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There are songs that I love, songs I enjoy but there are songs that could make a cat cringe. So, this is a lijst of top, boven twenty songs I feel are cringe worthy! This is just for fun, so please no pitch forks of flames *lol* u can even make your own!

Let's go!
*These are just the titles, sorry, couldn't remember the names :)

1. 'Baby Got Back' (I can't even!)

2. 'Bad Touch' (or the 'you and me baby ain't nothing but mammals song'.) Gross

3. 'Lighting Striking' (I'm sorry but a guy singing about how great things will be after he's done cheating on u is not a good sign for any relationship)

4. 'Moody River' (It's a suicide song. Period)

5. 'Fancy' (It's not so much the song, it's when did a song about a mother forcing her young daughter into prostitution become female empowerment?)

6. 'Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds' (The Miley Cyrus w/ Flaming Lips version. Yes, she did a cover and that's all I have to say except I'm sorry for anyone that hears her version. I think what's disrespectful is that they actually turn John Lennon's song into a drug video and that's just horrible!)

7. 'Blue' (You remember! 'I'm blue ba a dee da ba dee da! Who wouldn't want that stuck in their head! *lol*)

8. 'What Does The vos, fox Say' (I don't what's worse the song of the fact no one caught on that this was a joke?)

9. Sweet Dreams Are Made Of These (Marylin Manson version. How did a classic 80's tunes become my BP episode? *lol*)

10. Baby (Sorry, Justin (not sorry) I don't like his voice, don't like his attitude and honestly it reflects in his muziek so his songs like this one falls flat)

So, that's my list! If u like any of these that's fine. This is just for fun and opinion only, everyone has different tastes and that's cool!
Feel free to make your own! Love to see :)
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