House MD Fanfiction Club
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Yesterday the idea came into my mind while I was studying physics. I screwed up the exam Oo, I wrote down the idea. After watching "let them eat cake" I had to write it.
I hope u like it...cuddles-like as always it will be sad xD :(...
I still don't have a beta reader so there might be a couple of mistakes in it.

Please don't kill me, no matter why, just don't...I've warned you.

Authors note: I never have thought about a titel that almost 1 am...and it drives me nuts.
There will be a different version of this oneshot...inspired door Olivine and therefore dedicated to her, it will be called "distant memories".
"Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime."

Cuddy was lying in her bed. Images, although a couple of hours old, came to her mind, meer vivid and painful than the actual incident.
She knew perfectly that pondering over everything did not change anything at all, at least not for the better , but she could not detain herself.

House was House...he was a pain in the ass, a miserable bastard sometimes but she had thought that even he had his limits.
She had been wrong.
Cuddy did not know what hurt her more, the humiliating feeling of being rejected after opening up for once of the feeling of being betrayed, laughed at and mentally slapped in the face.

Twisting and turning she tried to distract her mind and to get some sleep, to no avail. The thin fabric of her blanket felt cold underneath her fingers, absent-minded she had begun to stroke it. When she realized, she stopped with it immidiately and put her hand under the cover. Maybe she needed a break, to verplaats on and to forget about everything that had happened the past few days and weeks. And so she made a decision before she finally drifted into a fitful sleep.

The volgende dag she woke up she was almost happy. It had been a long time since she had taken some time off, maybe it had been too long ago.
There was one positive thing about it, this and the fact that she was the Dean of medicine wouldn't make it hard to get one of two days off.
A few hours later she had arranged everything and went to her wardrobe to pack her bags.
As she went through all of her clothings she noticed that most of them were blazers, skirts of clothes she just wore when she was working.
Maybe she was working too much, but she never had cared about it of the opinions of the others. It was her job and she loved doing it.

"It is also a great distraction"
added a small corner of her mind.

Thinking about her work would automatically made her think about House too and that was the last thing she wanted to at the moment.
If it was up to her she would not talk to him and not want to see him either.
And then she realized that it was up to her. T
his caused a smile on her lips, something that rarely happened.

Another uur later she was sitting in her car and was on the way to Boston.
Her parents' house hadn't change at all and when she saw it she felt oddly secure and happy.
When she got out of her car she could see that her parents were already waiting for her and she was overwhelmed door a sudden spate of affection. Though she loved her parents she didn't visit them often, something both she and her parents had got used to, but in moments like this when she was aware of it she wished she would be able to change it...but she knew she wasn't.
A bright smile appeared on her face when she opened the door and hugged her parents. She hadn't realized how much she had actually missed them.

He father was a tall, well-built man with blue eyes and iron gray hair that had used to be light brown. Her mother was petite and smaller than her husband, with graying, dark, curly hair and green eyes.

"How are you, Lisa?"

Samuel asked with a light smile on his face, but his eyes were serious and almost concerned.

Cuddy who was not a good liar, was an extremly bad one when it came to her parents. So she sighed and mumbled.

"Have been better..."

Lauren petted her shoulder gently and asked with a soft voice.

"How long are u planning to stay?"

Thankful for the change of the topic, Cuddy smiled at her and replied.

"A couple of days...I don't know yet."

"You know that u can stay as long as u want to."

"I know, mom , but the hospital needs me."

Lauren smiled wistfully and sighed.

"Will u go to...?"

"Yes I will...I think I will go now, I haven't been there for a long time."

Her parents looked at her and Cuddy could notice the sorrow they had tried to repress for a long time. With no success. All of a sudden she began to feel uncomfortable and needed to get out of the house.

Meanwhile, Gregory House was sitting in his car and watched his surrounding. It had been easy to follow Cuddy and the suprise his appearance would cause made him smirk. Then he saw her leaving the house and decided to follow her.
She got in her car and started it. After ten minuten she arrived at her destination and got out.

House knitted his brows...what the heck was she doing at this place?
He waited a few moments before he got out of his car as well and limped into the direction she had left. The path on which he was walking was made of gravel and was now snow-covered so he could here his own footsteps on it.
Carefully, so that she would not see him, he tried to give her a wide berth.
Still he was wondering why she was here and he watched her from some distance when she finally stopped.

Cuddy remained there for several minutes, her hand was lying on the smooth surface of the stone.
Then, all of a sudden, as if she would have woken up from a bad dream, she stretched herself and left again. Luckily, she did not get aware of House.
He couldn't wait to find out what she had done and why she had been at this place. When he eventually found out he wished he wouldn't.

The tombstone was made of smooth, gleamy gray-spotted white marble. But meer interesting than the appearance of the stone was its inscription.

*18th December 1988 † 15th February 1990

House stared at the stone but could not get the words. He felt as if someone had punched him and his breath left his mouth fitfully.
Helplessly he kept on staring at the stone, hoping it would make any sense to him. It didn't. All he saw was an accumulation of letters and some numbers but he could not get their meaning.

Then finally, after a lifetime, he realized that it had been to the dag 20 years since the birth of the girl with the name that sounded so famliar to him and that she was lying there under the sod for almost the same time, cold, motionless and indifferent.

The shock was overwhelming him when he finally realized the whole consequences of the situation and he needed to rely onto the stone and made an indefinable sound that almost sounded like a stifling cry.

House was standing at the grave of his own daughter he had never known about.
It hit him so hard that he thought his hart-, hart would stop beating any moment but it didn't. For the first time since a long time he felt hot tears burning in his eyes but he could not cry, not now.
He didn't know how long he had been standing there in the cold wind but it must have been quite a long time because a well known female voice brought him back to reality.

"I should have known that u would follow me."

But there was no anger in Cuddy's voice, it was soft and sad but he could also hear the resignation.

His first impulse was to shout at her, to tell her things he would surely regret later on and to shake her. But when he turned around and looked into her face he knew she already had undergone her punishment.

"She would have turned 20 today..."

Cuddy whispered, not trying to hide the tears that were now streaming down her face.

House stood there silently, not able to say something of to look at her.

Cuddy put the flowers she had forgotten at home pagina on the grave and looked at it for the last time, then she turned around, unable to beer the sight of her child's tombstone anymore.

House was still unable to avert his eyes from the ground, he did not even look up when he heard Cuddy's heels moving away from him. But his body was still working because he felt himself beginning to walk away too, he just didn't care. He caught up with her and together they left the cemetery but they could not leave their past behind.


With a hard boom the
heavy door of earth
clicked shut behind you

I lay my ear listening on
the gap and hear
your steps resound beyond

This sound hardens my heart
so hard it suffered, and knocks down
the noise of the day

u beyond and me here
we keep in step and meet us
again at the same end.
posted by Irene3691
Some days go door and Cuddy has to take another pregnancy test. House is sitting on the sofa waiting for her to come out of the bathroom. She goes out and sits volgende to him. ‘Okay, let’s do it again.’
‘Fingers crossed... I have a good feeling today...’ House says.
‘Hope you’re right...’ She lies her head on his shoulder. ‘I’m starting to lose hope...’
‘Don't worry... it will come sooner of after...’
She sighs and they wait in silence for some minutes. Greg hugs her and rubs her arm sweetly but he is very nervous for the results. The alarm clock sounds. ‘Here we go again......
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posted by Irene3691
Some days pass and they keep on trying to have a baby. They go back to work and go on with their life. One dag House and Cuddy come back home pagina after a long dag at the hospital and lie on the divan, bank together.
‘What are u thinking?’ Lisa asks.
‘I just... was daydreaming... I imagined us with a baby...’
She smiles and imagines it too. ‘Nice picture...’
He chuckles. ‘An odd one...’
‘Actually yes... but it will be nice...’
He hugs her and kisses her forehead, and then she lies her head on his chest. ‘In a few weeks I’ll take the pregnancy test, and I’m already nervous.’
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posted by Irene3691
Cuddy wakes up after a making-children-night. House is still asleep and Lisa smiles looking at him and thinking how cute and nice he looks when he’s sleeping. Finally House sighs and opens his eyes slowly. ‘Morning...’
‘Hey...’ Whispers Cuddy. ‘Did u sleep well? Happy New Year, and I warn you, I will say it during the whole day.’
He chuckles. ‘I slept very well and... if you're gonna say it the whole day, I'll ignore u the whole day...’
‘Okay, I will say it just a few meer times, I don’t feel like u ignoring me the whole day.’
‘Good... nice choice...’ They smile....
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posted by Irene3691
It's New Year's Eve and they agreed to spend that night at Lisa’s sister's. House is not very sure about it, but he is still working on trying to make their first Christmas holidays together the best ones. They have avondeten, diner with Julia and some vrienden and they keep talking and joking for a while. House and Cuddy have a moment alone and talk.
‘Are u having fun? Are u already tired?’ Asks Lisa to her boyfriend.
‘Yeah, I'm fine... I'm a bit tired but we can stay here if u want.’
‘We can stay for a while if you're comfortable with these people.’
‘Yeah, yeah... I'm okay...’
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posted by Irene3691
It's Christmas Eve and yet they have to work some hours in the hospital.     When they get home pagina after a hard dag of work, they make their Christmas avondeten, diner together and sit at the table. Some time later they finish eating. ‘Wow I'm full...’ Lisa says.
‘Yeah... u look like a turkey in Thanks Giving...’
‘Your compliments are getting worse with time...’
‘I mean... like the most beautiful turkey in a farm...’
She chuckles. ‘That doesn't make me feel better...’
‘Fuck... well... I tried...’
‘You wanna eat something else?’
‘Nope... don't wanna know how...
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posted by Irene3691
Finally the weekend comes and they go together to a country house.
Cuddy and Lucas park the car under the porch. The house is not very big, but it’s cozy and surrounded door countryside. Lisa is so excited about their weekend together. They get into the house and Lucas smiles at her. ‘Well... what do u think? u like it?’
‘It’s so beautiful.’ She answers.
‘Not as much as you.’ He smiles at her. ‘This is the house where I used to come with my parents on Summer holidays... I thought it could be a nice place to spend the weekend.’
They get into the lounge and there is a table...
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posted by Irene3691
Some days later, after their little almost meeting in her car, they haven’t talked, just for strictly necessary medical stuff, but they haven’t even looked into each other’s eyes.
House is in his office doing some paper work when Cuddy goes there. ‘New case.’ Says without looking at him. ‘You know what u have to do.’
‘Yeah... I know...’ He looks at the file and then at her.
‘Well... "have fun"’ She walks to the door.
She turns around and finally looks at him, but then she looks at the floor again. ‘Yes?’
‘Uhh... are you... is... your car already working...
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posted by Irene3691
House picks up his things from the office and takes a bus to go to her house. There, he goes back and forth from one side to another of the room and finally puts all his things in his suitcase. When he’s about to leave, he writes a note and leaves it on the sofa with his key’s copy.

After her little encounter with Wilson, Lisa goes to her office and draws the curtains, then sits down on the divan, bank with her head between her hands and remains thinking about what she just did.

House gets to his home pagina and leaves the suitcase on the floor. He sits on the sofa and thinks about what has just happened......
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa wakes up early and goes to the room where Greg is sleeping, he opens his eyes slowly and sees her. Cuddy lies on bed volgende to him. ‘How do u feel?’
‘Better. I haven't slept very well, though...’
‘Does your leg hurt less?’
‘It hurts the same... but my body's starting to feel better...’
She nods. ‘That’s good. I’m so proud of you.’
‘I haven't done anything yet... this is just the beginning... I could disappoint u tomorrow... I'm not as strong as u may think.’
‘I know how u are, I know that u can do this, and I know why you’re doing this.’...
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posted by Irene3691
They stay huged for a while watching TV until someone knocks at the door.
‘I’ll go.’ Lisa stands up and opens it.
‘Hi... how is he? Is he here? Why didn’t u tell me that he had awakened from the coma?’ Asks Wilson.
‘Yes, he is here. Come in.’ Lisa opens the door and he comes in.
‘Oh God...’ Whispers House.
‘Hey how are you? How do u feel? I was... we were really scared.’
‘I'm much better... thanks...’
Wilson nods and stares at him, finally he gives Greg a hug. ‘I'm not gay, I just have missed u this time. As a friend.’
House rolls his eyes and hugs him back. Lisa...
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posted by Irene3691
House can’t verplaats very well, when he opens his eyes the light blinds him for a moment and then he sees Lisa sleepling volgende to him. He starts breathing deeply in order to talk but he can’t, then he tries again and whispers her name. ‘Lisa...’
When she hears him, she starts opening her eyes and sees him staring at her, she can barely talk. ‘Greg... Greg! You’re awake. Oh God, thanks!’ She sits up and caresses his face.
‘I'm... how long have I been here...?’
‘You’ve been in a coma for almost two months... God, you’re back!’ She kisses him softly on his forehead. ‘I was...
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posted by Irene3691
House and Cuddy get to Michigan in the afternoon, and after leaving their suitcases at home, they go to buy some food. They have avondeten, diner and sit together on the couch, where they talk and laugh until bed time.
‘Well... I think we should go to sleep... I mean... each of us to our respective rooms...’
She smiles. ‘Yes, it’s late.’ They go to their dorm’s doors. ‘Tomorrow I’m leaving early, so I won’t see until Sunday night...’
He nods. ‘Have fun with your family then.’
‘Thanks.’ She smiles and goes to her dorm to sleep.

In the morning Lisa gets up early and takes a shower....
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posted by Irene3691
In the morning, Lisa can barely sleep and wakes up early. She gets dressed and stays there lying on bed the whole morning until House knocks at her door. ‘Hi...’ Says she opening it.
‘You think it would be very dangerous if we went to have breakfast together? Is my life at risk?’
‘I don’t think so... I’m not very hungry, but I guess we won’t find William at the cafeteria at this time.’
They go together and take a seat. Unfortunately, Will is there with his friends, and when he sees both coming in, he thinks: “Great, finally u fucked him...” He finishes his breakfast,...
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posted by Irene3691
When Lisa gets home, goes to her dorm and sits on the edge of the bed. Greg gets there some minuten later. ‘Anybody here?’
‘I’m here.’
He goes to her dorm. ‘How did it go?’
‘Very well thanks. Where have u been?’ antwoorden Lisa selfconfident and trying to avoid vragen about her date.
‘Out there...’
‘Yeah, I guessed that when I didn’t find u here.’
‘Smart girl. And that guy... did u like him?’
“No, I think I like YOU!” thinks Lisa. ‘Yes, sure. He's handsome, nice, interesting... a good guy.’
‘Good... well, I'll go to read a little...’ House goes to his...
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posted by Irene3691
They go on board and when not even an uur of flight has passed, they are bored.
House moves in his seat. ‘What if... umm... we play some kind of challenge game?? Each of us asks a vraag to the other one, if we don't answer we have to pass a challenge proposed door the other person. Right??’
‘Hmmm ok-ay...You go first.’    
‘Sure.’ He thinks. ‘Hmm... Isn't it true that u felt happy when u knew we were gonna travel together??’
Cuddy sighs ‘Yes...’ and he smiles. ‘Okay, here I go. It’s true that u bought the tickets thinking that I was gonna invite...
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posted by Irene3691
They arrive to the hotel soaked and holding hands. The reception guy looks at them and House talks. ‘Buongiorno!’ They get into the elevator. ‘My Italian is going better and better... I'm so proud of me!’
‘Yeah, it's true, now u can flirt with Italian guys.’
‘Ha ha... In fact I rather flirt with American women... specially with those who run a hospital.’ He approaches to her and kisses her passionately.
Cuddy opens her eyes surprised. ‘House this is the elevator, not our bedroom.’
House presses the STOP button and kisses her again. ‘I’ve noticed.’
She separates a bit...
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posted by Irene3691
After washing and dressing, they arrive to the Coliseum. It's a sunny and very hot day. They put on their sunglasses and buy two ice creams to get a bit cooler. Then, they go for a walk around the building and come in. It’s still very hot and the ice cream helps just a little. They sit down in the shade to rest for a while. House takes off his glasses and lean his cane on the wall. ‘It’s so hot today!’
‘Yes, very very hot... I have a bit of headache because of the heat.’
‘Let’s stay here until u feel better.’
‘Yeah, thank you.’ She looks at the ice cream left. ‘I would...
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posted by Irene3691
They remain in silence thinking about this strange situation and how they feel being just a few inches apart. House falls asleep first but she can’t and stays awake for a while more, until House, unconsciously, turns and puts his hand gently on her waist. Then she opens her eyes, but she smiles and finally falls asleep, too.


Step one completed, they’ve spent the night in the same bed and nothing has happened. When House wakes up, he looks at her sleeping and thinks “Ahh... too good...
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posted by Irene3691
Well, this is our first fic ever and we put a lot of enthusiasm on it. We wrote it in English so it is accessible to meer people, but it’s not our mother tongue, so we beg u pardon for all our possible mistakes. It is mainly written door three of us, with a special participation. Each of us took a character so we could give different points of view to the story. We’ve been writing this fic for nine months of so and it’s already finish. We wrote it while the TV toon was being broadcast so many things don’t coincide with the show. We’re still editing it so, if u have any consideration,...
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posted by livethislifeup
Sticking to one shots for now until my real fan fics can materialize into fixed ideas. Until then, enjoy all my one shots.
Consider this--post EF.

If the nights were this easy,
and the days were longer than said,
for once I'd be capable enough,
to release u from my head.

For every toss I plan to make,
it antwoorden with constant turning,
and escaping door shutting my eyes,
the attempt just leaves me burning.

For every smile that grazed your face,
for every stare left broken,
for the laughter that u gave,
the dreading words unspoken.

The guilt stands beneath...
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