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GaHoolianGirl zei …
He'll ride it with you, then give u his number. After that, u can call him in 15 specific spots, that I will not tell you, atandom times. After thr thirteth call, he'l start blushing and complimenting you, suggesting that he has developed feelings for you. after the fifteth call, u disover a secret about him (which I will not say). After that, u can meet wiith him everyday, ride the Ferriswheel, and trade Pokémon.. geplaatst een jaar geleden
GaHoolianGirl commentaar gegeven…
Read the bottom first! If u want to figure out how to find Curtis on your own, don't read either of these posts! een jaar geleden
GaHoolianGirl zei …
Those of u who wonder "Who the hell is Curtis!?" ,I will tell you, since I was in the same predicament.

Once u get to Nimbasa city in Black of White 2, u will find the Dropped Item in the amusement park. It happens to be someone's Xtranciever. Its owner will call it tghe moment u pick it up. After 10 sound only calls in certain spots, u will meet them at the Ferrishweel. If u are a boy, its a girl, Yancy. If you're a girl, its a boy, Curtis. (Read volgende post,I ran out of room!) geplaatst een jaar geleden