hour, u look like u could use it." Draco looked at Sirius who agreed with his mate.

"Yeah, maybe I will go and get a change of clothes while I have the chance. u have my mobile number in case something changes right ?" They both nodded. "I'll be back in time for his volgende dose."

Draco Apparated out. "Clearly Sirius, Draco is in love with our Harry."

"That he is mate, that he is. I just hope Harry doesn't break his heart." zei Sirius deep in thought.

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Draco arrived back at his flat and collapsed on his bed overcome with meer tears. The other person that shares this flat with heard Draco's sobs and came in to comfort him.

"Draco, son, what happened? Where've u been?" Severus asked in a soothing concerned voice.

"He's just so awful. His shoulder blades look like wings, kraag bone, shoulder bones, hip bones all protruding out, his young skin sagging everywhere, his clothes look like there 5 sizes too big, no color to his face what so ever. He looks like a skeleton with skin!" He buried his face in his godfather's neck and shoulder. Draco sobbed his hart-, hart out. "He looks like he could die at anytime." He picked his head up and grabbed hold of the front of the mans robes With fear stricken eyes and a voice to match; "He can't die Sev, he just can't , it almost killed me not knowing what happened to him after the war of where he was. Then I find him again like this only to lose him again. It's not fair! He doesn't even know I'm there. Oh god Sev I can't lose him again. It would kill me!"

"Shh Draco, who are u talkin about ?" Snape zei in a calming tone."

HHHarry PPotter he's so sssick with the mmmuggle flu." Draco zei through sobbing hiccups.

"You've done everything like I taught you? Exact amounts of Dragon's potion, right on time, everything?" Snape questioned.

Draco nodded not lifting his head. "Well Draco my son, now it's up to Merlin and God. All we can do is pray and wait. If there is no change door this time tomorrow he has to be admitted, that means his body has lapsed into a coma and he may never regain consciousness."

"NO Sev, don't say that, NO NO!"

"Draco, if that's how it is I'm sorry. We've done all we can do. We can't change the way things will be, u knew that when u became a healer."

"Yes but I didn't think it would hit so close to my heart." Draco sobbed.

"Sometimes that's how it is. I'm sorry for that. Just try to deal with it the best that we can. That's all we can do. Right now u need to get a grip on your feelings of u won't do him any good. u know the first rule of healing. u know they could add up to a costly mistake to the patient."

Draco nodded. "Never let your emotions get in the way of your healing." he zei in a small voice. Snape nodded his head. He'd taught his student well.

Draco pick his head up and looked at his watch. "I gotta get moving. I just came back for a change of clothes, my tooth brush and this." He grabbed the 5x7 pictured that was on his dresser for the past six years held it to his chest in an effort to stop mores tears from falling as his bottom lip quivered, than stuck it in his bag along with a change of clothes.

"Do u want me to come with you?" Snape asked.

Draco nodded yes. "I don't think his godfather would mind. This way u could see if there's anything I overlooked and make sure I did everything right. Draco zei in a small voice. "He's due for meer potion at 4."

Snape looked at his watch. "Well we better get moving. It's five of now." Severus grabbed a small bag of his own.

A minuut later they were standing in Harry's bedroom with Sirius and Remus.

"I hope u don't mind I brought my mentor a long to make sure I didn't overlook anything." The two men only nodded. They did not object to a seconde opinion.

Snape went over to look at Harry and was taken aback at the mere sight of what he saw.

Draco filled the dropper with potion and slid on the bed taking Harry into his arms and waited until exactly 4:00. He then gently opened Harry's mouth once meer and gave him the potion in small amounts till the dropper was gone. Snape checked Harry's IV and nodded. "Almost time for another bag." Draco nodded.

"Draco, let Harry rest son." Snape zei kindly. Draco was reluctant to let go of Harry and did as his godfather asked he knew he was right. Snape gently pulled Harry vooruit, voorwaarts enough to let Draco get off the bed and was shocked when he realized there was hardly anything to him.

"You know this man... Draco cut him off. "I already told them." Draco took Harry's temperature again. "I told them if Harry was responding to my treatment then I would have to admit him and Harry is responding. His temperature is down from what it was when I got here at 7 am. Then it was 103.8 now it's 102.0 and I just gave him his third dose of potion at 4. So at this rate if he keeps doing well door this time tomorrow he should be awake even if only for a few minutes." Draco sounded hopeful.

"But maybe u should tell them what u told me." Draco bowed his head.

Snape turned to speak to Harry's godparents. "I told Draco that if door this time tomorrow there is no change than he has to be admitted into the hospital because that would mean that his body has lapsed into a coma but I see the fever had started to come down and that's a good sign so let's just keep praying he continues to respond. Shall we?"

"Severus would u like to stay for supper, we have plenty." Sirius offered. Snape hesitated for a moment.

"Unless you'd rather eat alone." Remus added. Snape turned and looked at Draco as if looking for an answer.

Draco did not disappoint.

"Sev, u may as well get use to them, cause when Harry is well again these people that just offered u avondeten, diner will be my in-laws." Three sets of eyes looked at him in shock. Draco just smiled and went back to rubbing ice on Harry's lips. Draco then noticed Harry's IV bag was empty and stood up to replace it. Glancing over his shoulder at the three as they headed down stairs. Draco replace the old IV bag with a full one.

Draco went over to his bag and took out the picture of the two of them in an embrace and set it on the night stand volgende to Harry's bed. Now when he wakes up he'll be able to see it he thought. "I'm just wondering where yours is like this." Suddenly Harry started whimpering loudly. Draco sat down quickly on Harry's bed and put his cheek volgende to Harry's and whispered in his ear as he stroked his other cheek .

"Shh Harry, I'm here and I'm never leaving u again, ever." Harry stopped immediately and turned into Draco's touch. Draco was shocked that Harry responded to him as a tear rolled down his cheek. Draco left his hand on his lovers face and whispered in his ear again.

"Come back to me Harry. Open your beautiful eyes and look at me. Tell me you'll be my husband. Come back to me baby. I love u so much." Draco was still caressing his cheek.

"We heard Harry whimper is he awake?" the werewolf asked as all three came running into the room.

Draco sat up quickly."Harry did whimper but did not open his eyes. I put my cheek volgende to his and whispered that I was here with him and then he calmed down and turned into my touch. I see it as a good sign he hears and understands my voice and responds to touch and there must be some kind of brain activity for him to start to whimper loud enough for u to hear. All good signs right Sev ?"

"Yes Draco, all good signs, he just might pull out of this after all." They smiled with hope.

"Well only paddy here heard the whimper with his sensitive hearing. He hears Harry every time he has nightmares to don't ya Blackie ?" Sirius blushed at his pet name used in front of other people. Sirius just glared at his partner.

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That night just after giving Harry a dose of potion, Draco tenderly laid him back down. He could have sworn he saw Harry's eyes open. He stared at him for a long time. Nothing, not even a flutter.
Draco sat in the chair volgende to his bed and began to read a book. Every now and glancing up to look at Harry. An uur past and again Draco thought Harry opened his eyes again for a few seconds. Draco went to Harry's side and stroked his cheek.

"Are u trying to open your eyes my love?" No response. Draco leaned into Harry's ear; and he whispered;

"Harry my love, please open your beautiful eyes and look at me." Still no response. Draco rested his head gently on Harry's shoulder and exhaled softly. He noticed this lips were so close to Harry's neck. He just couldn't resist giving it a soft kiss and nuzzled against it as he caressed his cheek. "Please Harry wake up."

Draco noticed Harry started to breath deeper; "Harry, do u hear me? Do u feel me touching you?"
Draco pressed his lips softly to Harry's and had his hands in Harry's hair as he kissed him sweetly. Harry continued to breath deeply. "Harry, please open your eyes baby." Still no response only deep breathing. "Well maybe your godparents can get u to open your eyes"

Draco went to Harry's doorway and called out. Moments later three men were in Harry's room. Draco explained what happened. Leaving out the kissing parts.

"I thought maybe if he he knew his family were here he might respond better to you." Draco stepped aside and let Sirius sit on Harry's bed and talk and caress his cheek like Draco had done. Again Harry started to breath deep. Still no movement. Severus stood volgende to Draco. He put his arm around his shoulder and put his lips volgende to Draco's ear;

"You've done well my son." Draco put his head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Sev."

Then Harry's eyes fluttered open for a few seconds. He saw everyones mouth agape, and closed his eyes again.

"Well at least I know now that I'm not going mad. He did open his eyes at me twice before I called you." Draco zei with a sigh of relief.

"He is making progress, he is improving. Maybe we can rest a little easier tonight knowing he's on the mend."Snape remarked. Harry's breathing return to normal. Draco took his temperature again. 101.2. Everyone smiled at the numbers. Someone breathed; "Thank Merlin."

Again Sirius and Remus extended their hospitality to Severus."Professor if u care to stay the night there are a few spare bedrooms down the hall. u are meer than welcome to any of them. I would just like to say thank u both for your help with Harry. To be honest without your help, I think we would have had to admit him to the hospital to have him receive this level of care. But now thanks to u both he is receiving that same care maybe even better ( Sirius winked at Draco, which made him blush ) in the comfort of his home. Thank u so much, both of you. And now we will say good night. u will call us if there is any change of if he wakes up?" Sirius asked. Draco nodded.

The two men left the room. Draco turned to his godfather; "So are u going to stay the night?"

"Do u want me to?" was the reply.

Draco nodded yes. "I value your opinion meer than u know Sev. We're so close to him waking up, I just don't want to screw it up and knowing you're near door is a comfort to me. It helps me keep my head so I don't fall apart like I did this afternoon." Draco hugged the man.

"Alright, I'll stay one night and we'll see how things are in the morning. But I want u to call me even for the slightest change in his condition, understand ?" Draco nodded.

Severus headed for the door. "Sev, thanks again for being there." Draco zei kindly.

Snape turned around and looked at him "No problem son." He went down the hall to one of the rooms offered.

HP luvs DM

It was getting late. Draco leaned over and kissed Harry sweetly; "Good night my love." Draco settled down on the chase lounge not too far from Harry's bed and fell asleep. A low candle flickered. He wasn't asleep long before he felt someone standing over him. He looked up to see his Harry wearing that green sparkly riem, thong , nothing else. Looking very healthy and strong, like he did in school when they were dating.

"This is not real. This is a dream, a fantasy of seeing u in that thong." Draco zei as his eyes traveled down and saw how gorgeous Harry's bits were right in front of him inches away from his mouth.

"Do I feel like a fantasy ?" Harry asked in a soft seductive voice as he straddled Draco's legs. Harry's soft cock was on Draco's thighs. Draco looked over at the bed. It was empty.

"It's not a dream Draco, this is real. I felt u whisper in my ear telling me to open my eyes. Telling me that u love me. I felt u kiss me like this." Harry took hold of Draco's face so softly and kissed him. His tongue caressed his lips requesting entrance into his mouth. Draco obliged and opened his mouth, his tongue met Harry's. He tasted so good. He wrapped his arms around the man he loved meer than his own life. Draco's hart-, hart was racing with excitement. The last time they shared a kiss this full of passion was on their last datum 6 years ago. Draco whimpered at the sensation, the taste and feel of Harry once again. God how he'd miss Harry and his kisses.

They finally broke the kiss for some much needed air. Harry's eyes were breathtaking sparkling emeralds as he smiled.

"Will u make love to me Draco, Please?" Harry asked so sweetly. But before he could answer he heard someone screaming. He blinked and sexy Harry was gone and Harry in the bed was screaming having a nightmare.

Draco went to him quickly and put his cheek volgende to Harry's and again whispered in his ear ; "Shh Harry, I'm here with you, shh no one is going to hurt you." Draco was caressing his cheek. and Harry calmed right down. Draco then sat up to see three people standing near him. They all had watched Draco calm Harry quickly and with slightly amazed expressions on their faces. No one zei a word and went back to their rooms.

He sat there on Harry's bed and petted his dark thick hair it wasn't as soft as Draco remembered it because of lack of nutrition. He put his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Harry, what are u doing to me ?" Draco sucked in a ragged breath and exhaled the same way. He remembered the dream he had less than 30 minuten ago. It seemed so real. He even saw Harry's bed empty He did feel real. The kiss felt so real. He felt ashamed and guilty for having such thoughts for this man who couldn't even verplaats let alone get out of bed of make love to him like he requested. "In time my love we will be together. I finally found u again. I've waited 6 years what's a few meer months. I'd wait another 6 years if need be as long as you're near me. That's how much I love you." Draco softly kissed Harry's neck.

Draco got up and sat in the chair at Harry's bedside. He didn't want to sleep on the chase lounge for fear he'd have another dream like that. That dream seemed to real. It played with his hart-, hart and head too much. He couldn't deal with it and then try to take care of Harry in the morning. So he took a snooze in the chair instead.

While Draco was cat napping, Harry opened his eyes and looked around. He couldn't believe his eyes. There was Draco Malfoy sleeping in a chair volgende to his bed. Hang on. How did he get in bed ? What's this thing in my arm. He looked up and saw a bag just over his head it looked like it had water in it with a long tube that went into his arm. What the hell was going on? Why and how did Draco get in his room ? Where did he come from? Where was Sirius and Remus? He opened his mouth to talk but nothing came out. Okay, so I can't talk. He thought. He tried to get up but nothing would move.

Oh wait I can wiggle my toes and fingers and I can verplaats my eyes He tried to verplaats his arm of even his hand. They too heavy to verplaats He could turn his hand from front to back but could not raise it. He tried hard to verplaats his head. With great effort he managed to turn it to one side towards his night stand where he saw a picture of him and Draco when they were back in school. They were on a datum in that picture. He remembered snogging right after the picture was taken. How the hell did that picture get there ?

He closed his eyes at the memory. He must have dozed off because when he opened his eyes again Draco was gone. Just what I thought Draco was just a nice dream again. This time he was able to sit up. A little shaky but he was sitting up. He pulled out the IV and winced in the process of doing so. Hey, who's in my douche ? Whose clothes are on that... that chase lounge? Where did that chase lounge come from and why? He still couldn't talk. Let's see if he could walk. Just then the douche shut off , seconden later a naked Draco Malfoy came strolling into his room with a towel over his shoulder. All Harry could do was watch as Draco dried his hair. Oh god what a fabulous ezel he has . He put his feet on the floor, stood up, boxers and all fell to the floor as his legs gave out. His world went black.

DM luvs HP

Draco turned off the douche and grabbed a towel and headed back into Harry's room wondering how soon it would be before Harry would wake up He knew it would be sometime today he could just feel it. He headed straight for the chase lounge where his fresh clothes were and started to dry his hair. All of a sudden he heard a thud. He jerked around to see Harry crumpled on the floor.

"Oh shit Harry!" He grabbed his wand and pointed at himself and he was dressed in seconds. Then he yelled for help."Need some help in here." He went to Harry's side. He was afraid to verplaats him in case he broke any bones.

Moments after he called for help the three men appeared in Harry's room again."Draco what the hell happened ?" Snape asked coldly. "What are u doing ?"

"I got out of the shower. Came back in here and started to get dressed. I heard a thud, turned around and Harry was on the floor. I didn't want to verplaats him in case he broke something. I was trying to check for any broken bones as u were coming in."

"Draco did u forget that you're a healer of a wizard ?" Snape zei in a nasty tone. u could have used a spell for that, remember ?"

Draco narrowed his eyes, he didn't like to be spoke to like that in front of people, it makes him look incapable of doing his job. Snape pointed his wand at Harry.

"Yes Draco, u were right not to verplaats him, he did indeed break some bones. Right arm, right leg , 3 ribs and his left ankle with a nasty bump on his head." Snape concluded. "He must have pulled the IV out of his arm himself."

"Why did he break some many bones from such a short fall ?" Sirius asked.

"His bones are brittle from malnutrition. Starting today I would like him to start taking calcium potions and eating meer dairy like milk, cheese, ice cream things like that it'll make his bones stronger and less likely to break so easily. So hopefully in a months time he should be back to normal physically. Then we should find out why he was starving himself." Draco was healing Harry's broken bones the entire time Snape was talking. But still listening ."We'll leave the IV out for now and see how he does without it."

After Draco healed Harry's bones he picked him up off the floor and gingerly set him on the bed. Then started to heal the bump on his head. When he was done he took Harry's temperature for the first time that day. 98.8.

"Well thank Merlin there's no fever today as of yet but we will keep an eye on it. I'd like Harry to have one meer dag of taking the potion. He can start eating solid foods once he wakes up. Whatever he can tolerate. Start out slow and light foods like geroosterd brood, toast and a little jam of jelly. No boter yet, too heavy. Crackers small slice of cheese and see how well he does with that. Draco don't forget the are stomach settling spell and potions. I'm sure he'll need them at first. We want his stomach to get used to the idea of food and keeping it down. He should be waking up soon with no fever now that all his injuries healed. So let's get a tray ready for him for when he wakes up. Come gentlemen, I'll toon u what I mean , while Draco gives him meer potion right now." The three men headed downstairs.

Draco filled the dropped with potion and turned to Harry and jumped slightly to see Harry wide eyed looking at him.

"Harry, I'm so glad to see you're awake." Draco zei with a smile. "How are u feeling ?" No response.

"Can u talk to me ?" Draco asked sweetly. Harry tried his voice was barely a whisper.

"Well maybe a drink of water will help. But let's try to have u sit up a bit so u don't choke. Shall we ?" Draco set the dropper down and conjured two fluffy pillows. Draco sat on his bed took Harry gently into his arms as he adjusted the hoofdkussen, kussen behind him. Harry started to tremble. "Harry don't be afraid, I'm here to help you, not hurt you. We're not rivals anymore remember ?" Draco pointed to the picture. Harry turned his head slowly to look. With one arm around Harry he pulled him gently closer to him and the other hand put the two pillows length wise behind him. Then gently set him into them so Harry was now sitting up almost all the way.

"Comfy?" Draco asked with a smile. Harry nodded slowly never taking his eyes off him.

"Now, how bout some water ?" Harry nodded again. Draco put the glass in front of him. Harry looked at the glass then at Draco with the look of helplessness in his eyes. "Here Harry, let me help you." Draco took one of Harry's hands and put it on the cool glass and did the same with the other hand, then slowly helped him raise it to his lips. Harry's gaze never left Draco even when he took a drink."Small sips Harry." he drank half a glass that way.

"Do u think u have your voice now ? Let's try. Ask me anything u like." Draco zei as he smiled.

Harry's voice was just above a whisper and a little raspy. "Why are u here in my bedroom? Why am I in bed? What happened to me ? Why is my voice like th..?" Draco cut him off.

"Harry, easy, slow down," Draco zei with a small chuckle. "you were real sick. Your godparents called me because I'm a healer. I brewed this potion for u to help make u well again." Draco held up the flask still half full potion " I need u to take this for me now." Draco held up the dropper filled with potion."You've been taking this for 2 days and today will be the last dag u have to take this. If u do I'll tell u everything I know." Draco zei as he sat on Harry's bed. "Alright.?" Harry nodded and let Draco put the dropper in his mouth. Harry winced at the taste and shivered shaking his head.

"You don't like the taste?" Harry shook his head no."Too sweet. " Harry whispered. "Oh right, that's the dragon's blood that makes it so sweet. The dragon's blood will help restore your magic." Draco answered. Harry mouthed 'dragon's blood ' Just then the three men came in with a food tray for him. Harry's eyes got big with shock. Draco felt him tremble again. "Harry it's okay, no one here is going to hurt you."

"That's right son, we're just glad to see you're awake and alright." Sirius zei with a smile.

"Hi Harry, feeling better I hope." Remus smiled.

Then Harry's eyes met Severus " Hello Mr. Potter, glad to see u decided to rejoin the living." Snape zei with a small smile.

Draco took Snape aside. "Sev, his voice is raspy and he's having trouble moving his limbs. I had to help him hold a glass of water. That's normal seeings how he's been in bed for 3 1/2 days, right?

"That's right his muscles are most likely stiff from lack of use, so for the volgende few days you'll have to help him a lot. Only help him if he needs it, don't do anything for him unless absolutely vital that it has to be done. Like using the bathroom. Encourage him to do things himself. The first dag of so are going to be hell and frustrating for u both. Try to keep your temper in check. Remember anger serves no one, it is a waste of emotions. Keep that in mind when u feel your anger rise. I will be leaving after lunch this afternoon. If u need me u know what to do. u are going to stick around till he gets back on his feet, right ?"

"Yes that's right. I'm not letting him out of my sight. That's my future husband right there. They'll. have to kick me out to get me to leave. Mark my words, we'll be married door the end of the year."

Snape just smiled slightly. "Good luck with that my son. Here is the calcium potion. There should be enough there for a maand once a day. I already put todays dose in his oranje juice." Draco nodded and hugged his godfather and went back to kom bij the small group as he stood at the foot of his bed. Snape soon followed and stood volgende to Draco. He noticed Harry was holding a glass of sap that he has drank half of as he was talking to his godparents. Shortly the three men left leaving Harry and Draco alone again.

"Did they answer all your vragen ?" Draco asked " Yes but I still have a few more, if u don't mind." Harry's voice was back to normal almost but still very soft. Draco sat on Harry's bed.

"Sure Harry, u can ask me anything u like." Draco zei sincerely.

"Where did that picture come from ?" he asked pointing to the one on his nightstand of him and Draco.

"I brought that from my flat. I didn't know if u would remember us of not. I thought it would help. Harry my feelings for u have not changed one bit since that picture was taken." Harry stared at Draco and he swallowed hard. "Do u still feel the same way about me as u did then?" Draco asked softly reaching out to touch his hand.

Harry looked at the picture again to see the couple in each others arms smiling, kissing, hugging. Harry then looked back at their hands touching in his lap. Harry then looked into those wonderful slate blue eyes and saw they were filled with love and hope.

Harry nodded slowly as tears welled up threating to fall. "I never forgot about us Draco. u were always in my hart-, hart and never left."

Draco raised Harry's hands to his lips and kissed them and then put them on his cheek and held them there as he to had tears in his eyes."Harry I'm so happy to hear u say that. Do u remember what I zei to u after this picture was taken ?" Harry nodded. "I still do Harry. I never stopped and I never will."

"The same goes for me Draco. I never stopped loving u either." Draco leaned forward, put his hand in the back of Harry's neck and kissed him slowly, gently. Draco tenderly slid his arms around his boyfriends waist pulling him closer till their chests were pressed together. One of Harry's hands found their way into Draco's soft hair. Both were moaning and whimpering into the kiss. After a few minuten of a good snogg Draco broke the kiss, both chests were heaving with desire and emotions.

"Well well, what have we here ?" The couple jerked their head in the direction of the voice to see the three men again in the doorway. "Is this a budding romance in the making ?" Snape zei snidely.

In a calm cool voice Harry spoke; "Actually no Professor this is a continuing romance from six years ago." Harry pointed to the picture. Draco smiled with pride and nodded.

"You see six years geleden when this picture was taken we were on our seconde datum back in school. We spent the whole dag together back in our seventh jaar weeks before graduation. We decided then to get a flat together after graduation. In fact the volgende weekend we were going to go to Hogsmeade and start looking. Harry zei still holding Draco's hands.

"Don't u think two dates was rushing it a bit Remus said. The other two men agreed.

"Draco shook his head no "Not really considering we've been in love with each other since the end of 4th year. We just never had the guts to act on it till those two dates. Though the start of seventh jaar we started to talk to each other first as people and it progressed from there. Group study dates, being partnered together in charms class of some other class of bumping into each other at Hogsmeade. I was the one who started to hold his hand but Harry instigated our first kiss." Draco zei smiling at Harry (who blushed with a coy grin) then back at the trio.

"Sev, maybe u remember I came in rather late and u yelled at me asking were I was and before I could answer u told me go down to the hospital wing to help out., that the war had begun. u see gentlemen the good Professor started training me to be a healer the summer after sixth year. My Parents were working as spies for the light. They told Voldie I was killed in a potions accident at school and Snape confirmed. He never questioned it." Snape nodded in agreement.

"I never saw Harry again after that picture was taken and our datum ended that night. I saw in him briefly when he was in the news, a few years later something about children I think." Draco zei as he looked at Harry. door now Remus and Sirius were sitting together on the chase lounge and Snape in the chair door Harry's bed. Still holding hands with his boyfriend, Harry spoke.

"A week of so after Voldie's demise, I asked the ministry for a lijst of names that had been captured and/or killed due to the war. They obliged. Three columns of names over 2 feet long of people and children that lost their lives because of that bastard." Harry's voice was full contempt tonen on his face as well. "My eyes soon found the name I was looking for, it was then felt my hart-, hart shatter into a million pieces.
Malfoy : death x 3. I came home pagina and stayed locked myself in here for days. Well I tried to lock myself in here but it was hard when you've got a werewolf and animagus pouncing on u to eat and dragging u out with them in the moonlight. I now know they would never hurt me but not at that time so I never argued of complain about having to leave my comfy cell that I made for myself. I can't begin to count how many times we've spell my bedroom door back together. I lost count after 22."

The two people Harry was talking about just smirked and said; "How else were we supposed to keep u among the living?" Remus replied.

"Then early one morning Sirius came in here and pounced on me, growling me to get up dressed, and eat breakfast. Then they totally threw me out of the house, saying they didn't me moping around the house anymore and for me to go out and make some new friends, meet new people. Told me not to come back till supper."

"So I started wondering the streets and found myself walking down Diagon Alley. When I heard a faint cry. I thought it was a puppy of a kitten. The sound brought me down a dirty alley with garbage everywhere as I got closer to the sound I saw a small infant in a nasty trash bin. As I bent over to pick up the child someone tried to grab my wallet. But my wallet was charmed to only leave my pocket door my hand. I turned around with the child in my arms to see a six jaar old boy with his hand stuck in my pocket. (another charm thanks Sirius). I then saw 14 children in that alley all hidden door the trash there with empty boxes and old newspaper. Some were muggles."

"They zei their parents were killed in the war of door death eaters that came to their houses and they escaped. They zei there was 19 of them to start but some of them got sick and died. When I found them the war had been over almost two years. That's how long they've been there. The koop keepers called them straat rats. I asked them if they would let me help them. Then the older kids realized who I was but were still reluctant to accept my help until I pulled out a handful of chocolate frogs. They damn near knocked me down trying to get them. I was still holding the baby."

"I told them I had a friend at St. Mungo Hospital that would be meer than happy to help them get off the streets and give them food and a warm place to sleep at night and stay out of the rain and if they agreed to go with her I would give them the chocolate frogs and visit them everyday wherever they were and that I would not forget about them like the rest of the world had done."

"They agreed but with all the ruckus, it drew attention to the alley we were in and when Hermione popped in...Harry smiled. "Well volgende thing I know Mione had reporter in her face asking questions. I was even luckier, I had Rita Skeeter of all the reporters and u know how she blows everything out of proportion. She had me looking like the pied piper of children of something like that." Harry was shaking his head with a slight grin at the memory. The other people in the room were chuckling.

"You and your chocolate frogs." Draco chuckled stealing a kiss. He continued; "So a week later I found out from Mione which orphanage there were going to and I've been going there ever since."

"Did u like going there ?" Snape asked.

Harry did his best to keep the snarkiness out of his tone. But failed miserably "Well yeahhh, why else would I go there almost everyday ?" Harry rolled his eyes. Snape caught his attitude along with everyone else.

Snape narrowed his eyes trying to hold his temper."Then why Mr. Potter were u trying to kill yourself door not eating ?"

"I wasn't trying to kill myself !" Harry tried to yell but his voice wouldn't let him. He also cussed at him as well but that wasn't heard either but Draco caught it. Harry clenched his jaw made a fist, not realizing he was still holding Draco's hand. He jerked his hand away. Harry threw himself back against the pillows and closed his eyes, his chest heaving with anger.

"Professor, why do u taunt Harry so ?" Remus asked.

"I simply asked a question, clearly he's unable to answer." Snape zei snidely with a smirk.

Harry picked his head up and threw a hoofdkussen, kussen at the Potions Master and flung his arm in the direction of the door and tried to scream get out but again nothing came out and threw himself down into the bed again turning away from everyone.

"I think Harry's had enough for today." Draco said. "We should leave Harry in peace so he can get some rest." The trio agreed and were leaving the room. Just as Draco was about to stand up a hand grabbed him door his robes.

"You want me to stay ?" Draco asked as he reached for him."Come here babe, let me hold you."
Harry didn't have to be told twice. He went right into Draco's comforting arms.

"He just makes me so angry." Harry whispered.

"I know babe, he always has, u shouldn't let him get to u like that."Draco zei in a soothing tone as he rubbed his back and petted his hair. After a few minuten of silence Draco spoke up. "Harry are u hungry ? Do u want some juice, milk, ice cream ?" Harry picked his head up off his shoulder and smiled slightly and nodded. "You want some ice cream, alright what flavor ?" Harry gave him a sideways glance as he tilted his head."Oh right, I should know better than to ask, chocolate right ? u want some chocolate frogs on top, boven to?" Draco grinned.

Harry chuckled ."Smart ass, first I need to pee. I don't know if I can walk. Last time I tried I fell on my face."

"First off let's charm your pajamas so they fit u properly that was part of the problem last time."

"Oh yeah right, they fell down around my feet." Draco pulled back the covers and slid Harry's legs over to the side of the bed and carefully helped Harry to his feet with their arms around each others waist. Draco pointed his wand at Harry's pajamas and they shrank to fit his small frame. Then they started to head to the bathroom.

"Harry, I want u to do as much as u can on your own but I'll help u when u ask." Harry nodded. They got into the bathroom and Draco let go of Harry. He seem to be able to stand on his own though his legs were a little shaky. "Okay then I'll leave u to it." Draco said.

"Alright but don't go too far." Harry said. Draco was only a foot of so away from him but turned his back to give him some privacy. He then heard the toilet flush and turned to see Harry gingerly walking over to the sink to wash his hands. When he finished he turned around and walk past Draco slowly and smiling.

"Good for u Harry." Draco smiled back at him.

Harry stepped into his room and looked at his bed "Do I have to get in bed." Harry frowned."No Harry, what ever u feel up to doing."

"Will u sit with me in the chase lounge and eat ice cream with me ?"

"Anything for u my love." Draco purred as he zapped up a bowl of dark chocolate ice cream and a spoon.

Draco sat in the chase lounge first and Harry sat between his legs with his back against Draco's chest with a bowl of chocolate ice cream in front of Harry. From time to time Harry would put his head back on Draco shoulder and sometimes the would share a chocolate ice cream kiss. Sometimes they would just bask in the joy of the closeness of being together. Draco looked at his watch. "Time for meer potion Harry." He wrinkled his nose."It could be worse, it could be bitter instead."Draco offered. "But now at least you've got ice cream to wash down the taste." Harry reluctantly agreed.

"Accio Potion" the flask flew into his hand. They never changed position in the lounge He took the spoon Harry was using for his ice cream and poured potion on to it. Harry swallowed it down. He was about to take a bite of ice cream when he started to feel sick. He dropped the spoon in the bowl and put his head back on Draco's shoulder. Draco noticed Harry turned very pale "Harry what's the matter ?"

Harry broke out in a sweat " I'm gonna puke." No sooner had the words come out of Harry's mouth, he did just that all over the lounge and himself. Draco put his hand on Harry's stomach to settle it with his healing charms but to no avail. "Finite Incantatem." Still he kept retching.

The trio ran in the room "Draco what happened ?" Bellowed Snape.

"He was eating chocolate ice cream and I gave him a dose of potion." Snape snapped his fingers and a small vile appeared with a pale oranje potion.

"Here Potter drink this it will make u stop retching." Harry did as he was told. He did stop retching and then he collapsed passed out. He then pointed his wand at all the vomit and it was gone. Sirius pick Harry up and put him in bed.

Snape turned on the blond;"YOU IMBECIL , for god sakes Draco don't u know anything I taught u ! Dragons blood does not mix well with chocolate of any kind.?" Snape snapped in a disappointing angry tone. "The only thing that stops the retching is a counter potion against the Dragons blood. So in an uur you'll .."

Draco cut him off. "No, I don't think so Snape." Draco stood up angry, hurt and embarrassed thanks to him. "Seems I can't do anything right for this man. I'm taking myself off this case before I end up killing him. Give him the damn potion yourself." Draco's voice was full of remorse and anger. He turned to Sirius and Remus "Tell Harry I'm sorry." Draco then turned back to Snape; "You got your wish Snape." Draco snapped his fingers and he was gone.

"Draco!" Snape called out sharply. It was too late.

"Severus, what wish is Draco talking about ?" Sirius zei with a growl as he was stepping closer to him.

Snape swallowed hard. "Draco knows I think he and Potter as a poor match together, they're no good for each other. They'll only end up breaking each others hearts. I don't want to see that happen. I don't want to see my godson suffer with a broken hart-, hart from the likes of Harry Potter. Then I'll be the one to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. And I won't have it. I won't have Potter use him that way." Snape confessed.

"They're grown men and from what I've seen since Draco's been here they're very much in love and you're trying to take that away from them. So u know what Snape we'll let u tell Harry when he wakes up why Draco isn't here. u better hope he is still too weak to hex you, of you'll be needing a healer for yourself." Sirius zei in a warning tone and a smirk.

Snape just shrugged and rolled his eyes. He wasn't afraid of the boy who killed the dark lard. He could handle him. Though he didn't much care for the fact that he was now in charge of Potter's case. He would make sure Draco knew of his displeasure when he got back to the Manor. He had to be put back in his place again. No way would he lose his fuck buddy to Potter.

HP luvs DM

Severus Snape became a healer 18 months before the war broke out. He had been on the light side from the start as a spy but had no choice to become a healer, it was that of he could just watch his vrienden die like his lover did. The dark lord was a vicious bastard. When he saw Draco he knew he had to get Draco to help him and away from that Potter, he was sure to get them both killed. The boy caught on quickly to potions and was a good piece of ezel back in school. He lost the intimate contact with him months before the war because he was having a serious affair with Lucius. Merlin did he love that man. The dark lord found out the elder Malfoy was a spy and tortured him to death while Snape and the other death eaters watched. Made an example out of him. This is what happens to traitors who defy me. Snape never went back to the dark side. He was heartbroken.

Severus quickly became the top, boven healer and Draco soon followed in his footsteps. Snape knew Draco was starting a relationship with Harry. He felt Harry was never good enough his godson only because he was not a Pureblood. So at that moment he decided to do Draco a great service door splitting the young couple up so he could have Draco again for himself. Told himself it was for his own good so he didn't get hurt door the likes of Harry Potter. Sev also figured he'd have have a Malfoy one way of another no matter the cost. Snape gave Draco food, shelter, and a respectable profession and in return Draco did sexual favors twice weekly. There was never any love and both knew it. Just sex... raw, kinky sex. Let's just say it was a good thing Draco was a good healer. That's how Snape always liked it. Draco never had any choice but to comply. Draco hated it. So what if he doesn't like it. He owes me for giving him a respectable profession. and a roof over his head . that's how Snape looked at it.

Draco went back to the flat where he was living for the past five years. Snape Manor. He started living there when the war broke out because Snape was still training him to be a healer. He caught on quickly and became very good at it. In his hart-, hart the real reason why he wanted to be a healer was because of Harry. He knew Harry was always in the hospital wing at school a couple times a maand for some injury of illness of some kind. And now that the war broke out, chances of him getting first hand news if Harry was dead of hurt were good. Though Harry must not have gotten hurt because Draco never saw him. Then almost two years later after the war ended, Draco was on a house call when he saw Harry holding a small baby on wizard tv. The sound was down so he couldn't hear what was being zei God Harry looked good. It renewed his hope of finding his love Then the other person who lived in the house turned the channel. He couldn't ask the person to turn it back. He was there to his job not watch tv.

Well at least Harry was alive and well and that was a comforting thought in itself. Now all he had to do was try to find him. He knew he couldn't ask Snape for help of even talk about him.

The one time he did, Snape almost hexed him but was slapped across the face instead for saying Harry's name in his presence. "Never say that...th
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Source: http://purebloodprat.tumblr.com/
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Source: fuckyeahharryxdraco.tumblr.com
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by Andressa_Weld
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added by Kiniko90
Source: http://fuckyeahharryxdraco.tumblr.com
added by BellatrixFan
added by Praesse
Source: To those artists who have drawn these gorgeous fanarts!
added by Kiniko90
Source: http://fuckyeahharryxdraco.tumblr.com
added by itsnaddia
Source: http://purebloodprat.tumblr.com/
added by BellatrixFan
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