Julene (PoM pairing) Club
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posted by stlouisfan
2 days had passed as the zoo was none the wiser about the plot between Julien and his mother. In fact very few had been interested in meeting the new lemur, even when someone had overheard someone say that she was leaving in a couple of days. Marie had actually gone around and asked a few vragen to many zoo residents. She mainly asked about shipping information and something about a krat to use. Many assumed this was transfer related. However she did hear from Maurice that he knew someone that would be happy to help.

In the meantime, Skipper and the other penguins didn't take any notice. In fact they supported what she was doing. It meant one less lemur for their zoo. So they didn't think much of it.
On the queens fourth dag at the zoo, she figured it was time to set her plan in motion. She had already met the chimps and convinced them to bring up a transfer back to Madagascar for her. The krat that she had arrvied in, had been taken back to the zoo garage and was waiting there for her.

Marie looked up at the zoo clock and said, "Twenty minuten until we leave. Time to get started."

The queen jumped out of her habitat and met her contact for her plan.

"So are we going to do this thing of not?" asked the contact.

Marie nodded and said, "Yes we are. Are u ready Darla?"

Darla smiled and said, "if it gets Julien out of here and out of my hair for good, then I am highly ready."

Marie glared at Darla and said, "And you're doing this to make my son happy too?"

Darla held her hands up and said, "Yes of course."
Marie lowered her glare, smiled, and said, "Good. Now let's go."

(Otter habitat)

Marlene walked out of her cave and yawned. Dave was still asleep inside the cave. Marlene stretched to relax her aching joints. After she was done, she could hear the sound of someone walking up behind her.

Marlene turned and said, "What the? Who's there?"

"Shh. I'm sorry dear. I didn't mean to frighten you," zei Marie.

Marlene sighed and said, "Oh Marie, it's only you. What brings u here?"

Marie chuckled and said, "well I'm sorry if this too early, but I heard that u were good at doing acrobatics and I was hoping to see some. u don't have to if u don't want to."

Marlene chuckled some as well and said, " Oh I don't mind. I'll gladly toon u some."

Marlene walked up her heuvel and towards her stone slide. She took a deep breath and jumped onto the slide. She glided down it with ease and she felt as she went airborne. However she didn't feel herself fall. She opened her eyes and realized that she was floating in mid air. She was trapped in an energy bubble.

Marie laughed and said, "We got her Darla."

Marlene gasped and said, "What? Marie what are u doing?"

Marie looked up at Marlene and said, "Don't worry dear. You're just coming with me is all. Darla help me get her to the place that everyone around here calls the garage."

Darla jumped down from Marlene's boom and both she and Marie started walking towards the zoo garage. With Marlene floating helplessly behind them.

"What? Dave! HELP ME!" Marlene yelled.

The sound of Marlene's shouts were enough to rouse Dave up from his slumber. He jumped out of his bed and rushed for the cave entrance. Outside Darla merely smirked and pulled out a jar of green dust. She blew a small handful at the cave entrance and as soon as Dave hit it, he was forced back.

"What the? What the hell is this?" Dave as he touched the force field again.

Darla smiled and said, "A force field. It keeps u stuck in there. But don't worry, it'll go away in about thirty minutes."

"But we leave in five, so we need to go right now," zei Marie as she left with Darla and Marlene.

Dave turned back into the cave and went for the sewer grate. He pulled the grate off and ran straight to the pinguïn HQ through the sewer.

(Penguin HQ)

The penguins were all gathered in front of thier TV and they were watching the morning news. Not much going on besides weather and traffic reports. The only thing that would pull the guys from their stupor was the sound of Dave entering their HQ.

"Guys that lemur woman is leaving the zoo right now," Dave zei as soon as he entered the HQ.

Skipper laughed and said, "Good. That means one less lemur to deal with."

Dave groaned and said, "Well she's taking Marlene with her. Ya hear me? Marlene is being kidnapped. Right now."

Almost immediatly, all the penguins jumped up to their feet.

"What? We have to help her Skippa," Private said.

Skipper nodded and said, "Affirmative Private. Men we need to head up topside right now."

Everyone nodded and they rushed for the fishbowl entrance. Unfortunatly as soon as Kowalski put his flipper on the bottom of the bowl, he was forced back. Darla's force field was here too.

"Dammit! They've already been here. They must have thought this out well," Dave zei full of anger.

Skipper slapped Dave and said, "Calm down Dave. We'll just use one of our many escape tunnels. verplaats out men."

(Zoo garage)

"Put me down," Marlene yelled as soon as the three arrived at the garage.

They walked over to the open krat and Marlene could see inside. Julien, Mort, and Maurice were already inside the crate.

"Oh no. Not this again," Marlene zei in annoyance.

As Marlene hovered over the crate, her energy bubble disapated and she fell into the crate. Lucky for her, Julien caught her. Marie thanked Darla and bid her good-bye. Marie clambered into the krat and Darla set the lid onto the top, boven of the crate. She left when she spotted a zoo worker walking into the garage. The man grabbed a hammer and nails and nailed the lid to the crate.

When he was done, the man grabbed his walkie talkie and said, "Okay krat is closed. Bring the truck in."

A truck backed towards the garage. Right after it parked, the krat was then loaded aboard and the back of the truck was closed. A moment of two later, the truck pulled out and drove towards the zoo gate.

(Elsewhere in the zoo)

A manhole cover slid open and the four penguins plus Dave jumped out. Just in time to see the truck drive out of the zoo gate.

"There it goes," yelled Dave.

"MARLENE!" Skipper screamed as he and the others prepaered to rush for the truck.

"Oh no u don't," came Alice's voice as a net fell over the penguins and Dave.

"You're not going anywhere u little trouble makers," Alice zei as she hoisted the group onto her back while they were still in the net.

Skipper looked back towards the truck as it rounded the corner and drove out of sight.


Marlene sat in the krat and just glared at Marie.

"So I take it that u had this planned from the very begining? Didn't you?" Marlene demanded.

Marie sighed and said, "I'm sorry for the deception my dear. But it was the only way I could get my son what he wanted."

"Your son?" Marlene asked.

Marie pointed over at Julien and Marlene put two and two together.

"Oh, I understand. But Julien, what exactly is it that u want?" Marlene asked Julien.

Julien took Marlene's paws into his own and looked her in the eyes.

"I want my bride. I want my queen. I want u Marlene. As my bride and queen," Julien explained to her.

Marie chuckled and said, "Come now dear. There'll be a wonderful ceremony. Flowers of many kinds and a lovely gown. Just for you. So what do u say? Be my daughter-in-law?"

Marlene thought for a moment. She didn't know what to do If she accepted, she may never see her vrienden again. But if she refused she would only be breaking Julien's hart-, hart again for her own desires. She was happy at first last time, but then she had felt guilt get at her. She didn't want to do that again. Even if it meant leaving her old life behind, she just couldn't do that again.

Reluctantly, Marlene sighed and said, "okay Julien. I'll be your bride."

Julien squealed in excitment and he hugged Marlene tightly. After he let go, he turned to Maurice and they got to talking while Marlene just frowned.

Marie wrapped an arm around Marlene and said, "Relax dear. You'll feel much better once u two have the kiss and your marriage is sealed."

'That's what I'm afraid of,' Marlene thought to herself as the truck drove towards the airport.
posted by stlouisfan
Marlene looked from Marie to Zera and then back to Marie.

"Uh Marie? Who is that woman?" Marlene asked.

Marie sighed and said, "She was a servant girl in my palace sometime ago. She always had a thing for my son. And she was always very obsessive."

Zera chuckled and said, "Sweet talk won't save either one of you."

Marlene gulped as Savio began to squeeze her tighter.

"So what happened?" Marlene managed to say as Savio loosened his hold on her a little bit.

Marie sighed and said, "One dag Julien announced that he was seeking a bride and Marie tried to eliminate the competition. Literally, she tried...
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posted by stlouisfan
(Baboon habitat)

Darla and her girls were back at their habitat and dancing to their rockabilly music. The norm for them. What they didn't notice was that they were being watched door some ticked off penguins and otter.

Skipper watched Darla and said, "Okay everyone, the prime thing we do is restrain Darla and her goons. She can't use that freaky backwoods magic if she's restrained."

"So how do u suggest we do that?" Dave asked.

Skipper shrugged Dave's words off and said, "Okay Kowalski when we get in there I need you, Private, and Rico to take down and restrain Darla's girls. u have that red...
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Everyone was gathered together in the main clearing outside of the palaces. Julien and Marlene were huddled together, with their paws grasping each others, waiting for Kowalski and Private to arrive with the rocket. Marie had momentarily gone back to her palace to gather some subjects. Savio was there in the clearing as well and he had been tied into a large knot that he couldn't get out of door himself. Some subjects had come and taken Zera away and torn her dress to shreds. Marlene herself was no longer wearing her gown. Dave, Rico, and Skipper were approaching the two.

"I just got word from...
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posted by stlouisfan

Maurice walked into Julien's room and aprroached his king. Julien himself was not so well. All he did was lie back on his bed and stare up at the ceiling. His mood certainly wasn't a happy one. In fact it was the exact opposite of happy. He was down right depressed.

"Um King Julien sir, the wedding is about to start. u don't want to be late to your own wedding do you?" Maurice asked Julien.

Julien slowly sat up and looked at Maurice. Julien wore a brand new and bigger crown atop his head for this formal event.

"Very well Maurice. I've just been thinking about all of this," Julien stated...
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posted by stlouisfan
(Penguin HQ)

"So guys, how are we going to get to Madagascar and in a short enough time too? Chances are, they may be there door now," Dave zei as the penguins gathered supplies.

"Don't worry about that Dave. We have something that should do the trick. We should be there in just a few hours," Skipper said.

Dave picked up some cans of sardines with Private and he and the other penguins left the HQ and moved towards where the penguins kept their car.

"What? u don't expect us to drive there do ya?" Dave asked in confusion.

Skipper shook his head and said, "Now how can we drive there?"

The opened the...
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posted by stlouisfan
Both Marlene and Marie were carried off into an area seperate from Julien and the rest of the lemurs apart from the ones carrying them. Marlene wondered how long they were going to carry her, mainly because her stomach was starting to feel a little zuur, zure from the ride. Before too long however they could see a large structure made from vines and using the natural terrain of the trees and flora. It looked a bit like a palace.

"So is that yours?" Marlene asked Marie.

Marie nodded and said, "This is where you'll be staying until after the wedding. My son has one too and that's where you'll go after...
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posted by stlouisfan
Marlene still struggled in Savio's mighty grip. She had been at it for so long that she was now growing fatigued. Savio didn't mind it, he loved it when his prey struggled. It reminded him of that he the one was in control of the situation. His stomach growled loudly and he began to grow a little antsy.

"Zera can we hurry this up? I'm starving," Savio complained.

Zera ignored him and pressed Marie on once more. Marie herself was feeling a bit antsy as well. She was being forced to wed her son to this lemur she hated and the end would be the same no matter what she did. If she agreed to wed, both...
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posted by stlouisfan
"Are we there yet?" Private asked while he and the other penguins sat in the rocket.

Skipper groaned loudly and said, "For the hundreth time Private, NO!"

Dave snickered and said, "Are we there yet?"

Skipper growled and said, "Rico, would u please shut them up?"

Rico nodded and upchucked a lit stick of dynamite.

Skipper went wide eyed and said, "NO RICO! I meant use duct tape. Don't blow us up."

Rico groaned and extinguished the stick of dynamite. He reswallowed the dynamite and brought back up the duct tape.

Dave chuckled and said, "Okay guys we'll stop. We're just trying to pass the time is all."...
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added by 1kowalskilover
Source: me
posted by stlouisfan
Marlene was carried along for the dozenth time of the day. At leaset she was in a chair carried door two lemurs instead of over a dozen with their hands, so the trip was a little smoother this time. Nearby she could see Maire being carried along as well. They were just leaving the palace when they were stopped all of a sudden.

"Hey, why did we stop?" Marlene asked.

Just as she zei that, something was draped down over her head and down her body. She was in darkness momentarily, but as her vision came back she could see the same thing going with Marie. Some paws were on Marlene's arms and were pulled...
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posted by stlouisfan
The guys were busy trudging through the jungle again. This time they were traveling in the opposite direction and away from the lemur kingdom. They were also very quiet now, because they had now lost their friend. All this way they had come, only to have to go home pagina without her. It was a lot for all of them to bear.

"Skippa? Are u going to be alright?" Private asked their leader, breaking the silence.

Skipper didn't answer, but instead he kept marching through the jungle. Private turned to Dave with worry clear on his face.

"Dave, I'm worried about Skippa. He hasn't zei a thing since we left...
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posted by stlouisfan
Skipper sat panting in the middle of the aisle as Marlene, Julien, and many of the lemurs that were gathered there turned to look at him. Skipper could feel the many eyes staring at him as he tried to catch his breath. He stood up and got into his defensive stance. He glared around and looked back up to the alter. Both Marlene and and Julien stared with their mouthes wide open.

"S-skipper? What are u doing here?" Marlene zei as she walked down towards him.

Skipper was starting to feel less pressure on his chest now as he looked back at Marlene. She looked even meer beautiful up close, but...
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posted by stlouisfan
Dave sat in a boom and scanned the area around him using some binoculars that Rico had gegeven him. He currently sat high up in a boom and looked towards the lemur kingdom and could see some activity going on. Lemurs were running about everywhere, settting up some kind of decorations, but at their distance Dave couldn't see what was going on. The biggest thing he noticed was a large building high up in the trees and he could see into the building through the windows.

"So Dave, what's going on up there?" Skipper called from down below.

Dave lowered his binoculars and began climbing down to the penguins....
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posted by stlouisfan
Sunlight glistened in Dave's eyes as he opened them. It was morning and the rain had stopped. Dave yawned and stretched. He looked to his left and saw all the penguins all huddled up together, which made Dave laugh lightly.

"I wish I had a camera right now. This is perfect blackmail material," Dave zei to himself and laughed at the same time.

All of a sudden, Skipper yawned and stretched. He opened his eyes to see Kowalski lying on top, boven of him and screamed.

"AHHH! Kowalski get off of me," Skipper yelled and pushed his lieutenant off of him.

This made Rico and Private wake up and they too screamed...
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posted by stlouisfan
"How far do we have to go?" Marlene asked as she, Marie, and a few of Marie's subjects moved through the jungle.

Marie shook her head and said, "It shouldn't be too far. They prefer to stay close to the kingdoms. That way, it's better to keep in contact."

Marlene groaned as they continued along. Before too long they came across the remains of an old shack that humans must have used years earlier. They walked closer and Marlene could hear a shuffling sound inside. The sound of someone moving around.

"Hello. I've come back and I've brought my son's bride," Marie called out.

The shuffling stopped...
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posted by stlouisfan
Marlene was lying in her hamock trying to sleep. She knew the sun was up, but she was so tired that she didn't want to verplaats at all. She just lied her head on her hoofdkussen, kussen and continued to snooze. It wasn't until the door to her room flew open that she woke up and fell out of the hammock.

"Ahh! What was that?" Marlene called out as she raised her head off the ground.

Marie stepped in accompanyed door a couple of her lemur servants. They saw Marlene picking herself up off the ground and brushing herself off.

"Are u alright dear? We didn't startle u did we?" Marie asked and walked over to Marlene....
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posted by stlouisfan
Marie carefully walked into the room that Marlene was staying in. She and Julien had decided to walk around the clearing for a bit which gave Marie plenty of time to return to the palace before Marlene did. She was still dressed in her purple japon, jurk and walked carefully. She carried with her a plate of assorted fruits. She figured Marlene was probably hungry seeing as she had hardly eaten anything since her arrival hours earlier. Julien had told her what food otters eat, but there was no vis laying around anywhere. So Marie was hoping that fruit was good enough.

Since they had been gone, a table...
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posted by stlouisfan
It didn't take too long for the truck to reach the airport and it didn't take much longer to get the krat on a plane bound for Madagascar. About on uur after that, the plane was finally cleared for take off and it was off. A few meer hours into the flight, the male lemurs all fell asleep while Marlene couldn't. She just sat in the crate, stared at Julien, and let out another sigh. Marie patted Marlene's head and tried to comfort her.

"There there dear. Everthing will be okay. u just let me and my subjects take care of everything," Marie zei soothingly to Marlene.

Marlene wiped a tear from...
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