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House walked with Wilson over to Cuddy's room. She was finally being discharged. He stopped at her door, preparing himself, bracing himself for the worst.
"Good luck." Wilson patted him on the back.
"Encouragement doesn't work on me," and he slid the door open, then shut leaving Wilson in the hallway.
Wilson just stood by, watching from the window as they talked. House talked first. Cuddy had a shocked yet slightly saddened face. She turned around and faced away from him. And it changed to anger. She looked like she was yelling now. Not screaming, but at an upset tone.
House remained motionless in his arrogant pose. He just stared at her and stood by, as she gave him what for.
Cuddy was almost stifling her anger door the time she was done. All House did was look outside the window. Then he spoke something.
She didn't say anything. She just averted her eyes away from him. So he just stormed out, without another word.
"She zei no?"
"She doesn't want me around either."
"She zei so?"
"She chose so."
"You gave her the option? Why? Why, why, why, why, why, why. Why."
"We fought first. She started it, trust me, I was prepared to drop on my knees. But she gave me her spiel. Saying things like how incapable we are of having anything farther than a fling and this and that. I know she's just scared. Commitment is a scary feeling. But I never thought I'd be seeing it in her."
"So what'd u say to her?"
"I asked her if she wanted me around. For everything. She gave me a look. Appeared very angry and sad so I just walked out of there."
"I don't understand. I bet u anything she's just hormonal."
"Of course she's hormonal."
"Ask her again. Not now. Not tomorrow, not volgende week, not volgende maand but when the baby comes. She should be back to normal and come to her senses and--"
"And the volgende eight of so months are going to be the hardest of my life."
"I want to be with her and I want to be there."
House walked into an opening elevator as he left Wilson behind.
"So for the volgende eight months, I have to be there, without actually being there."
And the doors closed on Wilson's slightly satisfied face.
Over the volgende few months, House strived to keep his promise. He had Wilson go with Cuddy to all the appointments and sonograms to keep him updated. Around about the seventh month, Cuddy decided to get the furniture for the nursery. Not only the furniture but all the other necessities. So she called up Wilson and he came over to help her with the stuff. They had gone out for about two to three hours looking to almost all the stores, but they were all closed. They decided to do it another dag and just go earlier. door the time they got back to Cuddy's, they were both exhausted.
"Have u painted the room yet?"
"I just had it finished yesterday. Come look."
After they took off their jackets, they made their way into the tiny nursery. Cuddy had left Rachel in her car zitplaats, stoel on the sofa, fast asleep.
Cuddy and Wilson stood at the doorway of the nursery. A light was on in the room. But a light from a lamp.
"I thought u didn't have any furniture in here?"
"I don't--"
And she slowly opened the door to find the nursery, filled with everything they could possibly need.
Cuddy's mouth dropped as Wilson's eyes widened. She slowly began walking around the room looking at all the newly bought things.
There was a mahogany kinderbedje, wieg across the room with yellow bedding and sheets with a mobile twirling a moon a comet and a ster overhead.
Besides the kinderbedje, wieg was a changing table. Your classic white changing table.
A small shelf, carrying the light they had seen resided door a rocking chair. The shelf carried many different children boeken and some small toys.
The rocking chair was covered in a child-like cushion, with a fleece blanket, hanging over its back. And finally, opposite of the crib, there was a small drawer, filled with clothes. Diapers, bibs, bottles, pacifiers, bonnets, shoes, socks, t-shirts, shorts, pants, and a one suit that said, "Mommy's the Boss" threaded in red.
Cuddy just looked at Wilson, almost accusingly.
"This was not me. I'm pretty sure I can't find decent stuff like this in a baby store."
She just looked away and went back to her beautiful room.
"So u painted it yellow huh? It's nice that the stuff matches.."
She was so overwhelmed tears of joy filled her eyes. She left the room smiling, going for some Kleenex.
Wilson, being very suspicious of this looked around the room. He studied every bit....And there it was, hiding in the shadows as an inconspicuous figure, lying against the uithangbord behind the light.
He walked over, smiling slightly, tonen a great deal of satisfaction before heaving a sigh. He grabbed House's cane and held it tightly in his hand. He gave it a squeeze as he shut his lips together, almost biting them.
"Well done House."
With that said, he walked over to the door and laid the cane behind it. He walked a few steps into the arch of the doorway and took a last look at the room.
"Well done."
And he shut the door, going for Cuddy, leaving the light on, and leaving House's cane to reside as a part of the room.
Around a maand after that Cameron and Wilson had thrown Cuddy a baby shower. They threw it in the doctors lounge, filled with streamers and balloons. Everyone had came. Foreman, Thirteen, Chase, Taub, and a few doctors and nurses from the hospital. Cuddy's younger sister Lauryn had also come. Lauryn looked a lot like Cuddy. Wavy hair, great smile, same shaped face. The only difference was the eyes. Cuddy had her fathers eyes as opposed Lauryn with her mothers. Lauryn acted completely different than Cuddy however. She was meer lively and upbeat, and definitely meer hyper. She was almost like House, without however, that one special quality of House.
Speaking of House, he out of all the people there, was expected most to come door Cameron and Wilson. In spite of their spat they had, they both had a feeling he would come anyway. But as the minuten passed, and the end of the party neared and neared, Cameron and Wilson threw each other looks, surprised and suspicious.
door the time everyone besides Cuddy, Lauryn, Wilson and Cameron had left, the lounge was completely trashed. All the gifts had been opened and the streamers had begun to fall on all their heads.
"Some wild party." Lauryn commented.
"Yeah, u two should be glad u don't have to clean it up," Cameron added.
"I'll help. Lisa, u go home. When I get back, u have to toon me that nursery u keep talking about."
Wilson had bowed his head, forming a smile. Then he said,
"Lauryn's right. Go home. Rest."
"It'd do u some good. If I were u I'd hate being stuck in an extremely tight office all day."
"It's not tight."
"Compared to what I'm used to yeah."
"Wait Cuddy u missed something." Cameron was beside all the presents. She was bent down looking at a present. In fact, the only one un-opened.
"Bring it here." Lauryn was apparently meer interested than Cuddy was.
"Looks like a--" Wilson stopped himself. He was suspicious. And yet, he had a feeling he already knew.
Cameron brought the gift to Cuddy. It was wrapped in a metallic blue. There was a small card taped to what appeared to be as the front.
A gift for u and the kid. He can't wear it though.
Now Cameron found herself as sure as Wilson, Lauryn, still clueless, Cuddy, still curious.
She tore apart the wrapping paper and opened the white box beneath. As she pulled the cover away it revealed a necklace. A silver necklace, with a picture of Cuddy about six to eight months pregnant with the little guy. It looked like a recent picture. She was apparently laughing in the picture and the room surrounding her appeared to be her office. But it was all black and white. She picked it up and held it in her hands. Suddenly she looked at the back of the picture and read aloud the engraving.
"Friday November 14, 2009. First time u felt the baby kick."
She looked up at Wilson.
"Was this from you?"
"Again, with the accusations. All I did was take a picture. Because, u told me to."
She looked back down at the necklace. She grasped it tightly in her hand and then got up and left.
"Who's it from?" Lauryn asked eagerly to them.
"House." Cameron uttered. Then she looked at Wilson, who looked at Lauryn.
"Gregory Mason House. The father of your nephew and the guy who's in love with your sister."
House was sitting at the piano. He played ever so gently as he watched the phone. He was waiting. Just patiently waiting.
An uur and a half prior to
"Who cares if she doesn't want u there. Your the father, and u need to be here for this."
"I'm respecting her wants. She clearly doesn't want me there. She told me so, eight months ago."
"Just--she needs you, here, with her. She wants u here with her. NOW."
"Just tell her I'm sorry."
He hung up the phone, in total regret.
The phone rang. It was Wilson. Again.
"When are u coming down here?"
"How is she?"
"She's fine. So is junior."
"Yes G.M.H. Senior."
House smiled.
"I know your smiling. Now get down here. She really wants to see you. So does he."
House hung up the phone, shot back the last remaining of his scotch, grabbed his cane and shot right out of there, in the blink of an eye.
Christmas muziek was playing over the P.A. Decorations were all over the place, all thanks to Dr. Wilson. Everyone was smiling as he walked past them. How could he blame them, it was the happiest time of the year.
He finally made his way to her room. He looked through the window. She was still in a sweat. Her head was pushed back against the pillow, from her deep exhaustion. On her side, there was a small baby, waving its arms around, will a blue bonnet and a blue blanket on him.
House slowly opened the door making sure he wouldn't wake her up.
He walked in and sat down beside both of them. He brought Junior closer to him to take a better look.
Looked exactly like him. Only difference was, he had Cuddy's eyes. At the thought of this, he gave a smile, and looked back at her.
He put both his hands overlapping the handle on his cane, and then finally resting his chin down. He stared at her, until she awoke, moments later.
"This was all your fault."
"It's good to see u too."
Her voice was flat, and weak. But she could still break a smile.
"When did u get here." It didn't sound like a question. meer like a statement.
"Not too long ago."
"I take it Wilson called you."
"And I was waiting. So. Greg Jr?"
"Ha--I just--Nothing else--seemed to--fit."
"Guess that's what I'm here for right?"
"Gregory Mason House Jr.,. It just fits that way."
"Mm. A lot of things do. Puzzle pieces. Keys to doors. People to other people."
"Boy that was discreet." She zei sarcastically. She then again, pulled another smile.
"I never thought things could end up this way."
"Now your referring to our current state?" He asked.
"Never thought we'd go this far. Never thought I'd have my DNA mixed with yours to create another human being, roaming around the Earth."
"Brings a good feeling though doesn't it?"
"Not at first, the feeling is definitely painful," she laughed. "but it's nice to know it's your own." She paused. "You carry him yet?"
He shook his head.
"I don't do well with things like this."
"How would u know? Wait. You've had another baby with another woman? Your just selling your oats all over the place aren't you?"
"If I carry him will u shut up?"
She nodded. Then sat upright in bed as he gently picked little Greg up. He cradled him and sat back down volgende to her. This time he was closer; She had pulled the chair.
"I think it's easier for us to bond. Mostly because were both dudes."
"And because he's your biological son?"
"We don't know until a paternity test."
Cuddy's mouth dropped.
"You think I cheated on u while we were going out?"
"Pssh. It's not u I don't trust. With all the single guys out there, any guy could've gotten u drunk and kidnapped u somewhere behind my back and put junior in there."
She gave him a look.
"Okay. Out of the question."
Little Greg cooed. He started falling asleep so House put him back into his baby cart. He turned back to her and began to sweep his hand from the top, boven of her head down to the back. He did this several times. Then he stopped and held her hand.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there."
"You should've been."
He paused. He looked away from her at first and then breathed in.
"Look. Life's been a matter of right and wrong in my life. There's never been real choices. I knew it was right to become a doctor. I knew it was right to focus on my school. Despite the fact I flirted with a good amount of girls in high school and college. All I knew was right. It was programed in my mind. door my alleged 'father'. But when it comes to these things, I have a choice. I may not have the choice who I'm going to care about or--who to even love. But I do have the choice if I want to pursue that care, that love, that compassion. I didn't ask u to marry me because it was the right thing to do. It wasn't the right of wrong thing to do. It was a matter of choice. And I chose to surrender. I was surrendering my life, for u and to you. And door that, I mean, nothing else matters. But you. My life is lived for u and for only you. I was surrendering my life. I am surrendering my life. Because, my debt to you, is my life. And as long as I'm living, I repay that debt."
He spoke with all the gentleness and seriousness left in his voice.
"So, it won't matter if u marry me of not. It makes things a little easier but, no matter what, I am still going to repay that debt. That I can promise you. This is my surrender."
He grabbed his bottle of vicodin, opened it up and spilled out all the pills on the floor. He grabbed a heroin needle out of his jas pocket and threw it on the floor and finally he threw his cane on the floor. She just stood by, taken aback at his his actions. She just stared at the pills, the needle and the cane.
"Hey, look at me. Okay? Look at me right now. u don't have to love me, u don't have to do of say anything. I, me, I am giving u the choice. Stand door and let me love you, of let me be apart of your life and let me give u everything I've got. Don't base your decision on what's best for me, for the kids, for anybody okay? What do you want. What do u want."
Outside, Wilson walked by. He saw them talking. This alone made him smile.
"Happy birthday junior, Mazel Tov Cuddy, Merry Christmas House."
Cuddy couldn't find her words. She was lost, for them all.
"I can't--I could try but I--I can't live without knowing if u still love me."
He paused again. She was still speechless.
"Do u love me?"
"--Yes." She struggled for only a few letters, but they meant a lot.
"Do u love me enough to want to marry me?"
"Just give me yes of no. Do u love me."
"So then, is it enough for u to marry me?"
added by danielapeque
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
added by HuddyPausa
Source: house_geek and the vimeo video door "d p"
posted by tammyr50
He came into the office. He was running late and he was definitely lost in thought.
N - You’re late. “How was your week?”
H – It had seven days in it.
N – He chuckled a bit. Ok. “Tell me about it.”
H – Not much to tell.
N – How are things with Cuddy?
H - We were leaving the hospital at the same time and I asked her how the baby was? I hadn’t seen him since he left the hospital. She told me he was fine.
N – u didn’t ask to see him of if u could help?
H – She has a nanny. If she wants me to see him she let me know.
N – Ok. How are things with Wilson?
H - I was running...
continue reading...
posted by tammyr50
As House was holding Rachel and Cuddy was holding their son he suddenly sat Rachel down and excused himself. He told them he had an appointment but the truth was he suddenly couldn’t breathe. He was right in the center of everyone he wanted to be with; the place he wanted to be; but he had been there before and lost it all.

He returned to his office to pick a case and get the team started. They were reviewing two files as House came in.

As House reviewed the files he decided to spleet, split the team and take both cases. He walked over to the coffee maker and cut some straws so they could draw for...
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posted by tammyr50
Months had passed door and things had changed tremendouly at the hospital. Wilson had stepped back into his position as "Head of Oncology." They had filled Cuddy's position with Dr. Jan Bostwick.

She was a woman with something to prove and she had heard of House's reputation so when she got to Princeton she had an angenda. She wanted to prove she could turn a profit and put House in his place.

She had been successful at both those things at the expense of patient care. Ms. Bostwick was cutting costs door cutting doctors and nurses and the heads of the departments were struggling with a heavier...
continue reading...
Sorry if this has been added already. I really enjoyed this one because it they are so in character . Enjoy :-)

"She peed on me."

"I know."


"I know."

"You so owe me."

"I know."

"I knew this was a mistake from the moment u asked me."

"And yet u still did it."

"When one of my vrienden asks for help with a long overdue parasite extermination problem, I feel obligated to oblige."

"Her name is Rachel, and she's not a parasite. And I didn't ask u to exterminate her, I asked u to babysit."

"Which I did."

"Hardly well."

"As least I wasn't out selling myself for money. How much do u really want...
continue reading...
posted by Irene3691
volgende dag when Wilson goes to work, House asks his friend to cover him because he has to go to his place to finish some things for the Christmas party. Cuddy doesn't suspect anything at all, and that's good because it is a great surprise from House. Greg is changing a bit for her. He wants to do things to make her happy. This party is a nice gesture of him, it was all his idea, and Wilson is sure she’ll like it.

Cuddy spends the whole morning working, in meetings and looking for House. Wilson has told her that Greg is in a patient’s house and he’ll come back later. She goes back to her...
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House was sitting in his office, the lights turned off, except for the lamp on his desk. His eyes caught up in the dust particles that filled its spotlight. He had seen Wilson try and fail to recruit a whole hall of Doctors to kom bij him on his experimental quest, which they would all expect House to be the leader of, but not Wilson. After witnessing this, House felt a sense of relief that Wilson only slipped down a hill, and not fall disastrously down it.

Then something changed, he had seen Lucas again. At first he didn’t know where to put the puzzle piece, until another one joined up with...
continue reading...
posted by huddy_aimee
Ok, u guys must be pissed at how long it has taken for me to get this fic updated...but never fear...i will be back...i have made a promise to myself (and now you) that i will continue this fic until it comes to an yea...i hope u guys forgive me, especially those who kept reading and have been waiting for u go guys...
PART 28!!! (finally)
read, review and rate...

About a maand after the loss of the baby

About a maand had passed since Cuddy's fall and she had returned to work as soon as she had completed her bed rest. House had vowed never to argue with her again, and...
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posted by HuddyBrave
( Continuation of The kiss, The explination, and the middle of the night.)I dont own anything and the fan art is not mine.
Tell me what u think. :)

Chapter 3
The volgende Day

“ House?? Why arent u at work yet?? Call me back as soon as u get this.” I asked on his answering machine because it was 11:30 am and House still hadn’t showed up yet.

“Where is House?” I asked Wilson.
“I don’t know. Why are u asking me?”
“Because I know u know. What does he have a girl friend? of did he get hurt?” I asked kind...
continue reading...
posted by Fabouluz
House took poured a glass of whisky, before he sat down on his sofa. Cuddy took her jas and shoes off, before she sat down volgende to him.

Cuddy: Have u packed yet?

House: Wilson offered.

Cuddy: I can…help u pack.

House nodded in agreement, and smiled as she stood up and turned around to walk towards his bedroom.

Cuddy: I think you’d just need a few things at first.

House followed her, she sat on his bed as he stood there; glass of whisky in hand.

Cuddy: On seconde thought, you’re not the most co-operative of people, u may be there longer.

House: Here.

House handed her a weekend bag.

continue reading...
House found himself on the roof of the hospital when the dawn broke. He was in his gown, sitting on the very ledge. He was puffing on one of his cigars as the sun rose. It was so peaceful here. And he was feeling so serene. Until Wilson popped in.
"Mind if I take a drag?" He asked sarcastically. He was in the doorway, holding it halfway open. He stood there for about seven seconden before actually coming near him.
"Her mothers?"
"You showed her the ring?"
"Because u refused to."
"Damn it."
He took a long drag, causing a good amount of ashes to fall. They blew away when the morning...
continue reading...
posted by rosehustle1
"You're good with her." Cuddy zei as she watched House rock Rachel in his arms.
"Well, she already marked her territiory once she puked all over my overhemd, shirt so she's comfortable with me now."
Cuddy chuckled and moved to sit beside him on the sofa.
"You've been in my home pagina for all of thirty minuten and have yet to tell me why you're here?"
House held Rachel out for Cuddy to take.
"Here. She's cooing for you." He zei as he awkwardly passed the baby off and moved to stand up.
Cuddy rocked her baby a little before placing her in the basinet.
"...You got any food?" He asked.
Cuddy sighed and stood...
continue reading...
Three weeks later..

"OH. MY. GOD."
Wilson rubbed his face, irritated and slightly annoyed, having to have the same argument he had not too long ago.
"Don't. Listen to me, we had sex, again, unprotected at least three weeks ago."
"And why is that relevant?"
Cuddy wasn't listening to him. She was just thinking about what she should do.
"I don't know yet." She zei curtly.
"Let me know when u do."
"He is becoming less and less of himself the longer he's with me."
"And that's bad because...?"
"It changes his way of thinking. His decisions. His actions. I don't want that to be because of me."
"You don't...
continue reading...
Tom-"Hmmm, what?"
Tom-"Interested in her?"
Tom-"I'll be right back."
House-"Wwwait, wait, where are u going?" *House zei in a very concerned tone.*
Tom-"To get Lisa Cuddy."
Before House could say anything, Tom left to go get Lisa. House watched him as he confronted her, the 'ol so drunk Lisa Cuddy tried to step off of the table. Unfortunately, she was too drunk, and failed miserably. Her face hit the floor. Nobody noticed really, except for Tom and House. House still stood, not knowing whether to go over there of not. He decided he was just going to let her come to...
continue reading...
posted by spatten
This was actually written door a friend of mine and I thought it was a really great poem despite it being short. And door short, I mean really short. When I read it all that came to my mind was that House would have really gegeven Cuddy his hart-, hart for her to stay with him.

She actually had the emo picture as part of it too.
Hope u like it!!!!

Love can bring us together
And it can also tear us apart
To make sure that u stay with me
I'm literally giving u my heart.

***Comments please***
added by houselover96
Source: vos, fox
added by huddycat69
Source: wendus 92/FOX;me