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Chapter 5 : Well first of all, I know nothing about Aptos, I imagine this town to fit with my story-arc, nothing more, all is imagination. And seconde point, the timeline is very short and I’m fully aware that it takes meer time to hire someone, but it’s a fiction! Be indulgent, it’s for the story ; )

It’s the end of the afternoon but after what Wilson told him about Cuddy, House decided that he has to go to this hospital immediately, he can’t wait for the volgende day. And he’s now waiting to be received door the man who temporarily acts as director.
-Doctor House, says a man of about 50 years, u want to talk to me?
-Yes, Doctor … ?
-Doctor Malcolm, antwoorden the man and holds out to him the hand. Follow me, please, and he goes in his office.
-Doctor Malcolm, I’ve decided to settle myself in this town and I’d like to work in your hospital.
-Well, can u give me some reasons why a famous and brilliant doctor wants to work here? It’s a small town, of course we have rather a rich and old population and a military-industrial complex which is rapidly growing, but our hospital isn’t really big and I don’t think that we have cases which can interest you.
-Don’t worry, there’s always interesting cases, and I need some rest and quiet time, I’d like to spend meer time with my family, antwoorden House with a smile.
-Oh, I didn’t know that u have a family…
-I don’t like to speak a lot about my private life, but u seem to be someone I can trust, so I can tell you… I have a wife and … a little girl. And I want to see my little princess growing, so … I think it would be great for me to work here, the town seems to be quiet, with good schools…, House says and looks for the approval of his interlocutor.
-Yes, you’re right, it’s a good place to raise a child, my wife works in the best school of the town, I’ll give u the name, so u can enroll your daughter… Malcolm takes a few minuten to think over and then he tells House : “Well, we’ll be very happy and proud to have a so brilliant diagnostician working in our hospital… I’ll have to talk about u to our board of directors, but u can already consider as hired!” Of course, in the small medical world, House is known to be a genius, but also a manipulator without morality and ready for everything. Such a man can be dangerous but also very attractive for the hospital, he’s famous and that’s why Malcolm is sure that the board of directors will approve his choice.
-Great, thank you. I’m sure you’re a good director! House says and looks at Malcolm straight in the eyes.
- In reality I am only the temporary director, the former director is retired when the hospital burned, and we haven’t found anybody yet who made the unanimity… and as no one wants to do it and as the older doctor to work here, I can’t refuse doing it … but I don’t really like running such an establishment…
-May I ask u why? House says, interested.
-Because the paperwork takes me all my time, I hardly can do my doctor-job! And I miss it. I love my job, I mean my real job, I like saving life and healing people when I can, I like relieving people’s pains… Paperwork is boring and sometimes some laws are hard to understand… but I have to be patient, one dag we’ll find the right person to run this hospital. I just hope soon, very soon!
-I can help you, antwoorden House with some light of hope in the eyes. I know the perfect person to do this job.
-Really? asks Malcolm and sits up straight, suddenly interested. He sees an opportunity there to leave this director's role, because he has no doubt that House knows someone who’ll perfectly fit for the job and that House has a big interest to see this person at the head of the hospital. He just needs to know who this person is and why House wants to see him of her here.
-Yes, but we have to be very careful and act subtlety. Do u play the game with me? It will be win-win for both of us…, says House and stares at Malcolm, certain that the man will agree.
After a few minuten of thinking, Malcolm exclaims: Hi five, House!
House smiles, he feels happy. After all, this time the chance seems to turn in his favor.
-How do u plan this … “game”? asks Malcolm.
-I think that we have to act like this …

When Cuddy arrives at her home pagina this evening, she still doesn’t know where she and Rachel are going to move. She has begun to look for some job in different towns, but nothing has really interested her. She’s thinking of it while watching Rachel who plays. The little girl stares suddenly at her and says “Aptos”!
-What did u say, Rachel? asks Cuddy surprised.
-Aptos, Aptos, Aptos! repeats the little girl and smiles.
-Aptos? What’s this? A game? A cartoon?
-Aptos town! Aptos town!
Cuddy looks at Rachel, amazed. Curious to see if what the little girl says has a meaning, she takes her laptop and searches “Aptos”. And when she sees the results of her research, she’s very surprised and even amused. Could it be a sign of the fate? She looks at Rachel who is now jumping everywhere in her room and keeps on saying “Aptos town”. Then Cuddy decides to look for meer information about this small town in California. Why not going there? It would be a great change in their life and a new start in a place far away from here, and with a meer pleasant climate… Yes, she has to think seriously about it. Maybe not in this city in particular, but in the region. However, Cuddy would like to know how Rachel found this name, she has to ask jachthaven, marina tomorrow.

The volgende day, when Cuddy arrives in her office, she finds Wilson who’s waiting for her.
-Good Morning, Wilson, what’s the problem?
-Good Morning, Cuddy. Why do u think that there is a problem?
Cuddy stares at him, puzzled. I think u have a problem because you’re in my office at 7.30 am. So why would u be there so early in the morning if there wasn’t any problem?
-Oh, I … no, I haven’t any problem, everything is good, I …
-Do u have any news from House? she suddenly says, full of hope.
-Hm, no, no, Wilson says and blushes. I …
-Wilson, for God’s sake! What do u want? I have a lot to do, so please… tell me what u want to tell me and leave my office so I can work!
-I … I’d like to ask u to have lunch with me today, Wilson replies.
Cuddy looks at him, surprised. Well, ok, we can have lunch together today, but … are u sure that you’re ok?
-Yes, yes, I’m fine, see ya, and Wilson leaves Cuddy’s office.
Well, I hope she really has a lot of work to do, because I don’t know how I can keep her busy so that she can’t look for a job until House calls me, thinks Wilson. How does House always manage to lead him to do such tricks? I hope he’s got a great plan…
Cuddy is working when a fax comes. She looks at it rapidly but a name draws her attention: Hospital of Aptos, that’s where the fax comes from. Cuddy is curious to see what the fax is about, it’s the seconde time within 24 hours that she hears the name of this city. It’s really weird…, she thinks. Let’s see what is written. Cuddy begins to read the fax and she can’t believe it: they need a director to run their brand new hospital and have heard that she just resigned. Cuddy knows that the medical world is a small world, but she’d never thought it was so small that such a hospital already knows that she resigned yesterday. It’s really very weird… But she is determined to take some time to think of this offer, it can be a real chance to start a new life… She really has to get meer information about this city and this hospital.

Wilson tries to find some new ideas to keep Cuddy busy when his cell phone finally rings.
-House! I hope u have a plan, because I don’t know how to distract Cuddy!
-Hey! I could give u some good tips, but… they wouldn’t be suited, except if u intend to ask Cuddy out.
-House! Don’t be stupid! Do u have a plan?
-Yes! A simple, but subtle plan! All u have to do is to listen carefully to me.
-Ok, explain to me!

-Cuddy! Are u ready? asks Wilson as he opens Cuddy’s door.
-Yes, I’m coming! Let’s go!
Wilson and Cuddy are sitting and wait for their command: Cuddy orders a “Chief salad” and Wilson a cheeseburger.
-So, why do u want to have lunch with me? Why today? Cuddy asks.
-I just think that u need to change your mind and to go out of the hospital…, Wilson replies.
-I see… If House was still there, I’d say u have the mission to keep me out of the hospital while he’s doing a crazy of a stupid thing, but as he’s not there… I’m running out of ideas! … Wilson, do u know Aptos? It’s a little town in California…
-Aptos? Well, I know that there is a military-industrial complex which is rapidly expanding, and that there’s a brand new hospital with the last medical technologies, and that they intend to develop a research center and maybe in the longer term a Med-School. Why do u ask me that? Wilson says with an innocent face.
Cuddy looks at him, she’s stunned. Wilson! How do u know all this about a so small city? she exclaims.
-Oh, I remember an artikel that I read one of two weeks ago. I was wondering if I can go there, I want to verplaats on, just like u and… this place sounds good! he adds and smiles. But why do u ask me, are u interested to verplaats there?
-Well, I received a fax this morning and they offer me to run the hospital, she says and looks at Wilson, straight in the eyes.
-Oh, great! And are u going to accept it?
-I have to think about it, but …
-But? Wilson asks and stares at her.
-It’s a little weird.
-What? That they want u to run their hospital? You’re one of the most famous Dean of Medicine…
-No, yes, but … yesterday Rachel zei the name of this town, and this morning I’ve been offered a job there, and a good job, an interesting job… All this in a time so short, admit that it’s suspicious, she antwoorden and scrutinizes Wilson’s face.
-Why are u looking at me like that? I know nothing about it!
-Are u sure? Can u look at me in the eyes and tell me that’s not a new House’s trick?
-Cuddy, do u really think he can do this? We don’t even know where he is! Wilson says and looks her in the face.
After a few seconds, Cuddy answers: No, you’re right, I probably imagine all this, but u know… after all these years past volgende to him… I think I become a little paranoid, she says and smiles.
Wilson heaves a discreet sigh of relief, Cuddy was about to uncover the mystery…
added by huddyislove
Source: iwatchforcuddy @ LJ
Very interesting artikel from TV Guide and Eloise James
To celebrate Valentine's Day, we asked best-selling romance writer and House fan Eloisa James how House stacks up against the heroes in her books.

At first glance, Dr. House is nothing like a conventional romantic hero. Can u imagine him bare-chested on a book cover, a bodacious blonde (or perhaps a ravishing radiologist) drooping in his arms? Not so much. House is the "Hunchback of Princeton," as Hugh Laurie himself once said. He's a disagreeable, physically (and emotionally) crippled genius. He'd hold up that blonde just long enough...
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Disclaimer: I do not own House of the characters, however the story is mine.

Sooooooo sorry for the late update, but my life has been pretty hectic lately. Sorry if it seems random at points. So since all of u voted for a confrontation thats what I'm gonna do. Let me know what u think :)


Cuddy walked back to her office with tears in her eyes. She told Lucas she wanted to be alone tonight and he had accepted that. She packed up her aktentas, werkmap and drove home.

When she got home pagina she made quick work of checking on Rachel and then going to bed. As soon as her head hit the hoofdkussen, kussen thoughts of...
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posted by huddy_aimee
It was 3am on a Monday morning, and her she was, yes that's right, Lisa Cuddy was standing outside Gregory House's apartment, knocking as loud as she could.
Before long the door opened and there the scrawny, but sexy and handsome man stood. He look rather tired.

"What?" he asked, annoyed, "It's bloody 3 am,"
"You do it to me," she replied slyly, "Why can I not do it to you?"
"Because I zei so,"

Cuddy has pushed herself into House's living room and thrown off her coat, revealing what she was wearing. She wore a rather low cut, white blouse with a very short skirt. She was obviously wearing a black...
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posted by huddy_aimee
"No," House replied as he barged into her home, "You stare at a foto of us for half an hour, and when I come and apologise for my behaviour u threaten to call the cops...what's wrong, Cuddy?"
Cuddy had now fallen against House, "You are what's wrong," she sobbed, Cuddy had become rather emotional, "I keep falling for u when u clearly don't want me..."
House lifted her chin and made her stare into his brilliant blue eyes, "I am such an ass, just accept my apology and we'll be done with it, okay?"
"No we won't because I'll keep falling for yo..."

House couldn't bare to see her in this mess,...
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I will write this article. I will. It’s here. I managed to actually sit down and do something. Sorry recently I haven’t been giving u the works every week with the articles. I’m really really sorry. Seriously. I like doing these articles, but other things get in the way, disrupt my thought processes etc. I wanted to write one for Unfaithful. I didn’t. So here u got a two in one. Unfaithful and the Softer Side in one (well, not one. There will be like a dag between them. Tomorrow I promise the Softer Side article.



First, I had the most wonderfully hilarious...
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posted by Hughlaurie4ever
When House fell asleep Cuddy and Wilson Went into the livingroom and Cuddy treated to Wilson's bloddy nose.

"Cuddy,..ow..,Do u think that House will be okay?"

" Sorry, Yeah I think so."

" away! Leave us alone!"They both heard a voice coming from the bedroom.

" Are u okay?"Cuddy zei as she walked into the room.

When House opened his eyes saw Cuddy's face he breathed out a sigh of relief, smiled and said,

" yeah.Can I ask u something?"

" Sure anything."

" What's my name?"

Cuddy's face went concerned" u don't know?Do u know what my name is?"

" Lisa Cuddy, but i can't remeber mine...
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Chapter 4 - "The Dinner"


“So for now, I’m not very optimistic about the poor guy” – concluded Wilson in serious tone, still talking about his patient.

“Well…” – Begun Kelly, clearly disturbed about his speech – “Perhaps we should talk about something meer cheery, don’t u think?”

House examined Kelly. She had brown hair, and catching green eyes. Good looking in a sweet way. So far he had nothing against her.

“How about u tell us about how u two met each other for the first time!” – She suggested, looking at House...
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"Why do u have to negate everything?" she says with a dark sadness filling her eyes.
What do I say to this? I have never really known the answer.I've asked this vraag of myself so many times.I really do want her to be happy.
"I don't know." I finally say to her.
She is so raw in this moment. The baggy clothes hide her taut form, and her makeup is all gone except for a few traces of mascara. She looks like she wants to yell some more. She looks like she wants to cry some more... She looks confused. She thought I would say something else. She thought I'd make another jackass retort. She realizes...
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After the kiss, from the night before. House wakes up in his bed at around 09:20am and gets ready to arrive late for work, as usual. On his way to the keuken-, keuken he sees Cuddy on the sofa sleeping softly with her drink spilt on the coffee table. Her shoes were on the floor volgende to her. House thought about putting a blanket over her but didn’t. Instead House sat watching her for a bit, before finally waking her up with a loud incoherent noise.

House: Wake-up sleepy head.

Cuddy: Eughh. What time is it?

House: (checks his watch) Uh-oh, seems u are going to be late.

(Cuddy sat up and held her...
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When does Love become something we need, rather than something we want? Love was seen as something special a long time ago. Now Love is what we are expected to have with us everyday of our lives. Love is common currency when u are a teenager, but turns to worthless pennies the older u get. Do we not care about the substance of what Love was and not what it has been made into today door commercialisation from American films and televisie commercials and soap operas? Only when we experience Love for real, can we commentaar and judge others who are in Love. Love means something different to everyone. Not two people’s feeling of Love is the same. Why do we generalize, rationalize and compartmentalize Love? Love is and will continue to be an enigma. Only a handful of people will ever unlock it and witness its true beauty and essence. The essence we all crave.

added by arianneadler
Source: [Anne]
added by huddycallianfan
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by Batty
Source: Meeee
added by EnjoyHuddy
I just thought this vid was great XD!!!Must watch it again .This is what happens in House's dreams. "is in the water, is in the pils he took" all about his dreams with Cuddy
hugh laurie
lisa edelstein
Song: "Please Don't Leave Me" door P!nk Disclaimer: I do not own the clips of song used in this video. I do not gain any profit from this as it is purely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement intended.
lisa edelstein
hugh laurie
house md
added by Electra131E
Source: me/ f
added by huddycat69
Source: vos, fox