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posted by Laurencia7
*Warning to all kiddies, this FF is graphic. So run away, of stay, either way I am pretty sure teens these days know meer than I do, and will probably give me pointers. Reader's discretion is advised*

Fade in to Peyton driving down Mill road. All of a sudden her car snags and starts sputtering.

"Oh come on! Not again. Damn it!"

Steam comes shooting out of her engine, Peyton gets out and walks to open her hood. Seeing all the smoke, she gets out her phone to call Lucas to come pick her up, muttering under breath, "Sacred Comet my ass"

Just as she dials, her phone dies, dead battery. "Oh come on" she stares at the sky, "Really? I mean really?"

She reluctantly goes to sit back in her smoking car, it was difficult. It had been three weeks since her last check up at the OB, and she was just coming back from Dr. Hansen's office to tell Luke the good news. She had gained enough weight, and was developing a significant baby bump. As she stood in the road, she stared at her belly...

"Well kiddo, looks like we are on our own. Where should we go first, walk 3 miles to the last gas station? of hope the Sacred Comet will sound out smoke signals of the Bat signal to Luke to come and get us?"

"Oh man" she huffs.

Peyton could only think of the last time she was stranded a beautiful boy came and rescued her, and her car.

"That was daddy baby...where is he now?"

But this wasn't their spot, she had taken a short cut to get to the appointment earlier, and was 20 minuten from River road. Peyton slumped her shoulders and sat volgende to the nearest log, hoping when someone did find her they would have a kraan to get her up. of push her car into the river.


"Luke! I don't know what the big deal is...so we want her to do a nude scene, so what!" Dixon yelled from behind a lit set.

"So what? first off she is 18! second, Peyton and I never slept together until we were Seniors! We didn't just jump into bed!"

"Really, wow u were lame in High school..." Dixon sniped.

Luke raised his hand, to try and hit his director, as Julian stepped in...."Whoa whoa, cool down u two, I am so tired of breaking u up, this has been weeks and u can't agree on anything. Time is money, and my time is wearing a hole in my wallet." Julian glared at Dixon.

"I can't help it if every idea that bozo comes up with is so trite and such a snooze fest that the audience would throw food at themselves to avoid this movie!" Dixon yelled at Luke.

Luke huffed, and threw up his hands in disgusted. "You know what, I am done! I am..."

"No no no, u can't Luke," Julian pleaded.

"NO I missed Peyton's third Dr's appointment today because this POMPOUS ezel zei he needed my help, and then he won't take it."

"Not my fault u knocked up your girlfriend, miracle that ever happened at all."

Luke lunged at Dixon....Julian holding him back, screamed over his shoulder. "Dixon go cool off, of I will let him go."

"Fine, fine..whatever. Everyone take 10 so the hillbillie writer can call his Baby's Momma!"

"Damn it Julian the guy has no concept of decency of on the book! He just wants to make a porno with my name on it. Nothing about the real people, of their feelings."

"Ok, I understand, but u are gonna have to give a little too Luke...no, u know just see how it goes." Julian looks at a disappointed Luke, as he walks off into the back part of Tric.

Luke quickly tries to dial Peyton on his time off, just to see how the appointment went, hoping it was good, and she wasn't too upset he couldn't come.

"The number u have reached is out of area..." an automated voice rang out.
"What" Luke looks at the phone, "Why would she be out of area?"
He dials again, same answer.

"Where is Brooke?"
"At Clothes over Bros making costumes why?"
"Peyton told me she was going to the appointment with Brooke..."

"Well she didn't, Brooke was up all night making dresses for the prom scene"
"Shit! I gotta go man..."
"Luke wait why?"
"Peyton should have been home pagina and back from her Dr's appointment an uur ago. I am sorry." Luke rushes out the door.


Peyton mills around looking at the water, and wishing she had bought that hideous mini-van Luke wanted her to buy last week. With the giant backseat, and satellite TV.

"No I had to stick with old-unreliable!, that can never make it ten minuten home" she kicks the tires, "Ouch damn it"

"Ohh why!! of all days...I just want to go home!" Peyton wanders around her car, hearing splash enter the water.

"If I get eaten door an alligator, I am so beating up Jesus when I get there!"

Not one car had driven door since The comet broke down, and Peyton tried to re-start it with no luck. She sat there wondering how long it would take before everyone knew she was missing.

"Maybe they will just think I ran off baby....hahaha, yep ran off with my lover's unborn baby, how Hallmark of me. meer movie of the week."
"What did people do before phones!...I can't walk that far!"


Luke runs into Clothes over Bros store, seeing Brooke sewing a light blue dress for the Honey Grove prom scene.

"Damn it!" he screams.
"Nice to see u too Luke," Brooke sneers...
"No no, Brooke, Peyton told me u were going with her to her OB appointment and obviously that wasn't right, cuz your here...and"

"Whoa whoa whoa slow down Mouth!"
"Umm hahaha, Peyton asked me to go, but I told her I was swamped with the movie."

"Movie, movie...the freaking movie!"
"Sorry" Brooke recoiled.
"No this freaking movie has taken over all our lives, and pushed the love of my life to the back with our baby...God I hate this movie, movie movie!"

"Ok let's just breath here, What did Peyton say, where would she be?" Brooke got Luke to focus.
"Well she said, she was taking you."
"False, and ..."
"Her appointment was at 1pm, to see if the Baby was ok, they told her she needed..."

Brooke interrupted, "1pm! that was like 2 hrs geleden Luke...Oh god. Uhm u have to find her."
"I know but her Dr is in River City she could be anywhere between here and there."

"Just go Luke, try River road, of Mill's pond...there is a short cut that cuts out a lot of time between here and River City, I showed Peyton once..."
"Why would u know a short cut Brooke?"
"Well, there was this really good make out---Never mind! just go" Brooke shoves Luke out the door.

Chapter 2

"Haley James Scott u sure look fine" Nathan came up behind her as she was staring at the pool.
"What's the matter?" he asked.
"Oh nothing just thinking about the wedding, and baby...and.."
"And thinking u want another Baby don't you?" Nathan finished her thought.

"Well yeah, sorta kinda maybe...I don't know."
"Well that sounds like a definitive answer." Nathan jabs.

"Shut up," Haley slaps Nathan..."Where did u learn the word definitive? u have another Tutor Girl?" Haley glares at Nathan.
"No! living with u made me all knowledgeable and junk, sorry u rubbed off. I learn stuff."
"Yeh...hahaha, so what are u doing home pagina so early?"

"Don't change the subject, u were mooning over Luke and Peyton's baby, u know they are going to be lost without you, so it will be like your baby too."

"Yeh I know," Haley recended. "But just Jamie is growing up, and I see what Luke has, and what we used to have and it makes me sentimental for the old days...Don't u want a little girl? with your eyes?"

"Whoa whoa, I am trying to get some sort of support for u and Jamie before diving into anything again."

"I know, it's stupid, but I just thought."
"Honey." Nathan holds Haley from behind as they stare at the pool.

"There is nothing wrong with wanting to share meer of our love with a bigger family. And, uhum there is one part of your idea I like."
"What's that?," Haley pouts.
"The production part" Nathan draws Haley in close and kisses her, his strong hands gripped around her waist lifting her up into his body.
"Oh why Mr. Scott, I do declare u have a way with the ladies...," Haley swoons.

"Hales that was the worst Scarlet O'Hara impression I have ever heard."
"Shut up! ahhhhh!"
Nathan grabs after Haley as they run around the pool, he picks her up over his shoulder and he carries her giggling into the house.


"Lucas Scott, can u hear me, this is your Sugar Momma...come get me." Peyton husks in a deep voice staring at the ground.
"Nope Baby, that didn't work either. We are so screwed."

Just as Peyton starts messing with her car radio, she sees a flash of light from behind her.
"Luke!" she turns around in excitement. Throwing on her surprised grin.
"Honey! I am so sorry, what are u doing out here?"
They throw their arms around each other.

"Nothing, just really considering pushing my car into the river, of setting it a blaze. How did u find me?"

"Brooke told me she didn't go with you, and about the short cut, and why didn't u tell me u were going alone. I would have blown off this stupid movie and..."

"hey hey, I knew u had to go, and I did fine, the baby is fine, the Dr zei I gained enough weight now that we don't have to be so careful."
Luke looked puzzled at Peyton.

"You know 'careful'"
"Peyton I love you, but it has been a hectic day, u are gonna have to be meer blunt with me. What?"
"You know how I have been avoiding u these past few weeks?"
"Yeh, I just thought u were hormonal."
"No!, well yes, and no!" Peyton smiled.
"I was afraid of, u know, being..."
"No I don't know..."
"Luke are u really that dense?"
"Yes, yes I am today I am."

"I was afraid to make love to you...just because of the last check up, and the way u have been distracted I..."
"Whoa, Peyton why didn't u tell me this?" Luke leads her over to the back zitplaats, stoel of the car, to sit down. Kneeling in front of her.

"I wanted to but..you were,..."
"With the movie..." finishing her sentence.
"Yeah, and I just thought after this check up it would be fine and I wouldn't have to say anything."
"Peyton u should always tell me what is going on in that pretty head, don't ever think I don't have time for you, and our beautiful baby." He rubbed her small baby bulge. "I want to know everything that is going on with you, screw the movie, u are my movie."
Peyton smiled, "Ok, everything?"
"Everything!, absolutely." Luke smiled back at her.

"Well, I was sitting here, even though this isn't our spot, thinking about the last time we were stranded in a car, remember?"
"Oh yeah! the time we borrowed Nathan's SUV and went to the lake, and we got the flat, and I cursed Nate for buying the only SUV without a spare?"

"Yeah.." Peyton smirked at Lucas, raisn\ing an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah...I remember he gazed at her, that was the first time we went four rounds without stopping. What got into u that day?"

"Me! what about u stud, I wasn't the one who started it..." she nudged him.
"Oh yes u were!...you saw me take off my overhemd, shirt and then u ran your hands down my back. u so started it Peyton."
"Well," she raised an eyebrow. "I do know who finished it. Oh yeah I remember that."
"Do you?"
"yeah" she winked.
"What about the car?" she grabbed his overhemd, shirt leading him into the backseat.
"Screw the car, it isn't going anywhere."


Chapter 3

Peyton grabbed Luke as he climbed on top, boven of her in the back seat. She sucked slowly on his lips, while unbuttoning his shirt.
"shhhh" she grabbed his lips with her mouth in a breathy kiss, "Don't talk."

"Hmmm baby" he leaned into her body slowly rocking back and forth, and she ripped off his shirt. Giving him a smile and an eyebrow, she giggled flipping him over onto his back straddling his waist as she took off her blouse slowly.

"Oh Peyton, u are so beautiful."
"He ran his hands up her sides, un-hooking her bra. He never got tired of looking at her, even now, he leaned up and kissed her neck making her moan. She could feel his whole body wrapped around her as he gazed into her eyes.

"I love u Peyton."
"I love u too"
He kissed down her body as she pulsed her hips back and forth onto his thighs, he could feel himself getting harder.

Peyton had the best effect on him, just feeling her, smelling her was enough to send him into fantasies, even in the middle of class. Even when she wasn't his girl. But she was now, her body, her soul was his. And not far from where they first spoke he was ready, ready to make meer history with the girl of his dreams.

"Luke" she panted "Make love to me"
"Oh god I love you, hmmm " he grabbed her and laid her onto the cool vinyl back seat, bringing down her rok revealing all her leggy glory.

"God I love you, Legs!"
"I know" she moaned grabbing at his back pulling him into her, she could feel how ready he was for her. He always was, she often wondered how they spent so many nights in bed together just as friends, and didn't give into their passions. She knew he wanted her, and she wanted him.

Breathy, she worked her hands over his rippling muscles, down his back, pulling him into her. "Luke I need you, god I need you"
He moaned sucking on her neck, making his way up to her ear, "I know" he whispered.

He lifted her leg up, caressing her thigh, moaning she could feel him so close. Finding her mouth he sucked long and hard on her top, boven lip, slipping her his tongue so gently she could feel him holding back.
"What is it Luke?" she whispered.
"I just don't want to hurt you...or.." he zei tentatively.

"Luke u could never hurt us." she pulled him in close, till there was no denying her feelings, she wanted him, in her, through her, with her forever. "Oh god Peyton!" he moaned,
"Hmmmmm Luke, make love to me."

He lifted her leg higher, she was so wet for him, she shook. He pulled her in tighter and entered her over and over, each time meer powerful than the last.
"Oh god Luke...fuck me...hmmmm" she moaned in his ear and he worked his way down her neck, slowly gyrating his hips to hers,
"Oh Peyton...Ohhhh ohhh I love you."

He could feel her soft skin under as he plunged into her, over and over, his flesh with hers, like some momentary dream.

She arched back feeling his hot thighs in bewteen hers, "deeper, deeper" she whispered in his ear and she slowly nibbled on it. She knew that drove him wild, he twitched into her, hot and strong.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling ever plunge into her peak, "Oh god Luke..."
"Hmm" he moaned louder..."Deeper" she cried.
"Oh god Peyton!"

Until she felt everything, her whole being was alive, tingling, like the first time. New yet so familiar. He Broke into her, feeling her hart-, hart beat rapidly against his. She tugged at his hair, reaching to hold on as they both crashed into ecstasy.

"Oh God Luke.....I missed that" she whispered under him staring into his eyes,
"I know, me too" he replied.
Peyton smiled, and tilted her head slightly to give a smirk.
"I guess it is sacred after all, huh?"
"Mhhmmm huhmm." he nodded.

"There isn't room back here for both of us" she giggled.

"I know, we better get going it is gonna be dark soon."

"Noo no just lie with me five meer minutes, don't want to let u go."

"Ok, anything for you."

Just then they hear a knock at the window, *rap rap rap.

"Uhum guys" a familiar voice spoke up..."Yeah guys uhum we saw the lights and Brooke told us where to look...and ummm we'll be waiting in the car if u need help."

Peyton laughed, "Oh my God" she giggled, hiding her head.

Luke replied, "Thanks, uh Nate, will be out in a second." Luke blushed and buried his head into Peyton's hair.

Nate slowly walked back to the car, not knowing what Haley would say. But hoping it wouldn't take to long.

"Animals" Haley mumbled under her breath.
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Finally!!!! Lucas&Peyton giving each other all of them. And the sweetest Leyton-kiss EVER!
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