Justin Bieber JB does NOT have a fanpop account.

iluvllllll posted on Aug 14, 2010 at 10:50AM
hey guys, ( to the ppl who strongly believes that justin uses fanpop ) justin DOES NOT have a fanpop account, he mentioned it once on an interview if you guys dont believe me then ask him yourselves. Anyone on fanpop that claims they'r justin, dont listen to them, they are FAKE.

fake accounts:

ItsJBbaby, justinDBRL, justinbieberRL, justinbieber340, justindbieber10, justincashie96.. i can go on and on and on. do you guys really think all of them are justin? he'd be too busy for that

i know i sound like a grandma but it annoys me sooo bad when posers claim that they'r justin and fans believe them. cmon posers, when fans find out that you'r not justin, they'r just gonna be disappointed, maybe you'd get a bunch of ilys but how long can that last?? sooner or later they'r gonna find out that you'r fake so QUIT FAKING. clearing the rumors, justin DOES not have a fanpop account. ask him on twitter if you ppl dont trust me. sry i sound like a grandma, peace! xx

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