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Flame of Regal Still Burns

Sequel of Sayonara Flame Striker! Now in Australia, Goenji had to learn to adapt in a foreign country. The volgende FFI is coming up, and he must fight his way to participate as the wild card team from Withingsby Soccer Academy. His challenge; form a newteam.

WARNING: Temporary GoenjiXNatsumi, potential of OOC!

Chapter Summary: Love is in the air for Goenji Shuuya and Raimon Natsumi. Also, our favourite ace striker goes to Withingsby Soccer Academy for the first time! Hey, isn't that-?

~~~Celestial Princes~~~Celestial Princes~~~Celestial Princes~~~Celestial Princes~~~

Chapter 2: Hello Natsumi, Hello Fidio


Shuuya's eyes widened in disbelieve as he stared at Anita as if she had grown another head. Leaning further towards the flame striker like a predatory tiger, Anita's red lips turned into a terrifying grin. From their close distance, Shuuya could get a good view of her cleavage if he simply stares down. But he's a guy with a decent morale, so he won't do such a perverted action. Only a person with an attitude like Thomas will.

"You heard what I zei rather clearly, Shuuya Goenji. What, don't u think it's a good idea?" Anita raised her eyebrow, as if daring him to argue with her suggestion. Her face was shadowed, ruby eyes turned even brighter and her roze hair floated eerily. Gulping down at the scary sight in front of him, Shuuya murmured, "N-no, I guess I could give it a try. But-"

Changing from her 'monster' mode, Anita's face brightened like a Christmas tree. She clasped her hand and beamed happily. "Then, it's decided! Let's go!" Grabbing Shuuya's arm and gripped it tightly, she continued, "I know just where to get one for you!" She zei confidently, trying to convince Shuuya that he won't regret agreeing with her plan and go along with it.

The flame striker groaned and turned to Thomas and Clifford to send them a pleading look. Clifford let out an exasperated sigh, tired of Anita's cheeky plans while Thomas laughed hard, his arms supporting his stomach. Driven door sympathy towards the young striker, Clifford tried to reason with Anita. "But I don't think this is necessary, Anita. Shuuya is fine with how he looks like. He's not even complaining about anything, and yet u go and make decisions for him."

Stopping in her tracks, Anita turned her heels and glared at Clifford. Her roze hair snapped to the other direction to match her sharp movement. "Oh, look who's talking. The bodyguard with a lance stuck up into his ass! I did this because I care about him. Unlike you, I'm actually concern about him and willing to spend time for his sake." She insisted haughtily and placed her hands on both sides of her hips.

"But u should take his feelings and agreement into consideration. He has a right to decide what he wants to do and not to do. I happen to think that he's fine just the way he is." Clifford objected Anita's decision and gestured at Shuuya's direction with his hand. The platinum blonde blinked in confusion as the three adults examined his looks with critical gazes. Thomas closed both of his eyes and crossed his hands over his chest. He seemed to be thinking hard over something. "I don't see anything wrong with him. He looks presentable and neat." Clifford zei in an adamant tone. On the other hand, Anita snorted and growled, "Nothing wrong?! He looks plain and not attractive!"

"Care to repeat what you've just said, Anita?!" Shuuya growled angrily. His pair of onyx eyes shot a dangerous glare at his translator. Realizing what she had just said, Anita bit her tongue and clasped her hands together as a sign of apology. "Sorry, sweetie. I didn't mean it that way. Something good will come out of this. Trust me, alright." She consoled the teenager with her soft voice as she rubbed his back. Shuuya slapped her hand away and turned to the opposite direction.

Sighing at Shuuya's cold treatment, she turned her attention to Clifford and continued their argument. "I don't care what u think and how u judge my consideration. I already informed Levin and he actually agreed with me!" She stated proudly, seeming proud with Levin's approval of her plan. It was hard to get his approval on her plan at first, but after a few attempts of convincing and pleading, he caved in to her.

"Is that why he released Shuuya from all training sessions for today?" Thomas intervened. "I thought he's away to take care of Shuuya's school matters."

Shaking his head, Clifford tried to reason with her again. "But there's nothing wrong with him. Just because he moved here from Japan, doesn't mean he needs to change himself to fit in. With his personality and talent, he'd fit in perfectly with his peers!" He rubbed his forehead, feeling a major headache coming.

"My plan will prove to be useful and convenient for him! u see how many girls crowding over him whenever he's out of the house?" Anita said. Both bodyguards nodded their head while Shuuya shuddered at the mention of his Australian fan girls. He didn't know how and why, but he'd be surrounded door girls wherever he goes. The only veilig sanctuary for him now is the mansion. Both Thomas and Clifford face difficulties while protecting him from the fan girls whenever he goes out. They can't just brush the girls off since the girls done nothing wrong. They're simply admiring and squealing over the flame striker. Apparently, Shuuya made a name for himself all over the world not only for being the ace striker of the winning team of FFI but also as a hunk.

"After he went along with my plan," Anita leaned over Shuuya and zei suggestively, "The girls will be twice as much." Shuuya's eyes widened at the thought of the number of his fan girls increases two times! "Or perhaps meer than that." She zei gleefully at the hopeful success of her plan. "That's something that I wanted to avoid, Anita!" Shuuya protested, his face paled at the horrible thought.

The translator giggled and waved her hand. "Don't be silly, Shuuya! Every guy dreams of having girls around them like bees over a bloem with full dose of honey! But with your looks, u could built a harem for yourself!" Ignoring Thomas' increasing volume of laughter at the back, Anita wrapped her hand around Shuuya's shoulders and continued, "Besides, u have a little datum with that Katsumi girl in three hours, right? Don't u want to impress her?" She tried to coax him into agreeing to her plan. Her eyebrows wriggled in persuasion.

"Her name's Natsumi, not Katsumi. Yeah, of course I wanna impress her. I mean, who wouldn't." Smiling at the memory of her, Shuuya's tone turned softer. "She's beautiful, open-minded, elegant, sophisticated and kind. Although she's bad at cooking." He let out a warm chuckle. "I still remember how she unintentionally poisoned everyone in the team. We can't stop going to the toilet every one hour! She apologized profusely after that. Until now, she still feels guilty about that incident."

"Aww, that's so sweet!" Anita cooed.

Thomas raised an eyebrow and zei carefully, "Well, she a proper lady."

"Do I have to hear any meer of that sappy tale? Cause if I do, I may end up vomiting on the floor." Clifford zei in a monotonous voice. Anita shot a dirty look at the bodyguard.

"But what if she doesn't recognize you? I mean, after u go along with Anita's plan." Thomas suddenly asked in wonder.

"Nonsense!" Anita shot down the vraag that threatens the success of her plan. "Of course she will recognize Shuuya! Who would miss a guy as handsome as him?"


Anita cut off Shuuya's talk. "Alright, that's it! Today, Shuuya Goenji will get himself a new hairstyle!" She happily announced and dragged Shuuya to the main entrance of the mansion. The platinum blonde thrashed violently in her grip. Thomas and Clifford exchange an exhausted look before catching up to them.

"It's Goenji Shuuya! And I don't want a new hairstyle! I love my hair the way it is!"

Shuuya's yell of protest could be heard all over the compound of the mansion.

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"The flight from Tokyo, Japan will arrive at Arrival Gateway 5 in ten minutes. Is that all I can help u with?" The receptionist in her blue uniform informed Shuuya with a seductive smile on her face. "Or do u need my services in other expertise area?" She battered her eyelashes, trying to look appealing and sexy. Her brown eyes scanned wildly over his features and lean body. Sensing Shuuya's uncomfortable and tense building up, Thomas muttered a quick thanks to the woman, who grimace as if she was a little girl that had her favourite toy being snatched from her, and ushered the young striker to a bench near the zei arrival gateway.

"If I knew this is what I'd be facing with, I would have told Pa to brand her!" The platinum blonde whined as he placed the blame on Anita. All Thomas could offer to please Shuuya was a lopsided grin and a few I knows. Although Shuuya zei that, but Thomas knew that he didn't really mean it. Through the weeks that they spend together, all of them had bonded to one another. Now, one could say they're much closer.

After much convincing from Katsuya, Caroline, Anita, Thomas and Adam, Shuuya agreed to call Levin "Pa". He'd planned to call Levin something in the same line as "Otou-san", but he didn't want Katsuya to feel like he's replacing him with Levin. The first time Shuuya called Levin "Pa", the ex-MVP was so happy that he promised Shuuya a few father-son bonding to get to know each other better. Being called father once again reminded him of his deceased son named Alex, whose personality mirrored Shuuya's too much.

"You know," Thomas began, "instead of complaining about that slut of a receptionist and that mindless pink-haired girl, why don't u tell me meer about this Matsumi? I heard from Levin that she came from a rich family." He sat beside Shuuya. He chose to start this conversation to know meer about this Japanese girl that Shuuya fell in love with, and to distract Shuuya from getting mad about the receptionist flirting attempt, which eventually will mess his datum with Matsumi.

Shuuya groaned in exasperation. "It's Natsumi, Thomas. Not Matsumi. What's with u and Anita, mistaking over her name like that?" He furrowed his eyebrows and ran his fingers through his new hair. Unknown to him, the girls around them swooned over his handsome face and cool attitude. Shuuya's spiky hair had been toned down door the expert hair stylist from Eu Claire Salon called Sean. His bangs now covered the upper part of his face. But it doesn't hinder his sight of cover his ears, so the hairstyle was acceptable. (For image, see my profiel picture)

A warm chuckle left Thomas' throat. "Sorry, Shuuya. I can't stop teasing u about it. I guess Anita's the same as well." When the striker shrugged his shoulders, Thomas knew he convinced him enough. "So, tell me. What do u know about her?"

Shuuya shifted in his seat. He turned to Thomas with a serious expression on his face. "Well, she has a sweet tooth for caramel. I made a karamel pancake for her as a birthday present. She hates getting dirty. There was one time that a car sped on the road and splashed the dirty water on her clothes. She frowned and cursed the driver all the way home." Shuuya laughed at the memory. "Apparently, she's allergic to dust. Whenever she entered an old, unused and dirty place, she'd sneeze over and over again and her white skin will become itchy and reddish. She's not someone who could stand being criticize. I guess that comes along with the fact that she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth."

Awed door how deep Shuuya knew about the girl, Thomas leaned over and asked in a hushed voice, "Are u a stalker? Cause from your description, u seem to have made a throughout investigation about her." Annoyed at Thomas' remark, Shuuya slapped the back of his head. "Oww!" Wincing in pain, Thomas rubbed the sore spot on his head. "Ever consider being a goalkeeper? u can stempel, punch the shots away from goal if u can hit hard like that!" Immediately, Shuuya was reminded door his goalkeeper friend, Endou Mamoru.

Have Natsumi confessed her undying love to him yet? If she hasn't, he might have a chance to court and win her heart. But what if she already have, and Endou accepted her love? He knew he had taken the vow to forget about his hidden feelings for Natsumi and verplaats on, but when he's ready to do so, Natsumi decided to contact him and meet him. With Natsumi here in Australia with him, Shuuya had a chance to be with her and he knew that he'd absolutely take it. But at the same time, he wanted to protect himself from being heartbroken door anything that might come between them later. One of the obstacles will be Natsumi's feelings for Endou.

Shuuya had been quiet for awhile, and Thomas is uncomfortable with the odd silence. He tried to catch his attention door waving his hand in front of his face. No response, the striker was still sitting stiff like a rock. Thomas was confused. One minuut Shuuya went on babbling about how an angel that Matsumi, kruis that, Natsumi is and now he's all frozen like an ice man. "Kids these days are weird in their own way." He grumbled and turned his attention from his client to the gateway. Passengers poured into the airport from their flight. His eyes watched carefully every female passenger to detect this Matsumi girl that Shuuya's badly in love with.

"!" His eyes widened at the sight of a teenager with long, 'seven colours of the rainbow' hair. The girl was laughing at a punk boy with piercings and tattoos on his body. Is that how teen Japanese these days style in?! He thought Asian people are supposed to be meer well-mannered and polite. (No offense to all Asians who are reading this. But this is how Asian people are described as, so be proud of yourself! I'm Asian too, u know!) Shaking his head to clear off the weird sight, he squint his eyes, continuing his search.

"!" He yelped at the sight of a beautiful girl with an auburn hair. He grabbed Shuuya's shoulders and shook the striker's body. "Shuuya, hey! Snap out of it! I think I found her, kid!" In an instance, Shuuya came back to the land of living and scanned the crowd of passengers. Thomas was right. The girl was Natsumi. There she is, standing near a large, China vase. She was looking around her, perhaps trying to find him for they have agreed to meet at the airport. There are two large luggage at her right side.

"Hey Shuuya."


"Is that her? That Matsumi girl, your sick, puppy love?"


A vein popped on Thomas' forehead. "So, what are u waiting for? An invitation? Go and greet her, kid!" He scolded the platinum blonde and pushed him forward. Shuuya turned back at him, anxiety clearly seen on his face. Sighing in exasperation, Thomas said, "Just go. I'll be around to help u out, kid. And don't mess up!" He warned Shuuya and his point finger shoved in front of his face. "I'm going! I'm going! Jeez, get off my back already!" Shuuya scowled, but gave him a grateful look before turning around.

Taking in a deep breath and released it slowly, Shuuya tried to calm himself down and stabilize his increasing hart-, hart beat. "Right, I should keep calm and cool. Be myself and don't exaggerate over anything. I can do this. If I can defeat rivals in soccer, I should be able to face a girl, right?" He knew he was desperate, but hey, he's not perfect. Everyone has one of two, of even a few weaknesses!

He gulped down nervously and took his first step. Lucky for him, his posture was perfect so he didn't look like a walking robot. They suddenly made an eye contact when Natsumi was turning around to look for him. The girl smiled warmly and waved at him cheerfully. Blood rushed to his cheeks as he returned her wave awkwardly. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach already. At last, he was standing in front of her.

They stared at each other for a moment, analyzing the individual in front of them. Natsumi was the first one to break the silence between them. "Konnichiwa, Goenji. It's been a while, hasn't it?" She said, tucking her hair behind her ear. He slowly nodded while not breaking their eye contact. "Yes, it has. I mean, it's just been three weeks. Not that long. But u look..." He trailed off when he realized what he was about to say.

"Look what?" Natsumi asked in confusion as she titled her head over a side. "Goenji?"

"Beautiful." Shuuya managed to breathe out. He knew he couldn't turn back now. "As always. You're always...beautiful."

A blush crept over Natsumi's face. "Really? Thank you. This is the first time a guy compliment me on my looks." When she saw Shuuya looked at her in disbelieve, she quickly added. "I mean, genuinely. Cause most of them compliment me just to, well, get on my good side and take advantage. I'm a young lady from a rich family and the principal's daughter. That's all I am to them." She sounded sad and she turned her gaze on the floor. Right at that moment, Shuuya cursed himself inwardly for reminding her of something sad.

"Sorry, I talked too much."

"Nah, that's alright. I don't mind hearing u pouring out your problems to me." Hearing his words, Natsumi shot up and stared at him in confusion. "Relax. I'm just joking." Shuuya whispered hotly, and laughed when her face turned crimson due to embarrassment. A pout appeared on her face and she hit Shuuya with her handbag playfully. From somewhere far enough, Thomas grinned at the two youngsters' attitude.

"Hey." Shuuya suddenly zei when he pulled the handle of one of the luggage to drag it.

"Yeah?" Natsumi replied as she tried to pull the handle as well. But the handle wouldn't budge at all. Chuckling at her attempt, Shuuya gently pried her hands from the handle and easily pulled it up.

"I do mean what I zei just now."Shuuya zei softly and turned around to face her.

Natsumi stared into his eyes. "You do?"

"Sure. I'm all ears." Nodding his head, Shuuya dragged Natsumi's luggage to the exit. Startled, Natsumi did the same and caught up to him. "As long as it's not a girls problem. I know nothing about menstruation, cakes and jewelleries." Shuuya grinned cheekily at her. Natsumi gasped at that and hit him hard with her handbag. Shuuya laughed heartily. But inside, he was glad that their meeting turned out well enough. This is a good start. Good enough for them.

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Time passes door so quickly, especially if you're spending it with your loved ones. It was late now, so Shuuya offered to send her to the hotel she plans to stay at. He told her that she's always welcomed to stay with him at the mansion until she could find her own place to stay, but she decline his offer, stating that the hotel belongs to her father, and that she insisted to not being a trouble to him.

"Wanna come to my suite? I'd like to toon u where I stay so that u can always come to visit me." Natsumi told him shyly, her eyes staring down on her lap. The limousine that Levin bought for Shuuya arrived at the main entrance of Sydney ster Hotel. "I're the only one I really know here. And I'll be a bit lonely without anyone to talk to." Shuuya was too stunned door her offer to reply. Did he hear her words correctly of does he need a hearing check-up? SHE invited HIM to her suite? Wow, today was their first datum and she already wants him in her suite?!

Misunderstanding Shuuya's silence as a no, she quickly zei in a defeated tone, "Oh, never mind. I wouldn't push you. u must be pretty busy anyway, with soccer training and all." She opened the door and was about to step out when Shuuya suddenly grabbed her arm and yanked her back inside. She landed on the zitplaats, stoel with an oof. "What the...? Goenji?" She blinked at him, confused door his action.

Shuuya was panting a little. "Aren't we moving too fast, Natsumi?" He suddenly blurted out. His eyes widened in surprise at the words coming out of his mouth! Damn it! Stupid, stupid Goenji Shuuya! Now she's going to hate u for sure! He slapped his hand on his mouth. His eyes stared at Natsumi in anxiety and surprise.

"Excuse me? I don't get it. What do u mean door moving too fast?" Natsumi inquired at his odd question. From her genuine confusion, he was sure that she didn't understand his rambling just now. Sighing in relief, Shuuya replied, "Nothing. I was just shocked. And nervous. This is the first time a girl invited me to her room."

The young mistress stared at him in disbelieve with one raised eyebrow. She burst out laughing at him. "You must have been infected door Endou's sokka yarouze syndrome! Haven't u notice that meer than half of the female population in Inazuma Town wants to have u as a boyfriend? It shouldn't be hard for u to get yourself a girl, Goenji Shuuya! A snap of your fingers and they would line up in front of you, waiting eagerly to be picked!" She shook her head at him, feeling funny at his obliviousness. "Your fan girls at school sent u love letters, Goenji! u haven't noticed that too?"

"You mean those letters I found filling up my lockers and made a mess out of my desk?" Shuuya frowned. "I thought someone was playing a prank on me door stuffing garbage in my lockers and desk. So I threw them away." When he finished his sentence, Natsumi laughed even harder. This time, she was clutching on her stomach. Shuuya couldn't help but laugh as well.

"I'd love too, Natsumi but maybe some other time. I gotta go home. Pa's waiting for me." Shuuya gave an excuse, while gesturing at his watch. It was already 9 p.m. "Okay, but call me from time to time. I'll be waiting." Natsumi zei with a smile on her face. She opened the door and before she stepped out, she pecked Shuuya on the lips. The kiss was short but at the same time, sweet and needy.

Taken door surprise, Shuuya stared at her in the eye. Natsumi stood out of the car, beaming haughtily. "I'm not that naive, Mr. Goenji Shuuya." She winked and walked to the entrance. The sound of her heels clicked the floor like a catchy tune. The doormen bowed respectfully as two of them opened the glass door for the daughter of their employer.

Unconciously, Shuuya touched his lips with his index finger.

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"I thought high schools in Australia starts at the end of January?" Shuuya asked Levin as he opened a letter using a letter opener. They're now in one of the living rooms in the mansion. Anita, Caroline, Thomas and Clifford are in the same room with them. Adam was out for grocery shopping. Apparently they ran out of fresh vegetables, cheeses and pasta. Levin was sitting on a three-seat sofa at the middle. Shuuya was on his left and Anita was on his right. Caroline and Thomas sat in front of them while Clifford sat the armrest of the sofa.

Shuuya received a large package on his own name from Withingsby Soccer Academy today. Inside of the package, there were a letter addressed to him, three sets of school uniform, three sets of physical education uniform and a rule book. School uniform for male students of Withingsby Soccer Academy consists of a white overhemd, shirt with long sleeve, black blazer with red lines along the tip of the blazer's kraag and the end of the blazer, a pair of black socks and black trousers.

"Hey!" Shuuya shouted when Thomas snatched the letter from him. "I'll read it to you, kiddo. So sit back and hear what the principal has to say." He ordered him like a mother would, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. Playing his part as the 'stubborn child', Shuuya crossed his arms and sunk deeper into his seat. Levin laughed at his foster son's antic and ruffled his toned down spiky hair.

Dear Mr. Goenji,

Your letter of transfer to our academy has been accepted door our Academy Board and we have reached the decision to accept u as our student. Two days from now, the gates of the Academy will be opened and every student is required to attend. Although other education institutions will only start their operation two weeks from now, but our Academy is a private, soccer academy.

Thus, during the two weeks, students will be undergoing annual orientation under our coaches to decide their elements, qualified position(s), personality, stamina, strength, intelligence, flexibility, speed, leadership, teamwork and rational thinking. Students will be going through a few sessions to get to know their classmates and teammates better. We will also be evaluating the quality of students. Should a student be deemed unqualified, they will be immediately expelled from the Academy. Letters of pleas and threats will not be taken into consideration.

As u are under the mentorship of Levin Murdoch, u will be excused for the seconde week of the orientation, if and only if your mentor decides to practice you. u are well aware that the Academy is a boarding education institution, thus u will be expected to stay in the dorms like the other students. Students are allowed to return home pagina once a maand for three days. Should your mentor wish to train you, u will be gegeven special leave.

We expect to see u two days from now.

Signed by,
Arnold Gonzales,
Principal of Withingsby Soccer Academy

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Withingsby Soccer Academy, Shuuya estimated, was five of six times larger than Inazuma Town. Situated on an island near Australia, the island itself is the Academy. The island was selected to situate the Academy probably because of the facilities are needed in a large quantity. The Academy was at the middle of the island. The north of the island was a thick and protected forest. The south was the main entrance to the island, which is filled with shops and residential areas. The east and west were used for training purposes. Soccer fields and soldier courses were built there.

"Amazing." Shuuya breathed out as he marvelled over the island. Beside him, Levin smiled warmly. "I was an alumnus of the academy years ago. Alex was too. And now," He placed a hand on Shuuya's shoulder. "It's your turn, Shuuya. It's not easy to be accepted into this Academy, so I hope you'll do your best here, Shuuya. u deserve to be here so take this opportunity."

Shuuya nodded his head, smiling. "I will make you, the crew, my family and vrienden proud, Pa. I promise."

"And your new girlfriend too." Levin reminded Shuuya of the new addition to his loved ones list. Instantly, the platinum blond blushed furiously. "Pa!" That was the only word he could come up with. As of their first kiss, Raimon Natsumi and Goenji Shuuya are officially a couple. But they decided to keep it as a secret from their parents and vrienden back in Japan because they'd like to work their relationship out first. Levin chuckled when his teasing works.

After a last hug, Shuuya entered the Academy grounds. Thomas will send his luggage when the sorting of the dorms finished. Only then did he realize that he had no idea where to head to. All he knew is that he should be at Hall 1 in twenty minutes. He looked around to see who he could ask. Girls huddled around, pointing at him and squealing? Shuuya shook his head at the choice. There was a techno geek sitting on a bench, a tablet in his left hand and the pointer in another hand. Nope, reminds him too much of Megane. There were a few guys with angry looks on their faces, probably jealous of the unwanted attention that he was getting from the girls. It's not like he's afraid to get beaten up, but he's afraid that he might send them to hospital should he lose his patience with them.

Sighing in defeat, Shuuya continued to look around, feeling helpless. Suddenly, he felt someone patted his shoulder from behind. When he turned around, he met someone unexpected. The short brown hair that seems quite similar with Ichinose's, dark blue eyes and warm smile greeted him. "Ciao, Shuuya. I heard rumours that Levin finally took a protégé, but when I heard it's you, I was excited. An ace striker of the winning team of FFI as a classmate!"


The Italian guy smiled. "Welcome to high school! Oh, door the way, what happened to your hair?"

Shuuya growled at the White Meteor of Italy.

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And cut! So, our favourite ace striker has finally meet Fidio Aldena! I'm now on my way to Chapter 3, so please be patient! Thanks! R&R!
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