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NBC Press Release re. Wildlife - SPOILERS



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ebathory said:
I'm freaking out about this! Stabler 'Jeopardises his marriage'? His 'marriage in disarray'? I want to see this so badly damnit! The 'compromising situation' must be pretty damn compromising if it has this effect on his marriage!

Also explains why they're going after wildlife smugglers, and why Elliot is in a customs officer uniform. And I thought they were posing as lovers, but this makes it sound different. If Liv is posing as a pro, is Elliot her John?

I can't wait........
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Total OMG!!! I can't beleive it!! How long till this episode airs??
With Ebathory, can't wait!
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ebathory said:
Airs on the 18th of November, so 3 and a bit weeks I think?
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*heavy breathing* guh duh whew! this episode might be the most exciting episode this season! I havent been this giddy about an episode scince "Blinded"
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BeSafe said:
OMG I swear I had to remember how to breath after reading that!!!!
I too thought they would be posing as a couple, but hey I'll take it like that!!!!
I seriously am like in a state of shock right now...I SO WANT TO SEE THIS EPISODE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!
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BeSafe said:
Thanx to ebathory by the way!!!!
You totally just made my week!!!!
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I like the wounded marriage part :D
e/o forever!
kathy never!
(well maybe not never, but you get what I mean)...

YOU HAVE MADE MY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I'm actually umping up and down on the spot right now!!!! *Squeals*
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BeSafe said:
Hehe I was when I read it dad was just staring at me like I was insane or something!lol!
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
I'm glad I'm not the only one who almost had a heart attack when they read this lol! I can't wait!

And thanks for all the love you guys ;)
posted een jaar geleden.
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Seriously, I was in history (I'm in year 8 and laptops have saved me during classes like history and health) and I read it and I'm squealing and bouncing on my chair and my teacher says:
"Olivia! What is on your laptop?"
and I reply
"I'm just very excited to see some new SVU spoilers" (I may as well be honest with her, coz she's gonna know anyway) and she says
"Really? I love that show!" and walks over to my laptop and we end up in a giant convo about e/o while the class is laughing!

It was so funny!
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ebathory said:
Ha, that's great! Nice way to make your day more interesting! And you made a new SVU buddy lol!
posted een jaar geleden.
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BeSafe said:
^^Hehe that is seriously cool!!!!
posted een jaar geleden.
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I literally cannot stop squealing! *squeals* I am so with you ebathory, "jeapordizes his marriage", "marriage in disarray", "Detective Olivia Benson poses as a prostitute" WHAT?!? *squeals* I am going to die of anticipation for this episode!!!! *squeals*

P.S. ebathory, YOU ROCK!!!!!
P.S.S I think I also forgot how to breathe!
P.S.S.S. *squeals*
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BeSafe said:
^^Hehe I know how you feel svuroxmysox!!!!
posted een jaar geleden.
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Seriously, I am going into cardiac arrest here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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BeSafe said:
Me too...seriously I like couldn't remember how to breathe for a moment after reading it!!!!
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
I know, I keep thinking about how it's gonna play out. Here is my best theory:

El gets into trouble posing undercover as a customs officer (it says he gets wounded so it maybe that, or something else entirely), so Liv goes in as a prostitute with Elliot being her 'gentleman customer' tee hee. For one reason or another their cover is questioned, so they are forced to 'prove' that she is indeed a pro and he is her John eg. they have to make out a little or something. Somehow, Kathy finds out about it (I recon Elliot would tell her, he seems like the type of person that wouldn't hide something like that) and Kathy goes ballistic. After all, it was mentioned in 'Confession' that Kathy was either worried about Elliot & Olivia together, or jealous of Liv (which we have seen shades of before ie. when Stabler won't talk to Kathy about what is going on at work, and she says 'But you talk to Olivia' or something like it. I can't remember which episode it is).

My imagination is getting away from me, I know, but what do you guys think?
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory I love you.

That is such a good theory!!!!! And the ep Swing when Bernadette Stabler was like
"I know why you scare the pants off Kathy"

posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
Thanks livi! Love you too.

And that bit in Swing made me grin like a maniac, I still do whenever I think about it. It was proof of something I had long suspected, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who thought that Kathy had issues with Liv lol.

I'm thinking about trying a fic based on this, but I've never written SVU before... If I do, I'm gonna send you a copy first so if it's crap you can let me know lol!
posted een jaar geleden.
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BeSafe said:
OMG ebathory you're scenario would be like the most amazing thing EVER to happen on SVU...If only the writers would actually make it play out like that I would totally love them forever...and I would never complain with them or get angry at them ever again!!!!
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I think saying that livi_wells and ebathory are over the moon about this episode is an understatement. (lol)!!! :D
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ebathory said:
Love your new icon, BeSafe! It's fabulous!

And choco_cookie, I think you're probably right lol (in my case anyway!) I've been waiting, like, 10 years for this to happen...
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BeSafe said:
^^Thanx I love my new icon too...I was super happy when I found it!!!!

And I know what you mean ebathory, well I haven't been waiting quite that long, but it has been a while!!!!

At least we don't have to wait too much longer now!
posted een jaar geleden.
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lol ebathory choco_cookie and I are in the same class at school! We are sitting next to each other and laughing our heads off on fanpop lol!


e/o love forever
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
Lol, that's hilarious! I didn't realise you two actually knew each other! Who was a fanpopper first?
posted een jaar geleden.
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I was linked to fanpop through google and its one of the scarce websites at school thats not blocked, so I started using it and when I realised how good it was I recommended it to her!

And I'm excited about how Wildlife is going to jepardise his marriage, because kissing Liv wouldn't exactly send Kathy packing for good even if he told her. Shes jealous but not THAT jealous! Maybe he's hitting some more rough waters this season...?

God just sign the divorce papers already!! lol

ps love the new icon ebathory!
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
Hey thanks livi, it's the one I used to use when I first joined fanpop but I havn't used it in a while and thought it was time for a change. As much as I love Rimmer and Mr. Flibble...(my old icon from Red Dwarf) :)

About the El kissing Liv thing - did you hear that it does happen somewhere? Cos if you did, WHERE???? I do think if he kissed Liv though, it would cause some serious tension in his marriage, I mean they're both Catholic and stuff....

Totally agree with you though, wish he'd just get divorced already!
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
Ok, I know I just keep going on and on about this stuff, and someone should just shoot me already, but... I was reading an interview with CM (kindly posted by deedeeflower in the images section) and I quote:

Q - Are you tired of fans begging to see Elliot and Olivia (Mariska Hargitay) hook up?
A - No, because I am too, dammit!

Ah, Chris, I love you! Here's the link:

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BeSafe said:
^^Hehe first off ebathory love the new icon...Mulder is love, and
does it actually say Liv and El kiss somewhere???? If so point me
in that direction, it'd be nice to know it isn't just a shippery
pipe dream you know...

And I read that interview it was amazing wasn't it? I loved that answer it made me so happy...I chose to ignore what he said next though, it appears as though you did too!!!!
posted een jaar geleden.
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It nowhere does anyone explicitly state they do kiss, however using my amazing powers of deduction and ship dreams, I have come to the conclusion that yes, they do kiss while undercover in the ep 'Wildlife'.

***DISCLAIMER*** Because this has never been confirmed, it's just my best theory, hopefully a theory that will be right, but, just incase I am wrong (I don't think so, but anyways), please do not hold me responsible for the hype of e/o in this ep.

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btw, trying to find all wildlife related spoilers to link here
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ebathory said:
Thanks for the comment about my icon, BeSafe. He sure is!

And yes, I did choose to ignore what he said after that quote. It's gonna happen dammit!

And livi, not holding you responsible for any E/O hype... I'm just as responsible as you lol... Love your way of thinking :D
posted een jaar geleden.
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BeSafe said:
I know it is!!!! CM is just trying to keep the "nonshippers" watching...or that is how I chose to see it!!!!

And livi_wells I don't hold you responsible, no problems...I just
HOPE BEYOND HOPE that you are right...seeing as that is also my
best theory for what should happen it would be wrong to blame you...
But we must keep the hope alive!!!!
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Yeah I think i cam to the conclusion that they would kiss after reading some Ausiello spoilers at

I'm trying to find it again now.
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BeSafe said:
Really...mine was just blind hope in the power of EO...but yours
sounds like it may have more base in reality...I just kind of
assumed you know, if she is a prostitute and his marriage gets you
know jeapordized, even though it's been in shambles for ages, that
it would have to do something with him and Liv doing something that
Kathy felt was beyond the job you know? Of course I could be wrong.

If you ever find that spoiler post it please...I would love to read
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
I agree, BeSafe. Something has to happen, to damage his marriage that badly. Elliot + Olivia + compromising undercover situation = cranky Kathy... And as much as I really really want some EO saliva swapping to happen, it doesn't really seem to fit the whole show but it doesn't mean I'm gonna give up hope.
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svulover said:
wow. wow. wow. wow.
really thats all i can say right now

omg this is so exciting!!

oh and livi_wells i read your comment about watching fanpops in class on laptops and i know what you mean!!
one time i was watching some svu and my health teachers like what are you doing? you should be doing this!
and i just went oh im just watching the new svu
and she just went oh awesome!! whats happening i missed it last week!
and now we have massive svu dicsussions in pe and health
posted een jaar geleden.
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BeSafe said:
I agree ebathory I just, well, what can I say I want some EO to
happen!!!! We have been faithfully watching this show for ages, I
think it is time the writers give us that!!!! Don't you? Anyway
I can't wait for Wildlife, it's this month now YAY!!!!

P.S. svulover, where did you get such an awesome teacher from? I
mean seriously????? Where????
posted een jaar geleden.
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ok if you go to and search svu there are a whole bunch of links - click and read on all of them that mention ausiello, mega minute or neal baer. These are the spoiler people that post them in their blogs.

I do think that saliva will be swapped, ebathory because in one of the forums I've posted it quotes a tvguide blog (baer's I think)
You will see some crazy stuff and won't believe your eyes'....

or something along those lines, but it was the "you won't believe your eyes" that got me in!
posted een jaar geleden.
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svulover said:
i really hope that something happens!!
we have been waiting so long for this!!
i am so excited for this argh its so long away!! (2 weeks!)

i wonder what 'you we wont beleive your eyes' means?
i so want something to happen!!
the suspense is killing me!

and i really don't know where she came from but its awesome coz i don't ever have to do anything except talk about svu!!
but its sad coz shes leaving at the end of the yr :(
posted een jaar geleden.
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BeSafe said:
Okay so I will defintaly check out your sites livi_wells thanx for
posting them for us to see...I wonder if you could be right about
a kiss because of the whole you won't believe your eyes thing, I
mean of course all of us shippers REALLY want it to happen, but we
don't think the writers would be that nice to us...
OMG I really soooooooooooooooooo badly want there to be a kiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!!­!!
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
Yeah it's a great site, I read it from time to time but sometimes
there is stuff without linkage and I'm never sure whether it is an
actual spoiler or whether it is just someone's personal opinion.
Regardless, it's a great place to keep up to date on what's coming
up in future episodes!

I really really want there to be a kiss too, I swear I will die
if it happens! I'm so goddamn excited about it, I just want it to
air already, even though I'll have to watch it over the net. If it
wasn't for the debate on Tuesday, it would be a week sooner :(

Does anybody else think we should start a Wildlife forum? Cos I'm
thinking after the episode does air, I'm gonna want to talk about
it A LOT and up until that point I love hearing everyones opinions
on the subject... Let me know what you guys think :)
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BeSafe said:
^^Yeah that would probably be a good idea to start a thread,
because like you said once it airs we will have LOTS to say, and even before lots to speculate on...especially if there is a kiss, I willwant to talk about that a LOT if it happens!!!! *I sooooooooooooooo badly want it too!!!!!*

I definately agree with you all on the kiss thing, seriously I will
probably break my computer watching and rewatching the episode sooo
much if that happens...:D
And I haven't had a chance to check out that site yet, but I will
as soon as I get a chance to!!!!
GO WILDLIFE...only 16 days left!!!!
posted een jaar geleden.
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ebathory said:
16 days? Man, that is so close yay! K, I'm gonna go start a thread
for Wildlife because I think we're gonna need it :)
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BeSafe said:
Go Wildlife...I just had to post one more time here...:P
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