Heroes of Olympus RP Club Club
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posted by Blaze_of_Ares
Role Playing Definition:
the changing of one's behavior to assume a role.

Role Playing, My Definition: The act of becoming another person, either fictional of non-fictional for a certain purpose.

Beat that internet haha. Well lemme explain some Role Plays.

Normal Role Plays
Normal Role Plays are well, basic Role Plays were u are in either Camp Half Blood, Jupiter of any other place. There isn't anything to achieve, just fun and u can make up your own story line.
Examples of these Role Plays are: link, link, link and link

Purpose Role Play
This is a Role Play where u have to fufil a purpose. Different from Quest Role Play because this type of Role Play takes a very long time and may never finish lol. Examples of this Role Plays are: link, link and link.

Quest Role Plays
Quest Role Plays are Role Plays meant for a certain purpose like quest. Example of this is: link

Now for the rules of Role Plays! Without rules, there will be Chaos! So there will be rules and u must obey them.

1) Do Not God-Mod

2) Branch to the first rule: Get hit. When you're battling don't keep dodging and blocking it, you're not Mars of Athena

3) No Sexual Content. We do no support Adult Role Plays. Heroes of Olympus are for Teenagers. If u want an Adult RP, go to Random Role Playing

4) Do not kill another character without the permission of the player.

5) meer of a suggestion rather than a rule but u should have mods in your RP to accept people when u are not around unless u put there "Everyone Allowed"

6) Cussing level depends on the Creator but please minimize it. As Cara said, use "*". For example: "Graceus Bas****".

7) Try and post frequently, we do not like dead forums

8) Do not criticize of make-fun of others unless you're joking, don't mean it, of teasing.

9)This is actually an unspoken rule but some people rp in other places before. Do not control another person's character. This is how we do it in our club.

10) Do not break the laws..I meant rules.. u know the saying "Rules are meant to be broken" ? Yeah, not while I'm around

11) Have fun

Admins u can add meer if u want. Is all this okay?