Huddy Club
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posted by Hughlaurie4ever

(See chapter 1)

Disclaimer: I do not own House at all

A/N: Okay yea sorry about before guys. After I re-read this chapter I realized I really didnt want it to be just smut. I want u guys to see meer of how the Huddy relationship - in this story at least - really is. So I hope this chapter is better and I hope u guys like it

Thanks to Audrey for beta-ing this chapter and lensti16 and JirayasGirl for telling me the right spelling for Messiah lol.

Sorry for the delay though I passed out the first night and yesterday I was cleaning... please...


The morning ended a little too soon for the infamous diagnostician. House had easily solved his case and was waiting in his office for Wilson to go to lunch. Cuddy was trying to relax before lunch. She's been in meetings with the board, employees, interviewees, donors, she was tired. For her the morning didn't end soon enough.

Once House saw his best friend heading towards the elevator, he stood up and followed, barely making it in.

"Hey buddy boy, why did u leave? Chase was so crushed." House said, referring to that mornings antics.

"Because unlike some doctors I know, I actually see patients and do my job." Wilson hinted sarcastically.

"Like who?" House played dumb. "Oh u mean like Dr. Foreman? Oh yeah that guy is so lazy, not sure why I keep him around."

Wilson rolled his eyes and shook his head as they got off the elevator. As they stepped off their ran into Cuddy and exchanged smiles.

"Dr. Cuddy," House greeted. "We're about to go eat lunch, would u like to come with us? Wilson's paying."

Cuddy smiled and shook her head. "Thank you, but I can pay for my own lunch."

"Yes House, it's a funny new concept I think u might enjoy. Why don't u try it?" Wilson asked as the trio headed off to the cafeteria.

"Oh I would, but I don't want to hurt your feelings and start paying for myself. I know how much u like paying." House sounded almost caring.

He quickly cut in front of Wilson and began to grab his food. He knew that if he was in front Wilson had no choice but to pay for his lunch. What he didn't count on, though, was his girlfriend being a saint.

"House!" Cuddy instantly scolded as she grabbed his arm and pulled him behind her. "Wait in line and be nice."

"But mom," House whined. "I don't wanna." He pouted.

"Behave," she told him. If he wanted to act like a child, she'd treat him as such. He opened his mouth to say something else, but stopped when Cuddy sent him one of her infamous glares, already tired from her morning. There were sometimes when House didn't want to get on Cuddy's bad side and this was one of those times.

"Cuddy, u are the Messiah!" Wilson exclaimed. "You have learned the secrets to control House, and the world is saved."

When they chose a booth in the back to sit at, Wilson sat opposite House and Cuddy, and Cuddy sat volgende to the wall. Wilson stared at the two curiously to see if their behavior towards each other had changed since they had started dating. The only thing he could note was that Cuddy was sitting closer to House, but still only door a little - they did sit pretty close the rare times they ate lunch together.

House reached over to Cuddy's plate and stal a bite of her salad. Cuddy slapped his hand as he tried again. "Stop that. If u want a salade go get your own. I'm starving. This morning someone made me almost late for work so I didn't get a chance to eat breakfast."

"I'm not the one who zei 'oh god ple-'" Before House could finish his sentence Cuddy had smacked him over the head.

"Don't u dare talk about that of anything else that happens between us in front of Wilson of anyone - especially not in the hospital," Cuddy quickly lectured, trying to keep her reputation intact.

Wilson shook his head and laughed at the two. Things between them haven't changed one bit. They acted the same way. The only difference is now, behind closed doors, they have sex. Everything else seemed completely consistent to their pre-relationship relationship.

"How do u do it?" Wilson finally asked. The couple merely looked at Wilson in confusion. "How do u have so much power over him and how is it that u two seem completely normal and not mushy gushy of trying to kill each other of anything?"

Cuddy smiled as she and House looked at each other. They were mushy, when they weren't in public. They still wanted to kill each other, but somehow the other person - usually House - would find a way to soften the other up. To them that was normal, they had always been that way towards each other and they always would, before and after their relationship.

So as an answer, Cuddy simply shrugged. "I guess we just know how to separate business and pleasure," she lied. Though they did know how to keep their lives separate - usually - she knew that wasn't the real reason, but Wilson didn't need to know why. It could just be their little secret.

Wilson could tell she was lying, He always knew how to read them. He just kept that to himself. It came in handy, but he just smiled and accepted it. He was happy for them and he wouldn't want to ruin the secret.

As the end of lunch neared, Cuddy suddenly remembered something. "House, tomorrow I'm coming in to finish some work before we go to out with Rachel on Sunday. I expect u to try to finish your clinic duty then," she told him and went on before he could protest. "I am also going to toon around the new Head of Pediatrics since u annoyed the other one in quitting."

"Hey, I did u a favor," House immediately defended. "That man was in his 60s and still hitting on you. Plus he was too nice. He had some hidden motive."

Cuddy rolled her eyes. "Just because a man is nice and complimented me in a nonsexual way, doesn't mean he's hitting on me and is a mad scientist like you."

Wilson couldn't help but laugh at his two vrienden as they continued to bicker. Lunch with a show, who could ask for more? Those two should start charging anyone who has the pleasure of watching them.

That night, House agreed to making Cuddy dinner. Ever since she found out what a phenomenal cook he was, she just couldn't get enough of it. She even broke her sugar diet a few times to try whatever desserts he whipped up, though she only broke it for a small piece - she didn't want to let herself go anytime soon.

House laid out a meal made for a king, at least in Cuddy's opinion it was. For Rachel, he made his own special mush so she could eat it, though she was nearly 3 years old she could never be too safe. What he made was mashed up tomaat pasta with parmesans cheese sprinkled over it. Everything cut into tiny pieces that he was sure not even a one jaar old could choke on.

For Cuddy, he made her favoriete vegetarian lasagna. He made it with three layers filled with a mixture of broccoli, carrots, spinach, mozzarella cheese, and Hunt's tomaat paste. Cuddy took one bite and moaned in approval.

For himself, House made his famous meatballs and sauce. He had known Cuddy didn't like meat so he kept it for himself, and Rachel, but he had never made the sauce before with Cuddy. While she ate her lasagna at a slow pace, he took his sauce and drizzled it over her food.

"Try it," he urged her after he sat down and took another bite of his meatballs.

Cuddy got a small bite on her fork, making sure he didn't put any meat in it. Then she placed it in her mouth and her eyes grew wide. "Omigod," she initially commented. "I don't think I've ever had sauce this good before."

House smirked. "Thirteen zei the same thing when she first tried it."

"I hate you," Cuddy zei as she took another bite, and House looked at her with an eye brow cocked. "You let Thirteen try this before I did!"

House chuckled and continued to eat his food ignoring her comment. Cooking was definitely something he could do better than Lucas.

Later, after dinner, while Cuddy waited in her bedroom, House finished one of his dramas. Since he couldn't watch it at work, he recorded it at Cuddy's place since he spent meer time there then at his own apartment.

He stood up and began to limp towards her room, which he secretly liked to call their room but he'd never admit it out loud. The seconde he got through the door he was pulled into a deep, kiss door his girlfriend. Taken door surprise, it took him another seconde before he kissed her back. His arms wrapped arm her waist and she began to pull him back towards the bed.

Cuddy got him down on his back and continued to kiss him for a few meer seconden began pulling away and nuzzling into his neck.

House smiled, knowing Cuddy couldn't see and waited a minuut before making a comment.

"So is this gonna happen every time I cook for you?" He quickly ruined the moment.

Cuddy groaned and sat up planting another hard kiss on his lips. "Shut up and let me pretend that my boyfriend isn't a complete asshole."

House couldn't help but let a smile spread across his face as Cuddy snuggled up into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her the moment she asked for…

"Because if this is always your reaction I wouldn't mind cooking everyday." …before he ruined it.

Cuddy, despite herself, laughed and pushed herself off of his chest and settled down volgende to him. "I hate you," she zei as she cuddled into his ribs.

House kept an arm around her and gave a low chuckle. "I love u too," he whispered quietly, half hoping she didn't hear and half hoping she did.

She smiled against his overhemd, shirt and let herself fall asleep against him.

The volgende morning, Cuddy forced House up and out of bed. She was surprised how successful she was at getting him into work on a weekend, but of course that didn't come with a 'no complaining' guarantee. He made sure that the ride to work was just the beginning of how annoying he planned to be.

"You know, Dr. Cuddy," House zei aloud once they were in the lobby, that only meant trouble. "If u wanted to have hot hospital sex, we could have had it when we actually had work. Now everyone's gonna think we're here for a reason."

Cuddy kept her head low as she signed in and saw House's look of victory. She let him sign in, a smug smile still printed on his face. Before they could truly part ways Cuddy stopped him.

"Oh and Dr. House," she called out. He turned and looked at her with a cocked brow. "Next time u suggest having hot hospital sex, can u make it hotter door lasting meer than a minute," she teased and gave a victorious smirk before turning around and walking back towards her office.

House didn't hide the smile he had. He was actually a little impressed door that outburst. He didn't think she had the guts to risk her reputation like that, though she was probably regretting that verplaats as she walked to her office. No matter what, he's always the one who wins in the end.

Cuddy shook her head once she entered her office. Did she really just let her employees think she had sex with House in the hospital? Dating him definitely wasn't good for one's mental stature.

After she finished putting all her stuff in place, she began to work. She still had an uur before Malcolm was due for his tour and she had a stack of papers that had her name written all over it - of it will soon enough.

A good ten minuten passed before her first interruption came. Her phone rang. She reached over to grab it, not bothering to look up from her paper, and clumsily knocked over her name plate. She cursed as she stood up with the phone and came around to pick up her name plate. Interruption number three came when her phone cord got caught on a stack of files and knocked them right over. This was definitely not her morning.

"Dammit," She cursed under her breath. That's when she realized she was still on the phone. "Hello, sorry, can I help you?" she asked as kindly as possible.

"Hey, yeah, is this pizza Hut?" The male voice, obviously a teenager, asked carelessly.

"Sorry, u got the wrong number." Cuddy tried to sound pleasant.

"Oh well, do u know their number?" he asked.

"Goodbye," Cuddy quickly hung up. "Asshole," she muttered as she bent over and began to pick up the scattered papers off the ground and tried to place them in the correct files.

Dr. Malcolm walked into the hospital, wearing his best, blue dress shirt, a gray jas and gray flanellen broek, broek with freshly polished dress shoes. He made his way to his new boss' office for his tour and paused when he made his way through the first set of doors. He couldn't help but smirk when he saw her bending over to pick up papers. She was definitely a good sight to look at.

After a moment he decided he'd better go in, didn't want to seem like a pervert his first dag on the job. So with a knock he entered the office and Cuddy turned to see who was at the door, still bent over and blushed as she quickly stood straight.

"Am I too early?" he asked with a kind smile, though he had other reasons for smiling.

Cuddy continued to redden as she tried to smile back. "No, sorry about that. I just had a messy morning," she zei and turned redder realizing how that could be taken when she saw Malcolm continue to smile and nod trying not to laugh. "I didn't mean it like that I meant that I just had an accident." She cursed her clumsiness, both physically and orally. "I meant-"

He stopped her from further embarrassment. "I understand, Dr. Cuddy," He zei with a small laugh. "It's no problem," he told her. She smiled and he stared as she turned around and walked back around her bureau before leaning vooruit, voorwaarts to unlock her drawer to get her master keys. "No problem at all."

"What was that?" Cuddy asked as she stood up once more.

"Excuse me?" He asked putting on the best confused act he could.

Cuddy, a bit frazzled from the morning's happenings, just shook her head and brushed it off. "Sorry, I must be hearing things," she said. She came around and touched his arm. "Let's take that tour now, shall we?"

The tour went much smoother than her morning, to say the least. House was in the clinic, surprisingly, so there was no further embarrassment from him at that point. She was able to toon Malcolm around quickly, with minimal interruptions from different doctors. She made sure to warn him about House's department and House himself. She was able to introduce Wilson and Malcolm, and she was happy to see that they would get along just well.

Finally, she brought him to the Pediatric wing and showed him his office. "Here is your office," Cuddy unlocked the door and gave him a key. "I know it's not as big as Dr. House's, but he's an asshole. That's the only reason and I don't feel like dealing with him."

Malcolm just smiled. "It's perfect," he said.

Cuddy smiled. "You have until Monday for getting what u need and to be settled it, as I zei yesterday. u are always able to add meer things on your free time, but I won't expect dilly-dally on Monday."

"Understood, Dr. Cuddy," Malcolm agreed and Cuddy smiled.

"Great, then I think we'll get along just well." She commentaar gegeven giving him one meer handshake and pulling away before he could get a chance to linger like the other day.

When he just smiled and nodded, she turned and began to briskly walk away. He cocked his head to the side and watched as her hips swayed back and forth. "We'll get along just fine, Dr. Cuddy."

A/N: So, what did u think? LOL Now I know most of u don't like Malcolm already, but come on, give the guy a chance. LOL I tried to make him super good looking, but compared to House that's a little hard haha. High standards people lol. And u dont know he might turn out to be a nice guy if u give him a chance lol

So I hope u guys liked this chapter and again I am open to all suggestions and ideas. :) I'll try to update meer frequently and stuff but schools starting in like two weeks o.o... oh chete

Please review, weather its love of hate :) I love hearing your thoughts

-Jess Vic
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX
posted by Irene3691
Finally the weekend comes and they go together to a country house.
Cuddy and Lucas park the car under the porch. The house is not very big, but it’s cozy and surrounded door countryside. Lisa is so excited about their weekend together. They get into the house and Lucas smiles at her. ‘Well... what do u think? u like it?’
‘It’s so beautiful.’ She answers.
‘Not as much as you.’ He smiles at her. ‘This is the house where I used to come with my parents on Summer holidays... I thought it could be a nice place to spend the weekend.’
They get into the lounge and there is a table...
continue reading...
 Olivia Beaumont: My idea of what House's long lost daughter looks like
Olivia Beaumont: My idea of what House's long lost daughter looks like
Note: This follows another fic called "Another Change, Another Constant". u have to read that before u can understand this new series.
"So, how was the campus?" Wilson asked House from across the cafetaria table.
"Big.Old.Academic."House answered as he focused on twirling his cane.
"How was Olivia? What did u two do?"
"She showed me the muziek studio on campus that she interns at...We had avondeten, diner at some legendary pizza place in town and then we saw some movie at the local cinema."
Wilson put...
continue reading...
I've been having trouble writing for Thirteen but this is what I've got so far commentaren are love and please let me know if I should continue!

Chapter 7: Who is Remy “Thirteen” Hadley?

A nurse came in and adjusted some of Thirteen’s IV’s and checked her blood pressure Cuddy was their door her side through the process. After the nurse left Cuddy began to ask Thirteen vragen about her life.
“So what is the first thing to the Remy Hadley story?”
“Well what do u want to know?”
“Everything, start with your earliest memory.”
“Well I’ve been bisexual all my life I knew even in...
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posted by HuddyBrave
Ok well my fic is winding down and I know that I have been horrible at updating but I didnt want to leave u guys with no fic to read of mine. So here is one of my ideas and I wanted to see what u think about it and if i should do it of not. This idea has been nawing at me for a while now. SO tell me if i should continue.... :)

Ugh! I groaned as I hit my alarm clock. It was anouther boring dag of boring school. Why did I have to get up? Geez I am just so tired. Why is this? Oh yeah volleyball.

I got up and got ready to go to school unwillingly. Great I have to see...
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posted by lizzie22xo
Smooth wet lips is all he feels on him, moving from his chin to his jaw, where a days worth of
facial hair is lightly showing. He could hear the faint sounds of moaning escaping her busy mouth, as well as his heavy breathing from the sensations she was making him have. A tongue slowly glides over his Adam's Apple, seductively licking, then taking her teeth and nibbling on his now red and wet skin. That's all it took. The tips of his fingers patiently and carefully traces down her covered torso. gans bumps on her arms appear rapidly at the touch of his shaking index finger going over her hidden...
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posted by lizzie22xo
She was beginning to miss his annoying harassments. He hadn’t spoken to her in quite a while, okay, a maand and two days to be exact, but it’s not like she was counting.. She saw him in class, but he never spoke, surprisingly. All she could was blame herself, for she created this so called ‘game’. But, little did she know, he missed her, deeply. Though, he’d never toon it, because he refuses to lose their game.

It was around 11 at night, when she decided to take his advice, and go have some fun. She was headed to one of the many parties happening that night, unfortunately for her,...
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posted by livethislifeup
Later that night 10:49 p.m.

The hospital was fairly empty. Empty and quiet. The only people around were some nurses, and a few doctors standing door in their offices, catching up on paperwork and anything else they needed to take care of. House slid open the door to Cuddy's room, and carefully walked inside. He had taken a zitplaats, stoel in the corner of the room and began to zoek his pockets for something. Cuddy, was on the bed, asleep, but not for long. She woke up soon enough, and spoke in a hushed tone.

"What--are u doing?"

He pulled out a needle and rolled up his pant leg. Then he took...
continue reading...
posted by Hancicik
She jumped when House threw open the door; House briefly looked at her and then close and locked the door. Cuddy gave him a worried look, House was surprised how much emotions she had in her eyes. Doubt, expectation, passion, pain. He stepped closer to her, putting his cane away. Cuddy raised her hand and stepped back, hiding her desk.
“No,” she gasped unconvincingly.

“Don’t worry I don’t bite,” House announced, still limping to her.
“No, but u hurt,” Cuddy zei weakly. “I’m too tired, House. I don’t want to play anymore.” door now, House get to her,...
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posted by Fabouluz
It was late afternoon, and outside it was still raining; however the sight of a regenboog through the window made Lisa smile.

Lisa: I’ve gotta go guys. Otherwise I’ll be late for my last class.

Vanessa: Why are u taking Endocrinology again? It’s not as if u need to.

Lisa: I just…want to see if I could do better.

Lisa stood up from the sheltered benches, and picked up her small tote before walking to class. Smiling, she looked up into the rain clouds before she stopped under the shelter of the entrance to the building. Pinning her hair back, she then opened the door to the lecture room;...
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I am soooo excited about the episode it's unreal, and (aside from plenty of Huddy smut ideas) this would leave me alone, so thought I'd put it on here. Not exactly Huddy, but kind of...I think.

"No, I want to hear about the sad hero again." a 3 jaar old Rachel Cuddy whined to her mum as they lay on her bed. 'She loves that story.' she thought, remembering back to when she made up taht story after a particularly tricky dag at the hospital. She took a deep breath and exhaled, removing those thoughts from her head with the air from her lungs she began her tale:

"Once upon a time, in Princetonia...
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posted by Fabouluz

Wilson: Do u have someone in there with you?

(Cuddy froze, trying not to make a sound. She was stuck hiding door the door, House obviously enjoyed this but Cuddy looked anxious and annoyed.)

House: No-one. When did u get all jealous?

(Wilson gave House a look before taking his foot out of the way of the door and House closed it.)

Cuddy: That was, annoying.

(House and Cuddy looked at each other intently before they kissed passionately, Cuddy’s back hit the mirror behind her and broke it but they didn’t care.)

House: That’s seven years bad luck.

(Cuddy and House stood there, their eyes connected...
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Days had passed since House last talked to Lisa. Then days turned into weeks. Weeks then turned into months. Months turned into years. They finally had spoken to eachother 3 years later. He was walking with a new girl, she had short black hair, she was pretty as a picture. The girl wasnt from John Hopkins, she was at a law school near to John Hopkins. Once a week she would come visit House. While they were walking side door side, Lisa was holding hands with William Perterson when she happened to walk door House.
Lisa smiled at House, and House returned the same smile. All of them stopped.
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added by wendus92
Source: me/FOX/Global
added by pietruszka
posted by Cuddles
Inspired door the lovely song:
"If I could see you" door Yiruma.
I thank ´CathCuddy for giving the link to me <3.

I hope they're any good.
My creative mood got me again.
Please R & R
(Constructive!) Critism is always welcome.


Past and present

If I could see u again
through the same eyes as back then
when we weren't aware of what would come
of what we had to go through
of what we had to suffer
It would make things a lot easier.

But it's impossible
Present is the only thing which remains for me
And that certain melancholy and longing
called nostalgia
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added by Scuddy2010
Source: me
added by anonymously
Source: to @HuddyHotness on Twitter
added by salemslot