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posted by Emma4ang3l
Title: Late Love

Pair: Akame ( Kamenashi Kazuya & Akanishi Jin)
Rating: PG-13 ( no sexual language, nothing related)

Summary: A sad story which reveals the late love between 2 boys.

It was a sunny dag for the people in Japan, and one of the most relaxing seasons for high school students.

The trees were in bloom, especially the sakura ones, the most beautiful and beloved things door the Japanese people.

Under a sakura boom a student was reading a book, a romance novel named “Late Love”. The boy’s name is Akanishi Jin, a calm and beautiful student among all the others. But he had a deep and painful secret, which only he knew.

‘ Would I be able to love someone? Love is such a strong feeling, but I heard that it’s painful as well. I want someone to love me, someone who I’m able to love.” Jin thought putting the closed book on his knees, while he was looking at the sakura tree. A petal fell from above, moving in circles, with soft movements, in Jin’s palm. The boy looked at it, while in front of him appeared a slim guy, who kneeled.

“Oi.. I searched for that book for ages.. Have u finished it? It’s my favoriete author. “ the guy zei giving to Jin a big and sincere smile.

“ Um.. I still have half of it. But if u want it that much I can give it to you.. “ Jin zei looking with big eyes at the little guy, while his hart-, hart began to beat faster than before.

“Well.. We could read it together. Just like this.. “ the little one said, sitting beside Jin. He took the book and began to read from the start.

“Hope u don’t get upset if I read it from the beginning; aa.. and I’m Kamenashi Kazuya.. Yoroshiku ne” Kame zei reaching his hand in front of Jin

“Aren’t u from my class? Now I realized it.. “ Kame zei waiting for Jin’s respond

“Hai.. I am.. I’m Akanishi Jin..” he zei a little unsure towards Kame, continue to look at him.

“Why do u like this book? Why are u reading it?” Kame asked smiling again

“Well.. um.. how can I say it.. I love romance, and to be sincere I never fell in love.” Jin responded becoming secure over his words.

“oh.. so desu yo ne.. Well neither do I.. So we are the same..” Kame zei touching accidentally Jin’s shoulder, which made Jin to jolt..

“Um.. sorry, it was my mistake.. “ he zei moving a little away from Jin. But the ring klok, bell rang and they got up smiling at each other, walking towards the class.

“Anoo.. I have a special place to read our book.. It’s a huge boom not too far from here..” Jin zei scratching his head

“Um.. that sounds good.. I really want to see that tree.. I heard that it’s a magical tree. If u go there with a friend, the bond between them will last forever” Kame respond enthusing.

“Ohh.. I see..sounds good.. “ the older one zei smiling sincere for his first time in his life

After the classes finished they packed their things and left the class, aiming for the “magical tree”. In a few minuten they were there, admiring the big tree, which was there for centuries.

“ Oaaa.. so big, and so old..” Kame zei walking towards the tree, touching it with his soft hands. After him, Jin came too, touching the same spot at Kame.

“ This is the place where I can relax, and in which I feel me..” Jin zei sitting on the ground, resting his back on the boom ross. Then Kame followed him as well.

“Let’s make a bond.. “ Kame zei lifting his pinky in front of Jin and looking calm at him.. Jin lift his little finger too, uniting them, while Kame began to say something.. “ In front of you, old master tree, we bond our lives and our friendship, which will last forever and ever.. “

“That’s all.. with this we are vrienden forever.. and don’t u dare to leave me alone in this world.. “ Kame zei with a serious tone looking at Jin’s big eyes

“Um.. I prom..um..” Jin zei trying to formulate the phrase..But he couldn’t say it. His hart-, hart was aching thinking that he only has a small amount of time to live, and that he can’t promise that.. But seeing Kame’s surprised eyes, he opened his mouth, and he zei “ Hai.. we’ll be vrienden forever.. I promise you..” knowing that he would break his promise..

“ Now let’s read.. shall we? “ Kame zei smiling happily, opening the book and starting to read.. While the little one was reading, Jin could feel something was wrong.. His head began to give him aches, and his hart-, hart was beating very fast.. His breath became faster, but resting his head on the tree, he calmed himself down, grasping his stomach. He hoped that Kame didn’t saw him because he would feel bad.

“ Oi.. Jin.. are u listening to what I’m reading?” Kame asked looking at Jin who nodded in agreement.

“Ne..I can be myself in your presence..I feel that you’re special for some reason.. but I don’t know why.. And I feel that u are hiding a big secret.. It’s that so?” Kame asked resting his head in Jin’s lap, looking at the great tree’s corolla.

“ Um.. I feel that way too.. well I don’t hide from u anything..I don’t have anything to hide..” Jin zei lying Kame making his hart-, hart hurt even more

“ oh.. so desu yo ne..I know we only met today, but I feel already like I know u for ages..and that I can trust u with my whole being..” Kame zei smiling, looking so happy in Jin’s presence..

“ We should go home.. it’s already noon.. I don’t want to have troubles..” Jin zei a little sad but he wouldn’t let that see

“um.. hai.. it would be good.. “ Kame respond getting up from the grass, helping Jin to get up..

In a few minuten they were on their way home, walking down a dark street, which gave them both a strange feeling.

“Oh my.. what do we have here? Um.. 2 fresh boys..” someone zei from behind them, while in other parts other guys appeared.

“ I’ll take the little one.. looks appetizing..” zei another one, grabbing Kame’s wrist.

“Oi.. let me go.. “ Kame zei struggling, while Jin was walking with fast steps toward Kame. He punched the guy who grabbed Kame, making him loose his balance, hurting the guy’s upper lip. The others began to fight with Jin, who amazingly avoided all the attacks. But one came unexpectedly fast toward Jin’s abdomen, hitting him with a strong strike. Jin fell in his knees grabbing his clothes which covered his body, spitting little drops of blood.

“Jin… are u alright?” Kame asked embracing Jin, putting the older one’s head on his shoulder.

“Hai.. I’m okey.. Let me beat those guys.” Jin zei pushing Kame away softly

“ No.. I won’t let u get hurt” Kame zei trying to grab Jin again but without any result. In a few minuten Jin was quite beaten, but he managed to escape together with Kame from the bad guys.

Kame found a bench and put Jin down to rest a little.

“Oi.. are u alright?” Kame zei looking at Jin, who was still grasping his stomach, because the pain didn’t disappear, but grew bigger and bigger, unable to resist it. His face turned white, his breath was fast, and there and then he fainted.

“Oi.. JINNNN” Kame yelled, hitting Jin’s face with his soft palms.

‘ A hospital? Where? I want a hospital..’ Kame thought, finding one after 10 minuten of walking, trying to hold Jin firmly, so that the guy won’t fall..

He entered the hospital, walking toward the information office..

“My friend he’s sick.. He need medical care.. onegai..” Kame zei trying to calm himself down.

A medic came, taking Jin in a chamber where Kame didn’t had access. After an uur of waiting, he was able to see Jin, meeting the doctor also in the room.

“Sensei, what’s going on with him?” Kame asked looking a little calm at Jin who opened his eyes, giving Kame a silly and baka smile.

“Um.. he’s fine.. a little tired, and a little beaten.. now I have to go..” the doctor zei lying Kame, while he was looking at Jin who thank him with his eyes. The doctor left the room releasing a sigh.

“Um.. he’s fine.. a little tired, and a little beaten.. now I have to go..” the doctor zei lying Kame, while he was looking at Jin who thanked him with his eyes. The doctor left the room releasing a sigh.

“Oi.. Bakanishi, why did u protect me? u hurt yourself for me..” Kame zei with a few tears in his eyes.

“I had to do it.. you’re my friend ne?” he zei lifting his little finger to remember Kame about their bond..

“Um.. you’re right.. arigatou ne..” and without thinking, Kame gave Jin a kiss on the forehead, making Jin look at him with big eyes..

“ No worries ne..I’ll pr…” but he couldn’t finish the phrase because he knew that he’ll break it.

“I have to take a nap now.. u can stay here if u want..” Jin zei smiling at Kame touching his face with his fingers, but he retracted them right away, when he saw the red face of Kame.

“Hai.. I’ll stay here.. oyasuminasai..” Kame zei walking toward an armchair.

The night passed without any incidents; Jin was the first one who woke up, looking at Kame’s sweet sleeping face. He smiled, but it was a bitter smile, knowing that his life was about to end in a few days. A few tears fell over his cheeks, when in the room entered the doctor.

“Jin, I have something to talk to you.. Come with me..” he zei leaving the room with Jin at his arm.

“Are u feeling okey?” the sensei asked looking serious at Jin.

“No.. I’m not sensei.. I feel that.. um.. my life’s about to end soon..I’m scared sensei.. I finally found someone important for me, and I promised him that I’ll protect him forever, that I’ll be his friend forever..” Jin zei through the tears and biting his upper lip from the frustration he felt.

“Sit here.. please..I know u already know, but I have to tell you.. It’s my duty..” the doctor zei with the same serious voice

“Um.. hai.. I’m listening..” Jin zei wiping his tears and becoming serious as well

“You have stomach cancer.. a rare illness that can’t be treated.. I’m sorry.. I can’t help you, I can only offer some encouragements, and my support. u have to be brave, and u have to tell him ne…” the sensei zei hugging Jin, giving him a kiss on his forehead, then he took Jin back to his room.

“Ganbatte ne.. “ the sensei zei putting Jin on the bed. Meanwhile, Kame woke up too, yawning and rubbing his eyes..

“It’s morning already?” Kame zei walking toward Jin, who had tears in his eyes

“Oi.. why are u crying? Does it hurts somewhere? Tell me..” Kame zei a little stressed

“No it’s good.. please have a seat.. I have to tell u something..” Jin zei to Kame without looking in the little one’s eyes

“ I have stomach cancer… a rare illness.. It can’t be treated, and the only thing I can do is letting it the way it is.. But the cancer is already in the final state, and I only have a few days till I…” but he couldn’t finished his phrase, because Kame got up fast..

“are u saying that you’ll die? Am I right ne? Tell meee…” Kame zei starting to cry.

“Hai.. I’m gonna die.. “ Jin zei with a weak voice

“I can’t believe you.. u lied to me all this time? u told me that you’ll be door my side forever ne.. that..*hiccups after hiccups* that you’ll be my friend and that you’ll protect me forever… All of this..were all lies ne? *hiccup*” Kame zei through the tears which were falling one after another

“Um.. I don’t know how to say it.. I’m sorry for lying you..I just.. I couldn’t tell you..” Jin zei sad and with his eyes in the sheets, grabbing them. His hart-, hart was beating so fast that he almost couldn’t breathe.

“I HATE YOU…” Kame zei leaving the room with a big noise. Jin started crying, hitting the bed with his hands, his soul and hart-, hart were both hurt. He could feel the end..

‘That’s better.. hate me please.. don’t love me.. don’t care about me, please.. I don’t want u to cry for me, I don’t want to make u sad, please..’ Jin thought still crying and hitting the bed with his hands.

The seconde day, Jin was resting under the “magic tree”, sad, tired, and not the Jin we know..

“It’s almost there.. I can see it okaasan… I can see you.. I’ll be there with u and with otosan… Wait for me ne..” Jin zei rising one hand towards the sky. The last tear fell from his right eye, on the letter he was holding in his hand.

“Arigatou Kame-chan.. Aishiteru yo..” Jin zei with a weak voice, while his head fell to a side.

Kame came to the magic boom to relax his soul, when he saw Jin, with a sincere smile on his lips, and with a calm and fulfilled look on his face.. His eyes were smiling and the image that Kame has in his face is one of an angel who sleeps, thinking at his beloved one.

Kame remained a little amazed and shocked, seeing Jin there... He thought he was at the hospital.. but perhaps he left it.. He walked toward Jin, looking at him with the same shocked look, and took the letter, opening it..

“Dear Kame-chan,

I like your name u know? :P I like turtles a lot.. I had one and I loved “him” so much… But I lost “him”. u were my beloved turtle.. I’m sorry for lying you, and I’m sorry for making u mad, and cry.. Honto ni gomenasai..

u were the first person in who I trusted and I… Um.. I can’t write it..

*a tear* Thank u for all u did for me.. for sharing your sincerity and your love; Thank u for reading the book for me.. but I didn’t found out the ending.. How was it? A happy ending? u know I don’t like sad endings, so even if it’s a sad one, please tell me it was a happy one..

It’s time for me to say goodbye… Don’t be sad ne.. I’ll be in your hart-, hart forever, just like I promise.. If I’m not human I’m spiritual.. So I’ll be there beside u forever and ever.. and the words I wanted to tell you…


Akanishi Jin “

“Baka… baka, baka..You should have told me that.. baka.. I love u too.. “ Kame zei through the tears looking up at the sky..

“BAKANISHI… BE door MY SIDE FOREVER, of I’LL BECOME LONELY.. LOVE ME FOREVER..” Kame yelled giving to the sky a big, big smile, while the tears were falling over his cheeks…

He put the letter in his pocket and walked toward Jin… He took his hand and united their pinkies again… Kame put his head on Jin’s shoulder and whispered

“ I love u too baka...” and he closed his eyes falling asleep