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GlamGirl_M zei …
I won't be writing teasers for the last 20 episodes of Hidden Meaning, but keep an eye on the websites home pagina page because I will give u little clues as to what to expect in the upcoming episodes like I've been doing the past couple of weeks. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Miss Melanie Noble
Mr. Alex Dailey
would love to invite
u dear reader
to the celebration of their wedding
to be held at hiddenmeaning.weebly.com
in episode 72: "Happily ever after"
this up coming wednesday

Dress: Black tie

We hope to see u all there.
Sincerely yours
The GlamGirls geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 71: "Close the door"
As the girls are preparing to leave their old home, Teegan gets another job offer and she decides that it's time Melanie tells her the truth about Ryder. On the very last dag in their house Melanie and Teegan reflects about all the events and experiences they've had there and now they're ready to begin a new chapter. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 70: "Breaking point"
After the bachelorette party the girls wake up heavily hungover and they have no idea where they are. During a fencing lesson Alex gets cut in the arm. It seems to be nothing but a couple of days later he wakes up sick. He is brought to the hospital for treatment, but he only seems to get worse. Melanie's whole world falls apart when the doctor tells her that Alex is so seriously ill that he could die. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 69: "Where the hart-, hart is"
Teegan falls in love with the strand house right away and suddenly both girls have bought themselves a new home. Even though they are excited about the future, the girls still find it hard to pack up their lives in boxes and say goodbye to the old house. Melanie has her new life with Alex to look vooruit, voorwaarts to, but it's not easy to forget what happened with Ryder. Teegan is throwing and a bachelorette party all in one and that does not go off quietly! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 68: "Home"
Alex is going on a weekend trip to New York with a group of his students and Ryder comes back from South Africa. Melanie knows with certainty that Ryder isn't gonna wait for her much longer. She needs to see him so she asks a very reluctant George to cover for her. When back in L.A. Alex and Melanie go househunting and suddenly they are standing in a house that immediately feels like home pagina to Melanie and with the house comes something that might be perfect for Teegan. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 67: "Moving forward"
Melanie and Alex are searching for the perfect house, but so far with no luck. Teegan is feeling better and together with Melanie and George she picks out a beautiful maid of honor dress. The girls decide to invite everyone over for a bbq and Tyler knows the one person who might be able to find the house Melanie and Alex are looking for. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 66: "Be mine"
Teegan finally get some good news when she gets the job of lead animator on a movie. Alex has a surprise for Melanie for Valentines Day. He's taking her back to where it all began for a romantic weekend. Melanie finds out that George is the one planning her wedding and she realizes she shouldn't have left him out in the first place. Ryder is leaving the country for 2 months to do a movie. He wants to see Melanie before he goes and Melanie can't say no. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 65: "Falling apart"
Alex and Melanie begin looking for a new house. Sitting in a bar Teegan sees Christopher with a new girl on his arm. In dispair she calls Daniel, but he doesn't answer, so she leaves him a sad message. Teegan asks George to help her with the wedding plans and George is meer than happy to oblige. Staring at herself in the mirror a desperate Teegan picks up a pair of scissers. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 64: "In too deep"
Melanie is mad at Teegan for what happened with Daniel, so Alex suggest she talks to Teegan, but Teegan is in no better mood and the tone between the two girls is harsh. Both of them are missing Daniel, but none of them are willing to admit it. It doesn't help that Melanie is keeping what happened and what continues to happen between her and Ryder a secret from both Alex and Teegan. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 63: "The pieces"
Both Melanie and Teegan are extremely upset after Daniel's harsh exit, but while Melanie has Alex to turn to, Teegan feels completely alone and filled with guilt and anger. Ryder can't forget about Melanie of the kiss they shared and he reaches out to her again.
geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Poor Tee, all alone :( een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 62: "Torn"
Melanie can't stand seeing Teegan so sad so she decides to talk to Daniel, but he is furious and his trust in Teegan is gone. Melanie goes to see Ryder to tell him to stay away from her, but Ryder isn't willing to do that. Alex decides to talk to Daniel, but he manages to make Alex doubt Melanie and her commitment to him. Teegan admits to Melanie that she might have hurt Daniel on purpose. Daniel shows up wanting to talk to Teegan, the conversation turn very ugly very fast geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Its hard to read someone's hart-, hart breaking.... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 61: "What goes around..."
Melanie is having a hard time forgetting about Ryder and Daniel wants Teegan to meet his family. Teegan is nervous and it doesn't make it better that the meeting is at Daniel's ex-wife's house.
Daniel introduces Teegan to his son, but the meeting doesn't exactly go well and Teegan flees the scene.
Alex and Melanie are celebrating the end of his play, but only Melanie notices Ryder in the crowd. Teegan admits to Daniel that she did something really stupid! geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Really really stupid! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 60: "Temptation"
Melanie and Alex are spending a romantic dag driving up the coast and Alex is offered a new job at a drama school. Melanie has finally pushed any thought of Ryder out of her mind when he walks into her store tempting her with his flirty and sexy ways. Melanie is trying to ignore the effect Ryder has on her. Denial is the only way she can deal with the guilt of feeling attracted to a man that isn't Alex. Melanie is home pagina alone when there's a knock on the door. It's Ryder! geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Amazing Ryder episode! <3 een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 59: "Doubt"
Ryder tonen up at the store has thrown Melanie off. She can't really deny her attraction to him and it frustrates her. Melanie confides in Teegan, who is on her way to spend the weekend with Daniel. Teegan calms Melanie down, but inside she is worried that Melanie won't be able to control her crush. Teegan becomes even meer nervous when Daniel tells her that he wants her to meet his kids. Alex, who knows Melanie better than anyone, asks her why she is so distracted. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
The globaal, algemene themes in this episode play a important role for whats to come in the story! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
The Golden Globes are coming up and besides helping a ster become ready for the event, Melanie has gotten 4 tickets, so she and Alex are going to the Globes with Teegan and Daniel. A ster so famous that even Melanie becomes completely ster struck walks into the store.
Teegan and Melanie are in a coffee koop when a guy bumps into Melanie spilling thee all over her shirt. There is instant attraction between Melanie and the guy and when he walks into her store Melanie knows he could mean trouble. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Tee might not like the guy from the coffee koop but I sure do! I love what he brings to the story, he's always fun to write for, and when he's in a scene he steals it! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 57: "A good feeling"
Melanie is still trying to get used to being a part of a family with a child. Watching Alex being af dad lets her see a whole new side of him. Teegan is trying to get used to the fact that Melanie is moving out. It's scaring her, but Daniel reassures her that he'll always be there for her. It's Melanie's birthday and Teegan has planned a surprise for her. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Poor Tee is going to miss her friend so much when she is gone :( een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
But Mel will never really be gone, now will she? She needs Tee too! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 56: "The family way"
Melanie finds it hard to concentrate about work. All she can think about is Alex. Alex has the unpleasant task telling his ex-wife that he's getting married again. Alex wants Melanie to meet his daugther, Sam, and the whole idea makes Melanie nervous. The meeting goes well, but then Alex has to leave for the theater. When Sam wakes up crying for her daddy, Melanie can't calm her down. A desperate Melanie calls the only one she can think of: Christopher. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
A shining episode for Chris :) een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 55: "Come clean"
Teegan has been ignoring calls from Bradley, but now that she and Daniel has taken their relationship a step further, she realizes it's time to say a final goodbye to Bradley. With a little pressure from Mel and Emma Teegan decides to come clean to Daniel about Bradley even though she's scared to death of how he's gonna take it. Melanie has a hart-, hart to hart-, hart conversation with Christopher and as New jaar comes around Melanie has some surprising news for Teegan. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Goodbye Bradley :( u will be missed...So missed! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 54: "Christmas in Aspen"
Alex is taking the girls to a cabine in Aspen to celebrate Christmas in the snow. Melanie and Teegan are excited, though Teegan is sad that she has to be without Daniel during the holidays. Arrived in the snow covered Aspen Alex tells the girls to keep their sunglasses on at all times when they're outside, an advice Melanie soon wishes she had taken. Alex is planning something very romantic for Melanie and Teegan gets a surprise they have an unexpected guest. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
My seconde favoriete episode not just that M wrote but ever! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 53: "Birthday girl"
Teegan gets an offer that is too good to say no to and there is no one she'd rather share the news with than Daniel, so she invites him over. It's Teegan's birthday and of course everyone is invited over for a party. Teegan is showered with presents and there is even a greeting from Christopher. When only Teegan, Daniel, Melanie and Alex are left standing, Teegan gets an idea. She wants to play strip poker! geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
I wouldn't mind seeing D naked! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
Now now, girl :-D een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 52: "All that glitters..."
To Melanie's surprise Teegan and Christopher have broken up and they have parted as friends. Charm gets in Alex's face when she thinks he is cheating on Melanie and Christopher has a few vragen to ask Daniel. Teegan and Daniel have their first datum after her break-up. It's still a little strange for her being so close and intimite with him. Alex shows up at Teegan's work unexpectedly. He needs her help. He is going to buy Melanie something very very special. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
What a special episode u cant miss! One of my top, boven 10 favoriete Alex moments is in this episode :) een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 51: "Viva Las Vegas"
Mel and Alex leaves for Seattle for Thanksgiving with his family. Christopher is about to leave too, but before he goes he has some serious vragen to ask about a foto taken of Teegan in a blond wig kissing his best friend. It's time for Teegan to be honest with herself and with him. To get some distance between herself and the chaos in her life Teegan goes to Las Vegas to celebrate Thanksgiving on her own, but once she's there maybe she won't be alone afterall? geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Tee always has fun in Vegas! ;) een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
This time meer than ever :-) een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 50: "How to play the game"
Christopher is leaving again without Teegan and it makes her sad, so to cheer her up Melanie comes up with a fun idea involving a club, blond wigs, colored contacts, slutty clothes and three girls that are not too bright. Melanie is playing a game on Alex and Teegan finds herself in the middle of a bet, she's not sure she can to go through with, because it involves Daniel. Melanie notices feelings between Teegan and Daniel are heating up. Alex's play premieres. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Cant wait to see how this "fun night" will play out?! And what bet?! LOL!!!! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 49: "Understanding"
That something is wrong between Teegan and Christopher becomes obvious when he gets ready to leave again. Even though Teegan is nervous about Melanie's reaction she decides to tell Melanie about Daniel and his feelings. Teegan is really confused. She is drawn to Daniel, but then what about Christopher? Does she still love him? Teegan knows she has to make some kind of decision, but how do u choose between two best friends? geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 48: "I want you"
After the Halloween party Charm wakes up with Daniel. Melanie tells Emma she can come back to the store, but under a few conditions. Christopher moves in with the girls. Teegan is having a hard time controlling her jealousy when it comes to Daniel and Charm. Daniel confronts her about it and the conversation reveals some hard and difficult truths. Melanie recives an intriguing message from Alex to meet her at the bar after work wearing something short. What is he up to? geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 47: "Halloween"
Teegan asks Christopher to verplaats in with her, but is that really the right thing to do? It's time for the girls' Halloween party. Everyone are wearing costumes ready to dance the night away. Daniel is flirting with Charm and Teegan finds herself not liking it. A very drunk Melanie is dancing on tables and Alex realizes that there is something he wants to ask her very soon. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
I really enjoyed picking out the costumes everyone would wear! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 46: "End of the road"
Melanie has had enough. Jason has to be stopped. Melanie knows what she has to do and she is prepared to do it. When Alex realizes what Melanie is about to do he becomes horrified and meer furious than ever before, but he knows that he's the only one who can stop her. Daniel and Teegan have an honest conversation about the artikel and both have a confession to make. Christopher comes home pagina and even though he and Teegan are happy to see each other something is off. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
How far will Mel go to protect Tee? een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
Yes, exactly how far is she willing to go??? een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 45: "Fool me once"
Teegan is not exactly happy about the magazine artikel and it makes the mood between her and Daniel awkward and uncomfortable. Seeing how Melanie struggles to overcome the workload in the store alone, Teegan decides to talk to both Emma and Jason, even though she's still afraid of him. But the conversation quickly turns very ugly. Teegan turns to Daniel for comfort and Melanie's stress level rises again. Once meer she is left with the fear that she could lose Teegan. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Powerful Jason scene! Don't miss it!! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 44: "The truth at the end"
Alex presents Amy with divorce papers, but Amy has no intention in signing them, so Melanie decides it's time she and Amy have a talk. Melanie tells Teegan she might be pregnant. Melanie knows that if she is pregnant, she needs to tell Alex something he might not want to hear. Melanie faints again and hits her head, so Daniel takes her to the hospital. In the parking lot they are met door paparazzi resulting in an artikel that especially Teegan is not gonna like. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
So much going on now! The story is only getting better! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 43: "Deja vu"
On top, boven of everything else Teegan finds out that Bradley is going to be a father again, and even though she knows it's a bad idea, she gives him a call. Teegan decides that's she is done being the victim so she goes to see Emma, not with a very good result. While Teegan is trying to take control of things, Melanie's fear for her best friend's life becomes stronger and she is starting to get physically sick from worrying. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 42: "The devil u know"
Shocked to the core Melanie brings Teegan home, then she calls Alex and Daniel to let them know that Jason is back. At Emma's place Jason explains to her what he did and that he's changed. Emma really wants to believe him. Jason reaches out to Teegan, but she is under Daniel's protection and he has no intention in letting Jason near her. Melanie is ready to do whatever it takes to protect Teegan and she wants to buy a gun, but Alex puts his foot down and says no! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 41: "Surprise"
Teegan feels like she hasn't seen Christopher in ages so she decides to spend a weekend with him in Washington. Emma has met a new man and the smile is back on her face. Everybody, especially Teegan, is happy for her and they all want to meet this new special guy. Emma brings him to the store, but she is completely uprepared for the very strong reactions coming from both Teegan and Melanie when they see who Emma is with. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 40: "A matter of feeling"
Melanie has to resolve things, first with Emma and then with Teegan and Alex. None of those conversations are going to be easy, Melanie knows that. What she doesn't understand though is what suddenly seems to be going on with her. She loves Alex with all her hart-, hart so why is she suddenly standing in the showroom pulling the overhemd, shirt off Daniel? geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 39: "Disconnected"
After being turned down door Daniel Emma is not doing so well. Teegan tries to offer her help, but Emma refuses to even talk about it. Teegan is avoiding Alex and it's not exactly helping them solve their problem and she turns to Daniel for help and advice. The group goes to the premiere of Daniel's new movie, but all through the night for some reason Teegan is feeling disconnected from the others. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 38: "Crushed"
Emma finds the nerve to call Daniel up and ask him for a date. Daniel says yes, but his reason is not exactly the same as Emma's. Daniel runs into Charm in a bar and something unexpected happens. Melanie and her staff have to deal with an extremely rude client. Teegan and Alex have a nasty fight, when Teegan finds out that he doesn't trust her at all, forcing Melanie to try and mediate between the two people she loves the most. Then Teegan gets a phone call from Bradley. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 37: "Friends"
To cheer Teegan up Melanie suggests a girls night out and Teegan promptly invites Charm and Emma to go with them. After a few drinks Melanie tells Emma to go ahead and tell Daniel how she feels about him. Teegan and Daniel go bowling and a curious Teegan wants to know how Daniel feels about Emma. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 36: "Jealousy"
The girls are having a goodbye party for Christopher before he goes back on tour. During the party Christopher confronts Daniel with a few truths and Emma becomes a little too drunk. Melanie asks Daniel to meet her, she needs to talk to him about Emma, but the conversation doesn't go exactly as she had planned. When Melanie comes back home, Alex has been waiting for her for hours and he is angry, so angry that he kicks her out of his appartment. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 35: "Why do u care?"
Emma goes to Teegan to find out the truth about what happened between Melanie and Daniel, but even knowing the full story, Emma still has trouble being around Melanie. Over a drink with Teegan, Chris and Alex, Melanie finds out about Emma's crush on Daniel and for some reason Melanie is not happy about it and what's worse Alex notices. Teegan is going to play at Bradley's concert, but right before she has to go on stage she is hit door a bad case of nerves. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 34: "Fire and rain"
Emma has fallen for Daniel. She's having a hard time handling the fact that Melanie and Daniel were a couple just a few months ago. Teegan has to tell Christopher that she wants to do the concert with Bradley, knowing very well that he's gonna be furious. Alex is about to start rehearsals for his play. Melanie has read the script and she's not exactly happy that he's gonna be kissing the beautiful female lead on stage every night, in fact it makes her insanely jealous geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 33: "It's not that easy"
Melanie gets first a suprise visit and then an appointment with the biggest Hollywood A-list couple at her store and that calls for a celebration. Everyone comes together for a karaoke party and during the night especially Teegan realizes something important. With Daniel around Emma is trying to be less shy, but that is not easy. It's time for Christopher to go on tour again and a stubborn Bradley refuses to leave Teegan alone. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
The first part of this episode will melt your socks off!!! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 32: "A new beginning"
Summer is ending and the girls celebrate with a poolparty. Melanie, George and Emma are preparing the opening of Melanie's new store. Melanie still haven't found a receptionist, but then a young woman door the name of Charmaine walks in and claims she's perfect for the job. The store opening is celebrated with a reception and almost everyone is there, only one is missing: Daniel. Chris and Teegan are out to a romantic dinner, but nothing really goes as planned. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Love Charm and I love love Mel's new store!!! een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
The ending of this episode and the beginning of the volgende one is SO hot I melted right off my divan, bank when I read itt/wrote it!!!!! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
And I was asked door T to hold back on the last scene!!! That was not an easy thing to do. And I love Mel's store too. One of my favoriete places to be! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 31: "What does that mean?"
George and Teegan begin the zoek for a hairstylist to work with Melanie at her new store. The chosen girls have to prove their skills to Melanie herself and Melanie will then choose the best. Shocked and angry about Amy's threaths to Melanie Alex goes to see Amy to set a few things straight. And Bradley shows up again with another interesting offer for Teegan, once again putting a strain on her relationship with Christopher. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
This was orginally supposed to be the season one ending, but we decided not to do seasons, so get ready for a rough read! Its anything but boring! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 30: "Is it ever enough?"
Christopher is furious after Brandley's little cd stunt. He and Teegan have a heated fight when they come home pagina from the party and Christopher leaves the house slamming the door behind him. Melanie presents George with the idea of getting her own store. The police shows up and to Melanie's complete surprise and confusion Teegan is arrested for assault. All Teegan says to Melanie is: Call Daniel! geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
The wedge between Christopher and Teegan grows... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 29: "Rolling with the punches"
When Teegan finds out she has to see Bradley again, she begs Melanie to come back home, because she needs her support, but Melanie is hesitating. Daniel comes to Teegan for help. He's in trouble and Teegan wants to help him, but it brings back old demons for her. Teegan attends Bradleys review party with Christopher, Melanie and Alex and to her horror and surprise she learns that Bradley has used the naugthy cd they made in a very creative way. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
This episode will toon u just how much Mel cares for Teegan that even after a fight she is still there! een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
And the CD, just another way for Bradley to play around...but Christopher isn't playing...oh no no no..... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
The ending of this episode is absolutely hilarious! Bradley is a piece of work and Christopher has a temper, so be ready for the explosion! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 28: "Another crack in the heart"
Alex and Melanie return from Hawaii, and Melanie realizes that while she's been gone things have changed. David is dating a new woman and Teegan is supporting him. Tempers flair between Melanie and Daniel and between Melanie and Teegan in a way they never have before. And Daniel makes a mistake. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
A lot of real emotions went into this episode, in fact most of the dialog comes from personal emails we had with each other..Its hard creating a world when u become devivied.... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
Yep, we did not see eye to eye on much back then :-) But we found our way back, but it was really hard, there were hurt feelings and heated tempers. een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Okay, guys, to try something new I've added a trivia vraag under the kwis section here, just to see if this kwis thing is something u would actually like to do. If so there will be meer fun vragen to answer in the future. And of course all antwoorden can be found somewhere in the Hidden Meaning episodes.

Have fun
GlamGirl M
geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 27: "Living with the pain
While Melanie and Alex are enjoying each other's company in Hawaii, Teegan and Christopher are trying to help the heartbroken Daniel back in L.A. Daniel lets Teegan go with him on his movie set and Christopher takes his friend out for a drink and a talk. At the bar Daniel gets a lot of attention from a beautiful woman and he seems interested. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
As hard as it was to write D so hart-, hart broken, I actually enjoyed writing this episode...Its mixed with light and dark that gives it a great contrast... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 26: "Crossroads"
Melanie has to follow her hart-, hart and it means breaking up with Daniel. Alex shows up at Melanie's house with surprising news. No one has heard from Daniel and when he comes to see Melanie it's only to discover that she's leaving with Alex. Teegan doesn't understand the choice Melanie has made and she does everthing she can to help the devastated Daniel. Christopher and Teegan take their relationship a step further when he helps her over the last barrier Jason left in her. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
The feelings I had for not wanting Mel to break up with Daniel start tonen in this episode...It was tough to read because I do love D so much but also the Chris/Tee scene made it all worth it! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
I really like the Tee/Chris scene....it's very special....and Daniel, oh God, poor Daniel...it was hard to go through...and Mel and Tee are not seeing eye to eye anymore. een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 25: "Broken"
While they are waiting to find out how Melanie is doing, a frustrated Daniel is asking Alex some very difficult questions, that he really can't of won't answer. Melanie decides it's time to tell Daniel the truth, despite the pain she knows it will cause him. She can't lie to him anymore.
Teegan and Christopher have a much needed hart-, hart to hart-, hart conversation and Alex asks Melanie to go on vacation with him, when she feels better. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
I never wanted Mel and Daniel to break up...I am a huge fan of D and even though I brought Alex back into the story after GlamGirl M wrote him out..I just never seen that strong connection that everyone else is seeing now...I thought "Okay short fling, lets have fun, and we'll verplaats on" but that never happened..It was apart from dag one no scratch that minuut one that Melanie and Alex bellong together and God it took me forever to accept that... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
It did, but Alex refused to go away and Melanie just loved him meer with each time he came back, so it was the only way to go really. But if u stay with us, dear reader, u will see for yourself the conflict it gave us. een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Oh yes! Those emotions from me just don't stay in the real world they come out in the story as well! and just so we are clear I meant "aparent" not "apart".....LOL.... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 24: "Fading"
Dear reader.
Every week I put up a teaser right here telling u a little bit about volgende weeks episode. This week I'm not going to. And why not? u ask. Because I'm at a risk of spoiling the epsiode for u and I wouldn't want to do that. So to find out what this is all about, go to Hidden Meaning on wednesday. I promise u won't be disappointed!
Best regards GlamGirl M geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 23: "Utah"
Melanie, Teegan and Christopher are going to Utah to visit Daniel while he's working on a movie. Melanie needs to find out if something is going on between Daniel and his co-star Mallory Ford. When Melanie meets Mallory, the actress doesn't exactly hide the fact that she's interested in Daniel, but what about Daniel? Is he interested in Mallory?
Teegan and Christopher are growing closer, but they're taking it slow. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Here is the start of something dark..In this we play with the idea of Daniel moving on..but its Mel who cant verplaats foward..... een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
Mel is so freaking confused that she doesn't really know what's up with anything! Maybe she just tries to do what everyone expects of her? een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 22: "Drowning"
When Melanie finds out about the incident at Tyler’s she knows it time to do something about Teegan’s unhealthy relationship with Jason. She confronts Jason and tells him to leave Teegan alone, but Jason’s response is a clear: Stay out of my business of else!
Melanie then tries to get through to Teegan, but she doesn't want to hear it. Instead Teegan goes to Jason only to end up in a nightmare so horrible it could end up killing her. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Very compelling episode with a wicked storyline..Get ready for the edge of your seats! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
It's really gonna get nasty now! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Dear fans
As u will see there are now 21 pictures geplaatst as icons. Each picture symbolizes an episode of Hidden Meaning. It's up to u which picture u think goes with what episode. Every week there will be a new picture symbolizing the episode of the week.

GlamGirl M geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 21: "Hiding"
A heartbroken Melanie is trying to hide her feelings from Daniel. To cheer her up Teegan takes her out for a girls night out at a bar, but the night ends up a little different than the girls, especially Melanie, expected.
Despite a clear warning from Daniel Jason continues his violent behaviour towards Teegan. To Teegan it's like standing in quicksand. She's knows he is dangerous, but she's falling in deeper and she can't get out. And one night she calls Tyler in a panic. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Jason and Teegan are so poweful together. Whether its good of bad the emotions are raw and very strong. It was hard writing for her sometimes, to feel what she felt, to be in her shoes wasn't always easy for me. een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
I can only agree on that. The storyline is very strong and it shows what happens when a woman is under the spell of a total psychopath! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 20: "Love and danger"
When Melanie gets a job at a wedding in London, Alex decides to go with her. The two spend a romantic week in the English capital, but as it comes to an end, it becomes clear to them both that they can't go on this way. They need to make a decision however heartbreaking it may be.
Back home pagina in LA Teegan is facing the worst night of her life as she is brutally attacked in her own bedroom. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
This episode will have readers buzzing for a long time.. Its a episode that sticks with u even now I can still remember every detail of pain in Mel and Alex's voice.. een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
It almost tore my hart-, hart out when I wrote this episode! It was really hard. Not only because of Mel and Alex, but also because of what happens to Teegan! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 19: "Down"
Teegan is falling in love with Bradley, but when he gives her some devastating news it becomes easy for Jason to pull her deeper into an unhealthy relationship of abuse and violence.
Melanie and Alex can't stay away from each other for very long, so the lying and decieving continues. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
And the darkness contunes with this episode being the starter for whats to come for Teegan and Jason...."Oh Bradley" een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 18: "Unfaithful"
Melanie is stuck between the two men in her life: Daniel, who she still loves and Alex, who she just can't let go of. And now Teegan is asking her vragen she doesn't want to answer.
Teegan is also caught between two men: The sweet and sexy Bradley and the provocative and disturbing Jason, who keeps pushing her to overstep her boundaries in every way. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
The story has shifted to the darker side and where the girls end up will shock people! The journey with these characters is so powerful and so amazing! I am so excited to share the episodes each week! :) een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 17: "Spiral"
After her break-up with Christopher Teegan is spending time with Bradley Frost and it's with him she gets a very sexy idea. Little does she know that that little idea is gonna come back to haunt her in the worst possible way.
Melanie is trying to deal with the guilt she feels towards Daniel after sleeping with Alex.
geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 16: "Forbidden desire"
Teegan, Christopher and Daniel go to Comic Con in San Diego while Melanie has to stay home pagina because of work. In San Diego Daniel discovers that Christopher has been keeping a secret. Melanie and Alex realize that they have to talk, but as always when they get together talking is not enough and it's getting harder and harder for them to control their desire. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 15: "Inside me"
Teegan teams up with Bradley Frost to work with him on his new album. Sparks are flying between them, but Bradley is married. Christopher and Daniel invites Alex and Jason over for another barbeque and this time the girls are invited to kom bij in. Things are heating up, especially for Alex and Melanie when they are left alone at the end of the evening. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 14: "Fear"
Since the stabbing of Melanie, something has changed in Daniel. He is withdrawn, moody and angry at the world and then Alex returns to play a guest part on Daniel's show. When Daniel and Christopher invites Jason and Alex to a barbeque at the girl's house, they both accept, and even though Alexis knows he shouldn't go anywhere near Melanie of her house, he just can't resist the temptation. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 13: "Release"
Teegan is obligated to attend the release party for Jason's new album. When she meets him again it's obvious that the chemistry is still there. At the event Teegan also meets the charismatic singer Bradley Frost, a man who, though she doesn't know it a the time, will put her on a emotinal rollercoaster.
Melanie strugges with the emotinal repercussions of the stabbing. geplaatst een jaar geleden
_TK_ commentaar gegeven…
Hmmmmmm Bradley! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M commentaar gegeven…
Yeah, he's gonna raise some sexy hell! een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 11: "On the road"
Daniel and Christopher leave LA to go to New York. For Daniel it means talkshows, for Christopher it means the beginning of a tour with his band.
Back in LA Melanie and Teegan are doing their best not to miss the guys too much. Being apart isn't easy for any of them and it makes Teegan do something she normally hates!
geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 10: Daniel and Christopher are going out of town and Melanie is arranging a party for them that is very different from any party they've ever been to before. It's small and intimate, but the readers of Hidden Meaning are all invited. All u have to do is put on your best dress of a tux and toon up at the homepage volgende wednesday.

Welcome to "A night of suprises"
geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 9: "You're mine"

Jason doesn't hide the fact that he wants Teegan, which makes Christopher furious.
The girls go to a poker game, and they're in it to win!

The new episode will be up this Wednesday! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 8: "Wanting"

A nervous Teegan gets her debut on stage with Jason and Melanie tries to deal with her confused feelings and Daniel's jealousy when she suddenly stands face to face with Alex again.

Episode 8 will be up volgende wednesday! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 7: "Opportunities at the beach"

Teegan gets a surprising phone call from Jason Moore who makes her an offcer she just can't say no to! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Should u always tell the truth no matter what? Even if u know it can hurt someone u love?
Mel has to ask herself that vraag after spending a dag working with Alex Dailey.

Episode 6: "The foto shoot" will be up this wednesday! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Coming up this week: Episode 5: "The Network Party"
Follow Mel and Tee to the party that will end up changing everything.
Before the night is over one girl will have found something she never expected to find and one girl will start walking down a very dangerous road.

Don't miss this episode that introduces new characters and that lays the ground for the dramatic events that turns the future upside down for both girls.
geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 4 "I'm game" will be toegevoegd this week.

Daniel is planning a special night for Melanie and then the girls decide to explore their boyfriends past as the fab four recieve an invitation to an important party.

Don't miss this episode as it will lead u into the party that will turn everything upside down! geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Episode 3 "Baby don't tease me" is up now! It's short, but sexy! Don't miss it!
geplaatst een jaar geleden
GlamGirl_M zei …
Only two meer days till the brand new episode of Hidden Meaning!
Don't miss Episode 3 "Baby don't tease me!

Would u go to work without your underwear on? Would Tee? She's been dared!
Check in on Hiddenmeaning.weebly.com on wednesday to find out the answer!

GlamGirl M geplaatst een jaar geleden
Melli zei …
Hidden Meaning has geplaatst episode 2 "Carjacked"
A new and exciting episode is geplaatst every wednesday.

Please kom bij our community on the Hidden Meaning website and visit our Facebook page and press the "I like" button.
You're very welcome to give us your thoughts on the story and we'll answer any vraag u might have.
It will only help us make the story even better.

GlamGirl M, co-writer of Hidden Meaning
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