Houseland Challenge#002-Create a Baby[closed]

Olivine posted on May 06, 2010 at 02:27PM
This challenge is about creating a baby! Isn't it cuuuuuuute?♥

Go to: link and upload your photo.
If you don't want us to see a photo of you, choose a photo of someone else. Only one of the baby's parents has to be a HOUSE MD chara, the other one can be you, Michael Jackson, Edward, Justin Bieber, some strange animal,...WHATEVER you think is fun ;)

Follow the instructions on that website until a baby has been created - right click and save the photo, add it in the image section as photo and put a link to it right here in this forum!

You can submit ONE photo and you'll get 20 points for it.
IF you use your sig banner in this challenge, you will get 2 additional points.

I will post a comment showing you exactly how to submit your picture along with the sig banner ;)

DEADLINE: 20th May 2010

EDIT: Appearantly your location decides whether you have to pay for the baby thingy or not. (completely different start page too!! -> this is what it SHOULD look like if it is working ->link)

Here's a link to another baby making site: link
Try this one if the first doesn't work for you ;)

last edited on May 06, 2010 at 08:10PM

Houseland 34 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden Olivine said…
correct entry looks like that:


last edited een jaar geleden
 correct entry looks like that:
een jaar geleden huddyislove said…
Cami, do you get points for doing this?
Cause if not, our team is gonna be losing... cause one of our members is not getting points D<
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
I'm not a member of any team, Hilly ^^
I just made a sig banner as example and happened to have a picture of Cameron, so I wrote Ducklings xD
If I was in a team it would obviously be Team OT3 <____< *drools over wilson*
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden huddyislove said…
big smile

I just got a lot sadder right now.

 D: I just got a lot sadder right now.
een jaar geleden Everybodylies94 said…
een jaar geleden wendus92 said…
Mine and Hugh's baby boy! =DD

 Mine and Hugh's baby boy! =DD
een jaar geleden Aivi said…
Team Duckling - FTW! :D
(And Bones. XD)

 Team eendje - FTW! :D (And Bones. XD)
een jaar geleden House_Anatomy said…
Team Goslings !! ♥ Cadley Baby ♥


 Team Goslings !! ♥ Cadley Baby ♥
een jaar geleden 3lzyx said…
Team OT3
Huddy Baby
 Team OT3 Huddy Baby
een jaar geleden HuddyJoy0524 said…
Quick question...this may sound stupid...but the website it telling me that I have to pay. Is there some sort of trial run you can do so that I dont have to pay for it? Thanks!
een jaar geleden adyingsomething said…
-Team Duckling-
for some reason I can not open makemebabies on my computer. maybe it's because I use safari for my web browser. I will keep trying to do it, but for now I am unable to complete the challenge cause the site is being stupid xD
een jaar geleden pietruszka said…
een jaar geleden Paramore-CSI said…
Team Goslings:
I am trying again tomorrow but for now I can not use makemebabies without getting it to send a pin to my phone which to use makemebabies on my phone costs 5 dollars which I am not willing to pay!!so I probally will be unable to get us points this challenge!
een jaar geleden House_Anatomy said…
Aww ^^
but it ok, I mean we will gain them in another way :P
een jaar geleden adyingsomething said…
een jaar geleden lovehousemd_frv said…
;) ;)
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
all above points added ;)
een jaar geleden huddysmacked said…

Ugliest baby ever! ^^ I warn you! Ugliest baby eve
een jaar geleden HouseJr said…
Ok, I not assigned to a team yet but what if we just so happen to already have one of these pic laying around somewhere, can we use that?
(hopefully) Team OT3 :D
een jaar geleden GlassyBlooEyes said…
big smile
Yeah mine will be soon too it's just makemebabies isn't copying & the maury one is turning out like soup xD
Baby soup :| OT3 FTW!
een jaar geleden huddysmacked said…
^^^My sentiments exactly! That Maury site shouldn't be a baby site it should be a make a soup site ¬¬
een jaar geleden thirteen_times said…
een jaar geleden Steve_McQueen64 said…
Neither of those sights is working for me! I'm going to try and find a different one... I hope it's not just my computer :P
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
above points added ;)
and yes you can, dara ;)
een jaar geleden GlassyBlooEyes said…
Parents: link & link :D

last edited een jaar geleden
 Baby: Parents: htt
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
points added^^
een jaar geleden Steve_McQueen64 said…


I finished! It's Wilson and Matthew Fox... despite the good looks of them both, their baby is well um... not so charming. XD
last edited een jaar geleden
 <a href="
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
points added ;)
een jaar geleden Carcharien said…
I'm still a chameron-fan so I created this:

 I'm still a chameron-fan so I created this:
een jaar geleden sheis1963 said…
Here it is :D

 Here it is :D
een jaar geleden Hadley_Cameron said…
een jaar geleden HuddyJoy0524 said…
Jack Bauer and Cuddy's baby!

 Jack Bauer and Cuddy's baby!
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
points added ;)
sheis, i added your points to ducklings but I can't give you points for the banner since the wrong team is on it.
last edited een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden Olivine said…
challenge closed