Justin Bieber Club
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added by maurizio778
Source: Justin Bieber - Calendar. 2013
added by OMB_ohmybieber
added by Drew_B
added by J_Bsohott
Source: hmm
added by MsShoffeitt
added by jbiebergrl824
Source: idk
added by perezleslie77
added by maurizio778
Source: bieber, sexy hottt!!, los, cabos, mexico, jan-, 2012
added by arcuata-e
Letting out a deep sigh, u rub your temples in frustration. Your father had just called u to tell u that your mom had been admitted to the hospital because of a serious cough she had gotten. u are currently on tour with your boyfriend, Justin, and u can’t do anything about it. Your phone beeps and u receive yet another ‘are u okay?’ text from one of your cousins who had obviously also gotten the message. u let out a small shriek, wanting to just fall asleep and forget everything. u and your mom had always been close but u had recently started talking less when you...
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added by keninv
added by J_Bsohott
Source: nothing
added by maurizio778
Source: justin bieber Hott, 2013
added by BieberBabe2098
added by Nazanin
added by Nazanin